Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <List <StockModel> > ProductSummaryDetails(ProductSummarySearchModel search)
            // getting the yardid and then calling the stockget
            YardEntity yard = await(from yd in this.DbContext.Yards where yd.QuarryId == search.QuarryIds[0] select yd).SingleAsync();

            return(await this.StockGet(yard.YardId, search.ProductTypeIds[0], search.MaterialColourIds[0], search.StartDate, search.EndDate));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task QuarryUpdate(QuarryModel model)
            await this.UpdateEntity <QuarryEntity, QuarryModel>(model, false);

            // getting the existing colours
            List <QuarryMaterialColourEntity> colours = await(from clr in this.DbContext.QuarryMaterialColours where clr.QuarryId == model.QuarryId select clr).ToListAsync();

            // deleting colour ids
            colours.Where(c => !model.ColourIds.Contains(c.MaterialColourId)).ToList().ForEach(ce => this.DbContext.QuarryMaterialColours.Remove(ce));

            // adding colours ids
            model.ColourIds.Except(colours.Select(ce => ce.MaterialColourId)).ToList().ForEach(cId => this.DbContext.QuarryMaterialColours.Add(new QuarryMaterialColourEntity()
                QuarryId = model.QuarryId, MaterialColourId = cId

            // updating Yard
            YardEntity yard = await(from yd in this.DbContext.Yards where yd.QuarryId == model.QuarryId select yd).SingleAsync();

            yard.Location = model.Location;
            yard.YardName = model.QuarryName + " Yard";

            await this.DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async void YardUpdate()
            // Arrange
                new YardEntity()
                YardId = 1, YardName = "Central Yard", CompanyId = 1, DeletedInd = false
                new YardEntity()
                YardId = 2, YardName = "NDB Central Yard", CompanyId = 1, DeletedInd = false
            await this.SaveChangesAsync(this.QuarryDbContext);

            YardModel model = new YardModel()
                YardId = 2, YardName = "New Yard"

            // Act
            AjaxModel <NTModel> ajaxModel = await this.Controller.YardUpdate(model);

            // Assert
            YardEntity entity = this.QuarryDbContext.Yards.Where(e => e.YardId == 2).First();

            Assert.Equal(entity.YardName, "New Yard");
            Assert.Equal(ajaxModel.Message, QuarryMessages.YardSaveSuccess);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async void YardAdd()
            // Arrange
            YardModel model = new YardModel()
                YardId = 0, YardName = "Central Yard"

            // Act
            AjaxModel <NTModel> ajaxModel = await this.Controller.YardAdd(model);

            // Assert
            YardEntity entity = this.QuarryDbContext.Yards.Last();

            Assert.Equal(entity.YardName, "Central Yard");
            Assert.Equal(ajaxModel.Message, QuarryMessages.YardSaveSuccess);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async void QuarryAdd()
            // Arrange
                new MaterialColourEntity()
                MaterialColourId = 1, ColourName = "White", CompanyId = 1, DeletedInd = false
                new MaterialColourEntity()
                MaterialColourId = 2, ColourName = "Smoky", CompanyId = 1, DeletedInd = false

            await this.SaveChangesAsync(this.QuarryDbContext);

            QuarryModel model = new QuarryModel()
                QuarryId = 0, QuarryName = "QM1", ColourIds = new List <int>()
                    1, 2

            // Act
            AjaxModel <NTModel> ajaxModel = await this.Controller.QuarryAdd(model);

            // Assert
            QuarryEntity quarryEntity = this.QuarryDbContext.Quarries.Last();

            Assert.Equal(quarryEntity.QuarryName, "QM1");

            YardEntity yardEntity = this.QuarryDbContext.Yards.Last();

            Assert.Equal(yardEntity.YardName, "QM1 Yard");

            List <QuarryMaterialColourEntity> quarryColours = this.QuarryDbContext.QuarryMaterialColours.ToList();

            Assert.Equal(quarryColours.Count, 2);
            Assert.Equal(quarryColours[1].MaterialColourId, 2);

            Assert.Equal(ajaxModel.Message, QuarryMessages.QuarrySaveSuccess);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async void QuarryDelete()
            // Arrange
                new QuarryEntity()
                QuarryId = 1, QuarryName = "QM1", CompanyId = 1, DeletedInd = false
                new QuarryEntity()
                QuarryId = 2, QuarryName = "QM2", CompanyId = 1, DeletedInd = false

                new YardEntity()
                YardId = 1, YardName = "QM1 Yard", QuarryId = 1, CompanyId = 1, DeletedInd = false
                new YardEntity()
                YardId = 2, YardName = "QM2 Yard", QuarryId = 2, CompanyId = 1, DeletedInd = false

            await this.SaveChangesAsync(this.QuarryDbContext);

            // Act
            AjaxModel <NTModel> ajaxModel = await this.Controller.QuarryDelete(2);

            // Assert
            QuarryEntity quarryEntity = this.QuarryDbContext.Quarries.Where(e => e.QuarryId == 2).First();

            Assert.Equal(quarryEntity.DeletedInd, true);

            YardEntity yardEntity = this.QuarryDbContext.Yards.Where(e => e.QuarryId == 2).First();

            Assert.Equal(yardEntity.DeletedInd, true);

            Assert.Equal(ajaxModel.Message, QuarryMessages.QuarryDeleteSuccess);