Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void YTApicorrectcontructor()
            YTApi Youtube = new YTApi();

            Assert.AreEqual(Youtube.Search_Word, "", "Search_Word should be empty after create YTApi object");
            Assert.AreEqual(Youtube.FoundVideos.Count, 0, "FoundVideos should be empty after create YTApi object");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void YTApinotcorrectFoundVideo()
            YTApi Youtube = new YTApi();
            int   expected_length_of_found_videos = 0;

            Youtube.Search("kacperro - arkoj").Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(Youtube.FoundVideos.Count, expected_length_of_found_videos, "For chosen string should find 0 videos");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void YTApicorrectSearchWordchange()
            YTApi  Youtube = new YTApi();
            string expected_search_string = "Skillet - Rise";

            Youtube.Search("Skillet - Rise").Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(Youtube.Search_Word, expected_search_string, "Correct change searchword is required");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void YTApicorrectFoundVideo()
            YTApi  Youtube = new YTApi();
            int    expected_length_of_found_videos = 3;
            string expected_link = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3jQ0tFqG_0";

            Youtube.Search("Skillet - Rise").Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(Youtube.FoundVideos.Count, expected_length_of_found_videos, "For chosen string should find 3 videos");
            Assert.AreEqual(Youtube.FoundVideos[0], expected_link, "Chosen string should give expected string");