/// <summary>
        /// Constructor with optionsl initial values. If <code>propName</code> is provided,
        /// <code>schemaNs</code> has also be provided. </summary>
        /// <param name="xmp"> the iterated metadata object. </param>
        /// <param name="schemaNs"> the iteration is reduced to this schema (optional) </param>
        /// <param name="propPath"> the iteration is redurce to this property within the <code>schemaNs</code> </param>
        /// <param name="options"> advanced iteration options, see <seealso cref="IteratorOptions"/> </param>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> If the node defined by the paramters is not existing.  </exception>
        public XmpIteratorImpl(XmpMetaImpl xmp, string schemaNs, string propPath, IteratorOptions options)
            // make sure that options is defined at least with defaults
            _options = options ?? new IteratorOptions();

            // the start node of the iteration depending on the schema and property filter
            XmpNode startNode;
            string  initialPath  = null;
            bool    baseSchema   = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaNs);
            bool    baseProperty = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(propPath);

            if (!baseSchema && !baseProperty)
                // complete tree will be iterated
                startNode = xmp.Root;
            else if (baseSchema && baseProperty)
                // Schema and property node provided
                XmpPath path = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, propPath);

                // base path is the prop path without the property leaf
                XmpPath basePath = new XmpPath();
                for (int i = 0; i < path.Size() - 1; i++)

                startNode   = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(xmp.Root, path, false, null);
                _baseNs     = schemaNs;
                initialPath = basePath.ToString();
            else if (baseSchema && !baseProperty)
                // Only Schema provided
                startNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(xmp.Root, schemaNs, false);
            else // !baseSchema  &&  baseProperty
                // No schema but property provided -> error
                throw new XmpException("Schema namespace URI is required", XmpError.BADSCHEMA);

            // create iterator
            if (startNode != null)
                _nodeIterator = (!_options.JustChildren)
                                    ? new NodeIterator(this, startNode, initialPath, 1)
                                    : new NodeIteratorChildren(this, startNode, initialPath);
                // create null iterator
                _nodeIterator = EmptyList.GetEnumerator();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compose the path expression to select an alternate item by a field's value. The path syntax
        /// allows two forms of &quot;content addressing&quot; that may be used to select an item in an
        /// array of alternatives. The form used in ComposeFieldSelector lets you select an item in an
        /// array of structs based on the value of one of the fields in the structs. The other form of
        /// content addressing is shown in ComposeLangSelector. For example, consider a simple struct
        /// that has two fields, the name of a city and the URI of an FTP site in that city. Use this to
        /// create an array of download alternatives. You can show the user a popup built from the values
        /// of the city fields. You can then get the corresponding URI as follows:
        /// <p>
        /// <blockquote>
        /// <pre>
        ///      String path = composeFieldSelector ( schemaNs, &quot;Downloads&quot;, fieldNs,
        ///          &quot;City&quot;, chosenCity );
        ///      XMPProperty prop = xmpObj.getStructField ( schemaNs, path, fieldNs, &quot;URI&quot; );
        /// </pre>
        /// </blockquote>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arrayName"> The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be
        ///        <code>null</code> or the empty string. </param>
        /// <param name="fieldNs"> The namespace URI for the field used as the selector. Must not be
        ///        <code>null</code> or the empty string. </param>
        /// <param name="fieldName"> The name of the field used as the selector. Must be a simple XML name, must
        ///        not be <code>null</code> or the empty string. It must be the name of a field that is
        ///        itself simple. </param>
        /// <param name="fieldValue"> The desired value of the field. </param>
        /// <returns> Returns the composed path. This will be of the form
        ///         <tt>ns:arrayName[fNS:fieldName='fieldValue']</tt>, where &quot;ns&quot; is the
        ///         prefix for schemaNs and &quot;fNS&quot; is the prefix for fieldNs. </returns>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> Thrown if the path to create is not valid. </exception>
        public static string ComposeFieldSelector(string arrayName, string fieldNs, string fieldName, string fieldValue)
            XmpPath fieldPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(fieldNs, fieldName);

            if (fieldPath.Size() != 2)
                throw new XmpException("The fieldName name must be simple", XmpError.BADXPATH);

            return(arrayName + '[' + fieldPath.GetSegment((int)XmpPath.STEP_ROOT_PROP).Name + "=\"" + fieldValue +
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compose the path expression for a qualifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qualNs"> The namespace URI for the qualifier. May be <code>null</code> or the empty
        ///        string if the qualifier is in the XML empty namespace. </param>
        /// <param name="qualName"> The name of the qualifier. Must be a simple XML name, must not be
        ///        <code>null</code> or the empty string. </param>
        /// <returns> Returns the composed path. This will be of the form
        ///         <tt>ns:propName/?qNS:qualName</tt>, where &quot;ns&quot; is the prefix for
        ///         schemaNs and &quot;qNS&quot; is the prefix for qualNs. </returns>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> Thrown if the path to create is not valid. </exception>
        public static string ComposeQualifierPath(string qualNs, string qualName)

            XmpPath qualPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(qualNs, qualName);

            if (qualPath.Size() != 2)
                throw new XmpException("The qualifier name must be simple", XmpError.BADXPATH);

            return("/?" + qualPath.GetSegment((int)XmpPath.STEP_ROOT_PROP).Name);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Compose the path expression for a field in a struct. The result can be added to the
        /// path of
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldNs"> The namespace URI for the field. Must not be <code>null</code> or the empty
        ///        string. </param>
        /// <param name="fieldName"> The name of the field. Must be a simple XML name, must not be
        ///        <code>null</code> or the empty string. </param>
        /// <returns> Returns the composed path. This will be of the form
        ///         <tt>ns:structName/fNS:fieldName</tt>, where &quot;ns&quot; is the prefix for
        ///         schemaNs and &quot;fNS&quot; is the prefix for fieldNs. </returns>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> Thrown if the path to create is not valid. </exception>
        public static string ComposeStructFieldPath(string fieldNs, string fieldName)

            XmpPath fieldPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(fieldNs, fieldName);

            if (fieldPath.Size() != 2)
                throw new XmpException("The field name must be simple", XmpError.BADXPATH);

            return('/' + fieldPath.GetSegment((int)XmpPath.STEP_ROOT_PROP).Name);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>Follow an expanded path expression to find or create a node.</summary>
        /// <param name="xmpTree">the node to begin the search.</param>
        /// <param name="xpath">the complete xpath</param>
        /// <param name="createNodes">
        /// flag if nodes shall be created
        /// (when called by <c>setProperty()</c>)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="leafOptions">
        /// the options for the created leaf nodes (only when
        /// <c>createNodes == true</c>).
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Returns the node if found or created or <c>null</c>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException">
        /// An exception is only thrown if an error occurred,
        /// not if a node was not found.
        /// </exception>
        internal static XmpNode FindNode(XmpNode xmpTree, XmpPath xpath, bool createNodes, PropertyOptions leafOptions)
            // check if xpath is set.
            if (xpath == null || xpath.Size() == 0)
                throw new XmpException("Empty XMPPath", XmpErrorCode.BadXPath);

            // Root of implicitly created subtree to possible delete it later.
            // Valid only if leaf is new.
            XmpNode rootImplicitNode = null;

            // resolve schema step
            var currNode = FindSchemaNode(xmpTree, xpath.GetSegment(XmpPath.StepSchema).Name, createNodes);

            if (currNode == null)

            if (currNode.IsImplicit)
                currNode.IsImplicit = false;
                // Clear the implicit node bit.
                rootImplicitNode = currNode;

            // Save the top most implicit node.
            // Now follow the remaining steps of the original XMPPath.
                for (var i = 1; i < xpath.Size(); i++)
                    currNode = FollowXPathStep(currNode, xpath.GetSegment(i), createNodes);
                    if (currNode == null)
                        if (createNodes)
                            // delete implicitly created nodes

                    if (currNode.IsImplicit)
                        // clear the implicit node flag
                        currNode.IsImplicit = false;
                        // if node is an ALIAS (can be only in root step, auto-create array
                        // when the path has been resolved from a not simple alias type
                        if (i == 1 && xpath.GetSegment(i).IsAlias&& xpath.GetSegment(i).AliasForm != 0)
                            currNode.Options.SetOption(xpath.GetSegment(i).AliasForm, true);
                            // "CheckImplicitStruct" in C++
                            if (i < xpath.Size() - 1 && xpath.GetSegment(i).Kind == XmpPathStepType.StructFieldStep && !currNode.Options.IsCompositeProperty)
                                currNode.Options.IsStruct = true;

                        if (rootImplicitNode == null)
                            rootImplicitNode = currNode;
            catch (XmpException)
                // Save the top most implicit node.
                // if new notes have been created prior to the error, delete them
                if (rootImplicitNode != null)


            if (rootImplicitNode != null)
                // set options only if a node has been successful created
                currNode.Options = currNode.Options;
