Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CompleteXml_ValidEventsCalled()
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // arrange
                string markup =
                    @"<Root xmlns=""defaultns"" xmlns:ns=""Random"" ns:Key=""55"">
                      <ns:Child ns:Key=""01"">
                      <ds:Child xmlns:ds=""Random"" ds:Key=""02"">
                      <Child Key=""03""></Child>

                // use object to preserve reference
                // ref/out parameters doesn't play well with lamba/anon functions
                var parsingStates = new XmlParsingStates();
                var reader        = arrangeXmppReader(parsingStates);
                var stream        = arrangeMarkupStream(markup);

                // act
                actConnectSleepDisconnect(reader, stream, parsingStates.WaitHandle);

                // assert
                Assert.IsTrue(parsingStates.StartCalled, "document start not called");
                Assert.IsTrue(parsingStates.EndCalled, "document end not called");
                Assert.AreEqual(6, parsingStates.ElementCount, "element count is not the same");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void MultipleRootXml_ValidEventsCalled()
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // arrange
                string markup =

                // use object to preserve reference
                // ref/out parameters doesn't play well with lamba/anon functions
                var parsingStates = new XmlParsingStates();
                var reader        = arrangeXmppReader(parsingStates);
                var stream        = arrangeMarkupStream(markup);

                // act
                actConnectSleepDisconnect(reader, stream, parsingStates.WaitHandle);

                // assert
                Assert.IsFalse(parsingStates.XmlExceptionRaised, "xml exception not raised");
                Assert.IsTrue(parsingStates.EndCalled, "document end is not called");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private AsyncXmppReader arrangeXmppReader(XmlParsingStates parseStates)
            var reader = new AsyncXmppReader(new XmlDocument());

            // set wait handle when any of these has run
            reader.OnXmlDocumentStart += (node) =>
                parseStates.StartCalled = true;
            reader.OnXmlElementComplete += (node) =>
            reader.OnXmlDocumentEnd += (node) =>
                parseStates.EndCalled = true;
            reader.OnXmlException += (exception) =>
                parseStates.XmlExceptionRaised  = exception != null;
                parseStates.XmlExceptionMessage = exception != null ? exception.Message : "";

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void InvalidXml_ValidEventsCalled()
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // arrange
                string markup =
                    @"<Root ns:Key=""55"">
                      <Child xmlns:ns=""Random"" Key=""01"">
                      <Child Key=""02"">
                      <Child Key=""03""></Child>

                // use object to preserve reference
                // ref/out parameters doesn't play well with lamba/anon functions
                var parsingStates = new XmlParsingStates();
                var reader        = arrangeXmppReader(parsingStates);
                var stream        = arrangeMarkupStream(markup);

                // act
                actConnectSleepDisconnect(reader, stream, parsingStates.WaitHandle);

                // assert
                Assert.IsTrue(parsingStates.XmlExceptionRaised, "xml exception not raised");
                Assert.IsFalse(parsingStates.EndCalled, "document end is called");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void CompleteXml_DerivedXmppElements()
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // arrange
                string markup =
                    @"<str:features xmlns:str=""http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"">
                      <mechanisms xmlns=""urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"">

                // use object to preserve reference
                // ref/out parameters doesn't play well with lamba/anon functions
                var parsingStates = new XmlParsingStates();
                var reader        = arrangeXmppReader(parsingStates);
                var stream        = arrangeMarkupStream(markup);

                var featuresConstructorCalled       = false;
                var mechanismsConstructorCalled     = false;
                var mechanismConstructorCalledTimes = 0;
                reader.OnXmlElementComplete += (node) =>
                    if (node is Features)
                        featuresConstructorCalled = true;
                    else if (node is Mechanisms)
                        mechanismsConstructorCalled = true;
                    else if (node is Mechanism)

                // act
                actConnectSleepDisconnect(reader, stream, parsingStates.WaitHandle);

                // assert
                Assert.IsTrue(parsingStates.StartCalled, "document start not called");
                Assert.IsTrue(parsingStates.EndCalled, "document end not called");
                Assert.AreEqual(5, parsingStates.ElementCount, "element count is not the same");
                Assert.IsTrue(featuresConstructorCalled, "features constructor not called");
                Assert.IsTrue(mechanismsConstructorCalled, "mechanisms constructor not called");
                Assert.AreEqual(3, mechanismConstructorCalledTimes, "mechanism constructor not called 3 times");