Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes input setting and setting value to setting file; Will overwrite existing setting if name exists
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settingName">Name of the setting to add/overwrite</param>
        /// <param name="settingValue">Value of setting to add/overwrite</param>
        public static void WriteToConfigFile(string settingName, string settingValue)
                //Get settings
                var retrievedSettings = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <SettingsConfig>("Settings.xml");

                //Filter out settings not selected
                var filteredSettings = retrievedSettings.Settings.Where(s => s.SettingName != settingName).ToList();

                //Add new setting to filtered list
                filteredSettings.Add(new Setting {
                    SettingName = settingName, SettingValue = settingValue

                //Write new setting with old ones
                var settingsConfig = new SettingsConfig
                    Settings = filteredSettings

                XmlManager.ToXmlFile(settingsConfig, "Settings.xml");
            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task SellAllInventoryItemAsync(SocketCommandContext Context)
            //Get price data
            var rootSkinData = CsgoDataHandler.GetRootWeaponSkin();
            var userSkin     = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserSkinStorageRootobject>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation("UserSkinStorage.xml"));

                long weaponSkinValue = GetItemValue(userSkin.UserSkinEntries, rootSkinData);

                //Give user credits
                UserCreditsHandler.AddCredits(Context, weaponSkinValue, true);

                //Remove skin from inventory
                var filteredUserSkinEntries = userSkin.UserSkinEntries.Where(s => s.OwnerID == Context.Message.Author.Id).Where(s => s.OwnerID != Context.Message.Author.Id).ToList();

                //Write to file

                //Send receipt
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
                    UserInteraction.BoldUserName(Context) + $", you sold your inventory" +
                    $" for **{UserBankingHandler.CreditCurrencyFormatter(weaponSkinValue)} Credits** " +
                    $"| A total of **{UserBankingHandler.CreditCurrencyFormatter(UserCreditsTaxHandler.TaxCollector(weaponSkinValue))} Credits was taken off as tax**");
            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens a virtual CS:GO case, result is sent to Context channel in a method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Command context used to determine channel to send result</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task OpenCase(SocketCommandContext context)
            //Test if user has enough credits
            if (UserCreditsHandler.AddCredits(context, -300) == true)
                var result = ItemDropProcessing.CalculateItemCaseRarity();

                //Get item
                var skinItem = ItemDropProcessing.GetItem(result, CsgoDataHandler.rootWeaponSkin, context, false);

                //Add item to user file inventory
                var userSkin = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserSkinStorageRootobject>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation("UserSkinStorage.xml"));

                userSkin.UserSkinEntries.Add(new UserSkinEntry {
                    ClassId = skinItem.Classid, OwnerID = context.Message.Author.Id, UnboxDate = DateTime.UtcNow, MarketName = skinItem.Name

                XmlManager.ToXmlFile(userSkin, CoreMethod.GetFileLocation("UserSkinStorage.xml"));

                //Send item into
                await SendOpenedItemInfo(context, skinItem, Convert.ToInt64(skinItem.Price.AllTime.Average), UnboxType.CaseUnboxing);
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("**" + context.Message.Author.ToString().Substring(0, context.Message.Author.ToString().Length - 5) + ", **You do not have enough credits to unbox a case");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a guild role for the specified guild
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="guildID">Target guild id to add role</param>
        /// <param name="RoleName">Name of role to add</param>
        /// <param name="GuildRoleID">Id of guild role</param>
        public static void AddGuildRole(ulong guildID, string RoleName, ulong GuildRoleID)
            //Get roles from file
            var roleStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <GuildRoleStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\GuildRoles.xml"));

            //Check for overlapping role ids or names
            bool conflictingEntryExists = false;

            foreach (var roleEntry in roleStorage.GuildRoles)
                if (roleEntry.GuildID == guildID)
                    if (roleEntry.RoleName == RoleName)
                        conflictingEntryExists = true;
                    if (roleEntry.GuildRoleID == GuildRoleID)
                        conflictingEntryExists = true;

            //Add new entry if it does not exist
            if (conflictingEntryExists == false)
                roleStorage.GuildRoles.Add(new GuildRoleEntry {
                    GuildID = guildID, RoleName = RoleName, GuildRoleID = GuildRoleID

            //Write back to file
            XmlManager.ToXmlFile(roleStorage, CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\GuildRoles.xml"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a guild role for the specified guild
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="guildID">Target guild id to remove role</param>
        /// <param name="RoleName">Name of role to removes</param>
        /// <param name="GuildRoleID">Id of guild role</param>
        public static void RemoveGuildRole(ulong guildID, string RoleName, ulong GuildRoleID)
            //Get roles from file
            var roleStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <GuildRoleStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\GuildRoles.xml"));

            List <GuildRoleEntry> returnRoleEntries = new List <GuildRoleEntry>();

            //Filter role entry to those not matching one to remove
            foreach (var role in roleStorage.GuildRoles)
                if (role.GuildID == guildID && role.RoleName == RoleName && role.GuildRoleID == GuildRoleID)

            //Write back to file

            var returnRoleStorage = new GuildRoleStorage
                GuildRoles = returnRoleEntries

            XmlManager.ToXmlFile(returnRoleStorage, CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\GuildRoles.xml"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static async Task DisplayMarketStocksAsync(SocketCommandContext Context)
            //User stock list
            List <string> stockTickerList         = new List <string>();
            List <string> stockBuyMarketValueList = new List <string>();

            //Get market stock value from storage
            var marketStockStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <MarketStockStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\MarketStocksValue.xml"));

            //Get is market stock closed
            string IsStockMarketOpen = "Closed";

            if (marketStockStorage.MarketOpen == true)
                IsStockMarketOpen = "Open";
                IsStockMarketOpen = "Closed";

            var embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder()
                               .WithDescription($"Stock market is `{IsStockMarketOpen}`")
                               .WithColor(new Color(6, 221, 238))
                               .WithFooter(footer =>
                .WithText("Sent by " + Context.Message.Author.ToString())
                               .WithAuthor(author =>
                .WithName("Stock Market")

            foreach (var marketStock in marketStockStorage.MarketStock)
                //Add market stock value to list

            //Join user stock items
            string joinedUserStockTickerList         = string.Join(" \n ", stockTickerList);
            string joinedUserStockBuyMarketValueList = string.Join(" \n ", stockBuyMarketValueList);

            //Add inline field if stock exists
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(joinedUserStockTickerList) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(joinedUserStockBuyMarketValueList))
                embedBuilder.AddInlineField("Stock Ticker", string.Join(" \n ", stockTickerList));
                embedBuilder.AddInlineField("Market price", string.Join(" \n ", stockBuyMarketValueList));

            //Send user stock portfolio
            var embed = embedBuilder.Build();

            await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(" ", embed : embed).ConfigureAwait(false);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static async Task DisplayUserStocksAsync(SocketCommandContext Context)
            //User stock list
            List <string> userStockTickerList         = new List <string>();
            List <string> userStockBuyMarketValueList = new List <string>();

            //Get user portfolio
            var userStockStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserStockStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\UserStocks") + @"\" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".xml");

            var embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder()
                               .WithColor(new Color(40, 144, 175))
                               .WithFooter(footer =>
                .WithText("Sent by " + Context.Message.Author.ToString())
                               .WithAuthor(author =>
                .WithName("Stock Portfolio - " + Context.Message.Author.ToString())

            //Add stock listing to embed
            foreach (var userStock in userStockStorage.UserStock)
                //get stock market value
                var marketStockStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <MarketStockStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\MarketStocksValue.xml"));

                long userStockMarketPrice = 0;
                foreach (var marketStock in marketStockStorage.MarketStock)
                    if (marketStock.StockTicker == userStock.StockTicker)
                        userStockMarketPrice = marketStock.StockPrice;

                userStockTickerList.Add($"**{userStock.StockTicker}** - **{userStock.StockAmount}**");
                userStockBuyMarketValueList.Add($"**{userStock.StockBuyPrice}** || **{userStockMarketPrice}**");

            //Join user stock items
            string joinedUserStockTickerList         = string.Join(" \n ", userStockTickerList);
            string joinedUserStockBuyMarketValueList = string.Join(" \n ", userStockBuyMarketValueList);

            //Add inline field if user has stocks
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(joinedUserStockTickerList) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(joinedUserStockBuyMarketValueList))
                embedBuilder.AddInlineField("Stock Ticker - Amount", joinedUserStockTickerList);
                embedBuilder.AddInlineField("Buy price || Market price", joinedUserStockBuyMarketValueList);

            //Send user stock portfolio
            var embed = embedBuilder.Build();

            await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(" ", embed : embed).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public static PaginatedMessage DisplayUserCsgoInventory(SocketCommandContext context)
            string botCommandPrefix = CommandGuildPrefixManager.GetGuildCommandPrefix(context);

            //Reset fields
            embedFieldsMaster      = new List <string>();
            embedPriceFieldsMaster = new List <string>();

            //Get user skins from xml file
            UserSkinStorageRootobject userSkin = new UserSkinStorageRootobject();

                userSkin = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserSkinStorageRootobject>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation("UserSkinStorage.xml"));
            catch (Exception)

            List <UserSkinEntry> foundUserSkins = new List <UserSkinEntry>();

            //Filter userSkinEntries xml file down to skins belonging to sender
            foreach (var userSkinEntry in userSkin.UserSkinEntries)
                //Filter skin search to those owned by user
                if (userSkinEntry.OwnerID == context.Message.Author.Id)
                    foundUserSkins.Add(new UserSkinEntry {
                        OwnerID = context.Message.Author.Id, ClassId = userSkinEntry.ClassId, UnboxDate = userSkinEntry.UnboxDate

            //Generate fields

            //Configurate paginated message
            var paginationConfig = new PaginationConfig
                AuthorName = context.Message.Author.ToString().Substring(0, context.Message.Author.ToString().Length - 5) + " Inventory",
                AuthorURL  = context.Message.Author.GetAvatarUrl(),

                Description = $"To sell items, use `{botCommandPrefix} cs sell [name]` \n To sell all items matching filter, use `{botCommandPrefix} cs sellall [name]`",

                DefaultFieldHeader      = "You do not have any skins",
                DefaultFieldDescription = $"Go unbox some with `{botCommandPrefix} case open`",

                Field1Header = "Item Name",
                Field2Header = "Market Value",

            var paginationManager = new PaginationManager();

            //Generate paginated message
            var pager = paginationManager.GeneratePaginatedMessage(embedFieldsMaster, embedPriceFieldsMaster, paginationConfig);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        private static string GetStockMarketValue(string stockTicker)
            var marketStockStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <MarketStockStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\MarketStocksValue.xml"));

            string stockValue = "";

            foreach (var stock in marketStockStorage.MarketStock)
                //Get the user selected stock from storage
                if (stock.StockTicker == stockTicker)
                    stockValue = stock.StockPrice.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets list of custom guild roles for given guild
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="guildID">Id of target guild</param>
        /// <returns>List of GuildRoleEntry containing guild id, role name, guild role id</returns>
        public static List <GuildRoleEntry> GetGuildRoles(ulong guildID)
            //Get roles from file
            var roleStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <GuildRoleStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\GuildRoles.xml"));

            List <GuildRoleEntry> guildRoleEntries = new List <GuildRoleEntry>();

            //Filter roles to ones with guild ID
            foreach (var role in roleStorage.GuildRoles)
                if (role.GuildID == guildID)

Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the value of input config item as string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settingName">Name of the config item</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string RetrieveFromConfigFile(string settingName)
                //Get settings
                var retrievedSettings = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <SettingsConfig>("Settings.xml");

                //Filter settings by name
                var filteredRetrievedSettings = retrievedSettings.Settings.Where(s => s.SettingName == settingName).ToList();

                //Return filtered setting value
            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static async Task SellAllSelectedInventoryItemAsync(SocketCommandContext Context, string itemMarketHash)
            //Get skin data
            var rootSkinData = CsgoDataHandler.GetRootWeaponSkin();
            var userSkin     = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserSkinStorageRootobject>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation("UserSkinStorage.xml"));

                //Find ALL user selected items, make sure it is owned by user
                var selectedSkinToSell = userSkin.UserSkinEntries
                                         .Where(s => s.MarketName.ToLower().Contains(itemMarketHash.ToLower()))
                                         .Where(s => s.OwnerID == Context.Message.Author.Id).ToList();

                //Get item prices
                long weaponSkinValue = GetItemValue(selectedSkinToSell, rootSkinData);

                //Give user credits
                UserCreditsHandler.AddCredits(Context, weaponSkinValue, true);

                //Remove skin from inventory
                List <string> filterUserSkinNames = new List <string>();
                foreach (var item in selectedSkinToSell)
                    //Remove items that were selected to be sold


                //Write to file

                //Send receipt
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
                    UserInteraction.BoldUserName(Context) + $", you sold your \n`{string.Join("\n", filterUserSkinNames)}`" +
                    $" for **{UserBankingHandler.CreditCurrencyFormatter(weaponSkinValue)} Credits** " +
                    $"| A total of **{UserBankingHandler.CreditCurrencyFormatter(UserCreditsTaxHandler.TaxCollector(weaponSkinValue))} Credits was taken off as tax**");
            catch (Exception)
                //Send error if user does not have item
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**{Context.Message.Author.ToString().Substring(0, Context.Message.Author.ToString().Length - 5)}**, you do not have `{itemMarketHash}` in your inventory");
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the user market stocks
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateMarketStocks()
            while (MainProgram._stopThreads == false)
                //Get market stocks
                var marketStockStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <MarketStockStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\MarketStocksValue.xml"));

                List <MarketStock> updatedMarketStocks = new List <MarketStock>();

                //Get real price for each
                foreach (var stock in marketStockStorage.MarketStock)
                    long stockPriceNew = 0;

                        stockPriceNew = Convert.ToInt64(OnlineStockHandler.GetOnlineStockInfo(stock.StockTicker).LatestPrice * 100);
                    catch (Exception)

                    updatedMarketStocks.Add(new MarketStock {
                        StockTicker = stock.StockTicker, StockPrice = stockPriceNew

                //Write to file
                var marketStock = new MarketStockStorage
                    MarketOpen  = OnlineStockHandler.GetOnlineIsOpen(),
                    MarketStock = updatedMarketStocks

                XmlManager.ToXmlFile(marketStock, CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\MarketStocksValue.xml"));

                //Wait 10 seconds
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// virtual CS:GO drop given to user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task OpenDrop(SocketCommandContext context)
            //Select a rarity, this is slightly modified towards the white side of the spectrum, higher value items are harder to get as this is a drop
            var rarity = ItemDropProcessing.CalculateItemDropRarity();

            //Get item
            var skinItem = ItemDropProcessing.GetItem(rarity, CsgoDataHandler.rootWeaponSkin, context, true);

            //Add item to user file inventory
            var userSkin = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserSkinStorageRootobject>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation("UserSkinStorage.xml"));

            userSkin.UserSkinEntries.Add(new UserSkinEntry {
                ClassId = skinItem.Classid, OwnerID = context.Message.Author.Id, UnboxDate = DateTime.UtcNow, MarketName = skinItem.Name

            XmlManager.ToXmlFile(userSkin, CoreMethod.GetFileLocation("UserSkinStorage.xml"));

            //Send item into
            await SendOpenedItemInfo(context, skinItem, Convert.ToInt64(skinItem.Price.AllTime.Average), UnboxType.ItemDrop);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static async Task SellInventoryItemAsync(SocketCommandContext Context, string itemMarketHash)
            //Get skin data
            var rootWeaponSkin = CsgoDataHandler.GetRootWeaponSkin();
            var rootUserSkin   = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserSkinStorageRootobject>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation("UserSkinStorage.xml"));

                //Find user selected item, make sure it is owned by user
                var selectedSkinToSell = rootUserSkin.UserSkinEntries
                                         .Where(s => s.MarketName.ToLower().Contains(itemMarketHash.ToLower()))
                                         .Where(s => s.OwnerID == Context.Message.Author.Id)

                //Get item price
                long weaponSkinValue = Convert.ToInt64(rootWeaponSkin.ItemsList.Values.Where(s => s.Name == selectedSkinToSell.MarketName).FirstOrDefault().Price.AllTime.Average);

                //Give user credits
                UserCreditsHandler.AddCredits(Context, weaponSkinValue, true);

                //Remove skin from inventory
                var filteredUserSkinEntries = rootUserSkin.UserSkinEntries.Where(s => s.OwnerID == Context.Message.Author.Id).Where(s => s.ClassId != selectedSkinToSell.ClassId).ToList();

                //Write to file

                //Send receipt
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
                    UserInteraction.BoldUserName(Context) + $", you sold your `{selectedSkinToSell.MarketName}`" +
                    $" for **{UserBankingHandler.CreditCurrencyFormatter(weaponSkinValue)} Credits** " +
                    $"| A total of **{UserBankingHandler.CreditCurrencyFormatter(UserCreditsTaxHandler.TaxCollector(weaponSkinValue))} Credits was taken off as tax**");
            catch (Exception)
                //Send error if user does not have item
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**{Context.Message.Author.ToString().Substring(0, Context.Message.Author.ToString().Length - 5)}**, you do not have `{itemMarketHash}` in your inventory");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static async Task BuyItemFromMarketAsync(SocketCommandContext context, string itemMarketHash)
            //Get skin data
            var rootWeaponSkins = CsgoDataHandler.GetRootWeaponSkin();

                UserSkinEntry selectedMarketSkin = new UserSkinEntry();

                //Get market skin cost
                long weaponSkinValue = Convert.ToInt64(rootWeaponSkins.ItemsList.Values.Where(s => s.Name.ToLower().Contains(itemMarketHash.ToLower())).FirstOrDefault().Price.AllTime.Average);

                //Add tax markup :)
                weaponSkinValue += Convert.ToInt64(weaponSkinValue * float.Parse(SettingsManager.RetrieveFromConfigFile("taxRate")));

                bool userSpecifiedSkinExistsInMarket = false;

                //Make sure skin exists in market
                foreach (var marketSkin in rootWeaponSkins.ItemsList.Values)
                    //If it does exist, get info on it
                    if (marketSkin.Name.ToLower().Contains(itemMarketHash.ToLower()))
                        userSpecifiedSkinExistsInMarket = true;

                        selectedMarketSkin.ClassId    = marketSkin.Classid;
                        selectedMarketSkin.OwnerID    = context.Message.Author.Id;
                        selectedMarketSkin.UnboxDate  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        selectedMarketSkin.MarketName = marketSkin.Name;
                //Send error if skin does not exist
                if (userSpecifiedSkinExistsInMarket == false)
                    await context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(UserInteraction.BoldUserName(context) + $", `{itemMarketHash}` does not exist in the current skin market");
                //Make sure user has enough credits to buy skin
                else if (UserCreditsHandler.GetUserCredits(context) < weaponSkinValue)
                    await context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**{context.Message.Author.ToString().Substring(0, context.Message.Author.ToString().Length - 5)}**, you do not have enough credits to buy`{itemMarketHash}` | **{UserCreditsHandler.GetUserCredits(context)} Credits**");
                    //Checks are true, now give user skin and remove credits

                    //Remove user credits
                    UserCreditsHandler.AddCredits(context, -weaponSkinValue, true);

                    //Add skin to inventory
                    var userSkins = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserSkinStorageRootobject>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation("UserSkinStorage.xml"));


                    var filteredUserSkin = new UserSkinStorageRootobject
                        SkinAmount      = 0,
                        UserSkinEntries = userSkins.UserSkinEntries

                    XmlManager.ToXmlFile(filteredUserSkin, CoreMethod.GetFileLocation("UserSkinStorage.xml"));

                    //Send receipt
                    await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
                        UserInteraction.BoldUserName(context) + $", you bought`{selectedMarketSkin.MarketName}`" +
                        $" for **{UserBankingHandler.CreditCurrencyFormatter(weaponSkinValue)} Credits**");
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static async Task ProhibitedWordsHandler(SocketMessage message)
            //Return is sender is a bot
            if (message.Author.IsBot)

            CultureInfo   culture      = new CultureInfo("en-CA", false);
            List <string> blockedWords = new List <string>();

            bool userWhiteListed  = GetIsUserWhitelisted(message);
            bool sendSwearWarning = false;

            //Prohibited word detection

            //Reads list of prohibited words from file, checks if message contains words
            var prohibitedWords = File.ReadAllLines(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation("ProhibitedWords.txt"));

            foreach (var forbiddenWord in prohibitedWords)
                if (culture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(message.Content, forbiddenWord, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) >= 0 && message.Author.IsBot != true)
                    sendSwearWarning = true;

            //Sends swear warning to user if previous statement detected swear word
            if (sendSwearWarning == true && userWhiteListed == false)
                string userReturnString = string.Join(", ", blockedWords);

                bool sendWarning = false;
                if (!UserTracker.TryGetValue(message.Author.Id, out var selectedUserTracker))
                    //If user does not exist in tracker, add it
                    UserTracker.Add(message.Author.Id, new ProhibitedWordsUserTracker
                        SentProhibitedWords = blockedWords,
                        SentTime            = DateTime.UtcNow

                    sendWarning = true;
                //If user has not sent the same words
                    foreach (var badWord in blockedWords)
                        if (!selectedUserTracker.SentProhibitedWords.Contains(badWord))
                            sendWarning = true;

                            //Set blocked words to current words
                            UserTracker[message.Author.Id].SentProhibitedWords = blockedWords;

                //Send swear warning
                if (sendWarning == true)
                    await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message.Author.Mention + " HEY `" + message.Author.Username + "` WATCH IT! THIS IS A F*****G CHRISTIAN F*****G DISCORD SERVER, `" + userReturnString + "` IS NOT ALLOWED HERE");

                //Logs user swear amount to local counter
                //Get user storage
                var userStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\UserStorage") + @"\" + message.Author.Id + ".xml");

                userStorage.UserInfo[message.Author.Id].UserProhibitedWordsStorage.SwearCount = userStorage.UserInfo[message.Author.Id].UserProhibitedWordsStorage.SwearCount + 1;

                //write new swear count to user profile
                var userRecord = new UserStorage
                    UserInfo = userStorage.UserInfo

                XmlManager.ToXmlFile(userRecord, CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\UserStorage") + @"\" + message.Author.Id + ".xml");
Ejemplo n.º 18
        //Command Handler
        public async Task HandleCommandAsync(SocketMessage messageParam)
            // Don't process the command if it was a system message, if sender is bot
            SocketUserMessage message = messageParam as SocketUserMessage;

            if (message == null)

            if (message.Author.IsBot)

            //integer to determine when commands start
            int argPos = 0;

            //Ignore commands that are not using the prefix
            var    context       = new SocketCommandContext(_client, message);
            string commandPrefix = CommandGuildPrefixManager.GetGuildCommandPrefix(context);

            if (!(message.HasStringPrefix(commandPrefix + " ", ref argPos) ||

            var result = await _commands.ExecuteAsync(context : context, argPos : argPos, services : _services);

            //COMMAND LOGGING
            // Inform the user if the command fails
            if (!result.IsSuccess)
                var guild   = _client.GetGuild(384492615745142784);
                var channel = guild.GetTextChannel(504375404547801138);

                if (result.Error == CommandError.UnknownCommand)
                    //Find similar commands
                    var    commandHelpDefinitionStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <HelpMenuCommands>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"CommandHelpDescription.xml"));
                    string similarItemsString           = UserHelpHandler.FindSimilarCommands(
                        commandHelpDefinitionStorage.CommandHelpEntry.Select(i => i.CommandName).ToList(),
                        message.ToString().Substring(CommandGuildPrefixManager.GetGuildCommandPrefix(context).Length + 1));

                    //If no similar matches are found, send nothing
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(similarItemsString))
                        await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid command, use `.d help` for a list of commands");
                    //If similar matches are found, send suggestions
                        await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Invalid command, use `.d help` for a list of commands. Did you mean: \n {similarItemsString}");
                else if (result.Error == CommandError.BadArgCount)
                    await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Invalid command usage, use `.d help <command>` for correct command usage");
                else if (result.Error != CommandError.UnmetPrecondition)
                    await channel.SendMessageAsync($"[ERROR] **{message.Author.ToString()}** `{message}`  >|  {result.ErrorReason}");
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static async Task DisplayCommandHelpMenu(SocketCommandContext Context, string inputCommand)
            //Get command help list from storage
            var commandHelpDefinitionStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <HelpMenuCommands>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"CommandHelpDescription.xml"));

            //Create a boolean to warn user that command does not exist if false
            bool commandHelpDefinitionExists = false;

            //Search commandHelpDefinitionStorage for command definition
            foreach (var commandHelpDefinition in commandHelpDefinitionStorage.CommandHelpEntry)
                if (commandHelpDefinition.CommandName == inputCommand)
                    commandHelpDefinitionExists = true;

                    var embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder()
                                       .WithColor(new Color(253, 88, 20))
                                       .WithFooter(footer =>
                        .WithText("Sent by " + Context.Message.Author.ToString())
                                       .WithAuthor(author =>
                        .WithName("Duck Help - " + inputCommand)

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandHelpDefinition.CommandRequiredPermissions))
                        embedBuilder.AddField("Permissions required", $"`{commandHelpDefinition.CommandRequiredPermissions}`");

                    embedBuilder.AddField("Usage", $"`{commandHelpDefinition.CommandUsage}`");

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandHelpDefinition.CommandUsageDefinition))
                        embedBuilder.AddField("Definitions", commandHelpDefinition.CommandUsageDefinition);

                    var embed = embedBuilder.Build();

                    await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(" ", embed : embed).ConfigureAwait(false);

            //Send warning if command definition could not be found
            if (commandHelpDefinitionExists == false)
                string similarItemsString = FindSimilarCommands(commandHelpDefinitionStorage.CommandHelpEntry.Select(i => i.CommandName).ToList(), inputCommand);

                //If no similar matches are found, send nothing
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(similarItemsString))
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Command **{inputCommand}** could not be found");
                //If similar matches are found, send suggestions
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Command **{inputCommand}** could not be found. Did you mean: \n {similarItemsString}");
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static async Task SellUserStocksAsync(SocketCommandContext Context, string tickerSymbol, long sellAmount)
            var marketStockStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <MarketStockStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\MarketStocksValue.xml"));

            foreach (var stock in marketStockStorage.MarketStock)
                if (stock.StockTicker == tickerSymbol)
                    //Get user portfolio
                    var userStockStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserStockStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\UserStocks") + @"\" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".xml");

                    //Check if user is selling more stocks than they have
                        long userStockAmount = 0;
                        long stockTotalWorth = 0;
                        foreach (var userStock in userStockStorage.UserStock)
                            if (userStock.StockTicker == tickerSymbol)
                                userStockAmount = userStock.StockAmount;
                                stockTotalWorth = sellAmount * stock.StockPrice;

                        if (userStockAmount - sellAmount < 0)
                            await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"You do not have enough **{tickerSymbol}** stocks to sell || **{userStockAmount} Stocks**");
                        //Check if user is selling 0 or less stocks
                        else if (sellAmount < 1)
                            await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"You must sell **1 or more** stocks");
                            //Add user balance
                                //Subtract tax deductions
                                stockTotalWorth - await UserCreditsTaxHandler.TaxCollectorAsync(
                                    $"You sold **{sellAmount} {tickerSymbol}** stocks totaling **{UserBankingHandler.CreditCurrencyFormatter(stockTotalWorth)} Credits**"));

                            //Send user receipt

                            long newStockAmount = userStockAmount - sellAmount;

                            //Write user stock amount
                            //Add existing user stocks to list
                            List <UserStock> userStockStorageList = new List <UserStock>();

                            foreach (var userStock in userStockStorage.UserStock)
                                if (userStock.StockTicker != tickerSymbol)

                            //Add newly sold stock
                            userStockStorageList.Add(new UserStock {
                                StockTicker = tickerSymbol, StockAmount = newStockAmount, StockBuyPrice = stock.StockPrice

                            //Write user stock amount
                            var userStockRecord = new UserStockStorage
                                UserStock = userStockStorageList

                            XmlManager.ToXmlFile(userStockRecord, CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\UserStocks") + @"\" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".xml");
                    catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static async Task BuyUserStocksAsync(SocketCommandContext Context, string tickerSymbol, long buyAmount)
            var marketStockStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <MarketStockStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\MarketStocksValue.xml"));

            foreach (var stock in marketStockStorage.MarketStock)
                //Get the user selected stock from storage
                if (stock.StockTicker == tickerSymbol)
                    //Sets buystockExists to true so it won't send a warning saying stock does not exist
                    bool buyStockExists = true;

                    //Get user portfolio
                    var userStocksStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserStockStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\UserStocks") + @"\" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".xml");

                    //Calculate stock price
                    long stockTotalCost = stock.StockPrice * buyAmount;

                    //Return error if stock value is currently at 0
                    if (stock.StockPrice <= 0)
                        await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"There are no available sellers for stock **{tickerSymbol}**");
                    //Check if user can buy stock
                    else if (UserCreditsHandler.GetUserCredits(Context) - stockTotalCost < 0)
                        await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"You do not have enough credits to buy **{buyAmount} {tickerSymbol}** stocks at price of **{UserBankingHandler.CreditCurrencyFormatter(stock.StockPrice)} each** totaling **{UserBankingHandler.CreditCurrencyFormatter(stockTotalCost)} Credits**");
                    //Check if user is buying 0 or less stocks
                    else if (buyAmount < 1)
                        await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"You must buy **1 or more** stocks");
                        //Subtract user balance
                        UserCreditsHandler.AddCredits(Context, Convert.ToInt64(-stockTotalCost));

                        //Check if user already has some of stock currently buying
                        //If true, Calculates new user stock total
                        long newStockAmount = buyAmount;
                        foreach (var userStock in userStocksStorage.UserStock)
                            if (userStock.StockTicker == tickerSymbol)
                                newStockAmount += userStock.StockAmount;

                        //Send user receipt
                        await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"You purchased **{buyAmount} {tickerSymbol}** stocks at price of **{stock.StockPrice} each** totaling **{stockTotalCost} Credits**");

                        //Add existing user stocks to list
                        var userStockStorage = XmlManager.FromXmlFile <UserStockStorage>(CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\UserStocks") + @"\" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".xml");
                        List <UserStock> userStockStorageList = new List <UserStock>();

                        foreach (var userStock in userStockStorage.UserStock)
                            if (userStock.StockTicker != tickerSymbol)

                        //Add new stock
                        userStockStorageList.Add(new UserStock {
                            StockTicker = tickerSymbol, StockAmount = newStockAmount, StockBuyPrice = stock.StockPrice

                        //Write user stock amount
                        var userStockRecord = new UserStockStorage
                            UserStock = userStockStorageList

                        XmlManager.ToXmlFile(userStockRecord, CoreMethod.GetFileLocation(@"\UserStocks") + @"\" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".xml");

                    //Send warning if stock does not exist
                    if (buyStockExists == false)
                        await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Stock **{tickerSymbol}** does not exist in the market");