Ejemplo n.º 1
        void ExportCell(IXlRow row, int gridRowHandle, GridColumn gridColumn)
            using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                // Set cell value
                cell.Value = XlVariantValue.FromObject(this.view.GetRowCellValue(gridRowHandle, gridColumn));

                // Get cell appearance
                AppearanceObject appearance = GetCellAppearance(gridRowHandle, gridColumn);

                // Apply alignment
                XlCellAlignment alignment = new XlCellAlignment()
                    WrapText            = appearance.TextOptions.WordWrap.HasFlag(WordWrap.Wrap),
                    VerticalAlignment   = ConvertAlignment(appearance.TextOptions.VAlignment),
                    HorizontalAlignment = ConvertAlignment(appearance.TextOptions.HAlignment)

                // Apply borders
                Color borderColor = appearance.GetBorderColor();
                if (!DXColor.IsTransparentOrEmpty(borderColor))

                // Apply fill
                if (appearance.Options.UseBackColor)

                // Apply font
                Font   appearanceFont = appearance.Font;
                XlFont font           = XlFont.CustomFont(appearanceFont.Name);
                font.Size          = appearanceFont.SizeInPoints;
                font.Bold          = appearanceFont.Bold;
                font.Italic        = appearanceFont.Italic;
                font.StrikeThrough = appearanceFont.Strikeout;
                font.Underline     = appearanceFont.Underline ? XlUnderlineType.Single : XlUnderlineType.None;
                if (appearance.Options.UseForeColor)
                    font.Color = appearance.ForeColor;
        void GenerateInvoiceBillTo(IXlSheet sheet)
            // Set the top border for the first row in the "Bill To" panel.
            XlBorder border = new XlBorder();

            // Set the top border color to white.
            border.TopColor = Color.White;
            // Specify the medium border line style.
            border.TopLineStyle = XlBorderLineStyle.Medium;

            // Generate worksheet rows containing buyer's contact information.
            GenerateBillToRow(sheet, null, null, null, null, border);
            GenerateBillToRow(sheet, "BILL TO:", invoice.Customer, "PHONE:", invoice.Phone, null);
            GenerateBillToRow(sheet, null, invoice.Company, null, null, null);
            GenerateBillToRow(sheet, "ADDRESS:", invoice.Address, "FAX:", invoice.Fax, null);
            GenerateBillToRow(sheet, null, invoice.Address2, null, null, null);
            GenerateBillToRow(sheet, null, null, null, null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Borders(Stream stream, XlDocumentFormat documentFormat)
            #region #Borders
            // Specify a two-dimensional array that stores possible line styles for a border.
            XlBorderLineStyle[,] lineStyles = new XlBorderLineStyle[, ] {
                { XlBorderLineStyle.Thin, XlBorderLineStyle.Medium, XlBorderLineStyle.Thick, XlBorderLineStyle.Double },
                { XlBorderLineStyle.Dotted, XlBorderLineStyle.Dashed, XlBorderLineStyle.DashDot, XlBorderLineStyle.DashDotDot },
                { XlBorderLineStyle.SlantDashDot, XlBorderLineStyle.MediumDashed, XlBorderLineStyle.MediumDashDot, XlBorderLineStyle.MediumDashDotDot }

            // Create an exporter instance.
            IXlExporter exporter = XlExport.CreateExporter(documentFormat);
            // Create a new document.
            using (IXlDocument document = exporter.CreateDocument(stream)) {
                document.Options.Culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
                // Create a worksheet.
                using (IXlSheet sheet = document.CreateSheet()) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        // Create a worksheet row.
                        using (IXlRow row = sheet.CreateRow()) {
                            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                                // Create a new cell in the row.
                                using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                                    // Set outside borders for the created cell using a particular line style from the lineStyles array.
                                    cell.ApplyFormatting(XlBorder.OutlineBorders(Color.SeaGreen, lineStyles[i, j]));

            #endregion #Borders
        void GenerateBillToRow(IXlSheet sheet, string name1, object value1, string name2, object value2, XlBorder specificBorder)
            using (IXlRow row = sheet.CreateRow()) {
                // Set the cell font.
                // Skip the first cell in the row.

                // Create the empty cell with the specified formatting settings.
                using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                    // Set the cell border.

                // Create the cell, assign its value and apply specific formatting settings to it.
                using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                    cell.Value = name1;
                    // Set the cell border.
                    cell.Formatting.Font.Bold = true;

                // Create the cell, assign its value converted from the custom object and apply specific formatting settings to it.
                using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                    cell.Value = XlVariantValue.FromObject(value1);
                    // Set the cell border.

                // Create the cell, assign its value and apply specific formatting settings to it.
                using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                    cell.Value = name2;
                    // Set the cell border.
                    cell.Formatting.Font.Bold = true;

                // Create the cell, assign its value converted from the custom object and apply specific formatting settings to it.
                using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                    cell.Value = XlVariantValue.FromObject(value2);
                    // Set the cell border.

                // Create three successive cells, apply specific formatting settings to them and set the cell borders.
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
        void InitializeFormatting()
            // Specify formatting settings for the even rows.
            evenRowFormatting                  = new XlCellFormatting();
            evenRowFormatting.Font             = new XlFont();
            evenRowFormatting.Font.Name        = "Century Gothic";
            evenRowFormatting.Font.SchemeStyle = XlFontSchemeStyles.None;
            evenRowFormatting.Fill             = XlFill.SolidFill(Color.White);

            // Specify formatting settings for the odd rows.
            oddRowFormatting = new XlCellFormatting();
            oddRowFormatting.Fill = XlFill.SolidFill(Color.FromArgb(242, 242, 242));

            // Specify formatting settings for the header row.
            headerRowFormatting = new XlCellFormatting();
            headerRowFormatting.Font.Bold  = true;
            headerRowFormatting.Font.Color = Color.White;
            headerRowFormatting.Fill       = XlFill.SolidFill(Color.FromArgb(192, 0, 0));
            // Set borders for the header row.
            headerRowFormatting.Border = new XlBorder();
            // Specify the top border and set its color to white.
            headerRowFormatting.Border.TopColor = Color.White;
            // Specify the medium border line style.
            headerRowFormatting.Border.TopLineStyle = XlBorderLineStyle.Medium;
            // Specify the bottom border for the header row.
            // Set the bottom border color to dark gray.
            headerRowFormatting.Border.BottomColor = Color.FromArgb(89, 89, 89);
            // Specify the medium border line style.
            headerRowFormatting.Border.BottomLineStyle = XlBorderLineStyle.Medium;

            // Specify formatting settings for the invoice header.
            panelFont             = new XlFont();
            panelFont.Name        = "Century Gothic";
            panelFont.SchemeStyle = XlFontSchemeStyles.None;
            panelFont.Color       = Color.White;

            // Set font attributes for the row displaying the invoice label and company name.
            titleFont      = panelFont.Clone();
            titleFont.Size = 26;

            // Specify formatting settings for the worksheet range containing the name and contact details of the seller (the "Vader Enterprises" panel).
            leftPanelFormatting = new XlCellFormatting();
            // Set the cell background color to dark gray.
            leftPanelFormatting.Fill         = XlFill.SolidFill(Color.FromArgb(89, 89, 89));
            leftPanelFormatting.Alignment    = XlCellAlignment.FromHV(XlHorizontalAlignment.Left, XlVerticalAlignment.Bottom);
            leftPanelFormatting.NumberFormat = XlNumberFormat.General;
            // Set the right border for this range.
            leftPanelBorder = new XlBorder();
            // Set the right border color to white.
            leftPanelBorder.RightColor = Color.White;
            // Specify the medium border line style.
            leftPanelBorder.RightLineStyle = XlBorderLineStyle.Medium;

            // Specify formatting settings for the worksheet range containing general information about the invoice:
            // its date, reference number and service description (the "Invoice" panel).
            rightPanelFormatting = new XlCellFormatting();
            // Set the cell background color to dark red.
            rightPanelFormatting.Fill         = XlFill.SolidFill(Color.FromArgb(192, 0, 0));
            rightPanelFormatting.Alignment    = XlCellAlignment.FromHV(XlHorizontalAlignment.Left, XlVerticalAlignment.Bottom);
            rightPanelFormatting.NumberFormat = XlNumberFormat.General;

            // Specify formatting settings and font attributes for the worksheet range containing buyer's contact information (the "Bill To" panel).
            infoFormatting = new XlCellFormatting();
            // Set the cell background color to light gray.
            infoFormatting.Fill         = XlFill.SolidFill(Color.FromArgb(217, 217, 217));
            infoFormatting.Alignment    = XlCellAlignment.FromHV(XlHorizontalAlignment.Left, XlVerticalAlignment.Bottom);
            infoFormatting.NumberFormat = XlNumberFormat.General;
            infoFont       = panelFont.Clone();
            infoFont.Color = Color.Black;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void op_CustomizeCell(CustomizeCellEventArgs e)
            long             _mark      = long.Parse((GVG.GetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, "ID") ?? 0).ToString());
            XlCellFormatting formatting = new XlCellFormatting();

            formatting.Font      = new XlFont();
            formatting.Font.Bold = true;
            formatting.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";

            if (_mark == 0)
                formatting.Border = XlBorder.OutlineBorders(Color.FromArgb(216, 228, 188));
                if (e.ColumnFieldName == "CongTy")
                    formatting.Border.RightColor = Color.Black;
                formatting.Fill         = XlFill.SolidFill(Color.FromArgb(216, 228, 188));
                e.Formatting.FormatType = FormatType.None;
                e.Value = string.Empty;
                XlCellAlignment alignment = new XlCellAlignment();
                alignment.HorizontalAlignment = XlHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                alignment.VerticalAlignment   = XlVerticalAlignment.Center;

                if (e.AreaType == SheetAreaType.Header)
                    e.Formatting.Alignment = alignment;
                    formatting.Fill        = XlFill.SolidFill(Color.DarkSeaGreen);
                    formatting.Font.Size   = 15;
                else if (_mark == -1)
                    formatting.Border = XlBorder.OutlineBorders(Color.DarkSeaGreen);
                    if (!"MaCho HanhTrinhDi MaHD SoVe".Contains(e.ColumnFieldName))
                        formatting.Border.RightColor = Color.Black;

                    formatting.Border.BottomColor = Color.Black;
                    formatting.Fill      = XlFill.SolidFill(Color.DarkSeaGreen);
                    formatting.Font.Size = 12;
                    if (e.ColumnFieldName == "HanhTrinhVe")
                        e.Value = "Tổng";
                    if ((e.Value ?? string.Empty).ToString() == "0")
                        e.Value = string.Empty;
                    formatting.Fill = XlFill.SolidFill(Color.White);
                    if (e.Value is string)
                        e.Formatting.Alignment = alignment;
            e.Formatting.CopyFrom(formatting, FormatType.None);
            e.Handled = true;