Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list to be displayed in the Mounts category
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The model data for the minion is held separately in modelchara_0.exd
        /// The data within mount_0 exd contains a reference to the index for lookup in modelchara
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>A list containing XivMount data</returns>
        public List <XivMount> GetMountList()
            var mountList = new List <XivMount>();

            // These are the offsets to relevant data
            // These will need to be changed if data gets added or removed with a patch
            const int dataLength            = 76;
            const int nameDataOffset        = 6;
            const int modelCharaIndexOffset = 30;

            var ex      = new Ex(_gameDirectory, _xivLanguage);
            var mountEx = ex.ReadExData(XivEx.mount);

            // Loops through all available mounts in the mount exd files
            // At present only one file exists (mount_0)
            foreach (var mount in mountEx.Values)
                var xivMount = new XivMount
                    Category     = XivStrings.Companions,
                    ItemCategory = XivStrings.Mounts,

                int modelCharaIndex;

                //Big Endian Byte Order
                using (var br = new BinaryReaderBE(new MemoryStream(mount)))
                    br.BaseStream.Seek(nameDataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    var nameOffset = br.ReadInt16();

                    br.BaseStream.Seek(modelCharaIndexOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    modelCharaIndex = br.ReadInt16();

                    br.BaseStream.Seek(dataLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    var nameString = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(br.ReadBytes(nameOffset)).Replace("\0", ""));
                    xivMount.Name = new string(nameString.Where(c => !char.IsControl(c)).ToArray());

                if (modelCharaIndex == 0 || xivMount.Name.Equals(""))

                // This will get the model data using the index obtained for the current mount
                xivMount.PrimaryModelInfo = XivModelChara.GetModelInfo(_gameDirectory, modelCharaIndex);



Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the mounts entries list, optionally with a substring filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="substring"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <List <XivMount> > GetCachedMountList(string substring = null, string category = null)
            var where = new WhereClause();

            if (category != null)
                var categoryClause = new WhereClause();
                categoryClause.Column   = "category";
                categoryClause.Value    = category;
                categoryClause.Join     = WhereClause.JoinType.And;
                categoryClause.Comparer = WhereClause.ComparisonType.Equal;

            if (substring != null)
                var w = new WhereClause();
                w.Comparer = WhereClause.ComparisonType.Like;
                w.Join     = WhereClause.JoinType.And;
                w.Column   = "name";
                w.Value    = "%" + substring + "%";

                return(await BuildListFromTable("monsters", where, async (reader) =>
                    var item = new XivMount
                        PrimaryCategory = XivStrings.Companions,
                        SecondaryCategory = reader.GetString("category"),
                        Name = reader.GetString("name"),
                        ModelInfo = new XivMonsterModelInfo
                            ModelType = (XivItemType)Enum.Parse(typeof(XivItemType), reader.GetString("model_type")),
                            PrimaryID = reader.GetInt32("primary_id"),
                            SecondaryID = reader.GetInt32("secondary_id"),
                            ImcSubsetID = reader.GetInt32("imc_variant"),
                    return item;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list to be displayed in the Ornaments category
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The model data for the ornament is held separately in modelchara_0.exd
        /// The data within Ornament exd contains a reference to the index for lookup in modelchara
        /// The data format used by Ornaments is identical to mounts so XivMount can be used to store the data
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>A list containing XivMount data</returns>
        public async Task <List <XivMount> > GetUncachedOrnamentList()
            var mountLock    = new object();
            var ornamentList = new List <XivMount>();

            // These are the offsets to relevant data
            // These will need to be changed if data gets added or removed with a patch
            const int dataLength            = 28;
            const int nameDataOffset        = 6;
            const int modelCharaIndexOffset = 16;

            var ornamentEx = await _ex.ReadExData(XivEx.ornament);

            var modelCharaEx = await XivModelChara.GetModelCharaData(_gameDirectory);

            // Loops through all available mounts in the mount exd files
            // At present only one file exists (mount_0)
            await Task.Run(() => Parallel.ForEach(ornamentEx.Values, (ornament) =>
                var xivOrnament = new XivMount
                    PrimaryCategory   = XivStrings.Companions,
                    SecondaryCategory = XivStrings.Ornaments,

                int modelCharaIndex;

                //Big Endian Byte Order
                using (var br = new BinaryReaderBE(new MemoryStream(ornament)))
                    br.BaseStream.Seek(nameDataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    var nameOffset = br.ReadInt16();

                    br.BaseStream.Seek(modelCharaIndexOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    modelCharaIndex = br.ReadInt16();

                    br.BaseStream.Seek(dataLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    var nameString =
                                                                        .GetString(br.ReadBytes(nameOffset)).Replace("\0", ""));
                    xivOrnament.Name = new string(nameString.Where(c => !char.IsControl(c)).ToArray());

                if (modelCharaIndex == 0 || xivOrnament.Name.Equals(""))

                // This will get the model data using the index obtained for the current mount
                xivOrnament.ModelInfo = XivModelChara.GetModelInfo(modelCharaEx, modelCharaIndex);

                lock (mountLock)

