Ejemplo n.º 1
        public int Execute(XingSession sess, string acc_no, string acc_pw)
            CSPAQ12200._CSPAQ12200InBlock1 in_block = new CSPAQ12200._CSPAQ12200InBlock1();
            in_block.RecCnt = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("00001");
            in_block.MgmtBrnNo = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("   ");
            in_block.AcntNo = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(acc_no.PadRight(20, ' '));
            in_block.Pwd = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(acc_pw.PadRight(8, ' '));
            in_block.BalCreTp = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("0");

            XingQuery query = new XingQuery();
            query.TRCode = "CSPAQ12200";
            query.InBlock = in_block;
            query.ReceivedCB = new XingQuery.ReceivedFunc(this.ReceivedFunc);
            query.ErrorCB = new XingQuery.ErrorFunc(this.ErrorFunc);
            query.MessageCB = new XingQuery.MessageFunc(this.MessageFunc);

            int ec = sess.Execute<CSPAQ12200._CSPAQ12200InBlock1>(query, false);
            if (ec < 0)
                LogMsg("[CSPAQ12200::Request] Execute fail. : ec(" + ec + ")");
                return -1;

            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public int Request(XingSession sess, string acc_no, string acc_pw)
            int ec = 0;

            t0424._t0424InBlock in_block = new t0424._t0424InBlock();
            in_block.accno = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(acc_no.PadRight(11 + 1, ' '));
            in_block.passwd = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(acc_pw.PadRight(8 + 1, ' '));
            in_block.prcgb = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("1".PadRight(2, ' '));
            in_block.chegb = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("2".PadRight(2, ' '));
            in_block.dangb = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("0".PadRight(2, ' '));
            in_block.charge = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("1".PadRight(2, ' '));
            in_block.cts_expcode = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(" ".PadRight(22 + 1, ' '));

            XingQuery query = new XingQuery();
            query.TRCode = "t0424";
            query.InBlock = in_block;
            query.ReceivedCB = new XingQuery.ReceivedFunc(this.ReceivedFunc);
            query.ErrorCB = new XingQuery.ErrorFunc(this.ErrorFunc);
            query.MessageCB = new XingQuery.MessageFunc(this.MessageFunc);

            ec = sess.Execute<t0424._t0424InBlock>(query, false);
            if (ec < 0)
                LogMsg("[t0424::Request] Execute fail. : ec(" + ec + ")");
                return -1;

            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //order_price : if it specified with 0, order with market price
        //trade_cmd : sell / buy
        public int Request(XingSession sess, string trade_cmd, string acc_no, string acc_pw, string shcode, int order_qty, int order_price)
            int ec = 0;

            CSPAT00600._CSPAT00600InBlock1 in_block = new CSPAT00600._CSPAT00600InBlock1();
            in_block.AcntNo = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(acc_no.PadRight(20, ' '));
            in_block.InptPwd = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(acc_pw.PadRight(8, ' '));
            in_block.IsuNo = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(("A" + shcode.PadRight(12, ' ')));
            in_block.OrdQty = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(order_qty.ToString().PadLeft(16, '0'));
            in_block.OrdPrc = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(order_price.ToString().PadLeft(10, '0') + ".00");

            if (trade_cmd == "sell")
                in_block.BnsTpCode = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("1");
                in_block.BnsTpCode = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("2");

            //가격을 지정하지 않은경우 시장가로 주문한다
            if (order_price == 0)
                in_block.OrdprcPtnCode = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("03");			//시장가
                in_block.OrdPrc = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("0000000000.00");		//시장가는 가격을 0으로 설정한다
                in_block.OrdprcPtnCode = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("00");			//지정가

            in_block.MgntrnCode = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("000");
            in_block.LoanDt = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("".PadRight(8, ' '));
            in_block.OrdCndiTpCode = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("0");

            XingQuery query = new XingQuery();
            query.TRCode = "CSPAT00600";
            query.InBlock = in_block;
            query.ReceivedCB = new XingQuery.ReceivedFunc(this.ReceivedFunc);
            query.ErrorCB = new XingQuery.ErrorFunc(this.ErrorFunc);
            query.MessageCB = new XingQuery.MessageFunc(this.MessageFunc);

            ec = sess.Execute<CSPAT00600._CSPAT00600InBlock1>(query, false);
            if (ec < 0)
                LogMsg("[CSPAT00600Req::Request] Execute fail. : ec(" + ec + ")");
                return -1;

            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public int Request(XingSession sess, string shcode)
            int ec = 0;

            t1102._t1102InBlock in_block = new t1102._t1102InBlock();
            in_block.shcode = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(shcode);

            XingQuery query = new XingQuery();
            query.TRCode = "t1102";
            query.InBlock = in_block;
            query.ReceivedCB = new XingQuery.ReceivedFunc(this.ReceivedFunc);
            query.ErrorCB = new XingQuery.ErrorFunc(this.ErrorFunc);

            ec = sess.Execute<t1102._t1102InBlock>(query, false);
            if (ec < 0)
                LogMsg("[t1102Req::Request] Execute fail. : ec(" + ec + ")");
                return -1;

            return 0;