static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter IFC File Name: "); string filename = "Resources/sample.ifc"; //Console.ReadLine(); BSConfig.Register(); var client = BrightstarService.GetClient(BSConfig.ConnectionString()); if(client.ListStores().Any(x => x == "ifcRDF")) { client.DeleteStore("ifcRDF"); } client.CreateStore("ifcRDF"); BrightstarService.Shutdown(); var ctx = new Ifc2x3Context(BSConfig.ConnectionString("ifcRDF")); var model = new XbimModel(); if(OpenIfcFile(model, filename)) { ctx.ConvertToRDF(model); ctx.SaveChanges(); } PrintOut(BSConfig.ConnectionString("ifcRDF")); Console.ReadKey(); }
public XbimModelHandler(String ModelPath) { model = new XbimModel(); model.Open(ModelPath, XbimExtensions.XbimDBAccess.Read); //setup a type map Init(); }
/// <summary> /// Builds a placement tree of all ifcLocalPlacements /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="adjustWcs"> /// If there is a single root displacement, this is removed from the tree and added to the World /// Coordinate System. Useful for models where the site has been located into a geographical context /// </param> public XbimPlacementTree(XbimModel model, bool adjustWcs = true) { var rootNodes = new List<XbimPlacementNode>(); var localPlacements = model.InstancesLocal.OfType<IfcLocalPlacement>(true).ToList(); Nodes = new Dictionary<int, XbimPlacementNode>(); foreach (var placement in localPlacements) Nodes.Add(placement.EntityLabel, new XbimPlacementNode(placement)); foreach (var localPlacement in localPlacements) { if (localPlacement.PlacementRelTo != null) //resolve parent { var xbimPlacement = Nodes[localPlacement.EntityLabel]; var xbimPlacementParent = Nodes[localPlacement.PlacementRelTo.EntityLabel]; xbimPlacement.Parent = xbimPlacementParent; xbimPlacementParent.Children.Add(xbimPlacement); } else rootNodes.Add(Nodes[localPlacement.EntityLabel]); } if (adjustWcs && rootNodes.Count == 1) { var root = rootNodes[0]; WorldCoordinateSystem = root.Matrix; //make the children parentless foreach (var node in Nodes.Values.Where(node => node.Parent == root)) node.Parent = null; root.Matrix = new XbimMatrix3D(); //set the matrix to identity } //muliply out the matrices foreach (var node in Nodes.Values) node.ToGlobalMatrix(); }
public void CopyAllEntitiesTest() { using (var source = new XbimModel()) { PropertyTranformDelegate propTransform = delegate(IfcMetaProperty prop, object toCopy) { var value = prop.PropertyInfo.GetValue(toCopy, null); return value; }; source.Open("BIM Logo-LetterM.xBIM"); source.SaveAs("WithGeometry.ifc"); using (var target = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel()) { target.AutoAddOwnerHistory = false; using (var txn = target.BeginTransaction()) { var copied = new XbimInstanceHandleMap(source, target); foreach (var item in source.Instances) { target.InsertCopy(item, copied, txn, propTransform); } txn.Commit(); } target.SaveAs("WithoutGeometry.ifc"); } source.Close(); //the two files should be the same } }
public void ConvertCoBieLiteToJson() { using (var m = new XbimModel()) { var IfcTestFile = "2012-03-23-Duplex-Handover.ifc"; //IfcTestFile = @"D:\Users\steve\My Documents\DPoW\001 NBS Lakeside Restaurant 2014.ifc"; var XbimTestFile = Path.ChangeExtension(IfcTestFile, "xbim"); var JsonFile = Path.ChangeExtension(IfcTestFile, "json"); m.CreateFrom(IfcTestFile, XbimTestFile, null, true, true); var helper = new CoBieLiteHelper(m,"UniClass"); var facilities = helper.GetFacilities(); foreach (var facilityType in facilities) { Assert.IsTrue(facilityType.FacilityDefaultLinearUnitSpecified); Assert.IsTrue(facilityType.FacilityDefaultAreaUnitSpecified); Assert.IsTrue(facilityType.FacilityDefaultVolumeUnitSpecified); using (var fs = new StreamWriter(JsonFile)) { CoBieLiteHelper.WriteJson(fs, facilityType); fs.Close(); } } } }
public static Facility FacilityFromModel(XbimModel model) { var facilities = new List<Facility>(); var ifcToCoBieLiteUkExchanger = new IfcToCOBieLiteUkExchanger(model, facilities); facilities = ifcToCoBieLiteUkExchanger.Convert(); return facilities.FirstOrDefault(); }
public Int32 StartComparison(XbimModel baseline, XbimModel revision, string filter = "") { Baseline = baseline; Revision = revision; Int32 ret = 0; if (filter == "") { // default behaviour (maintained during code review) is to test only for IfcProducts // WorkingCopyBaseline = new List<IfcRoot>(Baseline.Instances.OfType<IfcProduct>().Cast<IfcRoot>()); WorkingCopyDelta = new List<IfcRoot>(Revision.Instances.OfType<IfcProduct>().Cast<IfcRoot>()); ret += StartProductsComparison(); } else { IfcType ot = IfcMetaData.IfcType(filter.ToUpper()); if (ot != null) { if (ot.Type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(IfcRoot))) { WorkingCopyBaseline = new List<IfcRoot>(Baseline.Instances.OfType(filter, false).Cast<IfcRoot>()); WorkingCopyDelta = new List<IfcRoot>(Revision.Instances.OfType(filter, false).Cast<IfcRoot>()); ret += StartProductsComparison(); } } } return ret; }
public void ExtrudedCircularProfilesTest() { var xbimGeometryCreator = new XbimGeometryEngine(); using (var eventTrace = LoggerFactory.CreateEventTrace()) { using (var m = new XbimModel()) { m.CreateFrom("SolidTestFiles\\15 - Swept pipes.ifc", null, null, true, true); foreach ( var cp in m.Instances.OfType<IfcExtrudedAreaSolid>().Where(e => e.SweptArea is IfcCircleProfileDef)) { Assert.IsTrue(cp != null, "No Extruded Solid found"); Assert.IsTrue(cp.SweptArea is IfcCircleProfileDef, "Incorrect profiledef found"); var solid = xbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(cp); Assert.IsTrue(eventTrace.Events.Count == 0); //no events should have been raised from this call IfcCsgTests.GeneralTest(solid); } //Assert.IsTrue(solid.Faces.Count() == 10, "T Shaped profiles should have 10 faces"); } } }
public void Importing_From_Missing_Folder_Throws_DirectoryNotFoundException() { using (XbimModel modelServer = new XbimModel()) { modelServer.CreateFrom("/BadPath/DoesNotExist.ifc"); } }
public void Importing_Missing_File_Throws_FileNotFoundException() { using (XbimModel modelServer = new XbimModel()) { modelServer.CreateFrom("DoesNotExist.ifc"); } }
//public ContainedElementsViewModel(IfcSpatialStructureElement container) //{ // xbimModel = container.ModelOf as XbimModel; // IEnumerable subs = this.Children; //call this once to preload first level of hierarchy //} public ContainedElementsViewModel(IfcSpatialStructureElement spatialElem, Type type, IXbimViewModel parent) { this.spatialContainerLabel = spatialElem.EntityLabel; this.type = type; this.xbimModel = (XbimModel) spatialElem.ModelOf; this.CreatingParent = parent; }
public void EscapeHeaderTests() { const string path = @"x:\path1\path2\filename.ifc"; const string umlaut = "name with umlaut ü"; using (var model = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel()) { model.Initialise("Creating Author", " Creating Organisation", "This Application", "This Developer", "v1.1"); using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction()) { model.IfcProject.Name = "Project Name"; txn.Commit(); } model.Header.FileName.Name = path; model.Header.FileName.Organization.Add(umlaut); model.SaveAs("testOutput.ifc"); } using (var model = new XbimModel()) { model.CreateFrom("testOutput.ifc", null, null, true); Assert.IsTrue(model.Header.FileName.Name == path); Assert.IsTrue(model.Header.FileName.Organization.FirstOrDefault() == umlaut); model.Close(); } }
public SpatialViewModel(IfcSpatialStructureElement spatialStructure, IXbimViewModel parent) { xbimModel = spatialStructure.ModelOf as XbimModel; this.spatialStructureLabel = Math.Abs(spatialStructure.EntityLabel); CreatingParent = parent; IEnumerable subs = this.Children; //call this once to preload first level of hierarchy }
public static IfcAxis1Placement MakeAxis1Placement(XbimModel m) { var p = m.Instances.New<IfcAxis1Placement>(); p.Axis = m.Instances.New<IfcDirection>(d => d.SetXYZ(1, 0, 0)); p.Location = m.Instances.New<IfcCartesianPoint>(c => c.SetXYZ(0, 0, 0)); return p; }
public static IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef MakeArbitraryOpenProfileDef(XbimModel m, IfcBoundedCurve curve) { var def = m.Instances.New<IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef>(); def.Curve = curve; def.ProfileType=IfcProfileTypeEnum.CURVE; return def; }
public XbimModelViewModel(IfcProject project, IXbimViewModel parent) { xbimModel = project.ModelOf as XbimModel; _project = project; this.CreatingParent = parent; IEnumerable subs = this.Children; //call this once to preload first level of hierarchy }
public COBieXBimEditScope(XbimModel model, IfcOwnerHistory owner) { Model = model; ifcOwnerHistory = Model.OwnerHistoryAddObject; Model.OwnerHistoryAddObject = owner; }
private void CreateParser(XbimModel model = null) { if (model != null) _parser = new XbimQueryParser(model); else _parser = new XbimQueryParser(); _parser.Output = _output; _parser.OnScriptParsed += delegate { //fire the event ScriptParsed(); //show output in the output window OutputWindow.Text = _output.ToString(); (OutputWindow.Parent as ScrollViewer).ScrollToEnd(); }; _parser.OnModelChanged += delegate(object sender, ModelChangedEventArgs e) { //fire event ModelChangedByScript(e.NewModel); }; //open files just created _parser.OnFileReportCreated += delegate(object sender, FileReportCreatedEventArgs args) { var path = args.FilePath; if (path != null) Process.Start(path); }; }
public static void CloseModel() { if (_model != null) _model.Close(); _model = null; _cobieContext = null; }
public static void LoadModel(TestContext context) { if (!File.Exists(SourceFile)) throw new Exception("Cannot find file"); _model = new XbimModel(); _model.Open(SourceFile); _cobieContext = new COBieContext(); _cobieContext.Model = _model; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor which takes a existing model as an argument. /// You can also close and open any model from the script. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">Model which shuldbe used for the script execution</param> public XbimQueryParser(XbimModel model) { _scanner = new Scanner(); _parser = new Parser(_scanner, model); _parser.OnModelChanged += delegate(object sender, ModelChangedEventArgs e) { ModelChanged(e.NewModel); }; }
public XbimShapeGeometryCursor(XbimModel model, string database, OpenDatabaseGrbit mode) : base(model, database, mode) { Api.JetOpenTable(this.sesid, this.dbId, GeometryTableName, null, 0, mode == OpenDatabaseGrbit.ReadOnly ? OpenTableGrbit.ReadOnly : mode == OpenDatabaseGrbit.Exclusive ? OpenTableGrbit.DenyWrite : OpenTableGrbit.None, out this.table); InitColumns(); }
internal XbimReadWriteTransaction(XbimModel theModel, XbimLazyDBTransaction txn) { model = theModel; readWriteTransaction = txn; inTransaction = true; _pulseCount = 0; _transactionBatchSize = 100; }
public void OpenIfcXmlFile() { using (var model = new XbimModel()) { model.CreateFrom("4walls1floorSite.ifcxml"); model.Close(); } }
private static void CreateXbimFile(string fileName) { string xbimFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".xbim"); XbimModel model = new XbimModel(); model.CreateFrom(fileName, xbimFileName, null); model.Open(xbimFileName, XbimDBAccess.ReadWrite); XbimScene.ConvertGeometry(model.Instances.OfType<IfcProduct>().Where(t => !(t is IfcFeatureElement)),null, false); model.Close(); }
public static string GeomInfoBoundBox(XbimModel model, int iEntLabel) { XbimGeometryData geomdata = model.GetGeometryData(iEntLabel, XbimGeometryType.BoundingBox).FirstOrDefault(); if (geomdata == null) return "<not found>"; XbimRect3D r3d = XbimRect3D.FromArray(geomdata.ShapeData); return string.Format("Bounding box (position, size): {0}", r3d.ToString()); }
public void QueryingNestedPropFunction() { // DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo("."); // to find folder location XbimModel model = new XbimModel(); model.Open(SourceModelFileName, XbimDBAccess.Read); var chkCnt = model.Query("select @12275.Representation.Representations"); Assert.AreEqual(3, ((IEnumerable<object>)chkCnt).Count()); model.Close(); }
public XbimMeshLayer<WpfMeshGeometry3D, WpfMaterial> GetLayer( string layerKey, XbimModel model, XbimScene<WpfMeshGeometry3D, WpfMaterial> scene ) { XbimColour colour = _colours[layerKey]; return new XbimMeshLayer<WpfMeshGeometry3D, WpfMaterial>(model, colour) { Name = layerKey }; }
public xBimQueryLanguage() : base(caseSensitive: false) { _model = new XbimModel(); #if debug _model.Open(@"F:\dev\Codeplex\xBIM\XbimFramework\Head\Xbim.Querying\Querying\Test\Duplex-Handover.xBIM"); #endif InitGrammar(); }
public IModel OpenIfcModel() { IModel model = new XbimModel(); string xbimName = Path.ChangeExtension(TestSourceFileIfc, "xbim"); model.CreateFrom(TestSourceFileIfc, xbimName); model.Close(); model = new XbimModel(); model.Open(xbimName); return model; }
public void ConvertSolidToTriangulatedFacetedSolidPlanarTest() { using (var m = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel()) { using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction()) { var profile = IfcModelBuilder.MakeRectangleHollowProfileDef(m, 20, 10, 1); var extrude = IfcModelBuilder.MakeExtrudedAreaSolid(m, profile, 40); var solid = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(extrude); var triangulated = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateTriangulatedSolid(solid, m.ModelFactors.Precision, m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance); Assert.IsTrue(solid.Shells.Count == triangulated.Shells.Count, "Shell count differs"); Assert.IsTrue(triangulated.Faces.Count == 32, "Face count differs"); Assert.IsTrue(solid.Edges.Count * 2 == triangulated.Edges.Count, "Edge count differs"); Assert.IsTrue(solid.Vertices.Count == triangulated.Vertices.Count, "Vertex count differs"); Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(solid.Volume - triangulated.Volume) < 0.001, "Volume differs"); } } }
public void ReadWriteTriangulationOfNonPlanarFacetedSolidTest() { using (var m = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel()) { using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction()) { var profile = IfcModelBuilder.MakeCircleHollowProfileDef(m, 20, 1); var extrude = IfcModelBuilder.MakeExtrudedAreaSolid(m, profile, 40); var solid = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(extrude); solid = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateFacetedSolid(solid, m.ModelFactors.Precision, m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance, 0.5); TextWriter tw = new StringWriter(); XbimGeometryCreator.WriteTriangulation(tw, solid, m.ModelFactors.Precision, m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance, 0.5); TextReader tr = new StringReader(tw.ToString()); IXbimGeometryObject geom = XbimGeometryCreator.ReadTriangulation(tr); var triangulatedSold = geom as IXbimSolid; Assert.IsNotNull(triangulatedSold, "Invalid solid returned"); Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(solid.Volume - triangulatedSold.Volume) < 5, "Volume differs too much"); } } }
public void IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid() { using (var eventTrace = LoggerFactory.CreateEventTrace()) { using (var m = new XbimModel()) { m.CreateFrom("SolidTestFiles\\11- IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid.ifc", null, null, true, true); var ss = m.Instances.OfType <IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid>().FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsTrue(ss != null, "No Swept Disk found"); var solid = _xbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(ss); Assert.IsTrue(eventTrace.Events.Count == 0); //no events should have been raised from this call IfcCsgTests.GeneralTest(solid); Assert.IsTrue(solid.Faces.Count() == 6, "This IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid with hollow circular profile def should have 6 faces"); } } }
public static IfcCompositeCurve MakeCompositeCurve(XbimModel m) { var c = m.Instances.New <IfcCompositeCurve>(); var sc = MakeSemiCircle(m, 10); var l = MakeLine(m, new XbimPoint3D(5, 0, 0), new XbimVector3D(1, 0, 0), 5); var s1 = m.Instances.New <IfcCompositeCurveSegment>(); s1.ParentCurve = sc; s1.SameSense = true; s1.Transition = IfcTransitionCode.CONTINUOUS; c.Segments.Add(s1); var s2 = m.Instances.New <IfcCompositeCurveSegment>(); s2.ParentCurve = l; s2.SameSense = true; s2.Transition = IfcTransitionCode.CONTINUOUS; c.Segments.Add(s2); c.SelfIntersect = false; return(c); }
/// <summary> /// Builds a placement tree of all ifcLocalPlacements /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="adjustWcs"> /// If there is a single root displacement, this is removed from the tree and added to the World /// Coordinate System. Useful for models where the site has been located into a geographical context /// </param> public XbimPlacementTree(XbimModel model, bool adjustWcs = true) { var rootNodes = new List <XbimPlacementNode>(); var localPlacements = model.InstancesLocal.OfType <IfcLocalPlacement>(true).ToList(); Nodes = new Dictionary <int, XbimPlacementNode>(); foreach (var placement in localPlacements) { Nodes.Add(placement.EntityLabel, new XbimPlacementNode(placement)); } foreach (var localPlacement in localPlacements) { if (localPlacement.PlacementRelTo != null) //resolve parent { var xbimPlacement = Nodes[localPlacement.EntityLabel]; var xbimPlacementParent = Nodes[localPlacement.PlacementRelTo.EntityLabel]; xbimPlacement.Parent = xbimPlacementParent; xbimPlacementParent.Children.Add(xbimPlacement); } else { rootNodes.Add(Nodes[localPlacement.EntityLabel]); } } if (adjustWcs && rootNodes.Count == 1) { var root = rootNodes[0]; WorldCoordinateSystem = root.Matrix; //make the children parentless foreach (var node in Nodes.Values.Where(node => node.Parent == root)) { node.Parent = null; } root.Matrix = new XbimMatrix3D(); //set the matrix to identity } //muliply out the matrices foreach (var node in Nodes.Values) { node.ToGlobalMatrix(); } }
/// <summary> /// Role Merge /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="fileRoles">bit fields enumeration to hold all the roles in one place using bitwise AND, OR, EXCLUSIVE OR</param> public void ValidateRoles(XbimModel model, COBieMergeRoles fileRoles) { #if DEBUG Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); #endif if (fileRoles != COBieMergeRoles.Unknown) //if role is a single value of unknown then do no merging { var sheet = this[Constants.WORKSHEET_COMPONENT]; List <string> typeGlobalIds = sheet.ValidateComponentMerge(model, fileRoles); sheet = this[Constants.WORKSHEET_TYPE]; int remNo = sheet.ValidateTypeMerge(typeGlobalIds); sheet = this[Constants.WORKSHEET_COMPONENT]; List <string> keyList = new List <string>(); List <string> nameList = new List <string>(); if (sheet.RemovedRows != null) { foreach (var item in sheet.RemovedRows) { string sheetName = "Component"; COBieColumn colName = item.ParentSheet.Columns.Where(c => c.Value.ColumnName == "Name").Select(c => c.Value).FirstOrDefault(); var name = item[colName.ColumnOrder].CellValue; nameList.Add(name); keyList.Add(sheetName + name); } sheet = this[Constants.WORKSHEET_ATTRIBUTE]; int attRemNo = sheet.ValidateAttributeMerge(keyList); sheet = this[Constants.WORKSHEET_SYSTEM]; int systemRemNo = sheet.ValidateSystemMerge(nameList); } } #if DEBUG timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Time to generate Role Merge data = {0} seconds", timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("F3"))); #endif }
private static IfcIShapeProfileDef AssignIProfile(XbimModel model, HndzStructuralElement genericProducthndz, IfcProduct genericProductIfc, IfcBuildingElementType elementType, HndzISectionProfile gnericProfileHndz) { #region Type & Material &Tags string typeText = genericProducthndz.ToString() + "I beam (flange " + gnericProfileHndz.I_Section.b_f + " x " + gnericProfileHndz.I_Section.t_fTop + " and web " + gnericProfileHndz.I_Section.d + " x " + gnericProfileHndz.I_Section.t_w + " mm"; elementType.Tag = typeText; elementType.Name = typeText; IfcLabel columnLabel = new IfcLabel(typeText); elementType.ElementType = columnLabel; elementType.ApplicableOccurrence = columnLabel; //genericProductIfc.Tag = typeText; genericProductIfc.Name = typeText; genericProductIfc.Description = typeText; genericProductIfc.SetDefiningType(elementType, model); #endregion IfcIShapeProfileDef ifcGenericProfile = model.Instances.New <IfcIShapeProfileDef>(); ifcGenericProfile.FlangeThickness =; ifcGenericProfile.WebThickness = gnericProfileHndz.I_Section.t_w; ifcGenericProfile.OverallWidth = gnericProfileHndz.I_Section.b_f; ifcGenericProfile.OverallDepth = gnericProfileHndz.I_Section.d; ifcGenericProfile.FilletRadius = 10;//ToDo:make it zero after explore ISection ifcGenericProfile.ProfileType = IfcProfileTypeEnum.AREA; ifcGenericProfile.Position = model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement2D>(); ifcGenericProfile.Position.RefDirection = model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(); ifcGenericProfile.Position.RefDirection.SetXY(gnericProfileHndz.OrientationInPlane.X, gnericProfileHndz.OrientationInPlane.Y); ifcGenericProfile.Position.Location = model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(); ifcGenericProfile.Position.Location.SetXY(0, 0); //ifcGenericProfile.Position.Location.SetXY(genericProducthndz.ExtrusionLine.baseNode.Point.X, // genericProducthndz.ExtrusionLine.baseNode.Point.Y); return(ifcGenericProfile); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var pow = PlanOfWork.OpenJson("013-Lakeside_Restaurant.dpow"); const string dir = "..\\..\\COBieLiteUK"; if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } string msg; foreach (var stage in pow.ProjectStages) { var json = Path.Combine(dir, stage.Name + ".cobie.json"); var xlsx = Path.Combine(dir, stage.Name + ".xlsx"); var ifc = Path.Combine(dir, stage.Name + ".ifc"); var facility = new Xbim.COBieLiteUK.Facility(); var cobieExchanger = new DPoWToCOBieLiteUKExchanger(pow, facility, stage); cobieExchanger.Convert(); facility.WriteJson(json, true); facility.WriteCobie(xlsx, out msg); using (var ifcModel = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel()) { ifcModel.Initialise("Xbim Tester", "XbimTeam", "Xbim.Exchanger", "Xbim Development Team", "3.0"); ifcModel.Header.FileName.Name = stage.Name; ifcModel.ReloadModelFactors(); using (var txn = ifcModel.BeginTransaction("Conversion from COBie")) { var ifcExchanger = new XbimExchanger.COBieLiteUkToIfc.CoBieLiteUkToIfcExchanger(facility, ifcModel); ifcExchanger.Convert(); txn.Commit(); } ifcModel.SaveAs(ifc, XbimStorageType.IFC); ifcModel.Close(); } } }
public void ConverIfcToWexBim() { const string ifcFileFullName = @"Lakeside_Restaurant.ifc"; var fileName = Path.GetFileName(ifcFileFullName); var fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); var workingDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); var coreFileName = Path.Combine(workingDir, fileNameWithoutExtension); var wexBimFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(coreFileName, "wexbim"); var xbimFile = Path.ChangeExtension(coreFileName, "xbim"); try { using (var wexBimFile = new FileStream(wexBimFileName, FileMode.Create)) { using (var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(wexBimFile)) { using (var model = new XbimModel()) { try { model.CreateFrom(ifcFileFullName, xbimFile, null, true); var geomContext = new Xbim3DModelContext(model); geomContext.CreateContext(XbimGeometryType.PolyhedronBinary); geomContext.Write(binaryWriter); } finally { model.Close(); binaryWriter.Flush(); wexBimFile.Close(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail("Failed to process " + ifcFileFullName + " - " + e.Message); } }
public ModelGeometry.Scene.XbimMeshLayer <WpfMeshGeometry3D, WpfMaterial> GetLayer( string layerKey, XbimModel model, XbimScene <WpfMeshGeometry3D, WpfMaterial> scene ) { int iLab; string LayerName = layerKey; bool conversionok = Int32.TryParse(layerKey, out iLab); if (conversionok) { layerKey = model.Instances[iLab].GetType().Name; } XbimColour colour = scene.LayerColourMap[layerKey]; return(new XbimMeshLayer <WpfMeshGeometry3D, WpfMaterial>(model, colour) { Name = LayerName }); }
public void IfcRevolvedArea_To_Sphere() { using (var eventTrace = LoggerFactory.CreateEventTrace()) { using (var m = new XbimModel()) { m.CreateFrom(@"SolidTestFiles\BIM Logo-Coordination View 2 - No M.ifc", null, null, true, true); var ss = m.Instances.OfType <IfcRevolvedAreaSolid>().FirstOrDefault(e => e.EntityLabel == 290); Assert.IsTrue(ss != null, "No Revolved Area found"); // m.ModelFactors.DeflectionAngle = 0.1; // m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance = 0.1; var solid = _xbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(ss); Assert.IsTrue(eventTrace.Events.Count == 0); //no events should have been raised from this call var facetedSphere = _xbimGeometryCreator.CreateFacetedBrep(m, solid); var shell = _xbimGeometryCreator.CreateShell(facetedSphere.Outer); var xbimFacetedSphere = _xbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolidSet(facetedSphere); Assert.IsTrue(xbimFacetedSphere.Count == 1); //_xbimGeometryCreator.WriteTriangulation(Console.Out,solid, 0.001,0.5); } } }
public void IfcFacetedBRepWithMultipleSolids() { using (var eventTrace = LoggerFactory.CreateEventTrace()) { using (var m = new XbimModel()) { m.CreateFrom("SolidTestFiles\\12 - Multiple FacetedBrep.ifc", null, null, true, true); var fbr = m.Instances[25] as IfcFacetedBrep; Assert.IsTrue(fbr != null, "No IfcFacetedBRep found"); int faceCount = fbr.Outer.CfsFaces.Count; var solids = _xbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolidSet(fbr); Assert.IsTrue(solids.Count == 11, "Expected 11 solids"); foreach (var solid in solids) { IfcCsgTests.GeneralTest(solid, true); } } } }
public void IfcRightCircularConeTest() { using (var m = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel()) { using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction()) { var cylinder = m.Instances.New <IfcRightCircularCone>(); var p = m.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement3D>(); p.Axis = m.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(d => d.SetXYZ(1, 0, 0)); p.Location = m.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(c => c.SetXYZ(10, 10, 0)); cylinder.Position = p; cylinder.BottomRadius = 10; cylinder.Height = 20; var solid = _xbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(cylinder); Assert.IsTrue(solid.Faces.Count == 2, "2 faces are required of a cone"); Assert.IsTrue(solid.Vertices.Count == 2, "2 vertices are required of a cone"); } } }
public void ZShapeProfileDefTest() { using (var m = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel()) { using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction()) { var prof = IfcModelBuilder.MakeZShapeProfileDef(m, 150, 90, 13, 20, 6, 3); var face = _xbimGeometryCreator.CreateFace(prof); double area = face.Area; Assert.IsTrue(face.Area > 0); m.ModelFactors.ProfileDefLevelOfDetail = 1; face = _xbimGeometryCreator.CreateFace(prof); //var w = new XbimOccWriter(); //w.Write(face, "d:\\xbim\\f"); Assert.IsTrue(face.Area > 0); Assert.IsTrue(face.OuterBound.Edges.Count == 12, "Incorrect edge count"); Assert.IsTrue(face.Area > area, "Detailed profile should be bigger than normal profile"); } } }
public void IfcSweptDisk_With_IfcComposite() { using (var eventTrace = LoggerFactory.CreateEventTrace()) { using (var m = new XbimModel()) { m.CreateFrom("SolidTestFiles\\6- IfcSweptDiskSolid_With_BooleanResult.ifc", null, null, true, true); var ss = m.Instances.OfType <IfcSweptDiskSolid>().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Directrix is IfcCompositeCurve); Assert.IsTrue(ss != null, "No Swept Disk found"); Assert.IsTrue(ss.Directrix is IfcCompositeCurve, "Incorrect sweep found"); var solid = _xbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(ss); Assert.IsTrue(eventTrace.Events.Count == 0); //no events should have been raised from this call IfcCsgTests.GeneralTest(solid); Assert.IsTrue(solid.Faces.Count() == 4, "Swept disk solids along a this composite curve should have 4 faces"); } } }
void XplorerMainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var model = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel(); model.Initialise(); ModelProvider.ObjectInstance = model; ModelProvider.Refresh(); // logging information warnings appender = new EventAppender { Tag = "MainWindow" }; appender.Logged += appender_Logged; var hier = LogManager.GetRepository() as Hierarchy; if (hier != null) { hier.Root.AddAppender(appender); } }
/// <summary> /// Works only on models version 1. /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static XbimRegion GetLargestRegion(XbimModel model) { //get the region data should only be one var project = model.IfcProject; var projectId = 0; if (project != null) { projectId = project.EntityLabel; } // in version 1.0 there should be only 1 record in the database for the project (storing multiple regions). var regionData = model.GetGeometryData(projectId, XbimGeometryType.Region).FirstOrDefault(); if (regionData == null) { return(null); } var regions = XbimRegionCollection.FromArray(regionData.ShapeData); return(regions.MostPopulated()); // this then returns }
public void ConvertXbimSolidFromXbimFacetedSolidCurvedTest() { using (var m = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel()) { using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction()) { var profile = IfcModelBuilder.MakeCircleHollowProfileDef(m, 20, 2); var extrude = IfcModelBuilder.MakeExtrudedAreaSolid(m, profile, 40); var solid = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(extrude); var faceted = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateFacetedSolid(solid, m.ModelFactors.Precision, m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance * 10, 1); var solid2 = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(faceted); Assert.IsTrue(solid2.Shells.Count == faceted.Shells.Count, "Shell count differs"); Assert.IsTrue(solid2.Faces.Count == faceted.Faces.Count, "Face count differs"); Assert.IsTrue(solid2.Edges.Count == faceted.Edges.Count, "Edge count differs"); Assert.IsTrue(solid2.Vertices.Count == faceted.Vertices.Count, "Vertex count differs"); Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(faceted.Volume - solid2.Volume) < 0.001, "Volume differs"); Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(solid.Volume - solid2.Volume) < 30, "Volume differs"); } } }
public void CompositeProfileDefTest() { var xbimGeometryCreator = new XbimGeometryEngine(); using (var eventTrace = LoggerFactory.CreateEventTrace()) { using (var m = new XbimModel()) { m.CreateFrom("SolidTestFiles\\IfcCompositeProfileDefTest.ifc", null, null, true, true); var eas = m.Instances.OfType <IfcExtrudedAreaSolid>().FirstOrDefault(e => e.SweptArea.GetType() == typeof(IfcCompositeProfileDef)); Assert.IsTrue(eas != null, "No Extruded Solid found"); Assert.IsTrue(eas.SweptArea is IfcCompositeProfileDef, "Incorrect profiledef found"); var solid = xbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(eas); Assert.IsTrue(eventTrace.Events.Count == 0); //no events should have been raised from this call IfcCsgTests.GeneralTest(solid); Assert.IsTrue(solid.Faces.Count() == 40, "IfcCompositeProfileDef profile should have six faces"); } } }
public void BooleanPerformanceTest() { using (var m = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel()) { using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction()) { var ifcBlock1 = IfcModelBuilder.MakeBlock(m, 1000, 2000, 3000); var ifcBlock2 = IfcModelBuilder.MakeBlock(m, 200, 200, 3000); //var ifcBlock1 = IfcModelBuilder.MakeRightCircularCylinder(m, 2000, 3000); //var ifcBlock2 = IfcModelBuilder.MakeRightCircularCylinder(m, 2000, 3000); //var ifcBlock1 = IfcModelBuilder.MakeExtrudedAreaSolid(m, IfcModelBuilder.MakeRectangleHollowProfileDef(m, 2000, 3000, 500), 4000); //var ifcBlock2 = IfcModelBuilder.MakeExtrudedAreaSolid(m, IfcModelBuilder.MakeRectangleHollowProfileDef(m, 2000, 3000, 500), 4000); ifcBlock2.Position.Location.X -= 180; ifcBlock2.Position.Location.Y += 200; var solid1 = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(ifcBlock1); var solid2 = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(ifcBlock2); var faceted1 = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateFacetedSolid(XbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(ifcBlock1), m.ModelFactors.Precision, m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance, 1); var faceted2 = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateFacetedSolid(XbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(ifcBlock2), m.ModelFactors.Precision, m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance, 1); var solid3 = solid1.Cut(solid2, m.ModelFactors.Precision); solid3 = faceted1.Cut(faceted2, m.ModelFactors.Precision); var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { solid3 = solid1.Cut(solid2, m.ModelFactors.Precision); } double time1 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; sw.Restart(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { solid3 = faceted1.Cut(faceted2, m.ModelFactors.Precision); } double time2 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; Assert.IsTrue(time2 < time1, "Performance error"); } } }
public void Dpow2CobieLite2Ifc() { var pow = PlanOfWork.OpenJson(""); const string dir = "..\\..\\Export"; if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } foreach (var stage in pow.ProjectStages) { var facility = new FacilityType(); var d2C = new DPoWToCOBieLiteExchanger(pow, facility, stage); d2C.Convert(); var outputIfc = Path.Combine(dir, stage.Name + ".DPoW.ifc"); var outputCobieJson = Path.Combine(dir, stage.Name + ".DPoW.json"); var outputCobieXml = Path.Combine(dir, stage.Name + ".DPoW.xml"); facility.WriteJson(outputCobieJson); facility.WriteXml(outputCobieXml); using (var model = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel()) { model.Initialise("Xbim Tester", "XbimTeam", "Xbim.Exchanger", "Xbim Development Team", "3.0"); model.ReloadModelFactors(); using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Convert from COBieLite")) { var c2Ifc = new CoBieLiteToIfcExchanger(facility, model); c2Ifc.Convert(); txn.Commit(); } model.SaveAs(outputIfc, XbimStorageType.IFC); if (facility.AssetTypes != null) { Assert.AreEqual(facility.AssetTypes.Count(), model.Instances.OfType <IfcTypeObject>().Count()); } } } }
private static IfcColumn CreateColumn(XbimModel model, HndzStructuralElement genericProducthndz) { using (XbimReadWriteTransaction txn = model.BeginTransaction("Create" + genericProducthndz.ToString())) { IfcColumn genericProductIfc = model.Instances.New <IfcColumn>(); IfcColumnType elementType = model.Instances.New <IfcColumnType>(); elementType.PredefinedType = IfcColumnTypeEnum.COLUMN; IfcExtrudedAreaSolid body = model.Instances.New <IfcExtrudedAreaSolid>(); if (genericProducthndz.Profile is HndzRectangularProfile) { HndzRectangularProfile genericProfilehndz = genericProducthndz.Profile as HndzRectangularProfile; IfcRectangleProfileDef ifcGenericProfile = AssignRectangularProfile(model, genericProducthndz, genericProductIfc, elementType, genericProfilehndz); //model as a swept area solid body.SweptArea = ifcGenericProfile; } if (genericProducthndz.Profile is HndzISectionProfile) { HndzISectionProfile genericProfilehndz = genericProducthndz.Profile as HndzISectionProfile; IfcIShapeProfileDef ifcGenericProfile = AssignIProfile(model, genericProducthndz, genericProductIfc, elementType, genericProfilehndz); //model as a swept area solid body.SweptArea = ifcGenericProfile; } AdjustExtrusion(model, body, genericProducthndz, genericProductIfc); if (model.Validate(txn.Modified(), Console.Out) == 0) { txn.Commit(); return(genericProductIfc); } return(null); } }
private static IfcCShapeProfileDef AssignCsectionProfile(XbimModel model, HndzStructuralElement genericProducthndz, IfcProduct genericProductIfc, IfcBuildingElementType elementType, HndzCSectionProfile genericProfilehndz) { #region Type & Material &Tags string typeText = genericProducthndz.ToString() + " C-Chanel (flange " + genericProfilehndz.C_Section.b_f + " x " + genericProfilehndz.C_Section.t_f + " and web " + genericProfilehndz.C_Section.d + " x " + genericProfilehndz.C_Section.t_w + " mm"; elementType.Tag = typeText; elementType.Name = typeText; IfcLabel columnLabel = new IfcLabel(typeText); elementType.ElementType = columnLabel; elementType.ApplicableOccurrence = columnLabel; //genericProductIfc.Tag = typeText; genericProductIfc.Name = typeText; genericProductIfc.Description = typeText; genericProductIfc.SetDefiningType(elementType, model); #endregion IfcCShapeProfileDef ifcGenericProfile = model.Instances.New <IfcCShapeProfileDef>(); ifcGenericProfile.ProfileType = IfcProfileTypeEnum.AREA; ifcGenericProfile.WallThickness = genericProfilehndz.C_Section.t_f; //MyColumnPofile.WebThickness = Iprofile.C_Section.t_w; //ToDo:purlin web and flange thickness are the same!!!! ifcGenericProfile.Width = genericProfilehndz.C_Section.b_f; ifcGenericProfile.Depth = genericProfilehndz.C_Section.d; ifcGenericProfile.Girth = 5;//ToDo:What's that ifcGenericProfile.InternalFilletRadius = 10; ifcGenericProfile.Position = model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement2D>(); ifcGenericProfile.Position.RefDirection = model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(); ifcGenericProfile.Position.RefDirection.SetXY(genericProfilehndz.OrientationInPlane.X, genericProfilehndz.OrientationInPlane.Y); ifcGenericProfile.Position.Location = model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(); ifcGenericProfile.Position.Location.SetXY(0, 0); return(ifcGenericProfile); }
private static Facility GetValidated(string requirementFile) { const string ifcTestFile = @"Lakeside_Restaurant_fabric_only.ifczip"; Facility sub = null; //create validation file from IFC using (var m = new XbimModel()) { var xbimTestFile = Path.ChangeExtension(ifcTestFile, "xbim"); m.CreateFrom(ifcTestFile, xbimTestFile, null, true, true); var facilities = new List <Facility>(); var ifcToCoBieLiteUkExchanger = new IfcToCOBieLiteUkExchanger(m, facilities); facilities = ifcToCoBieLiteUkExchanger.Convert(); sub = facilities.FirstOrDefault(); } Assert.IsTrue(sub != null); var vd = new FacilityValidator(); var req = Facility.ReadJson(requirementFile); var validated = vd.Validate(req, sub); return(validated); }
//public static string GeomInfoMesh(XbimModel model, int iEntLabel) //{ // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // var geomdata = model.GetGeometryData(iEntLabel, XbimGeometryType.TriangulatedMesh); // foreach (var geom in geomdata) // { // sb.Append("RawData:"); // sb.AppendLine(BitConverter.ToString(geom.ShapeData)); // } // return sb.ToString(); //} internal static string GeomLayers(XbimModel Model, int item, List <Xbim.ModelGeometry.Scene.XbimScene <Xbim.Presentation.WpfMeshGeometry3D, Xbim.Presentation.WpfMaterial> > scenes) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // XbimMeshGeometry3D geometry = new XbimMeshGeometry3D(); // IModel m = entity.ModelOf; foreach (var scene in scenes) { foreach (var layer in scene.SubLayers) { // an entity model could be spread across many layers (e.g. in case of different materials) if (layer.Model == Model) { foreach (var mi in layer.GetMeshInfo(item)) { sb.AppendLine(mi.ToString()); } } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
static private XbimModel CreateandInitModel(HndzProject hndzProject) { //IfcRelAggregates //Crashes here.....Fixed in this update :D XbimModel model = XbimModel.CreateModel(hndzProject.Name + "No." + hndzProject.GlobalId + ".xBIM", Xbim.XbimExtensions.XbimDBAccess.ReadWrite); //create an empty model if (model != null) { //Begin a transaction as all changes to a model are transacted using (XbimReadWriteTransaction txn = model.BeginTransaction("Initialize Model")) { //do once only initialization of model application and editor values model.DefaultOwningUser.ThePerson.GivenName = hndzProject.Owner.Name; model.DefaultOwningUser.ThePerson.FamilyName = hndzProject.Owner.LastName; model.DefaultOwningUser.TheOrganization.Name = hndzProject.Owner.Organization; model.DefaultOwningApplication.ApplicationIdentifier = IFCFileResources.ApplicationIdentifier; model.DefaultOwningApplication.ApplicationDeveloper.Name = IFCFileResources.ApplicationDevelopers; model.DefaultOwningApplication.ApplicationFullName = IFCFileResources.ApplicationFullName; model.DefaultOwningApplication.Version = IFCFileResources.CurrentApplicationVersion; //set up a project and initialize the defaults var project = model.Instances.New <IfcProject>(); project.Initialize(ProjectUnits.SIUnitsUK); project.Name = hndzProject.Name; project.OwnerHistory.OwningUser = model.DefaultOwningUser; project.OwnerHistory.OwningApplication = model.DefaultOwningApplication; //validate and commit changes if (model.Validate(txn.Modified(), Console.Out) == 0) { txn.Commit(); return(model); } } } return(null); //failed so return nothing }
/// <summary> /// Validates all data and creates model. /// Provide a "XbimModel model = DataContext as XbimModel;" /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns XbimReferencedModel == null </returns> public bool TryBuild(XbimModel model) { //it's already build, so no need to recreate it if (ReferencedModel != null) { return(true); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name)) { return(false); } else { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(Name).ToLowerInvariant(); using (XbimModel refM = new XbimModel()) { if (ext != ".xbim") { refM.CreateFrom(Name, null, null, true); var m3D = new Xbim3DModelContext(refM); m3D.CreateContext(); Name = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(Name, "xbim"); } } _xbimReferencedModel = model.AddModelReference(Name, OrganisationName, OrganisationRole); } if (_xbimReferencedModel != null) { //refresh all OnPropertyChanged("Identifier"); OnPropertyChanged("Name"); OnPropertyChanged("OrganisationName"); OnPropertyChanged("OrganisationRole"); } return(ReferencedModel != null); }
public void TransformFacetedSolidRectangularProfileDef() { using (var m = XbimModel.CreateTemporaryModel()) { using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction()) { var profile = IfcModelBuilder.MakeRectangleHollowProfileDef(m, 20, 10, 1); var extrude = IfcModelBuilder.MakeExtrudedAreaSolid(m, profile, 40); var solid = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(extrude); solid = XbimGeometryCreator.CreateFacetedSolid(solid, m.ModelFactors.Precision, m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance, 0.5); var transform = new XbimMatrix3D(); //test first with identity var solid2 = solid.Transform(transform); var s1Verts = solid.Vertices.ToList(); var s2Verts = solid2.Vertices.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < s1Verts.Count; i++) { XbimVector3D v = s1Verts[i].VertexGeometry - s2Verts[i].VertexGeometry; Assert.IsTrue(v.Length < m.ModelFactors.Precision, "vertices not the same"); } transform.RotateAroundXAxis(Math.PI / 2); transform.RotateAroundYAxis(Math.PI / 4); transform.RotateAroundZAxis(Math.PI); transform.OffsetX += 100; transform.OffsetY += 200; transform.OffsetZ += 300; solid2 = solid.Transform(transform); Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(solid.Volume - solid2.Volume) < 0.001, "Volume differs"); transform.Invert(); solid2 = solid2.Transform(transform); s1Verts = solid.Vertices.ToList(); s2Verts = solid2.Vertices.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < s1Verts.Count; i++) { XbimVector3D v = s1Verts[i].VertexGeometry - s2Verts[i].VertexGeometry; Assert.IsTrue(v.Length < m.ModelFactors.Precision, "vertices not the same"); } } } }
public void IfcExtrudedArea_With_IfcArbritraryProfileDefWithVoids() { var xbimGeometryCreator = new XbimGeometryEngine(); using (var eventTrace = LoggerFactory.CreateEventTrace()) { using (var m = new XbimModel()) { m.CreateFrom("SolidTestFiles\\18 - IfcArbritaryClosedProfileDefWithVoids.ifc", null, null, true, true); var eas = m.Instances.OfType <IfcExtrudedAreaSolid>().FirstOrDefault(e => e.SweptArea is IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids); Assert.IsTrue(eas != null); Assert.IsTrue(eas.SweptArea is IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids, "Incorrect profile definition"); var solid = xbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(eas); Assert.IsTrue(eventTrace.Events.Count == 0, "Warnings or errors raised in geometry conversion"); //no events should have been raised from this call IfcCsgTests.GeneralTest(solid); //Assert.IsTrue(solid.Faces.Count() == 6, "IfcPolyline profiles should have (number of polyline egdes + 2) faces"); } } }
public void TestDerivedProfileDefWithLShapedParent() { var xbimGeometryCreator = new XbimGeometryEngine(); using (var eventTrace = LoggerFactory.CreateEventTrace()) { using (var m = new XbimModel()) { m.CreateFrom("SolidTestFiles\\1- IfcExtrudedAreaSolid-IfcProfileDef-Parameterised.ifc", null, null, true, true); var eas = m.Instances.OfType <IfcExtrudedAreaSolid>().FirstOrDefault(e => e.SweptArea is IfcDerivedProfileDef && ((IfcDerivedProfileDef)e.SweptArea).ParentProfile is IfcLShapeProfileDef); Assert.IsTrue(eas != null, "No Extruded Solid found"); Assert.IsTrue(eas.SweptArea is IfcDerivedProfileDef, "Incorrect profiledef found"); Assert.IsTrue(((IfcDerivedProfileDef)eas.SweptArea).ParentProfile is IfcLShapeProfileDef, "Incorrect parent profiledef found"); var solid = xbimGeometryCreator.CreateSolid(eas); Assert.IsTrue(eventTrace.Events.Count == 0); //no events should have been raised from this call IfcCsgTests.GeneralTest(solid); Assert.IsTrue(solid.Faces.Count() == 8, "L Shaped profiles should have 8 faces"); } } }