Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        long   cidTemp    = xc.SafeNum(Request["cid"]);
        string strSql     = string.Empty;
        string ifStr      = string.Empty;
        string keyWordStr = xc.SafeSql(Server.UrlDecode(Request["keyWords"]));

        if (!IsPostBack)
            xClass.NewsTypeData("department", classList);

            if (cidTemp > 0) //分类读取
                string idNums = xClass.getClassAllID("department", cidTemp);

                if (!idNums.Equals(cidTemp.ToString()))
                    string[] ids = idNums.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                    for (int i = 0; i <= ids.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                        ifStr += "classID=" + ids[i].ToString().Trim() + " or ";
                    ifStr = " and (" + ifStr.Substring(0, ifStr.Length - 3) + ")";
                    ifStr += " and classID=" + cidTemp.ToString().Trim();
                this.classList.Items.FindByValue(cidTemp.ToString()).Selected = true;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyWordStr as string))
                ifStr       += " and (UserName like '%" + keyWordStr + "%' or UserId like '%" + keyWordStr + "%') ";
                keyWord.Text = keyWordStr;
            strSql = "select * from AdminUser where classID>0 " + ifStr + " Order By LoginDate desc";

            lblCurrentPage.Text = new dbDataFunction().RepeaterDB(RepeaterList, strSql, "&keyWords=" + keyWordStr, 20, "page", "center", true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        xClass.NewsTypeData("ads", adWhere);

        string strSql = string.Empty;
        string ifStr  = string.Empty;

        if (!IsPostBack)
            Int64 aidTemp = xc.SafeNum(Request["aid"]);
            if (aidTemp > 0)
                string idNums = xClass.getClassAllID("ads", Convert.ToInt32(aidTemp));

                if (!idNums.Equals(aidTemp.ToString()))
                    string[] ids = idNums.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                    for (int i = 0; i <= ids.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                        ifStr += "classID=" + ids[i].ToString().Trim() + " or ";
                    ifStr = " and (" + ifStr.Substring(0, ifStr.Length - 3) + ")";
                    ifStr += " and classID=" + aidTemp.ToString().Trim();
                this.adWhere.Items.FindByValue(aidTemp.ToString()).Selected = true;

            strSql = "select * from ads where 1=1 " + ifStr + " order by stopDate DESC,aID desc";
            lblCurrentPage.Text = db.RepeaterDB(RepeaterList, strSql, "&aid=" + aidTemp, 5, "page", "center", true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string classNav = "找店铺_ZDianPU.com";

        if (!IsPostBack)
            DataTable dt;

            dt = db.getDataTable("select top 5 Tid,TreeName from NewsTree where taobaoKe<>'' order by newid() ");
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                ppRnd.Text += "<a href=\"/" + dt.Rows[i]["Tid"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"查看 " + dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "\" alt=\"查看 " + dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "\">" + dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "</a>";
                if (i < 4)
                    ppRnd.Text += "&nbsp;<span class=\"headLine\">|</span>&nbsp;";
            ad468.Text = ad.getAdCode(0, 468, 60, 1, 0, true, string.Empty);

            long cidTemp = xc.SafeNum(Request.QueryString["id"]);
            if (cidTemp < 1)
                string urlID = Page.RouteData.Values["cID"].ToString();
                urlID   = urlID.Replace(".htm", "");
                cidTemp = xc.SafeNum(urlID);
            listTop.Text = "<a href=\"" + cidTemp.ToString() + ".htm\" target=\"_top\">默认</a>";

            string ifStr     = string.Empty;
            string pageStr   = string.Empty;
            string searchStr = xc.SafeSql(Server.UrlDecode(Request["keyWord"]));
            string searchIf  = string.Empty;
            string orderBy   = " Order By isGood desc,volume DESC";
            long   sale      = xc.SafeNum(Request.QueryString["sale"]);
            if (sale > 0)
                listTop.Text += "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + cidTemp.ToString() + ".htm?sale=1\" style=\"color:#cb0201; font-weight:bold;\" target=\"_top\">销售</a>";
                orderBy       = " Order By volume DESC";
                pageStr      += "&sale=1";
                listTop.Text += "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + cidTemp.ToString() + ".htm?sale=1\" target=\"_top\">销售</a>";
            long price = xc.SafeNum(Request.QueryString["price"]);
            if (price > 0)
                listTop.Text += "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + cidTemp.ToString() + ".htm?price=1\" style=\"color:#cb0201; font-weight:bold;\" target=\"_top\">价格</a>";
                orderBy       = " Order By price ASC";
                pageStr      += "&price=1";
                listTop.Text += "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + cidTemp.ToString() + ".htm?price=1\" target=\"_top\">价格</a>";

            navClass.Text = xClass.getClass(cidTemp, "*.htm", "");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchStr as string))
                if (xc.SafeNum(searchStr) > 0)
                    searchIf = " and num_iid=" + searchStr;
                    searchIf = " and title like '%" + searchStr + "%'";

                searchWord.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(searchStr);
                pageStr         = "&keyWord=" + Server.UrlEncode(searchStr);

                classNav      = "搜索结果";
                navClass.Text = classNav;

            dt = db.getDataTable("select Tid,TreeID,treeNameTxt,idLayerStr from newsTree where Tid=" + cidTemp.ToString());
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string tID    = dt.Rows[0]["Tid"].ToString().Trim();
                string treeID = dt.Rows[0]["TreeID"].ToString().Trim();
                classNav = dt.Rows[0]["treeNameTxt"].ToString().Trim();

                string id = dt.Rows[0]["idLayerStr"].ToString().Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id as string))
                    string[] bigID = id.Split(new char[] { '|' });
                    id = bigID[1];
                    id = cidTemp.ToString();
                dt = db.getDataTable("select Tid,TreeName from NewsTree where TreeID=" + id + " order by ListID ASC,Tid ASC");
                for (int l = 0; l < dt.Rows.Count; l++)
                    string css     = string.Empty;
                    long   tidTree = xc.SafeNum(dt.Rows[l]["Tid"].ToString().Trim());
                    if (tidTree == cidTemp || classNav.IndexOf(dt.Rows[l]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "&nbsp;") > -1)
                        css = " style=\"color:#cb0201; font-weight:bold;\"";
                    navList.Text += "<a href=\"" + tidTree.ToString() + ".htm\" target=\"_top\" " + css + ">" + dt.Rows[l]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";

                ppClass.Text = "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"width:960px;\">";
                dt           = db.getDataTable("select Tid,TreeName from newsTree where taobaoKe<>'' and TreeID=" + treeID + " order by ListID ASC,Tid ASC");
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int p = 0; p < dt.Rows.Count; p++)
                        if ((p + 1) % 6 == 1)
                            ppClass.Text += "<tr>";
                        string css     = string.Empty;
                        long   tidTree = xc.SafeNum(dt.Rows[p]["Tid"].ToString().Trim());
                        if (tidTree == cidTemp)
                            css = " style=\"color:#cb0201; font-weight:bold;\"";
                        ppClass.Text += "<td style=\"height:22px; line-height:22px; text-align:left; width:160px;\"><a href=\"" + tidTree.ToString() + ".htm\" target=\"_top\" " + css + ">" + dt.Rows[p]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "</a></td>";
                        if ((p + 1) % 6 == 0)
                            ppClass.Text += "</tr>";
                    dt = db.getDataTable("select Tid,TreeName from newsTree where taobaoKe<>'' and idLayerStr like '%|" + tID + "|%' order by ListID ASC,Tid ASC");
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int p = 0; p < dt.Rows.Count; p++)
                            if ((p + 1) % 6 == 1)
                                ppClass.Text += "<tr>";
                            string css     = string.Empty;
                            long   tidTree = xc.SafeNum(dt.Rows[p]["Tid"].ToString().Trim());
                            if (tidTree == cidTemp)
                                css = " style=\"color:#cb0201; font-weight:bold;\"";
                            ppClass.Text += "<td style=\"height:22px; line-height:22px; text-align:left; width:160px;\"><a href=\"" + tidTree.ToString() + ".htm\" target=\"_top\" " + css + ">" + dt.Rows[p]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "</a></td>";
                            if ((p + 1) % 6 == 0)
                                ppClass.Text += "</tr>";
            ppClass.Text += "</table>";

            headMenu.Text = "<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"headBg1\"><a href=\"/\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">网站首页</a></td>";
            dt            = db.getDataTable("select Tid,TreeName from newsTree where TreeID=0 and TreeType='taobaoke' order by ListID ASC,Tid ASC");
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                string tid       = dt.Rows[i]["Tid"].ToString().Trim();
                string treeName  = dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim();
                string className = "headBg1";
                if (xc.SafeNum(tid) == cidTemp || classNav.IndexOf(treeName + "&nbsp;") > -1)
                    className = "headBg2";

                headMenu.Text += "<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"" + className + "\"><a href=\"/" + tid + ".htm\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">" + treeName + "</a></td>";
            headMenu.Text += "<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"headBg1\"><a href=\"/huabao/default.htm\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">图搜画报</a></td><td valign=\"middle\" class=\"headBg1\"><a href=\"/huabao/\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">画报淘宝</a></td>";

            if (cidTemp > 0)
                string cidStr = xClass.getClassAllID("taobaoke", cidTemp); //得到所有ID

                if (cidStr.IndexOf(",") > 0)
                    string[] ids = cidStr.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                    for (int i = 0; i <= ids.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                        ifStr += " select * from taobaoke where classID=" + ids[i].ToString().Trim() + searchIf + " union ";
                    ifStr = " select * from taobaoke where classID=" + cidTemp.ToString().Trim() + searchIf + " union ";
                ifStr = " select * from taobaoke where isBad=1 " + searchIf + " union ";

            ifStr = "(" + ifStr.Substring(0, ifStr.Length - 6) + ") as news";

            string strSql = "select top 3000 * from " + ifStr + orderBy;
            lblCurrentPage.Text = db.RepeaterDB(RepeaterList, strSql, pageStr, 30, "page", "right", true);
            string[] inputStr = lblCurrentPage.Text.Replace("<!-- input -->", "@").Split(new char[] { '@' });
            pageTop.Text = inputStr[0] + "</tr></table>";
            if (this.RepeaterList.Items.Count < 1)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchStr as string))
                    errInfo.Text   = "目前暂没有任何信息!";
                    errDiv.Visible = true;
                    string     appkey             = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "taobaoKeAppKey");
                    string     appsecret          = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "taobaoKeAppSecret");
                    string     url                = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "taobaoKeUrl");
                    string     alimamaID          = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "taobaoKeAlimamaID"); //淘宝客推广ID
                    ITopClient client             = new DefaultTopClient(url, appkey, appsecret);
                    TaobaokeListurlGetRequest req = new TaobaokeListurlGetRequest();
                    req.Q    = searchStr;
                    req.Nick = alimamaID;
                    TaobaokeListurlGetResponse response = client.Execute(req);

                    Response.Redirect(response.TaobaokeItem.KeywordClickUrl, true);
                errDiv.Visible = false;

            string   hot     = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "hotSearch");
            string[] hotWord = hot.Split(new char[] { ',' });
            for (int h = 0; h <= hotWord.GetUpperBound(0); h++)
                hotSearch.Text += "<a href=\"/search.htm?keyWord=" + Server.UrlEncode(hotWord[h]) + "\" target=\"_top\" title=\"搜索 " + hotWord[h] + "\">" + hotWord[h] + "</a>&nbsp;";

            xc.webMeta(this.Page, XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "KeyWord"), XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "metaStr"));

        this.Page.Title = classNav + " " + XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "webName") + XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "titleMeta");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (!IsPostBack)
            xClass.NewsTypeData("taobaoke", classID);

            string ifStr     = string.Empty;
            string pageStr   = string.Empty;
            string searchStr = Server.UrlDecode(Request["keyWord"]);
            string searchIf  = string.Empty;
            string orderBy   = " Order By id desc";
            long   sale      = xc.SafeNum(Request.QueryString["sale"]);
            if (sale > 0)
                orderBy  = " Order By volume DESC";
                pageStr += "&sale=1";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchStr as string))
                if (xc.SafeNum(searchStr) > 0)
                    searchIf = " and num_iid=" + searchStr;
                    searchIf = " and title like '%" + searchStr + "%'";

                searchWord.Text = searchStr;
                pageStr        += "&keyWord=" + searchStr;

            long isGood = xc.SafeNum(Request.QueryString["isGood"]);
            if (isGood > 0 || this.goodCheck.Checked)
                searchIf += " and isGood>0 ";

                pageStr += "&isGood=1";

                orderBy = " Order By volume DESC";

                this.goodCheck.Checked = true;

            long ifGood = xc.SafeNum(Request.QueryString["ifGood"]);
            if (ifGood > 0) //建议推荐商品
                searchIf += " and isGood<1 and commission>10 and volume>1 and classID>0 ";

                pageStr += "&ifGood=1";

                orderBy = " Order By volume DESC";
            if (ifGood < 0) //建议取消推荐商品或删除商品
                searchIf += " and volume<2 and isGood>0 ";

                pageStr += "&ifGood=-1";

                orderBy = " Order By commission ASC";

            long isBad = xc.SafeNum(Request.QueryString["isBad"]);
            if (isBad > 0)  //无效信息列表
                searchIf += " and isBad=0 ";

                pageStr += "&isBad=1";

            long cidTemp = xc.SafeNum(Request.QueryString["cid"]);
            if (cidTemp > 0)
                this.classID.Items.FindByValue(cidTemp.ToString()).Selected = true;
                pageStr += "&cid=" + cidTemp.ToString();

            if (cidTemp > 0)
                string cidStr = xClass.getClassAllID("taobaoke", cidTemp); //得到所有ID
                if (cidStr.IndexOf(",") > 0)
                    string[] ids = cidStr.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                    for (int i = 0; i <= ids.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                        ifStr += " select * from taobaoke where classID=" + ids[i].ToString().Trim() + searchIf + " union ";
                    ifStr = " select * from taobaoke where classID=" + cidTemp.ToString().Trim() + searchIf + " union ";
                ifStr = " select * from taobaoke where 1=1 " + searchIf + " union ";

            ifStr = "(" + ifStr.Substring(0, ifStr.Length - 6) + ") as news";

            string strSql = "select * from " + ifStr + orderBy;
            lblCurrentPage.Text = db.RepeaterDB(RepeaterList, strSql, pageStr, 30, "page", "center", true);
            if (this.RepeaterList.Items.Count < 1)
                errInfo.Text   = "目前暂没有任何信息!";
                errDiv.Visible = true;
                errDiv.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        XabaraCom xc = new XabaraCom();
        dbDataFunction db = new dbDataFunction();
        xabaraAD ad = new xabaraAD();
        XabaraClass xClass = new XabaraClass();
        webPublic wp = new webPublic();

        this.Page.Title = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "webName") + XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "titleMeta");

        if (!IsPostBack)
            DataTable dt;
            dt = db.getDataTable("select top 5 Tid,TreeName from NewsTree where taobaoKe<>'' order by newid() ");
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                ppRnd.Text += "<a href=\"/" + dt.Rows[i]["Tid"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"查看 " + dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "\" alt=\"查看 " + dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "\">" + dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "</a>";
                if (i < 4)
                    ppRnd.Text += "&nbsp;<span class=\"headLine\">|</span>&nbsp;";

            ad468.Text = ad.getAdCode(0, 468, 60, 1, 0, true, string.Empty);
            long adID = 116;

            vipCode.Text = "<div class=\"divWidth\"><a href=\"/278.htm\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"/ad/images/okitch_20120630.gif\" /></a></div><div class=\"height5px\"></div>";

            dt = db.getDataTable("select top 5 id,title,title_short,cover_pic_url_h,cover_pic_url_w from posterChannelTitle where flagID>0 and weight>10000 and modified_date>'" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7) + "' order by newid()");
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 4)
                HuaBaoLeft.Text = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"border-width:0px;\"><tr>";
                string txtLink = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    HuaBaoLeft.Text += "<td style=\"text-align:center; width:190px;\"><a href=\"/huabao/show/" + dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["cover_pic_url_h"].ToString().Trim() + "\" class=\"picHuaBaoH\" alt=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\" title=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["title_short"].ToString().Trim() + "\" id=\"imghbh\" /></a></td>";

                    txtLink += "<td style=\"text-align:center; height:28px; line-height:28px;\"><a href=\"/huabao/show/" + dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"huabao\">" + dt.Rows[i]["title_short"].ToString().Trim() + "</a></td>";
                HuaBaoLeft.Text += "</tr><tr>" + txtLink + "</tr></table>";

                HuaBaoRight.Text = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"border-width:0px;\"><tr>";
                txtLink = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 3; i < 5; i++)
                    HuaBaoRight.Text += "<td style=\"text-align:center; width:190px;\"><a href=\"/huabao/show/" + dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["cover_pic_url_w"].ToString().Trim() + "\" class=\"picHuaBaoW\" alt=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\" title=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["title_short"].ToString().Trim() + "\" id=\"imghbw\" /></a></td>";

                    txtLink += "<td style=\"text-align:center; height:32px; line-height:32px;\"><a href=\"/huabao/show/" + dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"huabao\">" + dt.Rows[i]["title_short"].ToString().Trim() + "</a></td>";
                HuaBaoRight.Text += "</tr><tr>" + txtLink + "</tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"padding-top:5px;\"><table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"border-width:0px;width:98%;\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left;\">" + ad.getAdCode(335, 0, 0, 3, 1, true, "") + "</td><td style=\"text-align:right;\">" + ad.getAdCode(334, 0, 0, 1, 0, true, "") + "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";
                huabao.Visible = false;

            headMenu.Text = "<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"headBg2\"><a href=\"/\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">网站首页</a></td>";
            dt = db.getDataTable("select Tid,TreeName from newsTree where TreeID=0 and TreeType='taobaoke' order by ListID ASC,Tid ASC");
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                string tid = dt.Rows[i]["Tid"].ToString().Trim();
                string treeName = dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim();

                adID += 1;
                string adCodeWidth = ad.getAdCode(adID, 0, 0, 1, 1, true, "");
                int shopNums = 12;   //每个版块读取商品数
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adCodeWidth as string))
                    adCodeWidth = "<div class=\"divWidth\">" + adCodeWidth + "</div>";
                string adCodeHeight = ad.getAdCode(adID + 8, 0, 0, 1, 1, true, "");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adCodeHeight as string))
                    DataTable ppDt = db.getDataTable("select top 22 Tid,TreeName from NewsTree where taobaoKe<>'' and idLayerStr like '%|" + tid + "|%' order by listID ASC,Tid ASC ");
                    if (ppDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        adCodeHeight = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"width:100%;\" align=\"center\" class=\"indexTable\">";
                        for (int p = 0; p < ppDt.Rows.Count; p++)
                            adCodeHeight += "<tr><td><a href=\"/" + ppDt.Rows[p]["Tid"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"查看 " + ppDt.Rows[p]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "\" alt=\"查看 " + ppDt.Rows[p]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "\" class=\"classID\">" + ppDt.Rows[p]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "</a></td></tr>";
                        adCodeHeight += "<tr><td style=\"text-align:right;\"><a href=\"/" + tid + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"更多 " + treeName + " 品牌\" alt=\"更多 " + treeName + " 品牌\" class=\"classID\">>> 更多品牌</a></td></tr></table>";
                    shopNums = 12;

                string shopHtm = string.Empty;
                string ifStr = string.Empty;
                string cidStr = xClass.getClassAllID("taobaoke", xc.SafeNum(tid)); //得到所有ID
                if (cidStr.IndexOf(",") > 0)
                    string[] ids = cidStr.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                    int iiCount = ids.GetUpperBound(0);
                    int readTop = 1;
                    if (shopNums > iiCount-5)
                        readTop = 2;

                    for (int ii = 0; ii <= iiCount; ii++)
                        ifStr += " select top " + readTop.ToString() + " num_iid,title,pic_url,click_url,commission,price,volume from taobaoke where isBad>0 and isGood>0 and classID=" + ids[ii].ToString().Trim() + " order by volume DESC union ";
                    ifStr = " select num_iid,title,pic_url,click_url,commission,price,volume from taobaoke where isBad>0 and isGood>0 and classID=" + tid + " union ";
                ifStr = "(" + ifStr.Substring(0, ifStr.Length - 6) + ") as news";

                string strSql = "select top " + shopNums.ToString() + " * from " + ifStr + " Order By newid()";
                DataTable dtShop = db.getDataTable(strSql);
                shopHtm = string.Empty;
                for (int s = 0; s < dtShop.Rows.Count; s++)
                    shopHtm += "<td valign=\"top\" style=\"border-style: none solid solid none; border-width: 1px; border-color: #323232; text-align:center; width:200px;\"><a class=\"moneyLink\" href=\"/show/" + dtShop.Rows[s]["num_iid"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" alt=\"" + dtShop.Rows[s]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\" title=\"" + dtShop.Rows[s]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\"><div style=\"position:absolute;\"><ul><li style=\"height:168px;\"></li><li class=\"moneyFont\" style=\"background-color:#323232; filter:Alpha(opacity=30);opacity:0.3; text-align:right; padding:5px; width:190px; color:#b8b8b8;\">" + xc.getMoney(dtShop.Rows[s]["price"].ToString().Trim()) + "</li></ul></div><img id=\"imgshow\" src=\"" + dtShop.Rows[s]["pic_url"].ToString().Trim() + "_310x310.jpg\" style=\"height:200px; width:200px;\" alt=\"" + dtShop.Rows[s]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\" title=\"" + dtShop.Rows[s]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\" /></a></td>";

                    if (s == 3 || s == 7)
                        shopHtm += "</tr><tr>";

                headMenu.Text += "<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"headBg1\"><a href=\"/" + tid + ".htm\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">" + treeName + "</a></td>";
                string class2 = "<span class=\"headLine\">|</span>&nbsp;";
                DataTable dtClass = db.getDataTable("select Tid,TreeName from newsTree where TreeID=" + tid + " and TreeType='taobaoke' order by ListID ASC,Tid ASC");
                for (int c = 0; c < dtClass.Rows.Count; c++)
                    string classID = dtClass.Rows[c]["Tid"].ToString().Trim();
                    string className = dtClass.Rows[c]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim();
                    class2 += "<a href=\"/" + dtClass.Rows[c]["Tid"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"查看 " + className + "\" alt=\"查看 " + className + "\">" + className + "</a>&nbsp;<span class=\"headLine\">|</span>&nbsp;";

                shopList.Text += adCodeWidth;
                shopList.Text += "<div class=\"height5px\"></div>";
                shopList.Text += "<div class=\"divWidth\"><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"border-width:0px; border-collapse:collapse; height:26px; width:100%;\"><tr><td style=\"width:125px; text-align:left;\"><img src=\"images/class" + tid + ".gif\" alt=\"" + treeName + "\" title=\"" + treeName + "\" /></td><td style=\"text-align:right; vertical-align:bottom; width:807px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;\">" + class2 + "</td><td style=\"text-align:right; vertical-align:bottom; width:38px;\"><a href=\"/" + tid + ".htm\" target=\"_top\"><img src=\"images/more.gif\" alt=\"更多 " + treeName + "\" title=\"更多 " + treeName + "\" /></a></td></tr></table></div>";
                shopList.Text += "<div class=\"divWidth\" style=\"height:2px; background-color:Black; font-size:0px;\"></div>";
                shopList.Text += "<div class=\"divWidth\"><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\" style=\"background-color:#323232; width:166px; text-align:center;\" rowspan=\"3\">" + adCodeHeight + "</td>" + shopHtm + "</tr></table></div>";
            headMenu.Text += "<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"headBg1\"><a href=\"/huabao/default.htm\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">图搜画报</a></td><td valign=\"middle\" class=\"headBg1\"><a href=\"/huabao/\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">画报淘宝</a></td>";

            string hot = XmlReader.GetConfig(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "hotSearch");
            string[] hotWord = hot.Split(new char[] { ',' });
            for (int h = 0; h <= hotWord.GetUpperBound(0); h++)
                hotSearch.Text += "<a href=\"/search.htm?keyWord=" + Server.UrlEncode(hotWord[h]) + "\" target=\"_top\" title=\"搜索 " + hotWord[h] + "\">" + hotWord[h] + "</a>&nbsp;";

            this.Page.MetaKeywords = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "KeyWord");
            this.Page.MetaDescription = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "metaStr");
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        XabaraCom      xc     = new XabaraCom();
        dbDataFunction db     = new dbDataFunction();
        xabaraAD       ad     = new xabaraAD();
        XabaraClass    xClass = new XabaraClass();
        webPublic      wp     = new webPublic();

        this.Page.Title = XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "webName") + XmlReader.GetConfig(Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "titleMeta");

        if (!IsPostBack)
            DataTable dt;
            dt = db.getDataTable("select top 5 Tid,TreeName from NewsTree where taobaoKe<>'' order by newid() ");
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                ppRnd.Text += "<a href=\"/" + dt.Rows[i]["Tid"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"查看 " + dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "\" alt=\"查看 " + dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "\">" + dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "</a>";
                if (i < 4)
                    ppRnd.Text += "&nbsp;<span class=\"headLine\">|</span>&nbsp;";

            ad468.Text = ad.getAdCode(0, 468, 60, 1, 0, true, string.Empty);
            long adID = 116;

            vipCode.Text = "<div class=\"divWidth\"><a href=\"/278.htm\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"/ad/images/okitch_20120630.gif\" /></a></div><div class=\"height5px\"></div>";

            dt = db.getDataTable("select top 5 id,title,title_short,cover_pic_url_h,cover_pic_url_w from posterChannelTitle where flagID>0 and weight>10000 and modified_date>'" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7) + "' order by newid()");
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 4)
                HuaBaoLeft.Text = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"border-width:0px;\"><tr>";
                string txtLink = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    HuaBaoLeft.Text += "<td style=\"text-align:center; width:190px;\"><a href=\"/huabao/show/" + dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["cover_pic_url_h"].ToString().Trim() + "\" class=\"picHuaBaoH\" alt=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\" title=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["title_short"].ToString().Trim() + "\" id=\"imghbh\" /></a></td>";

                    txtLink += "<td style=\"text-align:center; height:28px; line-height:28px;\"><a href=\"/huabao/show/" + dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"huabao\">" + dt.Rows[i]["title_short"].ToString().Trim() + "</a></td>";
                HuaBaoLeft.Text += "</tr><tr>" + txtLink + "</tr></table>";

                HuaBaoRight.Text = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"border-width:0px;\"><tr>";
                txtLink          = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 3; i < 5; i++)
                    HuaBaoRight.Text += "<td style=\"text-align:center; width:190px;\"><a href=\"/huabao/show/" + dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["cover_pic_url_w"].ToString().Trim() + "\" class=\"picHuaBaoW\" alt=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\" title=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["title_short"].ToString().Trim() + "\" id=\"imghbw\" /></a></td>";

                    txtLink += "<td style=\"text-align:center; height:32px; line-height:32px;\"><a href=\"/huabao/show/" + dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"huabao\">" + dt.Rows[i]["title_short"].ToString().Trim() + "</a></td>";
                HuaBaoRight.Text += "</tr><tr>" + txtLink + "</tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"padding-top:5px;\"><table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"border-width:0px;width:98%;\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left;\">" + ad.getAdCode(335, 0, 0, 3, 1, true, "") + "</td><td style=\"text-align:right;\">" + ad.getAdCode(334, 0, 0, 1, 0, true, "") + "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";
                huabao.Visible = false;

            headMenu.Text = "<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"headBg2\"><a href=\"/\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">网站首页</a></td>";
            dt            = db.getDataTable("select Tid,TreeName from newsTree where TreeID=0 and TreeType='taobaoke' order by ListID ASC,Tid ASC");
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                string tid      = dt.Rows[i]["Tid"].ToString().Trim();
                string treeName = dt.Rows[i]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim();

                adID += 1;
                string adCodeWidth = ad.getAdCode(adID, 0, 0, 1, 1, true, "");
                int    shopNums    = 12; //每个版块读取商品数
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adCodeWidth as string))
                    adCodeWidth = "<div class=\"divWidth\">" + adCodeWidth + "</div>";
                string adCodeHeight = ad.getAdCode(adID + 8, 0, 0, 1, 1, true, "");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adCodeHeight as string))
                    DataTable ppDt = db.getDataTable("select top 22 Tid,TreeName from NewsTree where taobaoKe<>'' and idLayerStr like '%|" + tid + "|%' order by listID ASC,Tid ASC ");
                    if (ppDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        adCodeHeight = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"width:100%;\" align=\"center\" class=\"indexTable\">";
                        for (int p = 0; p < ppDt.Rows.Count; p++)
                            adCodeHeight += "<tr><td><a href=\"/" + ppDt.Rows[p]["Tid"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"查看 " + ppDt.Rows[p]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "\" alt=\"查看 " + ppDt.Rows[p]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "\" class=\"classID\">" + ppDt.Rows[p]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim() + "</a></td></tr>";
                        adCodeHeight += "<tr><td style=\"text-align:right;\"><a href=\"/" + tid + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"更多 " + treeName + " 品牌\" alt=\"更多 " + treeName + " 品牌\" class=\"classID\">>> 更多品牌</a></td></tr></table>";
                    shopNums = 12;

                string shopHtm = string.Empty;
                string ifStr   = string.Empty;
                string cidStr  = xClass.getClassAllID("taobaoke", xc.SafeNum(tid)); //得到所有ID
                if (cidStr.IndexOf(",") > 0)
                    string[] ids     = cidStr.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                    int      iiCount = ids.GetUpperBound(0);
                    int      readTop = 1;
                    if (shopNums > iiCount - 5)
                        readTop = 2;

                    for (int ii = 0; ii <= iiCount; ii++)
                        ifStr += " select top " + readTop.ToString() + " num_iid,title,pic_url,click_url,commission,price,volume from taobaoke where isBad>0 and isGood>0 and classID=" + ids[ii].ToString().Trim() + " order by volume DESC union ";
                    ifStr = " select num_iid,title,pic_url,click_url,commission,price,volume from taobaoke where isBad>0 and isGood>0 and classID=" + tid + " union ";
                ifStr = "(" + ifStr.Substring(0, ifStr.Length - 6) + ") as news";

                string    strSql = "select top " + shopNums.ToString() + " * from " + ifStr + " Order By newid()";
                DataTable dtShop = db.getDataTable(strSql);
                shopHtm = string.Empty;
                for (int s = 0; s < dtShop.Rows.Count; s++)
                    shopHtm += "<td valign=\"top\" style=\"border-style: none solid solid none; border-width: 1px; border-color: #323232; text-align:center; width:200px;\"><a class=\"moneyLink\" href=\"/show/" + dtShop.Rows[s]["num_iid"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" alt=\"" + dtShop.Rows[s]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\" title=\"" + dtShop.Rows[s]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\"><div style=\"position:absolute;\"><ul><li style=\"height:168px;\"></li><li class=\"moneyFont\" style=\"background-color:#323232; filter:Alpha(opacity=30);opacity:0.3; text-align:right; padding:5px; width:190px; color:#b8b8b8;\">" + xc.getMoney(dtShop.Rows[s]["price"].ToString().Trim()) + "</li></ul></div><img id=\"imgshow\" src=\"" + dtShop.Rows[s]["pic_url"].ToString().Trim() + "_310x310.jpg\" style=\"height:200px; width:200px;\" alt=\"" + dtShop.Rows[s]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\" title=\"" + dtShop.Rows[s]["title"].ToString().Trim() + "\" /></a></td>";

                    if (s == 3 || s == 7)
                        shopHtm += "</tr><tr>";

                headMenu.Text += "<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"headBg1\"><a href=\"/" + tid + ".htm\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">" + treeName + "</a></td>";
                string    class2  = "<span class=\"headLine\">|</span>&nbsp;";
                DataTable dtClass = db.getDataTable("select Tid,TreeName from newsTree where TreeID=" + tid + " and TreeType='taobaoke' order by ListID ASC,Tid ASC");
                for (int c = 0; c < dtClass.Rows.Count; c++)
                    string classID   = dtClass.Rows[c]["Tid"].ToString().Trim();
                    string className = dtClass.Rows[c]["TreeName"].ToString().Trim();
                    class2 += "<a href=\"/" + dtClass.Rows[c]["Tid"].ToString().Trim() + ".htm\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"查看 " + className + "\" alt=\"查看 " + className + "\">" + className + "</a>&nbsp;<span class=\"headLine\">|</span>&nbsp;";

                shopList.Text += adCodeWidth;
                shopList.Text += "<div class=\"height5px\"></div>";
                shopList.Text += "<div class=\"divWidth\"><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"border-width:0px; border-collapse:collapse; height:26px; width:100%;\"><tr><td style=\"width:125px; text-align:left;\"><img src=\"images/class" + tid + ".gif\" alt=\"" + treeName + "\" title=\"" + treeName + "\" /></td><td style=\"text-align:right; vertical-align:bottom; width:807px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;\">" + class2 + "</td><td style=\"text-align:right; vertical-align:bottom; width:38px;\"><a href=\"/" + tid + ".htm\" target=\"_top\"><img src=\"images/more.gif\" alt=\"更多 " + treeName + "\" title=\"更多 " + treeName + "\" /></a></td></tr></table></div>";
                shopList.Text += "<div class=\"divWidth\" style=\"height:2px; background-color:Black; font-size:0px;\"></div>";
                shopList.Text += "<div class=\"divWidth\"><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\" style=\"background-color:#323232; width:166px; text-align:center;\" rowspan=\"3\">" + adCodeHeight + "</td>" + shopHtm + "</tr></table></div>";
            headMenu.Text += "<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"headBg1\"><a href=\"/huabao/default.htm\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">图搜画报</a></td><td valign=\"middle\" class=\"headBg1\"><a href=\"/huabao/\" target=\"_top\" class=\"head\">画报淘宝</a></td>";

            string   hot     = XmlReader.GetConfig(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/xabara.config"), "hotSearch");
            string[] hotWord = hot.Split(new char[] { ',' });
            for (int h = 0; h <= hotWord.GetUpperBound(0); h++)
                hotSearch.Text += "<a href=\"/search.htm?keyWord=" + Server.UrlEncode(hotWord[h]) + "\" target=\"_top\" title=\"搜索 " + hotWord[h] + "\">" + hotWord[h] + "</a>&nbsp;";

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