Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void GetClassTypes()
            string ids = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("strID");
            string Mode = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("Mode").Trim();

            string moduleName = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("module");
            string customParams = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("Params");
            string str = "";
            List<XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo> classlist = null;
            if ("" == Mode)//获取列表
                Int64 tmpID = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt64(ids);
                if (customParams != "")
                    classlist = XYECOM.Business.XYClass.GetSubItems(moduleName, tmpID, customParams);
                    classlist = XYECOM.Business.XYClass.GetSubItems(moduleName, tmpID);

                if (null != classlist)
                    foreach (XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo info in classlist)
                        str += "<Item><ID>" + info.ClassId.ToString() + "</ID><Name>" + Core.Utils.JSEscape(info.ClassName) + "</Name><HasSub>" + info.HasSub.ToString().ToLower() + "</HasSub></Item>";
            else if ("GetInfo" == Mode && "" != ids)//获取单条记录
                Int64 tmpID = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt64(ids);
                XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo info = new XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo();

                classlist = XYECOM.Business.XYClass.GetParentClassInfos(moduleName, tmpID);

                if (null != classlist)
                    string fullids = "", fullNames = "";
                    bool tmpok = true;
                    foreach (XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo sinfo in classlist)
                        if (tmpok)
                            info = sinfo;
                            tmpok = false;
                            if ("" != fullids) fullids = "," + fullids;
                            if ("" != fullNames) fullNames = "," + fullNames;
                            fullids = sinfo.ClassId + fullids;
                            fullNames = sinfo.ClassName + fullNames;
                    str += "<ParentID>" + info.ParentId + "</ParentID><Name>" + Core.Utils.JSEscape(info.ClassName) + "</Name><HasSub>" + info.HasSub.ToString().ToLower() + "</HasSub><FullID>" + Core.Utils.JSEscape(fullids) + "</FullID><FullName>" + Core.Utils.JSEscape(fullNames) + "</FullName>";
            else if ("GetInfos" == Mode && "" != ids)//获取多条记录
                classlist = XYECOM.Business.XYClass.GetSubItems(moduleName, ids);

                if (null != classlist)
                    foreach (XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo info in classlist)
                        str += "<Item><ID>" + info.ClassId.ToString() + "</ID><Name>" + Core.Utils.JSEscape(info.ClassName) + "</Name><HasSub>" + info.HasSub.ToString().ToLower() + "</HasSub></Item>";

            if ("" != str)
                ResponseXML(Result.Success, "", str);
                ResponseXML(Result.Failed, "暂无数据!");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// ��������Ϣ����
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="parentID"></param>
        /// <param name="moduleName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<Model.XYClassInfo> GetItems(Model.XYClassTableInfo tableInfo, long parentID, string moduleName)
            string cmdText = "Select " + tableInfo.IdFieldName + "," + tableInfo.NameFieldName + ","
                            + "(select count(" + tableInfo.IdFieldName + ") from " + tableInfo.TableName + " t2 where t2." + tableInfo.ParentIdFieldName + " = t1." + tableInfo.IdFieldName + ") as subids"
                            + " From " + tableInfo.TableName + " t1 "
                            + " Where " + tableInfo.ParentIdFieldName + " = " + parentID
                            + " and " + tableInfo.ModuleFieldName + "='" + moduleName + "'" + " order by orderid";

            List<Model.XYClassInfo> infos = new List<XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo>();

            using (SqlDataReader reader = Core.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(cmdText))
                while (reader.Read())
                    Model.XYClassInfo info = new XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo();

                    info.ClassId = Convert.ToInt64(reader[0]);
                    info.ClassName = reader.GetString(1);
                    info.HasSub = Convert.ToInt64(reader[2]) > 0;


            return infos;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// ��ȡ������Ϣ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableInfo">�������Ϣ</param>
        /// <param name="Id">����Id</param>
        /// <param name="moduleName">ģ������</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Model.XYClassInfo GetItem(Model.XYClassTableInfo tableInfo, long Id, string moduleName)
            string cmdText = "Select " + tableInfo.IdFieldName + "," + tableInfo.NameFieldName + "," + tableInfo.ParentIdFieldName + ", "
                    + "(select count(" + tableInfo.IdFieldName + ") from " + tableInfo.TableName + " t2 where t2." + tableInfo.ParentIdFieldName + " = t1." + tableInfo.IdFieldName + ") as subids"
                    + " From " + tableInfo.TableName + " t1 "
                    + " Where " + tableInfo.IdFieldName + " = " + Id
                    + " and " + tableInfo.ModuleFieldName + "='" + moduleName + "'" + " order by orderid";

            Model.XYClassInfo info = null;

            using (SqlDataReader reader = Core.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(cmdText))
                if (reader.Read())
                    info = new XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo();

                    info.ClassId = Id;
                    info.ClassName = reader.GetString(1);
                    info.ParentId = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt64(reader[2].ToString());
                    info.HasSub = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt32(reader[3].ToString()) > 0;

            return info;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// ��ȡ������Ϣ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableInfo">�������Ϣ</param>
        /// <param name="className">��������</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Model.XYClassInfo GetItem(Model.XYClassTableInfo tableInfo, string className)
            string cmdText = "Select " + tableInfo.IdFieldName + "," + tableInfo.NameFieldName + "," + tableInfo.ParentIdFieldName + " "
                    + " From " + tableInfo.TableName
                    + " Where " + tableInfo.NameFieldName + " = '" + className + "'" + " order by orderid";

            Model.XYClassInfo info = null;

            using (SqlDataReader reader = Core.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(cmdText))
                if (reader.Read())
                    info = new XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo();

                    info.ClassId = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt64(reader[0].ToString());
                    info.ClassName = reader.GetString(1);
                    info.ParentId = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt64(reader[2].ToString());

            return info;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// �Զ��������ȡ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="parentID"></param>
        /// <param name="customParams"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<Model.XYClassInfo> GetCustomParamsItems(Model.XYClassTableInfo tableInfo, long parentID, string customParams)
            string strparams = GetParamsSql(tableInfo.TableName, customParams);

            string cmdText = "Select " + tableInfo.IdFieldName + "," + tableInfo.NameFieldName + ","
                            + "(select count(" + tableInfo.IdFieldName + ") from " + tableInfo.TableName + " t2 where t2." + tableInfo.ParentIdFieldName + " = t1." + tableInfo.IdFieldName + ") as subids"
                            + " From " + tableInfo.TableName + " t1 "
                            + " Where (" + (parentID == 0 ? (tableInfo.ParentIdFieldName + " is null" + " or " + tableInfo.ParentIdFieldName + "=0 ") : (tableInfo.ParentIdFieldName + " = " + parentID)) + ")" + strparams + " order by orderid";

            List<Model.XYClassInfo> infos = new List<XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo>();

            using (SqlDataReader reader = Core.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(cmdText))
                while (reader.Read())
                    Model.XYClassInfo info = new XYECOM.Model.XYClassInfo();

                    info.ClassId = Convert.ToInt64(reader[0]);
                    info.ClassName = reader.GetString(1);
                    info.HasSub = Core.MyConvert.GetInt32(reader[2].ToString()) > 0;

            return infos;