Ejemplo n.º 1
        private string CleanUriForEmail(XUri uri)
            uri = uri.AsPublicUri();
            string schemehostport    = uri.SchemeHostPort;
            string pathQueryFragment = uri.PathQueryFragment;

            return(schemehostport + pathQueryFragment.Replace(":", "%3A"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void XmlAsUriWithDreamContext()
            DreamHostInfo   hostInfo = DreamTestHelper.CreateRandomPortHost();
            MockServiceInfo mock     = MockService.CreateMockService(hostInfo);

            mock.Service.CatchAllCallback = delegate(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response) {
                XUri uri = mock.AtLocalMachine.Uri;
                XDoc doc = new XDoc("test").Elem("uri", uri);
                Assert.AreEqual(uri.AsPublicUri().ToString(), doc["uri"].AsText);
                Assert.AreEqual(uri, doc["uri"].AsUri);
            DreamMessage result = mock.AtLocalMachine.PostAsync().Wait();

            Assert.IsTrue(result.IsSuccessful, "failure in service");
            Assert.AreEqual(mock.AtLocalHost.Uri.WithoutQuery(), result.ToDocument()["uri"].AsUri);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //--- Methods ---
        public void Append(XDoc manifestDoc)
            XUri apiUri = DekiContext.Current.ApiUri;

            _log.DebugFormat("building import plan against api uri: {0}", apiUri.AsPublicUri());
            bool preserveExistingLocalChanges = manifestDoc["@preserve-local"].AsBool ?? false;
            var  security = manifestDoc["security"];

            foreach (XDoc importXml in manifestDoc.Elements)
                try {
                    if (importXml.HasName("page"))
                        if (importXml["path"].IsEmpty)
                            throw new PageIdInvalidArgumentException();

                        // Generate the request needed to import the page
                        Title title = Title.FromRelativePath(_relToTitle, importXml["path"].Contents);
                        XUri  uri   = apiUri.At("pages", title.AsApiParam(), "contents").With("reltopath", _relToTitle.AsPrefixedDbPath());
                        _uris[uri] = null;
                        uri        = uri.With("language", importXml["language"].AsText)
                                     .With("title", importXml["title"].AsText)
                                     .With("edittime", DateTime.MaxValue.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))
                                     .With("redirects", "0");
                        var importEtag         = importXml["etag"].AsText;
                        var importDateModified = (importXml["date.modified"].AsDate ?? DateTime.MinValue).ToSafeUniversalTime();
                        if (importDateModified != DateTime.MinValue)
                            uri = uri.With("importtime", importDateModified.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"));

                        // unless we're forcing overwrite...
                        if (!_forceoverwrite)
                            // ...check for existing page
                            var page = PageBL.GetPageByTitle(title);
                            if (page != null && page.ID != 0 && !page.IsRedirect)
                                // check for previous import
                                var lastImport = PropertyBL.Instance.GetPageProperty((uint)page.ID, LAST_IMPORT);
                                if (lastImport != null)
                                    try {
                                        var content                    = lastImport.Content;
                                        var previousImportXml          = XDocFactory.From(content.ToStream(), content.MimeType);
                                        var previousImportEtag         = previousImportXml["etag"].AsText;
                                        var previousImportDateModified = (previousImportXml["date.modified"].AsDate ?? DateTime.MinValue).ToSafeUniversalTime();
                                        if (preserveExistingLocalChanges)           // if we are supposed to preserve local changes
                                            if (importEtag == previousImportEtag || // and page either hasn't changed
                                                previousImportEtag != page.Etag     // or is locally modified
                                                )                                   // then skip importing the page
                                                _log.DebugFormat("skipping previously imported page '{0}', because page either hasn't changed or is locally modified", title);
                                        else if (previousImportDateModified > importDateModified)
                                            // if the previous import is newer, skip import
                                            _log.DebugFormat("skipping previously imported page '{0}', because previous import is newer", title);
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                        // if there was a parsing problem, skip import as a precaution
                                        _log.Warn(string.Format("a parsing problem occured with the import info property and import of page {0} is being skipped", page.ID), e);
                                else if (preserveExistingLocalChanges)
                                    // there was no previous import property, so the local content is by definition locally changed, ignore import
                                    _log.DebugFormat("skipping page '{0}', because of local content and preserve-local package preference", title);
                        AddRequest("POST", uri, importXml["@dataid"].AsText, MimeType.XML.ToString());

                        // if we have security xml for the import, create a request command for it
                        if (!security.IsEmpty)
                            AddBodyRequest("POST", apiUri.At("pages", title.AsApiParam(), "security"), security, MimeType.XML.ToString());
                    else if (importXml.HasName("tags"))
                        // Ensure that the tags have a corresponding import page
                        Title title   = Title.FromRelativePath(_relToTitle, importXml["path"].Contents);
                        XUri  pageUri = apiUri.At("pages", title.AsApiParam(), "contents").With("reltopath", _relToTitle.AsPrefixedDbPath());
                        if (!_uris.ContainsKey(pageUri))
                            PageBE page = PageBL.GetPageByTitle(title);
                            if ((null == page) && (0 >= page.ID))
                                throw new PageIdInvalidArgumentException();
                                _uris[pageUri] = null;

                        // Generate the request to import the tags
                        XUri tagsUri = apiUri.At("pages", title.AsApiParam(), "tags");
                        _uris[tagsUri] = null;
                        tagsUri        = tagsUri.With("redirects", "0");
                        AddRequest("PUT", tagsUri, importXml["@dataid"].AsText, MimeType.XML.ToString());
                    else if (importXml.HasName("file"))
                        if (importXml["filename"].IsEmpty)
                            throw new AttachmentMissingFilenameInvalidArgumentException();

                        // Ensure that the file has a corresponding import page or that the page already exists in the wiki
                        Title title   = Title.FromRelativePath(_relToTitle, importXml["path"].Contents);
                        XUri  pageUri = apiUri.At("pages", title.AsApiParam(), "contents").With("reltopath", _relToTitle.AsPrefixedDbPath());
                        if (!_uris.ContainsKey(pageUri))
                            PageBE page = PageBL.GetPageByTitle(title);
                            if ((null == page) && (0 >= page.ID))
                                throw new PageIdInvalidArgumentException();
                            _uris[pageUri] = null;

                        // Generate the request to import the file
                        XUri fileUri = apiUri.At("pages", title.AsApiParam(), "files", Title.AsApiParam(importXml["filename"].Contents));
                        _uris[fileUri] = null;
                        fileUri        = fileUri.With("redirects", "0");
                        AddRequest("PUT", fileUri, importXml["@dataid"].AsText, importXml["contents/@type"].AsText);
                    else if (importXml.HasName("property"))
                        if (importXml["name"].IsEmpty)
                            throw new SiteImportUndefinedNameInvalidArgumentException("name");

                        // Ensure that that the property has a corresponding import page/file
                        Title title = Title.FromRelativePath(_relToTitle, importXml["path"].Contents);
                        XUri  uri   = apiUri.At("pages", title.AsApiParam());
                        if (importXml["filename"].IsEmpty)
                            if (!_uris.ContainsKey(uri.At("contents").With("reltopath", _relToTitle.AsPrefixedDbPath())))
                                throw new PageIdInvalidArgumentException();
                            uri = uri.At("files", Title.AsApiParam(importXml["filename"].AsText));
                            if (!_uris.ContainsKey(uri))
                                throw new AttachmentFilenameInvalidArgumentException();

                        // Generate the request to import the property
                        uri        = uri.At("properties", Title.AsApiParam(importXml["name"].Contents).Substring(1));
                        _uris[uri] = null;
                        uri        = uri.With("abort", "never")
                                     .With("redirects", "0");
                        AddRequest("PUT", uri, importXml["@dataid"].AsText, importXml["contents/@type"].AsText);
                        throw new DreamResponseException(DreamMessage.NotImplemented(importXml.Name));
                } catch (ResourcedMindTouchException e) {
                    ErrorImport(e.Message, (int)e.Status, importXml);
                } catch (DreamAbortException e) {
                    ErrorImport(e.Message, (int)e.Response.Status, importXml);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    ErrorImport(e.Message, (int)DreamStatus.InternalError, importXml);