Ejemplo n.º 1
        public string ExciseRpt(List <ExciseFreeApply> data)
            string templateFilePath = Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/ExcelTemplate"), "ExciseFreeApplyTemplate.xlsx");

            // Open Template
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(templateFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            // Load the template into a NPOI workbook
            XSSFWorkbook templateWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fs);

            // Load the sheet you are going to use as a template into NPOI
            XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet)templateWorkbook.GetSheetAt(0);

            // 建立新頁籤並命名Rpt1

            XSSFSheet sheet2 = (XSSFSheet)templateWorkbook.GetSheetAt(1);

            int[] ColWidthSetArr = new int[] { 1, 13, 32, 4, 7,
                                               9, 10, 1, 11, 1 };
            SetSheetColumnWidth(ref sheet2, ColWidthSetArr);

            sheet2.FitToPage            = true;
            sheet2.PrintSetup.FitWidth  = 1;
            sheet2.PrintSetup.FitHeight = 0;

            sheet2.PrintSetup.PaperSize = 9;

            int originalSheetLastRow = sheet.LastRowNum;
            int headerRowLen         = 7;
            int templateBodyRow      = 7;
            int footerRowStart       = 14;
            int footerRowLen         = originalSheetLastRow - footerRowStart;
            int newSheetRowLen  = headerRowLen + data.Count + (sheet.LastRowNum - footerRowStart);
            int newSheetPageNum = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(newSheetRowLen / 44.0));

            var tempdata = new ExciseFreeApply();

            tempdata.ID      = data.Count == 0 ? "" : data[0].ID;
            tempdata.Name    = data.Count == 0 ? "" : data[0].Name;
            tempdata.Address = data.Count == 0 ? "" : data[0].Address;

            ReplaceRowCellValue(ref sheet, 5, 1, "#0", tempdata.ID);
            ReplaceRowCellValue(ref sheet, 17, 4, "#1", tempdata.Name);
            ReplaceRowCellValue(ref sheet, 18, 4, "#2", tempdata.Address);

            for (var i = 0; i < headerRowLen; i++)
                CopySheetRow(ref sheet, ref sheet2, i, i, false, false, true, false);
            int sheet2Last = sheet2.LastRowNum + 1;

            for (var i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow, 1, data[i].ProdTaxNumber);
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow, 2, data[i].ProdEngName + data[i].ProdChName);
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow, 3, data[i].TaxUnits);
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow, 4, (double)data[i].Qty);
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow, 5, ToSimpleTaiwanDate(data[i].ProcessDate));
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow, 6, data[i].SheetNumber);
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow, 7, data[i].Mode);
                    CopySheetRow(ref sheet, ref sheet2, templateBodyRow, sheet2Last + i, false, false, true, true);
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow + 1, 1, data[i].ProdTaxNumber);
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow + 1, 2, data[i].ProdEngName + data[i].ProdChName);
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow + 1, 3, data[i].TaxUnits);
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow + 1, 4, (double)data[i].Qty);
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow + 1, 5, ToSimpleTaiwanDate(data[i].ProcessDate));
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow + 1, 6, data[i].SheetNumber);
                    SetRowCellValue(ref sheet, templateBodyRow + 1, 7, data[i].Mode);
                    CopySheetRow(ref sheet, ref sheet2, templateBodyRow + 1, sheet2Last + i, false, false, false, false);
            sheet2.CreateRow(sheet2.LastRowNum + 1);
            sheet2.CopyRow(sheet2.LastRowNum - 1, sheet2.LastRowNum + 1);

            sheet2Last = sheet2.LastRowNum + 1;
            for (var i = 0; i < footerRowLen; i++)
                CopySheetRow(ref sheet, ref sheet2, footerRowStart + i, sheet2Last + i, false, false, true, false);


            if (data.Count > 0)
                RemoveMergeCells(ref sheet2, headerRowLen);
                sheet2.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(headerRowLen, sheet2.LastRowNum - footerRowLen, 8, 8));

            string filePath = @"C:\temp\excel";

            if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))

            string newFileName = "export.xlsx";
            //檔案路徑 + 新完整檔名
            string fullFilePath = Path.Combine(filePath, newFileName);

            FileStream file = new FileStream(fullFilePath, FileMode.Create);//產生檔案
