Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void LineTo(XPoint point, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true)
            var segment = XLineSegment.Create(

            _currentFigure.Segments = _currentFigure.Segments.Add(segment);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ToString_Should_Return_Path_Markup()
            var target = new XLineSegment()
                Point = new XPoint()

            var actual = target.ToString();

            Assert.Equal("L0,0", actual);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void GetPoints_Should_Return_All_Segment_Points()
            var segment = new XLineSegment()
                Point = new XPoint()

            var target = segment.GetPoints();

            Assert.Equal(1, target.Count());

            Assert.Contains(segment.Point, target);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes static designer context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="renderer">The design time renderer instance.</param>
        /// <param name="clipboard">The design time clipboard instance.</param>
        /// <param name="jsonSerializer">The design time Json serializer instance.</param>
        /// <param name="xamlSerializer">The design time Xaml serializer instance.</param>
        /// <returns>The new instance of the <see cref="DesignerContext"/> class.</returns>
        public static void InitializeContext(ShapeRenderer renderer, ITextClipboard clipboard, ITextSerializer jsonSerializer, ITextSerializer xamlSerializer)
            // Editor

            Editor = new ProjectEditor()
                CurrentTool     = Tool.Selection,
                CurrentPathTool = PathTool.Line,
                CommandManager  = new DesignerCommandManager(),
                Renderers       = new ShapeRenderer[] { renderer },
                ProjectFactory  = new ProjectFactory(),
                TextClipboard   = clipboard,
                JsonSerializer  = jsonSerializer,
                XamlSerializer  = xamlSerializer

            // Recent Projects
            Editor.RecentProjects = Editor.RecentProjects.Add(RecentFile.Create("Test1", "Test1.project"));
            Editor.RecentProjects = Editor.RecentProjects.Add(RecentFile.Create("Test2", "Test2.project"));

            // Commands


            // New Project


            // Data

            var db      = XDatabase.Create("Db");
            var fields  = new string[] { "Column0", "Column1" };
            var columns = ImmutableArray.CreateRange(fields.Select(c => XColumn.Create(db, c)));

            db.Columns = columns;
            var values = Enumerable.Repeat("<empty>", db.Columns.Length).Select(c => XValue.Create(c));
            var record = XRecord.Create(

            db.Records       = db.Records.Add(record);
            db.CurrentRecord = record;

            Database = db;
            Data     = XContext.Create(record);
            Record   = record;

            // Project

            IProjectFactory factory = new ProjectFactory();

            Project = factory.GetProject();

            Template = XContainer.CreateTemplate();

            Page = XContainer.CreatePage();
            var layer = Page.Layers.FirstOrDefault();

            layer.Shapes      = layer.Shapes.Add(XLine.Create(0, 0, null, null));
            Page.CurrentLayer = layer;
            Page.CurrentShape = layer.Shapes.FirstOrDefault();
            Page.Template     = Template;

            Document = XDocument.Create();
            Layer    = XLayer.Create();
            Options  = XOptions.Create();

            // State

            State = ShapeState.Create();

            // Style

            ArgbColor       = ArgbColor.Create();
            ArrowStyle      = ArrowStyle.Create();
            FontStyle       = FontStyle.Create();
            LineFixedLength = LineFixedLength.Create();
            LineStyle       = LineStyle.Create();
            Style           = ShapeStyle.Create("Default");
            TextStyle       = TextStyle.Create();

            // Shapes

            Arc             = XArc.Create(0, 0, Style, null);
            CubicBezier     = XCubicBezier.Create(0, 0, Style, null);
            Ellipse         = XEllipse.Create(0, 0, Style, null);
            Group           = XGroup.Create(Constants.DefaulGroupName);
            Image           = XImage.Create(0, 0, Style, null, "key");
            Line            = XLine.Create(0, 0, Style, null);
            Path            = XPath.Create("Path", Style, null);
            Point           = XPoint.Create();
            QuadraticBezier = XQuadraticBezier.Create(0, 0, Style, null);
            Rectangle       = XRectangle.Create(0, 0, Style, null);
            Text            = XText.Create(0, 0, Style, null, "Text");

            // Path

            ArcSegment                 = XArcSegment.Create(XPoint.Create(), XPathSize.Create(), 180, true, XSweepDirection.Clockwise, true, true);
            CubicBezierSegment         = XCubicBezierSegment.Create(XPoint.Create(), XPoint.Create(), XPoint.Create(), true, true);
            LineSegment                = XLineSegment.Create(XPoint.Create(), true, true);
            PathFigure                 = XPathFigure.Create(XPoint.Create(), false, true);
            PathGeometry               = XPathGeometry.Create(ImmutableArray.Create <XPathFigure>(), XFillRule.EvenOdd);
            PathSize                   = XPathSize.Create();
            PolyCubicBezierSegment     = XPolyCubicBezierSegment.Create(ImmutableArray.Create <XPoint>(), true, true);
            PolyLineSegment            = XPolyLineSegment.Create(ImmutableArray.Create <XPoint>(), true, true);
            PolyQuadraticBezierSegment = XPolyQuadraticBezierSegment.Create(ImmutableArray.Create <XPoint>(), true, true);
            QuadraticBezierSegment     = XQuadraticBezierSegment.Create(XPoint.Create(), XPoint.Create(), true, true);