protected Wysylka CreateSend() { Wysylka wy = new Wysylka(); wy.IdProdukt = Convert.ToInt16(Literal1.Text); wy.KlientId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); wy.JakPlaci = droplistbank.SelectedValue; wy.JakWyslac = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; wy.Wiadomosc = TextBox6.Text; return(wy); }
protected void btnZatwierdz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Wysylka wy = CreateSend(); SendModel model1 = new SendModel(); lblResult.Text = model1.InsertSend(wy); List <Koszyk> carts = (List <Koszyk>)Session[User.Identity.GetUserId()]; CartModel model = new CartModel(); model.MarkOrdersAsPaid(carts); Session[User.Identity.GetUserId()] = null; Response.Redirect("~/Pages/Zakonczenie.aspx"); }
protected void ImageButton13_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { Wysylka wy = CreateSend(); SendModel model1 = new SendModel(); lblResult.Text = model1.InsertSend(wy); List <Koszyk> carts = (List <Koszyk>)Session[User.Identity.GetUserId()]; CartModel model = new CartModel(); model.MarkOrdersAsPaid(carts); Session[User.Identity.GetUserId()] = null; Response.Redirect(""); }
public string InsertSend(Wysylka wyslij) { try { KosmetykiDBEntities db = new KosmetykiDBEntities(); db.Wysylkas.Add(wyslij); db.SaveChanges(); return("Wysyłka numer" + wyslij.Id + "zostanie jak najszybciej zrealizowana"); } catch (Exception e) { return("Error: " + e); } }
protected void ImageButton14_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { Wysylka wy = CreateSend(); SendModel model1 = new SendModel(); lblResult.Text = model1.InsertSend(wy); List <Koszyk> carts = (List <Koszyk>)Session[User.Identity.GetUserId()]; CartModel model = new CartModel(); Koszyk id = new Koszyk(); Literal1.Text = Convert.ToString(id.ID); model.MarkOrdersAsPaid(carts); Session[User.Identity.GetUserId()] = null; Response.Redirect(""); }
public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId) { var notification = new Notification(Resource.Drawable.icon, "Service running in the foreground!"); var notificationIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity)); var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 0); notification.SetLatestEventInfo(this, "Foreground Service", "Tap to to to App", pendingIntent); Log.Info(TAG, "OnStartCommand: The service is starting."); StartForeground((int)NotificationFlags.ForegroundService, notification); Task.Run(() => { for (int i = 1; i < 999; i++) { Wysylka w = new Wysylka(); w.Czywyslc(); Thread.Sleep(3600000); if (!this.cts.IsCancellationRequested) { this.StopSelf(); } i--; } }); return(StartCommandResult.Sticky); }