Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal void InstallPackages()
            DirectoryPath packagesPath = GetAbsolutePackagesPath();

            Trace.Information($"Installing packages to {packagesPath.FullPath} (using {(UseLocalPackagesFolder ? "local" : "global")} packages folder)");

                // Add the global default sources if requested
                if (UseGlobalPackageSources)

                // Get the local repository
                SourceRepository localRepository = _sourceRepositories.CreateRepository(packagesPath.FullPath);

                // Get the package manager and repositories
                WyamFolderNuGetProject nuGetProject   = new WyamFolderNuGetProject(_fileSystem, _assemblyLoader, _currentFramework, packagesPath.FullPath);
                NuGetPackageManager    packageManager = new NuGetPackageManager(_sourceRepositories, _settings, packagesPath.FullPath)
                    PackagesFolderNuGetProject = nuGetProject
                IReadOnlyList <SourceRepository> remoteRepositories = _sourceRepositories.GetDefaultRepositories();

                // Resolve all the versions
                IReadOnlyList <SourceRepository> installationRepositories = remoteRepositories;
                    ResolveVersions(localRepository, remoteRepositories);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.Verbose($"Exception while resolving package versions: {ex.Message}");
                    Trace.Warning("Error while resolving package versions, attempting without remote repositories");
                    installationRepositories = new[] { localRepository };
                    ResolveVersions(localRepository, Array.Empty <SourceRepository>());

                // Install the packages (doing this synchronously since doing it in parallel triggers file lock errors in NuGet on a clean system)
                    InstallPackages(packageManager, installationRepositories);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.Verbose($"Exception while installing packages: {(ex is AggregateException ? string.Join("; ", ((AggregateException)ex).InnerExceptions.Select(x => x.Message)) : ex.Message)}");
                    Trace.Warning("Error while installing packages, attempting without remote repositories");
                    InstallPackages(packageManager, new[] { localRepository });

                // Process the package (do this after all packages have been installed)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.Verbose($"Unexpected exception while installing packages: {(ex is AggregateException ? string.Join("; ", ((AggregateException)ex).InnerExceptions.Select(x => x.Message)) : ex.Message)}");
                Trace.Warning("Error while installing packages, attempting to continue anyway");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Internal for testing
        internal void AddRecipePackageAndSetTheme()
            if (Recipe == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecipeName))
                KnownRecipe knownRecipe;
                if (KnownRecipe.Values.TryGetValue(RecipeName, out knownRecipe))
                    Trace.Verbose($"Recipe {RecipeName} was in the lookup of known recipes");

                    // Make sure we're not ignoring packages
                    if (!IgnoreKnownRecipePackages)
                        // Add the package, but only if it wasn't added manually
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(knownRecipe.PackageId) && !PackageInstaller.ContainsPackage(knownRecipe.PackageId))
                            PackageInstaller.AddPackage(knownRecipe.PackageId, versionRange: $"[{Engine.Version}]", allowPrereleaseVersions: true);
                        Trace.Verbose("Ignoring known recipe packages");

                    // Set the theme if we don't already have one
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Theme))
                        Theme = knownRecipe.DefaultTheme;
                    Trace.Verbose($"Recipe {RecipeName} is not in the lookup of known recipes");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a package.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packageId">The package identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="packageSources">The package sources.</param>
        /// <param name="versionRange">The version range.</param>
        /// <param name="getLatest">If set to <c>true</c>, the latest version of the package will always be downloaded.</param>
        /// <param name="allowPrereleaseVersions">If set to <c>true</c>, allow prerelease versions.</param>
        /// <param name="allowUnlisted">If set to <c>true</c>, allow unlisted versions.</param>
        /// <param name="exclusive">If set to <c>true</c>, only use the package sources defined for this package.</param>
        public void AddPackage(
            string packageId,
            IEnumerable <string> packageSources = null,
            string versionRange          = null,
            bool getLatest               = false,
            bool allowPrereleaseVersions = false,
            bool allowUnlisted           = false,
            bool exclusive               = false)
            if (_packages.ContainsKey(packageId))
                throw new ArgumentException($"A package with the ID {packageId} has already been added");

            // If this package is a known Wyam extension and no version is specified, set to the current version
            if (KnownExtension.Values.Values.Any(x => x.PackageId == packageId) && versionRange == null)
                versionRange = $"[{Engine.Version}]";
                Trace.Verbose($"Added known extension package {packageId} without version, setting version to {versionRange}");

                new Package(
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ExitCode Run(Preprocessor preprocessor)
            if (GlobalArguments)
                // Set verbose tracing
                if (_verbose)
                    Trace.Level = System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels.Verbose;

                // Attach
                if (_attach)
                    Trace.Information($"Waiting for a debugger to attach to process {Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id} (or press a key to continue)...");
                    while (!Debugger.IsAttached && !Console.KeyAvailable)
                    if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                        Trace.Information("Key pressed, continuing execution");
                        Trace.Information("Debugger attached, continuing execution");

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void Log <TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state,
                          Exception exception, Func <TState, Exception, string> formatter)
     if (IsEnabled(logLevel))
         Trace.TraceEvent(TraceMapping[logLevel], $"{_categoryName}: {formatter(state, exception)}");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void BaseSetUp()
            TestTraceListener listener = new TestTraceListener(TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.ID);

            _listeners.AddOrUpdate(TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.ID, listener, (x, y) => listener);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void RemoveListener()
            TestTraceListener listener = Listener;

            if (listener != null)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void RemoveListener()
            TestTraceListener listener = Trace.Listeners.OfType <TestTraceListener>()
                                         .FirstOrDefault(x => x.TestId == TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.ID);

            if (listener != null)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void CatalogClasses()
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            using (Trace.WithIndent().Information("Cataloging classes"))
                Trace.Information($"Classes cataloged in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void InstallPackages(FilePath configFilePath)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            using (Trace.WithIndent().Information("Installing NuGet packages"))
                Trace.Information($"NuGet packages installed in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void LoadAssemblies()
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            using (Trace.WithIndent().Information("Loading assemblies"))
                Trace.Information($"Assemblies loaded in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private static void UnhandledExceptionEvent(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
            // Exit with a error exit code
            Exception exception = e.ExceptionObject as Exception;

            if (exception != null)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IEnumerable <IDocument> Execute(IReadOnlyList <IDocument> inputs, IExecutionContext context)
            // Expire the internal Razor cache if this is a new execution
            // This needs to be done so that layouts/partials can be re-rendered if they've changed,
            // otherwise Razor will just use the previously cached version of them
            if (_executionId != Guid.Empty && _executionId != context.ExecutionId)
            _executionId = context.ExecutionId;

            // Eliminate input documents that we shouldn't process
            List <IDocument> validInputs = inputs
                                           .Where(context, x => _ignorePrefix == null ||
                                                  !x.ContainsKey(Keys.SourceFileName) ||

            if (validInputs.Count < inputs.Count)
                Trace.Information($"Ignoring {inputs.Count - validInputs.Count} inputs due to source file name prefix");

            // Compile and evaluate the pages in parallel
            return(validInputs.AsParallel().Select(context, input =>
                Trace.Verbose("Processing Razor for {0}", input.SourceString());

                Stream contentStream = context.GetContentStream();
                using (Stream inputStream = input.GetStream())
                    FilePath viewStartLocationPath = _viewStartPath?.Invoke <FilePath>(input, context);

                    RenderRequest request = new RenderRequest
                        Input = inputStream,
                        Output = contentStream,
                        BaseType = _basePageType,
                        Context = context,
                        Document = input,
                        LayoutLocation = _layoutPath?.Invoke <FilePath>(input, context)?.FullPath,
                        ViewStartLocation = viewStartLocationPath != null ? GetRelativePath(viewStartLocationPath, context) : null,
                        RelativePath = GetRelativePath(input, context),
                        Model = _model == null ? input : _model.Invoke(input, context),


                return context.GetDocument(input, contentStream);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        // Internal for testing
        internal void AddThemePackagesAndPath()
            string inputPath = Theme;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Theme))
                KnownTheme knownTheme;
                if (KnownTheme.Values.TryGetValue(Theme, out knownTheme))
                    Trace.Verbose($"Theme {Theme} was in the lookup of known themes");
                    inputPath = knownTheme.InputPath;

                    // Do a sanity check against the recipe (but only if we didn't explicitly specify one)
                    if (Recipe == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecipeName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(knownTheme.Recipe) &&
                        !string.Equals(RecipeName, knownTheme.Recipe, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Trace.Warning($"Theme {Theme} is designed for recipe {knownTheme.Recipe} but is being used with recipe {RecipeName}, results may be unexpected");

                    // Make sure we're not ignoring theme packages
                    if (!IgnoreKnownThemePackages)
                        // Add any packages needed for the theme
                        if (knownTheme.PackageIds != null)
                            foreach (string themePackageId in knownTheme.PackageIds.Where(x => !PackageInstaller.ContainsPackage(x)))
                                PackageInstaller.AddPackage(themePackageId, allowPrereleaseVersions: true);
                        Trace.Verbose("Ignoring known theme packages");
                    Trace.Verbose($"Theme {Theme} is not in the lookup of known themes, assuming it's an input path");

            // Insert the theme path
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputPath))
                _engine.FileSystem.InputPaths.Insert(0, new DirectoryPath(inputPath));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private int Run(string[] args)
            // Add a default trace listener
            Trace.AddListener(new SimpleColorConsoleTraceListener {
                TraceOutputOptions = System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions.None

            // Output version info
            Trace.Information($"Wyam version {Engine.Version}");

            // It's not a serious console app unless there's some ASCII art

            // Make sure we're not running under Mono
            if (Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null)
                Trace.Critical("The Mono runtime is not supported. Please check the GitHub repository and issue tracker for information on .NET Core support for cross platform execution.");

            // Parse the command line
            Preprocessor preprocessor = new Preprocessor();
            Command      command;

                bool hasParseArgsErrors;
                command = CommandParser.Parse(args, preprocessor, out hasParseArgsErrors);
                if (command == null)
                    return(hasParseArgsErrors ? (int)ExitCode.CommandLineError : (int)ExitCode.Normal);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.Error("Error while parsing command line: {0}", ex.Message);
                if (Trace.Level == SourceLevels.Verbose)
                    Trace.Error("Stack trace:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace);

            // Run the command
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void Evaluate(string code)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))

            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            using (Trace.WithIndent().Information("Evaluating configuration script"))
                CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(_engine, _scriptManager, ConfigDllPath, ConfigHashPath, OutputScriptPath);
                cacheManager.EvaluateCode(code, ClassCatalog.GetClasses <IModule>().ToList(), OutputScript, IgnoreConfigHash, NoOutputConfigAssembly);

                Trace.Information($"Evaluated configuration script in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private int Run(string[] args)
            // Add a default trace listener
            Trace.AddListener(new SimpleColorConsoleTraceListener {
                TraceOutputOptions = System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions.None

            // Output version info
            AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute versionAttribute
                = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(Program).Assembly, typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute;

            Trace.Information("Wyam version {0}", versionAttribute == null ? "unknown" : versionAttribute.InformationalVersion);

            // It's not a serious console app unless there's some ASCII art

            // Parse the command line
            Preprocessor preprocessor = new Preprocessor();
            Command      command;

                bool hasParseArgsErrors;
                command = CommandParser.Parse(args, preprocessor, out hasParseArgsErrors);
                if (command == null)
                    return(hasParseArgsErrors ? (int)ExitCode.CommandLineError : (int)ExitCode.Normal);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.Error("Error while parsing command line: {0}", ex.Message);
                if (Trace.Level == SourceLevels.Verbose)
                    Trace.Error("Stack trace:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace);

            // Run the command
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IEnumerable <IDocument> Execute(IReadOnlyList <IDocument> inputs, IExecutionContext context)
#pragma warning disable RCS1163 // Unused parameter.
            // Handle invalid HTTPS certificates and allow alternate security protocols (see http://stackoverflow.com/a/5670954/807064)
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, cert, chain, ssl) => true;
#pragma warning restore RCS1163 // Unused parameter.

            // Key = link, Value = source, tag HTML
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, ConcurrentBag <(string documentSource, string outerHtml)> > links =
                new ConcurrentDictionary <string, ConcurrentBag <(string documentSource, string outerHtml)> >();

            // Key = source, Value = tag HTML
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, ConcurrentBag <string> > failures = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, ConcurrentBag <string> >();

            // Gather all links
            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser();
            context.ParallelForEach(inputs, input => GatherLinks(input, parser, links));

            // This policy will limit the number of executing link validations.
            // Limit the amount of concurrent link checks to avoid overwhelming servers.
            Task[] tasks = links.Select(
                async link =>
                // Attempt to parse the URI
                if (!Uri.TryCreate(link.Key, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out Uri uri))
                    AddOrUpdateFailure(link.Value, failures);

                // Adjustment for double-slash link prefix which means use http:// or https:// depending on current protocol
                // The Uri class treats these as relative, but they're really absolute
                if (uri.ToString().StartsWith("//") && !Uri.TryCreate($"http:{link.Key}", UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
                    AddOrUpdateFailure(link.Value, failures);

                // Relative
                if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri && _validateRelativeLinks && !(await ValidateRelativeLink(uri, context).ConfigureAwait(false)))
                    AddOrUpdateFailure(link.Value, failures);

                // Absolute
                if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri && _validateAbsoluteLinks && !(await ValidateAbsoluteLink(uri, context).ConfigureAwait(false)))
                    AddOrUpdateFailure(link.Value, failures);


            // Report failures
            if (failures.Count > 0)
                int    failureCount   = failures.Sum(x => x.Value.Count);
                string failureMessage = string.Join(
                    failures.Select(x => $"{x.Key}{Environment.NewLine} - {string.Join(Environment.NewLine + " - ", x.Value)}"));
                    _asError ? TraceEventType.Error : TraceEventType.Warning,
                    $"{failureCount} link validation failures:{Environment.NewLine}{failureMessage}");

Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected override ExitCode RunCommand(Preprocessor preprocessor)
            // Get the standard input stream
            _configOptions.Stdin = StandardInputReader.Read();

            // Fix the root folder and other files
            DirectoryPath currentDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            _configOptions.RootPath       = _configOptions.RootPath == null ? currentDirectory : currentDirectory.Combine(_configOptions.RootPath);
            _logFilePath                  = _logFilePath == null ? null : _configOptions.RootPath.CombineFile(_logFilePath);
            _configOptions.ConfigFilePath = _configOptions.RootPath.CombineFile(_configOptions.ConfigFilePath ?? "config.wyam");

            // Set up the log file
            if (_logFilePath != null)
                Trace.AddListener(new SimpleFileTraceListener(_logFilePath.FullPath));

            // Get the engine and configurator
            EngineManager engineManager = EngineManager.Get(preprocessor, _configOptions);

            if (engineManager == null)

            // Configure and execute
            if (!engineManager.Configure())

            if (_verifyConfig)
                Trace.Information("No errors. Exiting.");

            Trace.Information($"Root path:{Environment.NewLine}  {engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.RootPath}");
            Trace.Information($"Input path(s):{Environment.NewLine}  {string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "  ", engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.InputPaths)}");
            Trace.Information($"Output path:{Environment.NewLine}  {engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.OutputPath}");
            if (!engineManager.Execute())

            bool messagePump = false;

            // Start the preview server
            IDisposable previewServer = null;

            if (_preview)
                messagePump = true;
                DirectoryPath previewPath = _previewRoot == null
                    ? engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.GetOutputDirectory().Path
                    : engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.GetOutputDirectory(_previewRoot).Path;

                previewServer = PreviewServer.Start(previewPath, _previewPort, _previewForceExtension);

            // Start the watchers
            IDisposable inputFolderWatcher = null;
            IDisposable configFileWatcher  = null;

            if (_watch)
                messagePump = true;

                Trace.Information("Watching paths(s) {0}", string.Join(", ", engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.InputPaths));
                inputFolderWatcher = new ActionFileSystemWatcher(engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.GetOutputDirectory().Path,
                                                                 engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.GetInputDirectories().Select(x => x.Path), true, "*.*", path =>

                if (_configOptions.ConfigFilePath != null)
                    Trace.Information("Watching configuration file {0}", _configOptions.ConfigFilePath);
                    configFileWatcher = new ActionFileSystemWatcher(engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.GetOutputDirectory().Path,
                                                                    new[] { _configOptions.ConfigFilePath.Directory }, false, _configOptions.ConfigFilePath.FileName.FullPath, path =>
                        FilePath filePath = new FilePath(path);
                        if (_configOptions.ConfigFilePath.Equals(filePath))

            // Start the message pump if an async process is running
            ExitCode exitCode = ExitCode.Normal;

            if (messagePump)
                // Only wait for a key if console input has not been redirected, otherwise it's on the caller to exit
                if (!Console.IsInputRedirected)
                    // Start the key listening thread
                    var thread = new Thread(() =>
                        Trace.Information("Hit any key to exit");
                        IsBackground = true

                // Wait for activity
                while (true)
                    _messageEvent.WaitOne();  // Blocks the current thread until a signal
                    if (_exit)

                    // See if we need a new engine
                    if (_newEngine)
                        // Get a new engine
                        Trace.Information("Configuration file {0} has changed, re-running", _configOptions.ConfigFilePath);
                        engineManager = EngineManager.Get(preprocessor, _configOptions);

                        // Configure and execute
                        if (!engineManager.Configure())
                            exitCode = ExitCode.ConfigurationError;
                        Console.WriteLine($"Root path:{Environment.NewLine}  {engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.RootPath}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Input path(s):{Environment.NewLine}  {string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "  ", engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.InputPaths)}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Root path:{Environment.NewLine}  {engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.OutputPath}");
                        if (!engineManager.Execute())
                            exitCode = ExitCode.ExecutionError;

                        // Clear the changed files since we just re-ran
                        string changedFile;
                        while (_changedFiles.TryDequeue(out changedFile))

                        // Execute if files have changed
                        HashSet <string> changedFiles = new HashSet <string>();
                        string           changedFile;
                        while (_changedFiles.TryDequeue(out changedFile))
                            if (changedFiles.Add(changedFile))
                                Trace.Verbose("{0} has changed", changedFile);
                        if (changedFiles.Count > 0)
                            Trace.Information("{0} files have changed, re-executing", changedFiles.Count);
                            if (!engineManager.Execute())
                                exitCode = ExitCode.ExecutionError;

                    // Check one more time for exit
                    if (_exit)
                    Trace.Information("Hit any key to exit");

                // Shutdown
                Trace.Information("Shutting down");

Ejemplo n.º 20
        protected override void ParseOptions(ArgumentSyntax syntax)
            syntax.DefineOption("w|watch", ref _watch, "Watches the input folder for any changes.");
            _preview = syntax.DefineOption("p|preview", ref _previewPort, false, "Start the preview web server on the specified port (default is " + _previewPort + ").").IsSpecified;
            if (syntax.DefineOption("force-ext", ref _previewForceExtension, "Force the use of extensions in the preview web server (by default, extensionless URLs may be used).").IsSpecified&& !_preview)
                syntax.ReportError("force-ext can only be specified if the preview server is running.");
            if (syntax.DefineOption("virtual-dir", ref _previewVirtualDirectory, DirectoryPath.FromString, "Serve files in the preview web server under the specified virtual directory.").IsSpecified&& !_preview)
                syntax.ReportError("virtual-dir can only be specified if the preview server is running.");
            if (syntax.DefineOption("preview-root", ref _previewRoot, DirectoryPath.FromString, "The path to the root of the preview server, if not the output folder.").IsSpecified&& !_preview)
                syntax.ReportError("preview-root can only be specified if the preview server is running.");
            syntax.DefineOptionList("i|input", ref _configOptions.InputPaths, DirectoryPath.FromString, "The path(s) of input files, can be absolute or relative to the current folder.");
            syntax.DefineOption("o|output", ref _configOptions.OutputPath, DirectoryPath.FromString, "The path to output files, can be absolute or relative to the current folder.");
            syntax.DefineOption("c|config", ref _configOptions.ConfigFilePath, FilePath.FromString, "Configuration file (by default, config.wyam is used).");
            syntax.DefineOption("u|update-packages", ref _configOptions.UpdatePackages, "Check the NuGet server for more recent versions of each package and update them if applicable.");
            syntax.DefineOption("use-local-packages", ref _configOptions.UseLocalPackages, "Toggles the use of a local NuGet packages folder.");
            syntax.DefineOption("use-global-sources", ref _configOptions.UseGlobalSources, "Toggles the use of the global NuGet sources (default is false).");
            syntax.DefineOption("packages-path", ref _configOptions.PackagesPath, DirectoryPath.FromString, "The packages path to use (only if use-local is true).");
            syntax.DefineOption("output-script", ref _configOptions.OutputScript, "Outputs the config script after it's been processed for further debugging.");
            syntax.DefineOption("verify-config", ref _verifyConfig, false, "Compile the configuration but do not execute.");
            syntax.DefineOption("noclean", ref _configOptions.NoClean, "Prevents cleaning of the output path on each execution.");
            syntax.DefineOption("nocache", ref _configOptions.NoCache, "Prevents caching information during execution (less memory usage but slower execution).");

            _logFilePath = $"wyam-{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMddHHmmssfff}.txt";
            if (!syntax.DefineOption("l|log", ref _logFilePath, FilePath.FromString, false, "Log all trace messages to the specified log file (by default, wyam-[datetime].txt).").IsSpecified)
                _logFilePath = null;

            // Metadata
            // TODO: Remove this dictionary and initial/global options
            Dictionary <string, object> settingsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            IReadOnlyList <string>      globalMetadata     = null;

            if (syntax.DefineOptionList("g|global", ref globalMetadata, "Deprecated, do not use.").IsSpecified)
                Trace.Warning("-g/--global is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use -s/--setting instead.");
                AddSettings(settingsDictionary, globalMetadata);
            IReadOnlyList <string> initialMetadata = null;

            if (syntax.DefineOptionList("initial", ref initialMetadata, "Deprecated, do not use.").IsSpecified)
                Trace.Warning("--initial is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use -s/--setting instead.");
                AddSettings(settingsDictionary, initialMetadata);
            IReadOnlyList <string> settings = null;

            if (syntax.DefineOptionList("s|setting", ref settings, "Specifies a setting as a key=value pair. Use the syntax [x,y] to specify an array value.").IsSpecified)
                // _configOptions.Settings = MetadataParser.Parse(settings); TODO: Use this when AddSettings() is removed

                AddSettings(settingsDictionary, settings);
            if (settingsDictionary.Count > 0)
                _configOptions.Settings = settingsDictionary;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IEnumerable <IDocument> Execute(IReadOnlyList <IDocument> inputs, IExecutionContext context)
            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser();

            using (IJsEnginePool enginePool = context.GetJsEnginePool(x =>
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_highlightJsFile))
                    x.ExecuteResource("highlight-all.js", typeof(Highlight));
                return(inputs.AsParallel().Select(context, input =>
                    // We materialize the list before exiting the using statement, so safe to access enginePool
                    // ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure
                    using (IJsEngine engine = enginePool.GetEngine())
                            using (Stream stream = input.GetStream())
                                using (IHtmlDocument htmlDocument = parser.Parse(stream))
                                    foreach (AngleSharp.Dom.IElement element in htmlDocument.QuerySelectorAll(_codeQuerySelector))
                                        // Don't highlight anything that potentially is already highlighted
                                        if (element.ClassList.Contains("hljs"))

                                        // Make sure to use TextContent, otherwise you'll get escaped html which highlight.js won't parse
                                        engine.SetVariableValue("input", element.TextContent);

                                        // Check if they specified a language in their code block
                                        string language = element.ClassList.FirstOrDefault(i => i.StartsWith("language"));

                                            if (language != null)
                                                engine.SetVariableValue("language", language.Replace("language-", ""));
                                                engine.Execute("result = hljs.highlight(language, input)");
                                                language = "(auto)"; // set this to auto in case there is an exception below
                                                engine.Execute("result = hljs.highlightAuto(input)");
                                                string detectedLanguage = engine.Evaluate <string>("result.language");
                                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detectedLanguage) == false)
                                                    element.ClassList.Add("language-" + detectedLanguage);

                                            string formatted = engine.Evaluate <string>("result.value");
                                            element.InnerHtml = formatted;
                                        catch (Exception innerEx)
                                            if (innerEx.Message.Contains("Unknown language: ") && _warnOnMissingLanguage)
                                                Trace.Warning("Exception while highlighting source code for {0} using language {1}: {2}", input.SourceString(), language, innerEx.Message);
                                                Trace.Information("Exception while highlighting source code for {0} using language {1}: {2}", input.SourceString(), language, innerEx.Message);
                                    string content = htmlDocument.ToHtml();
                                    return context.GetDocument(input, content);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Trace.Warning("Exception while highlighting source code for {0}: {1}", input.SourceString(), ex.Message);
                            return input;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IEnumerable <IDocument> Execute(IReadOnlyList <IDocument> inputs, IExecutionContext context)
            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser();

            using (IJavaScriptEnginePool enginePool = context.GetJavaScriptEnginePool(x =>
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_highlightJsFile))
                    x.ExecuteResource("highlight-all.js", typeof(Highlight));
                return(inputs.AsParallel().Select(context, input =>
                        using (Stream stream = input.GetStream())
                            using (IHtmlDocument htmlDocument = parser.Parse(stream))
                                foreach (AngleSharp.Dom.IElement element in htmlDocument.QuerySelectorAll(_codeQuerySelector))
                                    // Don't highlight anything that potentially is already highlighted
                                    if (element.ClassList.Contains("hljs"))

                                        HighlightElement(enginePool, element);
                                    catch (Exception innerEx)
                                        if (innerEx.Message.Contains("Unknown language: ") && _warnOnMissingLanguage)
                                            Trace.Warning($"Exception while highlighting source code: {innerEx.Message}");
                                            Trace.Information($"Exception while highlighting source code: {innerEx.Message}");

                                Stream contentStream = context.GetContentStream();
                                using (StreamWriter writer = contentStream.GetWriter())
                                    htmlDocument.ToHtml(writer, HtmlMarkupFormatter.Instance);
                                    return context.GetDocument(input, contentStream);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Trace.Warning("Exception while highlighting source code for {0}: {1}", input.SourceString(), ex.Message);
                        return input;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        // Internal for testing
        internal static bool ValidateRelativeLink(Uri uri, IExecutionContext context)
            List <FilePath> checkPaths = new List <FilePath>();

            // Remove the query string and fragment, if any
            string normalizedPath = uri.ToString();

            if (normalizedPath.Contains("#"))
                normalizedPath = normalizedPath.Remove(normalizedPath.IndexOf("#", StringComparison.Ordinal));
            if (normalizedPath.Contains("?"))
                normalizedPath = normalizedPath.Remove(normalizedPath.IndexOf("?", StringComparison.Ordinal));
            if (normalizedPath == string.Empty)

            // Remove the link root if there is one and remove the preceding slash
            if (context.Settings.DirectoryPath(Keys.LinkRoot) != null &&
                normalizedPath = normalizedPath.Substring(context.Settings.DirectoryPath(Keys.LinkRoot).FullPath.Length);
            if (normalizedPath.StartsWith("/"))
                normalizedPath = normalizedPath.Length > 1 ? normalizedPath.Substring(1) : string.Empty;

            // Add the base path
            if (normalizedPath != string.Empty)
                checkPaths.Add(new FilePath(normalizedPath));

            // Add filenames
            checkPaths.AddRange(LinkGenerator.DefaultHidePages.Select(x => new FilePath(normalizedPath == string.Empty ? x : $"{normalizedPath}/{x}")));

            // Add extensions
            checkPaths.AddRange(LinkGenerator.DefaultHideExtensions.SelectMany(x => checkPaths.Select(y => y.AppendExtension(x))).ToArray());

            // Check all the candidate paths
            FilePath validatedPath = checkPaths.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                IFile outputFile;
                    outputFile = context.FileSystem.GetOutputFile(x);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.Warning($"Could not validate path {x.FullPath} for relative link {uri}: {ex.Message}");

            if (validatedPath != null)
                Trace.Verbose($"Validated relative link {uri} at {validatedPath.FullPath}");
            Trace.Warning($"Validation failure for relative link {uri}: could not find output file at any of {string.Join(", ", checkPaths.Select(x => x.FullPath))}");
Ejemplo n.º 24
        // Internal for testing
        internal static bool ValidateAbsoluteLink(Uri uri, IExecutionContext context)
            // Create a request
            HttpWebRequest request;

                request = WebRequest.Create(uri) as HttpWebRequest;
            catch (NotSupportedException ex)
                Trace.Warning($"Skipping absolute link {uri}: {ex.Message}");
            if (request == null)
                Trace.Warning($"Skipping absolute link {uri}: only HTTP/HTTPS links are validated");

            // Set request properties
            request.Timeout = 60000; // 60 seconds

            // Perform request as HEAD
            HttpWebResponse response;

            request.Method = "HEAD";
                response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
            catch (WebException)
                response = null;

            // Check the status code
            if (response != null)
                if ((int)response.StatusCode >= 100 && (int)response.StatusCode < 400)
                    Trace.Verbose($"Validated absolute link {uri} with status code {(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode}");

            // Try one more time as GET
            request.Method = "GET";
                response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
            catch (WebException ex)
                Trace.Warning($"Validation failure for absolute link {uri}: {ex.Message}");

            // Check the status code
            if ((int)response.StatusCode >= 100 && (int)response.StatusCode < 400)
                Trace.Verbose($"Validated absolute link {uri} with status code {(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode}");
            Trace.Warning($"Validation failure for absolute link {uri}: returned status code {(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode}");

Ejemplo n.º 25
        public IEnumerable <IDocument> Execute(IReadOnlyList <IDocument> inputs, IExecutionContext context)
            // Handle invalid HTTPS certificates and allow alternate security protocols (see http://stackoverflow.com/a/5670954/807064)
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, cert, chain, ssl) => true;

            // Key = link, Value = source, tag HTML
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, ConcurrentBag <Tuple <FilePath, string> > > links =
                new ConcurrentDictionary <string, ConcurrentBag <Tuple <FilePath, string> > >();

            // Key = source, Value = tag HTML
            ConcurrentDictionary <FilePath, ConcurrentBag <string> > failures = new ConcurrentDictionary <FilePath, ConcurrentBag <string> >();

            // Gather all links
            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser();

            context.ParallelForEach(inputs, input =>
                GatherLinks(input, parser, links);

            // Perform validation
            Parallel.ForEach(links, link =>
                // Attempt to parse the URI
                Uri uri;
                if (!Uri.TryCreate(link.Key, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out uri))
                    AddOrUpdateFailure(link.Value, failures);

                // Adjustment for double-slash link prefix which means use http:// or https:// depending on current protocol
                // The Uri class treats these as relative, but they're really absolute
                if (uri.ToString().StartsWith("//") && !Uri.TryCreate($"http:{link.Key}", UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
                    AddOrUpdateFailure(link.Value, failures);

                // Relative
                if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri && _validateRelativeLinks && !ValidateRelativeLink(uri, context))
                    AddOrUpdateFailure(link.Value, failures);

                // Absolute
                if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri && _validateAbsoluteLinks && !ValidateAbsoluteLink(uri, context))
                    AddOrUpdateFailure(link.Value, failures);

            // Report failures
            if (failures.Count > 0)
                int    failureCount   = failures.Sum(x => x.Value.Count);
                string failureMessage = string.Join(Environment.NewLine,
                                                    failures.Select(x => $"{x.Key.FullPath}{Environment.NewLine} - {string.Join(Environment.NewLine + " - ", x.Value)}"));
                    _asError ? TraceEventType.Error : TraceEventType.Warning,
                    $"{failureCount} link validation failures:{Environment.NewLine}{failureMessage}");

Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void BaseSetUp()
            TestTraceListener listener = new TestTraceListener(TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.ID);

Ejemplo n.º 27
        public IEnumerable <IDocument> Execute(IReadOnlyList <IDocument> inputs, IExecutionContext context)
            // Register all the MVC and Razor services
            // In the future, if DI is implemented for all Wyam, the IExecutionContext would be registered as a service
            // and the IHostingEnviornment would be registered as transient with the execution context provided in ctor
            IServiceCollection serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
            IMvcCoreBuilder    builder           = serviceCollection

            builder.PartManager.FeatureProviders.Add(new MetadataReferenceFeatureProvider(context));
            serviceCollection.Configure <RazorViewEngineOptions>(options =>
                options.ViewLocationExpanders.Add(new ViewLocationExpander());
            .AddSingleton <ILoggerFactory, TraceLoggerFactory>()
            .AddSingleton <DiagnosticSource, SilentDiagnosticSource>()
            .AddSingleton <IHostingEnvironment, HostingEnvironment>()
            .AddSingleton <ObjectPoolProvider, DefaultObjectPoolProvider>()
            .AddSingleton <IExecutionContext>(context)
            .AddSingleton <IBasePageTypeProvider>(new BasePageTypeProvider(_basePageType ?? typeof(RazorPage)))
            .AddScoped <IMvcRazorHost, RazorHost>();
            IServiceProvider services = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

            // Eliminate input documents that we shouldn't process
            List <IDocument> validInputs = inputs
                                           .Where(x => _ignorePrefix == null ||
                                                  !x.ContainsKey(Keys.SourceFileName) ||

            // Compile and evaluate the pages in parallel
            IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory = services.GetRequiredService <IServiceScopeFactory>();

            return(validInputs.AsParallel().Select(input =>
                Trace.Verbose("Compiling Razor for {0}", input.SourceString());
                using (var scope = scopeFactory.CreateScope())
                    // Get services
                    IRazorViewEngine viewEngine = services.GetRequiredService <IRazorViewEngine>();
                    IRazorPageActivator pageActivator = services.GetRequiredService <IRazorPageActivator>();
                    HtmlEncoder htmlEncoder = services.GetRequiredService <HtmlEncoder>();
                    IRazorPageFactoryProvider pageFactoryProvider = services.GetRequiredService <IRazorPageFactoryProvider>();
                    IRazorCompilationService razorCompilationService = services.GetRequiredService <IRazorCompilationService>();
                    IHostingEnvironment hostingEnviornment = services.GetRequiredService <IHostingEnvironment>();

                    // Compile the view
                    string relativePath = GetRelativePath(input, context);
                    FilePath viewStartLocationPath = _viewStartPath?.Invoke <FilePath>(input, context);
                    string viewStartLocation = viewStartLocationPath != null ? GetRelativePath(viewStartLocationPath, context) : null;
                    string layoutLocation = _layoutPath?.Invoke <FilePath>(input, context)?.FullPath;
                    IView view;
                    using (Stream stream = input.GetStream())
                        view = GetViewFromStream(relativePath, stream, viewStartLocation, layoutLocation, viewEngine, pageActivator,
                                                 htmlEncoder, pageFactoryProvider, hostingEnviornment.WebRootFileProvider, razorCompilationService);

                    // Render the view
                    Trace.Verbose("Processing Razor for {0}", input.SourceString());
                    using (StringWriter output = new StringWriter())
                        Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering.ViewContext viewContext =
                            GetViewContext(scope.ServiceProvider, view, input, context, output);
                        return context.GetDocument(input, output.ToString());