protected void lnk_Delete_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!base.IsAuthorizedOp(ActionType.Delete.ToString())) { base.ShowAjaxMsg(this.UpdatePanel1, "Không có thẩm quyền"); } else { int @int = WebUtils.GetInt((sender as LinkButton).CommandArgument); WxMenuInfo dataById = WxMenu.GetDataById(@int); if (dataById == null) { base.ShowAjaxMsg(this.UpdatePanel1, "Những thông tin này không được tìm thấy, các dữ liệu không tồn tại hoặc đã bị xóa"); } else if (dataById.ChildCount > 0) { base.ShowAjaxMsg(this.UpdatePanel1, "包含子菜单,请先删除子菜单"); } else if (WxMenu.Del(@int)) { this.BindData(); PageBase.log.AddEvent(base.LoginAccount.AccountName, "删除微信菜单[" + dataById.Name + "] thành công"); base.ShowAjaxMsg(this.UpdatePanel1, "Thao tác thành công"); } else { base.ShowAjaxMsg(this.UpdatePanel1, "Thao tác thất bại"); } } }
internal WxMenu GetWxmenuByOperType(int opertype, int comid) { string sql = "select top 1 * from wxmenu where operationtypeid=" + opertype + " and comid=" + comid; try { var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { WxMenu m = null; if (reader.Read()) { m = new WxMenu { Menuid = reader.GetValue <int>("Menuid"), Name = reader.GetValue <string>("Name"), Instruction = reader.GetValue <string>("instruction"), Operationtypeid = reader.GetValue <int>("operationtypeid"), Linkurl = reader.GetValue <string>("linkurl"), Wxanswertext = reader.GetValue <string>("wxanswertext"), SalePromoteTypeid = reader.GetValue <int>("SalePromoteTypeid"), Fathermenuid = reader.GetValue <int>("fathermenuid") }; } return(m); } } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } }
public void SubmitForm(string menuData) { string appId = WxOperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().AppId; var specification = new Specification <WxMenu>(obj => obj.AppId == appId); WxMenu wxMenu = wxMenuRepository.Find(specification); if (wxMenu == null) { wxMenu = new WxMenu(); wxMenu.Id = IdWorkerHelper.GenId64(); wxMenu.AppId = appId; wxMenu.MenuData = menuData; wxMenu.CreationTime = System.DateTime.Now; wxMenu.DeletedMark = false; wxMenuRepository.Add(wxMenu); } else { wxMenu.MenuData = menuData; wxMenu.LastModificationTime = System.DateTime.Now; wxMenuRepository.Update(wxMenu); } JObject jo = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(menuData); JObject menu = (JObject)jo["menu"]; JArray button = (JArray)menu["button"]; Debug.WriteLine(menu.ToString()); AccessTokenResult accessTokenResult = AccessTokenContainer.GetAccessTokenResult(appId); WxJsonResult wxJsonResult = CommonApi.CreateMenu(accessTokenResult.access_token, menu); }
public int EditWxMenu(WxMenu wxmenu) { using (var helper = new SqlHelper()) { var id = new InternalWxMenu(helper).EditWxMenu(wxmenu); return(id); } }
public WxMenu GetForm() { string appId = WxOperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().AppId; var specification = new Specification <WxMenu>(obj => obj.AppId == appId); WxMenu wxMenu = wxMenuRepository.Find(specification); return(wxMenu); }
private void updateMenuName(ref JsonData Result) { var id = this.getInt("id"); var text = this.getString("text"); WxMenu m = bll.GetModel <WxMenu>(id); m.BtnName = text; bll.Update(m); }
public async Task PullMenuAsync(string accessTokenOrAppId, int siteId) { var result = CommonApi.GetMenu(accessTokenOrAppId); if (result == null) { return; } await _wxMenuRepository.DeleteAllAsync(siteId); var json =; var buttons = TranslateUtils.JsonDeserialize <List <MenuFull_RootButton> >(json); var firstTaxis = 1; foreach (var button in buttons) { var first = new WxMenu { SiteId = siteId, ParentId = 0, Taxis = firstTaxis++, Text =, MenuType = TranslateUtils.ToEnum(button.type, WxMenuType.View), Key = button.key, Url = button.url, AppId = button.appid, PagePath = button.pagepath, MediaId = button.media_id }; var menuId = await _wxMenuRepository.InsertAsync(first); if (button.sub_button != null && button.sub_button.Count > 0) { var childTaxis = 1; foreach (var sub in button.sub_button) { var child = new WxMenu { SiteId = siteId, ParentId = menuId, Taxis = childTaxis++, Text =, MenuType = TranslateUtils.ToEnum(sub.type, WxMenuType.View), Key = sub.key, Url = sub.url, AppId = sub.appid, PagePath = sub.pagepath, MediaId = sub.media_id }; await _wxMenuRepository.InsertAsync(child); } } } }
private void BindParentMenu() { System.Collections.Generic.IList <WxMenuInfo> list = WxMenu.GetList(3, "ParentID=0", "Sort asc"); if (list != null) { this.parentmenu.DataSource = list; this.parentmenu.DataTextField = "Name"; this.parentmenu.DataValueField = "AutoID"; this.parentmenu.DataBind(); } this.parentmenu.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("做为顶级菜单", "0")); }
private void updateMenuOrder(ref JsonData Result) { var id = this.getInt("id"); var pid = this.getInt("pid"); var ordernum = this.getInt("ordernum"); WxMenu m = bll.GetModel <WxMenu>(id); m.PID = pid; m.OrderNum = ordernum; m.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; bll.Update(m); }
public WxMenu GetMenu() { WxMenu menu = null; var accessToken = GetAccessToken(); var data = string.Format("access_token={0}", accessToken); var menuList = GetJosnData <WxMenuList>(data, WxConfig.MenuUrlGet); if (menuList != null) { menu =; } return(menu); }
internal WxMenu GetWxMenu(int menuid, int comid) { string sql = @"SELECT [menuid] ,[name] ,[instruction] ,[linkurl] ,[fathermenuid] ,[operationtypeid] ,[SalePromoteTypeid] ,[wxanswertext] ,[comid] ,product_class ,keyy ,pictexttype FROM [EtownDB].[dbo].[WxMenu] where menuid=@menuid and comid=@comid"; var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql); cmd.AddParam("@menuid", menuid); cmd.AddParam("@comid", comid); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Read()) { WxMenu wxMenu = new WxMenu(); wxMenu.Menuid = reader.GetValue <int>("Menuid"); wxMenu.Name = reader.GetValue <string>("Name"); wxMenu.Instruction = reader.GetValue <string>("Instruction"); wxMenu.Linkurl = reader.GetValue <string>("Linkurl"); wxMenu.Fathermenuid = reader.GetValue <int>("Fathermenuid"); wxMenu.Operationtypeid = reader.GetValue <int>("Operationtypeid"); wxMenu.SalePromoteTypeid = reader.GetValue <int>("SalePromoteTypeid"); wxMenu.Wxanswertext = reader.GetValue <string>("Wxanswertext"); wxMenu.Comid = reader.GetValue <int>("comid"); wxMenu.Product_class = reader.GetValue <int>("product_class"); wxMenu.Keyy = reader.GetValue <string>("keyy"); wxMenu.pictexttype = reader.GetValue <int>("pictexttype"); reader.Close(); return(wxMenu); } else { return(null); } } }
internal List <WxMenu> GetSecondMenuList(int fatherid, int comid, out int totalcount) { string sqlsecondlist = @"SELECT [menuid] ,[name] ,[instruction] ,[linkurl] ,[fathermenuid] ,[operationtypeid] ,[SalePromoteTypeid] ,[wxanswertext] ,[comid] , product_class FROM [EtownDB].[dbo].[WxMenu] where fathermenuid=@fathermenuid and comid=@comid order by sortid "; var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sqlsecondlist); cmd.AddParam("@fathermenuid", fatherid); cmd.AddParam("@comid", comid); List <WxMenu> list = new List <WxMenu>(); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { WxMenu wxmenu = new WxMenu(); wxmenu.Menuid = reader.GetValue <int>("Menuid"); wxmenu.Name = reader.GetValue <string>("Name"); wxmenu.Instruction = reader.GetValue <string>("instruction"); wxmenu.Operationtypeid = reader.GetValue <int>("operationtypeid"); wxmenu.Linkurl = reader.GetValue <string>("linkurl"); wxmenu.Wxanswertext = reader.GetValue <string>("wxanswertext"); wxmenu.SalePromoteTypeid = reader.GetValue <int>("SalePromoteTypeid"); wxmenu.Fathermenuid = reader.GetValue <int>("fathermenuid"); wxmenu.Product_class = reader.GetValue <int>("product_class"); list.Add(wxmenu); } } totalcount = list.Count; return(list); }
internal List <WxMenu> GetFristMenuList(int pageindex, int pagesize, int comid, out int totalcount) { var cmd = this.sqlHelper.PrepareStoredSqlCommand("usp_PagingLarge"); var tblName = "WxMenu"; var strGetFields = "*"; var sortKey = "sortid"; var sortMode = "0"; var condition = ""; condition += "fathermenuid=0 and comid=" + comid; cmd.PagingCommand(tblName, strGetFields, pageindex, pagesize, sortKey, sortMode, condition); List <WxMenu> list = new List <WxMenu>(); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { WxMenu wxmenu = new WxMenu(); wxmenu.Menuid = reader.GetValue <int>("Menuid"); wxmenu.Name = reader.GetValue <string>("Name"); wxmenu.Instruction = reader.GetValue <string>("instruction"); wxmenu.Operationtypeid = reader.GetValue <int>("operationtypeid"); wxmenu.Linkurl = reader.GetValue <string>("linkurl"); wxmenu.Wxanswertext = reader.GetValue <string>("wxanswertext"); wxmenu.SalePromoteTypeid = reader.GetValue <int>("SalePromoteTypeid"); wxmenu.Fathermenuid = reader.GetValue <int>("fathermenuid"); wxmenu.Product_class = reader.GetValue <int>("product_class"); list.Add(wxmenu); } } totalcount = int.Parse(cmd.Parameters[7].Value.ToString()); return(list); }
private string getBtnStr(WxMenu btn, bool hasChild) { string btnstr = ""; if (hasChild) { btnstr = "{\"name\":\"" + btn.BtnName + "\",\"sub_button\":["; } else { if (btn.BtnType == "view") { btnstr = "{\"type\":\"view\",\"name\":\"" + btn.BtnName + "\",\"url\":\"" + btn.ReplyUrl + "\"}"; } else { btnstr = "{\"type\":\"click\",\"name\":\"" + btn.BtnName + "\",\"key\":\"" + btn.BtnKey + "\"}"; } } return(btnstr); }
private void addMenu(ref JsonData Result) { var pid = this.getInt("pid"); var text = this.getString("text"); var type = this.getString("type"); var ordernum = this.getInt("ordernum"); int id = bll.Add(new WxMenu() { PID = pid, BtnName = text, BtnType = "click", OrderNum = ordernum, ReplyType = -1, ReplyID = -1, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now }); WxMenu obj = bll.GetModel <WxMenu>(id); if (type == "main") { obj.BtnKey = "m" + id; } else { obj.BtnKey = "s" + id; } bll.Update(obj); }
internal int EditWxMenu(WxMenu model) { var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareStoredSqlCommand(SQLInsertOrUpdate); cmd.AddParam("@Menuid", model.Menuid); cmd.AddParam("@Name", model.Name); cmd.AddParam("@Instruction", model.Instruction); cmd.AddParam("@Operationtypeid", model.Operationtypeid); cmd.AddParam("@Linkurl", model.Linkurl); cmd.AddParam("@Wxanswertext", model.Wxanswertext); cmd.AddParam("@Fathermenuid", model.Fathermenuid); cmd.AddParam("@SalePromoteTypeid", model.SalePromoteTypeid); cmd.AddParam("@Comid", model.Comid); cmd.AddParam("@ProductClass", model.Product_class); cmd.AddParam("@Keyy", model.Keyy); cmd.AddParam("@pictexttype", model.pictexttype); var parm = cmd.AddReturnValueParameter("ReturnValue"); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); return((int)parm.Value); }
private void InitForModify() { WxMenuInfo dataById = WxMenu.GetDataById(base.OpID); this.InitMenuType = dataById.Type; ListItem listItem = this.parentmenu.Items.FindByValue(dataById.ParentID.ToString()); if (listItem != null) { listItem.Selected = true; } this.parentmenu.Enabled = false; this.menuname.Text = dataById.Name; ListItem listItem2 = this.menutype.Items.FindByValue(dataById.Type); if (listItem2 != null) { listItem2.Selected = true; } if (dataById.Type == "click" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataById.EventKey)) { AutoRlyInfo eventRly = AutoRly.GetEventRly(dataById.EventKey); if (eventRly != null) { this.TextBox1.Text = eventRly.MsgText; this.TextBox2.Text = eventRly.MediaPath; this.Image1.ImageUrl = eventRly.MediaPath; this.TextBox3.Text = eventRly.Description; this.TextBox4.Text = eventRly.LinkUrl; } } else { this.TextBox4.Text = dataById.Url; } }
protected void btnok_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (base.Action.Equals(ActionType.Add.ToString()) && !base.IsAuthorizedOp(ActionType.Add.ToString())) { base.ShowMsg("Không có thẩm quyền"); } else if (base.Action.Equals(ActionType.Modify.ToString()) && !base.IsAuthorizedOp(ActionType.Modify.ToString())) { base.ShowMsg("Không có thẩm quyền"); } else { WxMenuInfo wxMenuInfo = new WxMenuInfo(); if (base.IsEdit) { wxMenuInfo = WxMenu.GetDataById(base.OpID); } wxMenuInfo.ParentID = WebUtils.GetInt(this.parentmenu.SelectedValue); wxMenuInfo.Name = WebUtils.GetString(this.menuname.Text); wxMenuInfo.Type = this.menutype.SelectedValue; wxMenuInfo.Url = WebUtils.GetString(this.TextBox4.Text); wxMenuInfo.EventKey = string.Empty; AutoRlyInfo autoRlyInfo = new AutoRlyInfo { RlyType = "事件回复", MsgKey = StringUtils.GetRandomNumber(), MsgText = WebUtils.GetString(this.TextBox1.Text), MediaPath = WebUtils.GetString(this.TextBox2.Text), Description = WebUtils.GetString(this.TextBox3.Text), LinkUrl = WebUtils.GetString(this.TextBox4.Text) }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wxMenuInfo.Name)) { base.ShowMsg("菜单名称不能为空"); } else if (wxMenuInfo.ParentID == 0 && wxMenuInfo.Name.Length > 4) { base.ShowMsg("一级菜单文字长度不超过4个汉字"); } else if (wxMenuInfo.ParentID > 0 && wxMenuInfo.Name.Length > 8) { base.ShowMsg("二级菜单文字长度不超过8个汉字"); } else if (wxMenuInfo.Type == "click" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(autoRlyInfo.MsgText)) { base.ShowMsg("图文推送文本不能为空"); } else if (wxMenuInfo.Type == "click" && (autoRlyInfo.MsgText.Length > 600 || autoRlyInfo.Description.Length > 600)) { base.ShowMsg("推送图文中的文本不能超过600汉字"); } else if (wxMenuInfo.Type == "view" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(autoRlyInfo.LinkUrl)) { base.ShowMsg("地址跳转的地址不能为空"); } else { if (base.Action.Equals(ActionType.Add.ToString())) { wxMenuInfo.Sort = WxMenu.MaxSort + 1; wxMenuInfo.AutoTimeStamp = System.DateTime.Now; WxStatus wxStatus = WxMenu.Add(wxMenuInfo, autoRlyInfo); if (wxStatus == WxStatus.增加成功) { PageBase.log.AddEvent(base.LoginAccount.AccountName, "添加微信菜单[" + wxMenuInfo.Name + "] thành công"); MessageUtils.DialogCloseAndParentReload(this); } else { base.ShowMsg(wxStatus.ToString()); } } if (base.Action.Equals(ActionType.Modify.ToString())) { WxStatus wxStatus2 = WxMenu.Update(wxMenuInfo, autoRlyInfo); if (wxStatus2 == WxStatus.修改成功) { PageBase.log.AddEvent(base.LoginAccount.AccountName, "修改微信菜单[" + wxMenuInfo.Name + "] thành công"); MessageUtils.DialogCloseAndParentReload(this); } else { base.ShowMsg(wxStatus2.ToString()); } } } } }
public async Task UpdateAsync(WxMenu menu) { await _repository.UpdateAsync(menu, Q .CachingRemove(GetCacheKey(menu.SiteId)) ); }
public ActionResult SubmitForm(WxMenu entity, string keyValue) { try { MenuManage mMrg = new MenuManage(); WxBaseConfigEntity weixin = app.GetDefaultConfig(); AccessTokenResult token = AccessTokenContainer.GetAccessTokenResult(weixin.AppId); if (token.errcode != Senparc.Weixin.ReturnCode.请求成功) { return(Error(token.errmsg)); } //重新整理按钮信息 ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup(); IList <BaseButton> topList = new List <BaseButton>(); IList <SingleButton> subList = new List <SingleButton>(); #region 菜单设置 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { string txtName = (string)ForeachClass.GetValue <WxMenu>(entity, "Top" + (i + 1)); string txtKey = (string)ForeachClass.GetValue <WxMenu>(entity, "Top" + (i + 1) + "Key"); string txtUrl = (string)ForeachClass.GetValue <WxMenu>(entity, "Top" + (i + 1) + "Url"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtName)) { // 如果名称为空,则忽略该菜单,以及下面的子菜单 continue; } subList = new List <SingleButton>(); string txtSubName; string txtSubKey; string txtSubUrl; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { #region 子菜单的设置 txtSubName = (string)ForeachClass.GetValue <WxMenu>(entity, "Menu" + (i + 1) + (j + 1)); txtSubKey = (string)ForeachClass.GetValue <WxMenu>(entity, "Menu" + (i + 1) + (j + 1) + "Key"); txtSubUrl = (string)ForeachClass.GetValue <WxMenu>(entity, "Menu" + (i + 1) + (j + 1) + "Url"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSubName)) { continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSubUrl)) { SingleViewButton sub = new SingleViewButton(); = txtSubName.Trim(); sub.url = Utils.UrlDecode(txtSubUrl.Trim()); subList.Add(sub); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSubKey)) { SingleClickButton sub = new SingleClickButton(); = txtSubName.Trim(); sub.key = txtSubKey.Trim(); subList.Add(sub); } else { //报错 :子菜单必须有key和name return(Error("二级菜单的名称和key或者url必填!")); ; } #endregion } //子菜单循环结束 if (subList != null && subList.Count > 0) { //有子菜单, 该一级菜单是SubButton if (subList.Count < 1) { return(Error("子菜单个数为2~5个!")); } SubButton topButton = new SubButton(Utils.CutString(txtName.Trim(), 16)); topButton.sub_button.AddRange(subList); topList.Add(topButton); } else { // 无子菜单 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtKey) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUrl)) { return(Error("若无子菜单,必须填写key或者url值!")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUrl)) { //view 页面跳转 SingleViewButton topSingleButton = new SingleViewButton(); = txtName.Trim(); topSingleButton.url = Utils.UrlDecode(txtUrl.Trim()); topList.Add(topSingleButton); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtKey)) { SingleClickButton topSingleButton = new SingleClickButton(); = txtName.Trim(); topSingleButton.key = txtKey.Trim(); topList.Add(topSingleButton); } } } #endregion bg.button.AddRange(topList); var result = mMrg.CreateMenu(token.access_token, bg); return(Success("菜单提交成功!")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Error("报错:" + ex.Message)); } }
private void LoadFromServer() { AccessTokenResult token = CommonApi.GetToken(SinGooCMS.Weixin.Config.AppID, SinGooCMS.Weixin.Config.AppSecret, "client_credential"); string strUrl = string.Format("{0}", token.access_token); string strValue = NetWorkUtils.HttpGet(strUrl); GetMenuResultFull getMenuResultFull = JsonUtils.JsonToObject <GetMenuResultFull>(strValue); if (getMenuResultFull != null && != null && > 0) { WxMenu.EmptyLocal(); int num = 1; foreach (MenuFull_RootButton current in { WxMenuInfo wxMenuInfo = new WxMenuInfo { RootID = 0, ParentID = 0, Type = (current.type ?? string.Empty), Name =, EventKey = (current.key ?? string.Empty), Url = (current.url ?? string.Empty), ChildCount = 0, ChildIDs = string.Empty, Sort = num, AutoTimeStamp = System.DateTime.Now }; int num2 = WxMenu.Add(wxMenuInfo); if (num2 > 0) { wxMenuInfo.AutoID = num2; wxMenuInfo.RootID = num2; num++; if (current.sub_button != null && current.sub_button.Count > 0) { wxMenuInfo.ChildCount = current.sub_button.Count; int num3 = 1; foreach (MenuFull_RootButton current2 in current.sub_button) { WxMenuInfo entity = new WxMenuInfo { RootID = num2, ParentID = num2, Type = (current2.type ?? string.Empty), Name =, EventKey = (current2.key ?? string.Empty), Url = (current2.url ?? string.Empty), ChildCount = 0, ChildIDs = string.Empty, Sort = num3, AutoTimeStamp = System.DateTime.Now }; int num4 = WxMenu.Add(entity); if (num4 > 0) { WxMenuInfo expr_27E = wxMenuInfo; expr_27E.ChildIDs = expr_27E.ChildIDs + num4 + ","; num3++; } } } if (wxMenuInfo.ChildIDs.EndsWith(",")) { wxMenuInfo.ChildIDs = wxMenuInfo.ChildIDs.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }); } WxMenu.Update(wxMenuInfo); } } } this.BindData(); }
protected void btnok_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { AccessTokenResult token = CommonApi.GetToken(SinGooCMS.Weixin.Config.AppID, SinGooCMS.Weixin.Config.AppSecret, "client_credential"); System.Collections.Generic.List <WxMenuInfo> list = WxMenu.GetList(15, "", " RootID ASC,ParentID ASC,Sort ASC ") as System.Collections.Generic.List <WxMenuInfo>; System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <int, int> repeaterSortDict = base.GetRepeaterSortDict(this.Repeater1, "txtsort", "autoid"); foreach (WxMenuInfo current in list) { current.Sort = repeaterSortDict[current.AutoID]; } list = (from p in list orderby p.RootID orderby p.ParentID orderby p.Sort select p).ToList <WxMenuInfo>(); if (WxMenu.UpdateSort(repeaterSortDict)) { PageBase.log.AddEvent(base.LoginAccount.AccountName, "更新微信菜单排序成功"); } ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); foreach (WxMenuInfo level1 in list) { if (level1.ParentID.Equals(0)) { if (level1.ChildCount > 0) { SubButton subButton = new SubButton { name = level1.Name }; System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <WxMenuInfo> enumerable = from p in list where p.ParentID.Equals(level1.AutoID) select p; if (enumerable != null && enumerable.Count <WxMenuInfo>() > 0) { foreach (WxMenuInfo current2 in enumerable) { string type = current2.Type; if (type != null) { if (!(type == "click")) { if (type == "view") { subButton.sub_button.Add(new SingleViewButton { name = current2.Name, url = current2.Url }); } } else { subButton.sub_button.Add(new SingleClickButton { name = current2.Name, key = current2.EventKey }); } } } } buttonGroup.button.Add(subButton); } else { string type = level1.Type; if (type != null) { if (!(type == "click")) { if (type == "view") { buttonGroup.button.Add(new SingleViewButton { name = level1.Name, url = level1.Url }); } } else { buttonGroup.button.Add(new SingleClickButton { name = level1.Name, key = level1.EventKey }); } } } } } Senparc.Weixin.Entities.WxJsonResult wxJsonResult = Senparc.Weixin.MP.CommonAPIs.CommonApi.CreateMenu(token.access_token, buttonGroup, 10000); if (wxJsonResult.errcode == ReturnCode.请求成功) { PageBase.log.AddEvent(base.LoginAccount.AccountName, "更新微信菜单成功"); base.ShowAjaxMsg(this.UpdatePanel1, "Thao tác thành công"); this.BindData(); } else { PageBase.log.AddErrLog("更新微信菜单出错了", wxJsonResult.errmsg); base.ShowAjaxMsg(this.UpdatePanel1, wxJsonResult.errmsg); } }
public ActionResult Add(WxMenuModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var isOk = RunWithCatch((ms) => { var entity = new WxMenu(); entity.Name = model.Name; entity.Content = model.BindValue; entity.Bind = model.Bind; entity.Type = model.BindType; entity.ParentId = model.ParentId; entity.Sequence = model.Sequence; BindType bindType = model.Bind; switch (bindType) { case BindType.Key: entity.ReplyId = model.BindValue; break; case BindType.Topic: entity.Content = model.BindTopic; break; default: if (bindType == BindType.Url) { entity.Content = model.Url; } break; } entity.Client = MenuClient.Weixin; entity.Type = "click"; if (entity.ParentId.IsBlank()) { entity.Type = "view"; } else if (entity.Bind == BindType.None) { ms.AddModelError("Bind", "二级菜单必须绑定一个对象"); return(false); } _repository.Insert(entity); return(true); }); if (isOk) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } else { model.BindTypes = SelectListItems.FromEnum(model.Bind).ToArray(); model.Keywords = _wxReplyRepository.Query() .Select(x => new { x.Sequence, x.Id, x.Content }) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Sequence) .ToList() .Select(x => new SelectListItem { Value = x.Id, Text = x.Content, Selected = model.BindValue == x.Id }).ToArray(); model.Topics = new SelectListItem[] { }; } return(View(model)); }
public async Task <int> InsertAsync(WxMenu menu) { return(await _repository.InsertAsync(menu, Q .CachingRemove(GetCacheKey(menu.SiteId)) )); }
public ActionResult PublishWXMenus() { KeyValueModel ret = new KeyValueModel { Key = "error", Value = "操作失败!" }, successret = new KeyValueModel { Key = "success", Value = "操作成功!" }; try { using (WechatEntities context = new WechatEntities()) { var menus = context.T_Wx_Menus.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == false); #region 一级菜单 var menubuttons = menus.Where(k => k.MenuLevel == "button").OrderBy(g => g.SortNum) .Select(p => new WxButtonMenu { key = p.MenuId, name = p.MenuName, type = p.MenuType, url = p.MenuUrl }) .ToList(); #endregion #region 二级菜单 foreach (var mn in menubuttons) { mn.sub_button = menus.Where(k => k.ParentMenu == mn.key).OrderBy(o => o.SortNum).Select(p => new WxBaseMenu { key = p.MenuId, name = p.MenuName, type = p.MenuType, url = p.MenuUrl, }) .ToList(); } #endregion WxMenu btn = new WxMenu { button = menubuttons }; WXApiUrl WXApiUrl = new WXApiUrl(); string CreateWxMenuUrl = string.Format(WXApiUrl.Dic_WXUrls[WXApiUrl.Enum_WXUrls.CreateWxMenu], new Utils().GetAccessToken()); string backmsg = wxCOM.Utils.SendPostHttpRequest(CreateWxMenuUrl, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(btn)); RetMsg retmsg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RetMsg>(backmsg); if (retmsg.errcode != 0) { ret.Value = RetMsg.DicWxRetMsg[retmsg.errcode]; } else { ret = successret; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ret.Value = ex.Message; } return(Json(ret, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }