Ejemplo n.º 1
        //This is used for make separate copy of object (without reference)
        public static WriteOffItemsModel Clone(WriteOffItemsModel obj)
            WriteOffItemsModel new_obj = new WriteOffItemsModel();

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
                if (pi.CanRead && pi.CanWrite && pi.PropertyType.IsSerializable)
                    pi.SetValue(new_obj, pi.GetValue(obj, null), null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //This function is Transaction and do followig things
        //1) Save WriteOff Items entry in WriteOff Table    2) WriteOff Items Entry in Stock_Transaction table
        //3) Update Stock Table Quantity
        public static Boolean WriteOffItemsTransaction(List <WriteOffItemsModel> writeOffItemsFromClient, InventoryDbContext inventoryDbContext)
            //Transaction Begin
            //We first Need to make Stock, Stock_Transaction Object with WriteOff data (which has client data)
            using (var dbContextTransaction = inventoryDbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    //This is updated list of stock records after write off items
                    List <StockModel> stockListForUpdate = new List <StockModel>();
                    //This is transaction list of write off items
                    List <StockTransactionModel> stockTxnListForInsert = new List <StockTransactionModel>();
                    //This is WriteOff List for insert into writeOff table
                    List <WriteOffItemsModel> writeOffListForInsert = new List <WriteOffItemsModel>();
                    var createdOn = DateTime.Now;

                    for (int i = 0; i < writeOffItemsFromClient.Count; i++)
                        List <StockModel> currStockList = new List <StockModel>();
                        currStockList = GetStockItemsByItemIdBatchNO(writeOffItemsFromClient[i].ItemId, writeOffItemsFromClient[i].BatchNO, inventoryDbContext);
                        if (currStockList.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var currStkItm in currStockList)
                                if (writeOffItemsFromClient[i].WriteOffQuantity > 0)
                                    //When stockItem availableQuantity is > WriteOffQuantity
                                    if (currStkItm.AvailableQuantity > writeOffItemsFromClient[i].WriteOffQuantity)
                                        WriteOffItemsModel woItemsClone = new WriteOffItemsModel();
                                        //Clone WriteList item
                                        woItemsClone = Clone(writeOffItemsFromClient[i]);
                                        currStkItm.AvailableQuantity = currStkItm.AvailableQuantity - woItemsClone.WriteOffQuantity.Value;
                                        //Push Updated StockItem into StockList for Update Stock
                                        woItemsClone.StockId            = currStkItm.StockId;
                                        woItemsClone.GoodsReceiptItemId = currStkItm.GoodsReceiptItemId;
                                        woItemsClone.WriteOffQuantity   = woItemsClone.WriteOffQuantity.Value;
                                        woItemsClone.Remark             = woItemsClone.Remark.ToString();
                                        woItemsClone.CreatedOn          = createdOn;
                                        //Push Updated WriteOff Item Into WriteOffItemList for Save
                                        //updated Current WriteOff Item Quantity as 0
                                        writeOffItemsFromClient[i].WriteOffQuantity = 0;
                                    else if (currStkItm.AvailableQuantity < writeOffItemsFromClient[i].WriteOffQuantity)
                                        //when curStkItm.AvailableQuantity< woitm.WriteOffQuantity

                                        WriteOffItemsModel woItemsClone = new WriteOffItemsModel();
                                        woItemsClone                  = Clone(writeOffItemsFromClient[i]);
                                        woItemsClone.StockId          = currStkItm.StockId;
                                        woItemsClone.WriteOffQuantity = currStkItm.AvailableQuantity;
                                        //double and decimal can't multiply so, need explicitly typecasting
                                        woItemsClone.TotalAmount        = (decimal)currStkItm.AvailableQuantity * woItemsClone.ItemRate.Value;
                                        woItemsClone.GoodsReceiptItemId = currStkItm.GoodsReceiptItemId;
                                        //Push Updated WriteOff Item Into WriteOffItemList for Save
                                        currStkItm.AvailableQuantity = 0;
                                        //Push Updated StockItem into StockList for Update Stock
                                        writeOffItemsFromClient[i].WriteOffQuantity = writeOffItemsFromClient[i].WriteOffQuantity - currStkItm.AvailableQuantity;
                    //Save WriteOffItems in database
                    AddWriteOffItems(inventoryDbContext, writeOffListForInsert);

                    //Make Fill data into Stock_transaction object for save into INV_TXN_StockTransaction table
                    foreach (var woItem in writeOffListForInsert)
                        StockTransactionModel stkTxnItem = new StockTransactionModel();
                        //StockTxnId,StockId,Quantity,InOut, ReferenceNo CreatedBy ,CreatedOn,TransactionType
                        stkTxnItem.StockId         = woItem.StockId;
                        stkTxnItem.Quantity        = (int)woItem.WriteOffQuantity;
                        stkTxnItem.InOut           = "out";
                        stkTxnItem.ReferenceNo     = woItem.WriteOffId;
                        stkTxnItem.CreatedBy       = woItem.CreatedBy;
                        stkTxnItem.TransactionType = "writeoff";
                        //Push current StkTxnItem into StkTxnItemList for Save to database

                    //Save Stock Transaction record
                    AddStockTransaction(inventoryDbContext, stockTxnListForInsert);
                    //Update Stock records
                    UpdateStock(inventoryDbContext, stockListForUpdate);
                    //Commit Transaction
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //Rollback all transaction if exception occured  i.e. WriteOff Insertion, Stock_Transaction Insertion, Stock Updation
                    throw ex;