Ejemplo n.º 1
            DrawingContext oDrawingContext,
            Point oArrowTipLocation,
            Double dArrowAngle,
            Color oColor,
            Double dEdgeWidth
            Debug.Assert(oDrawingContext != null);
            Debug.Assert(dEdgeWidth > 0);

            // Compute the arrow's dimensions.  The width factor is arbitrary and
            // was determined experimentally.

            const Double WidthFactor = 1.5;

            Double dArrowTipX       = oArrowTipLocation.X;
            Double dArrowTipY       = oArrowTipLocation.Y;
            Double dArrowWidth      = WidthFactor * dEdgeWidth * m_dRelativeArrowSize;
            Double dArrowHalfHeight = dArrowWidth / 2.0;
            Double dX = dArrowTipX - dArrowWidth;

            // Compute the arrow's three points as if the arrow were at an angle of
            // zero degrees, then use a rotated transform to adjust for the actual
            // specified angle.

            Point [] aoPoints = new Point [] {
                // Index 0: Arrow tip.


                // Index 1: Arrow bottom.

                new Point(dX, dArrowTipY - dArrowHalfHeight),

                // Index 2: Arrow top.

                new Point(dX, dArrowTipY + dArrowHalfHeight),

                // Index 3: Center of the flat end of the arrow.
                // Note: The 0.2 is to avoid a gap between the edge endcap and the
                // flat end of the arrow, but it sometimes causes the two to
                // overlap slightly, and that can show if the edge isn't opaque.
                // What is the correct way to get the endcap to merge invisibly
                // with the arrow?

                new Point(dX + 0.2, dArrowTipY)

            Matrix oMatrix = WpfGraphicsUtil.GetRotatedMatrix(oArrowTipLocation,


            PathGeometry oArrow = WpfGraphicsUtil.PathGeometryFromPoints(
                aoPoints[0], aoPoints[1], aoPoints[2]);

            oDrawingContext.DrawGeometry(GetBrush(oColor), null, oArrow);
