Ejemplo n.º 1
        void RecursivelyPropagateLight(World world, BlockPosition blockPosition, byte incomingLightValue)

            if (incomingLightValue < 1)

            var block = world.GetBlockAt(blockPosition);

            if (block.LightLevel >= incomingLightValue)

            if (!block.CanPropagateLight)

            world.SetLightLevel(blockPosition, incomingLightValue);
            //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Replaced light value {0} with {1} at {2}", block.LightLevel, incomingLightValue, blockPosition));

            var outgoingLightLevel = (byte)(incomingLightValue - 1);

            // TODO: right now this is a depth-first fill.  We really need to do a breadth-first fill so that blocks gets filled
            // first with the highest possible levels of light and we don't spend time overwriting lower levels from long recursion
            // chains that doubled back with higher levels from shorter recursion chains.
            // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterative_deepening
            // It would probably be smart to get some unit tests going before messing with this too much.

            // It might also be interesting to do iterative deepening across the whole chunk so that multiple
            // sunlit blocks contributing to a large dark space fill it in cooperatively rather than the first
            // block flood-filling the whole space, then the second doing the same with slightly different values.
            // That would probably not be a net win but it's worth thinking about.  We could do a first pass on all
            // sunlit blocks and make a list of just the ones that managed to propogate light somewhere, then do
            // iterative deepening on just those.

            if (outgoingLightLevel > 0)
                RecursivelyPropagateLight(world, blockPosition.Left, outgoingLightLevel);
                RecursivelyPropagateLight(world, blockPosition.Right, outgoingLightLevel);
                RecursivelyPropagateLight(world, blockPosition.Up, outgoingLightLevel);
                RecursivelyPropagateLight(world, blockPosition.Down, outgoingLightLevel);
                RecursivelyPropagateLight(world, blockPosition.Front, outgoingLightLevel);
                RecursivelyPropagateLight(world, blockPosition.Back, outgoingLightLevel);