Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task <Workspace> BuildAndFilterWorkspaceAsync(WorkspaceDefinition workspaceDefinition, IWorkspaceProvider workspaceProvider, FrontEndEngineAbstraction engineAbstraction, EvaluationFilter evaluationFilter)
            // First, trying to filter workspace based on information from the previous run
            var possibleFilteredWorkspace = await TryCreateFilteredWorkspaceAsync(workspaceDefinition, workspaceProvider, engineAbstraction, evaluationFilter);

            if (!possibleFilteredWorkspace.Succeeded)
                // Error was already logged
                return(Workspace.Failure(workspaceProvider, workspaceProvider.Configuration, possibleFilteredWorkspace.Failure));

            // If the filtered workspace is not null, just return it.
            // Otherwise falling back to the full parse mode.
            if (possibleFilteredWorkspace.Result != null)

            // "Incremental" workspace construction has failed, but we still can try to use module filter to build a smaller workspace.
            if (evaluationFilter.ModulesToResolve.Count != 0)
                var filteredDefinition = this.ApplyModuleFilter(workspaceDefinition, evaluationFilter.ModulesToResolve);
                return(await workspaceProvider.CreateWorkspaceAsync(filteredDefinition, userFilterWasApplied : true));

            return(await workspaceProvider.CreateWorkspaceAsync(workspaceDefinition, userFilterWasApplied : false));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Filter a workspace definition.
        /// </summary>
        public List <ModuleDefinition> FilterWorkspaceDefinition(
            [NotNull] WorkspaceDefinition workspace,
            [NotNull] EvaluationFilter evaluationFilter,
            [NotNull] ISpecDependencyProvider provider)
            // Resulting list should always have a prelude.
            var modulesToInclude = new HashSet <ModuleDefinition> {

            // Getting all the files relevant to the build.
            var filesToInclude = GetFilesToInclude(modulesToInclude, workspace, provider, evaluationFilter);

            // Keep modules with a set of files relevant for a given filter.
            var partiallyFilteredModules = new Dictionary <ModuleDefinition, HashSet <AbsolutePath> >();

            foreach (var kvp in workspace.Specs)
                // File is not part of 'must have' module and is part of 'must have' spec.
                if (filesToInclude.Contains(kvp.Path))
                    var map = partiallyFilteredModules.GetOrAdd(kvp.OwningModule, k => new HashSet <AbsolutePath>());

            foreach (var kvp in partiallyFilteredModules)
                var moduleDefinition = kvp.Key.WithSpecs(kvp.Value.ToReadOnlySet());

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void UpdateWorkspace(WorkspaceDefinition definition, bool resetSettings, SortDirection sortDirection, OrderBy orderBy, Serializer serializer)
            Settings settings;
            var      workspaceFilePath = Path.Combine(_options.WorkspacePath, definition.FileName);

            if (resetSettings)
                settings = new Settings();
                var currentWorkspace = serializer.DeserializeFromJson <Workspace>(workspaceFilePath);
                settings = currentWorkspace.Settings;

            IEnumerable <Snippet> filtered = _snippets.ToList();

            if (definition.Languages.Any())
                filtered = filtered.Where(x => x.Files.Any(f => definition.Languages.Contains(_fileAssociations.Lookup(f))));

            if (definition.Tags.Any())
                filtered = filtered.Where(x => x.Meta.Tags.Any(t => definition.Tags.Contains(t)));

            if (!filtered.Any())

            var ascending = sortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending;
            var ordered   = orderBy switch
                OrderBy.Alphabetical => ascending?filtered.OrderBy(x => x.Meta.Title) : filtered.OrderByDescending(x => x.Meta.Title),
                    OrderBy.Created => ascending?filtered.OrderBy(x => x.Meta.CreatedUtc) : filtered.OrderByDescending(x => x.Meta.CreatedUtc),
                        _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Unable to sort by {nameof(orderBy)}")

            var workspace = new Workspace {
                Settings = settings

            foreach (var snippet in ordered)
                var folder = new Folder(snippet.Meta.Title, Path.GetRelativePath(_options.WorkspacePath, snippet.DirectoryPath));

            serializer.SerializeToJson(workspace, workspaceFilePath);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters a <paramref name="workspace"/> using <paramref name="modules"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Currently only module filter is supported.
        /// </remarks>
        private WorkspaceDefinition ApplyModuleFilter(WorkspaceDefinition workspace, IReadOnlyList <StringId> modules)
            using (var sw = Watch.Start())
                // WorkspaceFilter updates the existing workspace instead of creating brand new one.
                // This is crucial to avoid redundant type checking required for semantic workspace creation.
                var filter = new WorkspaceFilter(FrontEndContext.PathTable);
                WorkspaceDefinition filteredDefinition = filter.ApplyModuleFilter(workspace, modules);

                                                                      workspace.ModuleCount - filteredDefinition.ModuleCount,
                                                                      workspace.SpecCount - filteredDefinition.SpecCount,
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies module filter for a given <paramref name="workspace"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public WorkspaceDefinition ApplyModuleFilter(WorkspaceDefinition workspace, IReadOnlyList <StringId> modulesToKeep)
            HashSet <string> requiredModules = new HashSet <string>(modulesToKeep.Select(m => m.ToString(m_pathTable.StringTable)));

            List <ModuleDefinition> finalModules = new List <ModuleDefinition>();
            var preludeModule = workspace.PreludeModule;

            foreach (var module in workspace.Modules)
                // Should keep special modules and the prelude.
                if (module.Descriptor.IsSpecialConfigModule() ||
                    module.Equals(preludeModule) ||

            return(new WorkspaceDefinition(finalModules, workspace.PreludeModule));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public Manifest ToManifest(OrderBy order, SortDirection direction)
            var manifest = new Manifest
                SortDirection = direction,
                OrderBy       = order

            foreach (var package in _packages)
                var definition = new WorkspaceDefinition
                    FileName  = package.FileName,
                    Languages = package.Languages.ToList(),
                    Tags      = package.Tags.ToList()

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private HashSet <AbsolutePath> GetFilesToInclude(HashSet <ModuleDefinition> modulesToInclude, WorkspaceDefinition workspace, ISpecDependencyProvider provider, EvaluationFilter evaluationFilter)
            var filesToInclude = new HashSet <AbsolutePath>();

            foreach (var kvp in workspace.Specs)
                var specPath = kvp.Path;

                // If the spec belonged to a module that is required, then the entire module will be evaluated.
                // No need to keep the spec separately
                if (!modulesToInclude.Contains(kvp.OwningModule))
                    foreach (var specRootToResolve in evaluationFilter.ValueDefinitionRootsToResolve)
                        if (specPath == specRootToResolve || specPath.IsWithin(m_pathTable, specRootToResolve))
                            AddUpStreamDependencies(filesToInclude, specPath, provider);

Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the transitive closure of all dependents of the changed specs and report them as 'dirty' to the artifact manager,
 /// so they are not replaced by their public facade version and their serialized AST is not used
 /// </summary>
 private void NotifyDirtySpecsForPublicFacadeAndAstReuse(ISpecDependencyProvider snapshotProvider, WorkspaceDefinition workspaceDefinition, IReadOnlyList <AbsolutePath> changedSpecs)
     if (CanUseSpecPublicFacadeAndAst())
         var changedSpecsWithDependents = snapshotProvider.ComputeReflectiveClosureOfDependentFiles(changedSpecs);
         var requiredSpecs = snapshotProvider.ComputeReflectiveClosureOfDependencyFiles(changedSpecsWithDependents);
         Logger.ReportDestructionCone(LoggingContext, changedSpecs.Count, changedSpecsWithDependents.Count, requiredSpecs.Count, workspaceDefinition.SpecCount);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to filter a given workspace definition by reusing information from the previous BuildXL invocation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// 1. Failure if the error occurred during parsing/binding one of the changed specs.
        /// 2. Result(null) when the filtering failed due to symbols mismatch or due to another reason.
        /// 3. Result(WorkspaceDefinition) when the filtering succeeded.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the previous binding information can be reused, then the set of specs that are safe to use as public facades + serialized AST
        /// are identified as well
        /// </remarks>
        private async Task <FilteredWorkspaceDefinition> TryFilterWorkspaceDefinitionIncrementallyAsync(
            List <string> changedFiles,
            IWorkspaceProvider workspaceProvider,
            WorkspaceDefinition workspaceDefinition,
            EvaluationFilter evaluationFilter)

            // TODO: potentially, we could check the number of changes compared to the workspace definition size.
            // If the number of changes is too big, maybe we should go into the full parse mode.
            // But we need to check the perf implications before making this decision.
            var changedSpecs = changedFiles.Select(
                p =>
                var fullPath         = AbsolutePath.Create(FrontEndContext.PathTable, p);
                var containingModule = workspaceDefinition.TryGetModuleDefinition(fullPath);
                return(new SpecWithOwningModule(fullPath, containingModule));

            // Need to check if the spec does not belong to the current workspace
            // or the changed spec belongs to the prelude.
            foreach (var changedSpec in changedSpecs)
                if (changedSpec.OwningModule == null)
                        I($"Changed spec file '{changedSpec.Path.ToString(FrontEndContext.PathTable)}' is not part of the computed workspace."));

                if (changedSpec.OwningModule.Descriptor == workspaceDefinition.PreludeModule.Descriptor)
                        I($"Changed spec file '{changedSpec.Path.ToString(FrontEndContext.PathTable)}' is part of the prelude."));

            // Getting the snapshot from the previous run.

            // Binding snapshot contains all the specs as well as all the configuration files.
            // Need to adjust the count.
            var expectedNumberOfSpecs = workspaceDefinition.SpecCount + (workspaceProvider.GetConfigurationModule()?.Specs.Count ?? 0);
            var snapshot = FrontEndArtifactManager.TryLoadFrontEndSnapshot(expectedNumberOfSpecs);

            if (snapshot == null)
                // The error message was already logged.

            // Parsing and binding all the changed specs.
            var possibleParseResult = await workspaceProvider.ParseAndBindSpecsAsync(changedSpecs);

            var firstFailure = LogParseOrBindingErrorsIfAny(possibleParseResult);

            if (firstFailure != null)
                // This is actual failure.
                // Instead of switching to the full mode, we can actually stop here.

            // Snapshot is valid and parse/binding is completed successfully.
            var snapshotState = GetSnapshotReuseState(possibleParseResult, snapshot);

            if (snapshotState.State == SnapshotState.NoMatch)
                // NoMatch is returned if the snapshot is unavailable.
                if (snapshotState.SpecsWithIncompatiblePublicSurface.Count != 0)
                        I($"Spec file '{snapshotState.SpecsWithIncompatiblePublicSurface.First().Path.AbsolutePath}' changed its binding symbols."));


            // Changed file could get different symbols.
            // Need to re-save it within the front-end snapshot.
            UpdateAndSaveSnapshot(possibleParseResult, snapshot);

            var snapshotProvider = new SnapshotBasedSpecProvider(snapshot);

            // Now we know exactly which are all the files that need to go through parsing/type checking/AST conversion. So we
            // inform that to the artifact manager so the public surface and AST serialization
            // can be resued for the rest, if available.
            // Observe these set of files are not reflecting a potential user filter, but that's fine. If there is a dirty spec
            // that is outside of the filter, that spec won't be requested by the workspace anyway
                changedSpecs.Select(f => f.Path).ToList());

            // The fingerprints for all changed specs are still the same,
            // so we can filter the workspace definition provided that the filter allows it.
            if (snapshotState.State == SnapshotState.FullMatch)
                var filter            = new WorkspaceFilter(FrontEndContext.PathTable);
                var filteredWorkspace = evaluationFilter.CanPerformPartialEvaluationScript(PrimaryConfigFile)
                    ? filter.FilterWorkspaceDefinition(workspaceDefinition, evaluationFilter, snapshotProvider)
                    : workspaceDefinition.Modules;

                return(FilteredWorkspaceDefinition.Filter(new WorkspaceDefinition(filteredWorkspace, workspaceDefinition.PreludeModule)));

            // Specs are not the same, but we would be able to load public facades for all unaffected specs.
            var dirtySpecNames = string.Join(
                ", ",
                snapshotState.SpecsWithTheSamePublicSurface.Take(10).Select(p => Path.GetFileName(p.Path.AbsolutePath)));

                I($"{dirtySpecNames} changed one or more declarations."));

Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <nodoc />
 public static FilteredWorkspaceDefinition Filter(WorkspaceDefinition workspaceDefinition)
     Contract.Requires(workspaceDefinition != null);
     return(new FilteredWorkspaceDefinition(null, workspaceDefinition));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for a failure case.
 /// </summary>
 private FilteredWorkspaceDefinition(Failure failure, WorkspaceDefinition workspaceDefinition)
     : this()
     Failure            = failure;
     FilteredDefinition = workspaceDefinition;