Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This demo shows the usage of merging cells, protecting cells, worksheet password protection and workbook protection
        /// </summary>
        private static void Demo6()
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook("test6.xlsx", "Sheet1");                                                      // Create new workbook

            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("Merged1");                                                              // Add cell A1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.MergeCells("A1:C1");                                                                 // Merge cells from A1 to C1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.GoToNextRow();                                                                       // Go to next row
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(false);                                                                  // Add cell A2
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.MergeCells("A2:D2");                                                                 // Merge cells from A2 to D1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.GoToNextRow();                                                                       // Go to next row
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("22.2d");                                                                // Add cell A3
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.MergeCells("A3:E4");                                                                 // Merge cells from A3 to E4
            workbook.AddWorksheet("Protected");                                                                            // Add a new worksheet
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddAllowedActionOnSheetProtection(Worksheet.SheetProtectionValue.sort);              // Allow to sort sheet (worksheet is automatically set as protected)
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddAllowedActionOnSheetProtection(Worksheet.SheetProtectionValue.insertRows);        // Allow to insert rows
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddAllowedActionOnSheetProtection(Worksheet.SheetProtectionValue.selectLockedCells); // Allow to select cells (locked cells caused automatically to select unlocked cells)
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("Cell A1");                                                              // Add cell A1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("Cell B1");                                                              // Add cell B1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.Cells["A1"].SetCellLockedState(false, true);                                         // Set the locking state of cell A1 (not locked but value is hidden when cell selected)
            workbook.AddWorksheet("PWD-Protected");                                                                        // Add a new worksheet
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell("This worksheet is password protected. The password is:", 0, 0);             // Add cell A1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell("test123", 0, 1);                                                            // Add cell A2
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.SetSheetProtectionPassword("test123");                                               // Set the password "test123"
            workbook.SetWorkbookProtection(true, true, true, null);                                                        // Set workbook protection (windows locked, structure locked, no password)
            workbook.Save();                                                                                               // Save the workbook
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This demo shows the usage of several data types, the method AddCell, more than one worksheet and the SaveAs method
        /// </summary>
        private static void Demo2()
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook(false);                 // Create new workbook

            workbook.AddWorksheet("Sheet1");                         // Add a new Worksheet and set it as current sheet
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("月曜日");            // Add cell A1 (Unicode)
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(-987);             // Add cell B1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(false);            // Add cell C1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.GoToNextRow();                 // Go to Row 2
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(-123.456d);        // Add cell A2
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(-123.789f);        // Add cell B2
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(DateTime.Now);     // Add cell C3
            workbook.AddWorksheet("Sheet2");                         // Add a new Worksheet and set it as current sheet
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell("ABC", "A1");          // Add cell A1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell(779, 2, 1);            // Add cell C2 (zero based addresses: column 2=C, row 1=2)
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell(false, 3, 2);          // Add cell D3 (zero based addresses: column 3=D, row 2=3)
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(0);                // Add cell E3 (direction: column to column)
            List <object> values = new List <object>()
                "V1", true, 16.8
            };                                                          // Create a List of values

            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCellRange(values, "A4:C4");    // Add a cell range to A4 - C4
            workbook.SaveAs("test2.xlsx");                              // Save the workbook
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void Borders(Workbook workbook)
            var worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("Borders");

            worksheet.Columns[0].WidthCharacters = 11;

            worksheet["A1"].Value        = "Left Thick Border";
            worksheet["B1"].Borders.Left = new Border(BorderStyle.Thick);

            worksheet["A3"].Value         = "Right Thick Border";
            worksheet["B3"].Borders.Right = new Border(BorderStyle.Thick);

            worksheet["A5"].Value       = "Top Thick Border";
            worksheet["B5"].Borders.Top = new Border(BorderStyle.Thick);

            worksheet["A7"].Value          = "Bottom Thick Border";
            worksheet["B7"].Borders.Bottom = new Border(BorderStyle.Thick);

            worksheet["A9"].Value = "Diagonal Up Border";

            worksheet["A11"].Value = "Diagonal Down Border";

            worksheet["A13"].Value = "Slant Dash Dot";

            worksheet["A15"].Value = "Box Red";
            worksheet["B15"].Borders.SetBoxBorder(BorderStyle.Thick, SpreadsheetColor.Red);

            worksheet["A17"].Value = "Thin Cross Green";
            worksheet["B17"].Borders.SetDiagonalCrossBorder(BorderStyle.Thin, SpreadsheetColor.Green);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the workbook with all worksheets from the loaded file
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Workbook object</returns>
        public Workbook GetWorkbook()
            Workbook  wb = new Workbook(false);
            Worksheet ws;
            int       index = 1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, WorksheetReader> reader in worksheets)
                ws = new Worksheet(workbook.WorksheetDefinitions[reader.Key], index, wb);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Cell> cell in reader.Value.Data)
                    cell.Value.WorksheetReference = ws;
                    if (reader.Value.StyleAssignment.ContainsKey(cell.Key))
                        Style style = styleReaderContainer.GetStyle(reader.Value.StyleAssignment[cell.Key], true);
                        if (style != null)
                    ws.AddCell(cell.Value, cell.Key);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method shows the usage of AddNextCell with several data types and formulas. Furthermore, the several types of Addresses are demonstrated
        /// </summary>
        private static void Demo1()
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook("test1.xlsx", "Sheet1");                          // Create new workbook

            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("Test");                                     // Add cell A1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(123);                                        // Add cell B1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(true);                                       // Add cell C1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.GoToNextRow();                                           // Go to Row 2
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(123.456d);                                   // Add cell A2
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(123.789f);                                   // Add cell B2
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell(DateTime.Now);                               // Add cell C2
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.GoToNextRow();                                           // Go to Row 3
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCellFormula("B1*22");                             // Add cell A3 as formula (B1 times 22)
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCellFormula("ROUNDDOWN(A2,1)");                   // Add cell B3 as formula (Floor A2 with one decimal place)
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCellFormula("PI()");                              // Add cell C3 as formula (Pi = 3.14.... )
            workbook.AddWorksheet("Addresses");                                                // Add new worksheet
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.CurrentCellDirection = Worksheet.CellDirection.Disabled; // Disable automatic addressing
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell("Default", 0, 0);                                // Add a value
            Cell.Address address = new Cell.Address(1, 0, Cell.AddressType.Default);           // Create Address with default behavior
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell(address.ToString(), 1, 0);                       // Add the string of the address
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell("Fixed Column", 0, 1);                           // Add a value
            address = new Cell.Address(1, 1, Cell.AddressType.FixedColumn);                    // Create Address with fixed column
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell(address.ToString(), 1, 1);                       // Add the string of the address
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell("Fixed Row", 0, 2);                              // Add a value
            address = new Cell.Address(1, 2, Cell.AddressType.FixedRow);                       // Create Address with fixed row
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell(address.ToString(), 1, 2);                       // Add the string of the address
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell("Fixed Row and Column", 0, 3);                   // Add a value
            address = new Cell.Address(1, 3, Cell.AddressType.FixedRowAndColumn);              // Create Address with fixed row and column
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddCell(address.ToString(), 1, 3);                       // Add the string of the address
            workbook.Save();                                                                   // Save the workbook
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// This demo shows the usage of hiding rows and columns, auto-filter and worksheet name sanitizing
        /// </summary>
        private static void Demo7()
            Workbook workbook           = new Workbook(false);                                          // Create new workbook without worksheet
            String   invalidSheetName   = "Sheet?1";                                                    // ? is not allowed in the names of worksheets
            String   sanitizedSheetName = Worksheet.SanitizeWorksheetName(invalidSheetName, workbook);  // Method to sanitize a worksheet name (replaces ? with _)

            workbook.AddWorksheet(sanitizedSheetName);                                                  // Add new worksheet
            Worksheet     ws     = workbook.CurrentWorksheet;                                           // Create reference (shortening)
            List <object> values = new List <object>()
                "Cell A1", "Cell B1", "Cell C1", "Cell D1"
            };                                                                                          // Create a List of values

            ws.AddCellRange(values, "A1:D1");                                                           // Insert cell range
            values = new List <object>()
                "Cell A2", "Cell B2", "Cell C2", "Cell D2"
            };                                                                                          // Create a List of values
            ws.AddCellRange(values, "A2:D2");                                                           // Insert cell range
            values = new List <object>()
                "Cell A3", "Cell B3", "Cell C3", "Cell D3"
            };                                                                                          // Create a List of values
            ws.AddCellRange(values, "A3:D3");                                                           // Insert cell range
            ws.AddHiddenColumn("C");                                                                    // Hide column C
            ws.AddHiddenRow(1);                                                                         // Hider row 2 (zero-based: 1)
            ws.SetAutoFilter(1, 3);                                                                     // Set auto-filter for column B to D
            workbook.SaveAs("test7.xlsx");                                                              // Save the workbook
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// This demo shows the usage of cell and worksheet selection, auto-sanitizing of worksheet names
        /// </summary>
        private static void Demo8()
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook("test8.xlsx", "Sheet*1", true);                            // Create new workbook with invalid sheet name (*); Auto-Sanitizing will replace * with _

            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("Test");                                              // Add cell A1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.SetSelectedCells("A5:B10");                                       // Set the selection to the range A5:B10
            workbook.AddWorksheet("Sheet2");                                                            // Create new worksheet
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("Test2");                                             // Add cell A1
            Cell.Range range = new Cell.Range(new Cell.Address(1, 1), new Cell.Address(3, 3));          // Create a cell range for the selection B2:D4
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.SetSelectedCells(range);                                          // Set the selection to the range
            workbook.AddWorksheet("Sheet2", true);                                                      // Create new worksheet with already existing name; The name will be changed to Sheet21 due to auto-sanitizing (appending of 1)
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("Test3");                                             // Add cell A1
            workbook.CurrentWorksheet.SetSelectedCells(new Cell.Address(2, 2), new Cell.Address(4, 4)); // Set the selection to the range C3:E5
            workbook.SetSelectedWorksheet(1);                                                           // Set the second Tab as selected (zero-based: 1)
            workbook.Save();                                                                            // Save the workbook
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the workbook with all worksheets from the loaded file
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Workbook object</returns>
        public Workbook GetWorkbook()
            Workbook wb = new Workbook(false);

            Worksheet ws;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, WorksheetReader> reader in worksheets)
                WorkbookReader.WorksheetDefinition definition = workbook.WorksheetDefinitions[reader.Key];
                ws        = new Worksheet(definition.WorksheetName, definition.SheetID, wb);
                ws.Hidden = definition.Hidden;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Cell> cell in reader.Value.Data)
                    cell.Value.WorksheetReference = ws;
                    if (reader.Value.StyleAssignment.ContainsKey(cell.Key))
                        Style style = styleReaderContainer.GetStyle(reader.Value.StyleAssignment[cell.Key], true);
                        if (style != null)
                    ws.AddCell(cell.Value, cell.Key);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Build Excel file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">product</param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string Build(List <Ttn> items, string title = "Без заголовка")
            var workbook = new Workbook();


            // create first worksheet
            var worksheet = new Worksheet("Лист 1");

            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(0, 0, title, StylesBuilder.TitleStyle, 6U);

            // adding headers
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 0, "ТТН № ", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 1, "Дата", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 2, "Время", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 3, "Продукция", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 4, "Кол", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);

            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 5, "Цена", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 6, "Сумма", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 7, "Модель", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 8, "Автобаза", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 9, "Гос. №", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 10, "Водитель", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 11, "Адрес", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);

            var row = 2;

            foreach (var item in items)
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 0, item.Num);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 1, item.Dat.ToString());
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 2, item.Tm);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 3, item.Good);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 4, item.Kol);

                worksheet.AddCell(row, 5, item.Price);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 6, item.Sm);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 7, item.Amodel);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 8, item.Ab);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 9, item.Gn);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 10, item.Driv);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 11, item.Adres);

            // appending footer with formulas
            //worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(row, 0, string.Empty, StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            //worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(row, 1, string.Empty, StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            //worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(row, 2, string.Empty, StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            //worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(row, 3, string.Empty, StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            //worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(row, 4, string.Empty, StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            //worksheet.AddCellWithStyleAndFormula(row, 5, 0, "=AVERAGE(R[-" + (row - 1) + "]C:R[-1]C)", StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            //worksheet.AddCellWithStyleAndFormula(row, 6, 0, "=SUM(R[-" + (row - 1) + "]C:R[-1]C)", StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public Excel()
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.ActiveSheet       = 1;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.DisplayInkNotes   = false;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.FirstVisibleSheet = 1;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.ProtectStructure  = false;

            ws = new Worksheet("Анкеты");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var workbook  = new Workbook();
            var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Name = "View1";

            worksheet.Columns["A"].WidthPixels = 250;

            worksheet["A1"].Value   = "Show formulas";
            worksheet["A2"].Formula = "=SUM(1)";
            worksheet["A2"].Value   = "Do not show row and column headers";
            worksheet["A3"].Value   = "Zoom 125%";
            worksheet["A4"].Value   = "Tab color: Red";
            worksheet["A5"].Value   = "Gridline color: Green";

            worksheet.View.ShowFormulas         = true;
            worksheet.View.ShowRowColumnHeaders = false;
            worksheet.View.ZoomScale            = 125;
            worksheet.Properties.TabColor       = SpreadsheetColor.Red;
            worksheet.View.GridlineColor        = SpreadsheetColor.Green;

            var worksheet2 = workbook.AddWorksheet("View2");

            worksheet2.Columns["A"].WidthPixels = 250;
            worksheet2["A1"].Value = "Do not show zeros";
            worksheet2["B1"].Value = 0;
            worksheet2["A2"].Value = "Do not show gridlines";
            worksheet2["A3"].Value = "Page Layout View Zoom 75%";
            worksheet2["A4"].Value = "Page Layout View";

            worksheet2.View.ShowZeros               = false;
            worksheet2.View.ShowGridLines           = false;
            worksheet2.View.ZoomScalePageLayoutView = 75;
            worksheet2.View.ViewType = SheetViewType.PageLayout;

            var worksheet3 = workbook.AddWorksheet("Right to Left");

            worksheet3.View.RightToLeft = true;

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public ActionResult Export()
            string   result = string.Empty;
            Workbook wb     = new Workbook();

            // properties
            wb.Properties.Author    = "Calabonga";
            wb.Properties.Created   = DateTime.Today;
            wb.Properties.LastAutor = "Calabonga";
            wb.Properties.Version   = "14";

            // options sheets
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.ActiveSheet       = 1;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.DisplayInkNotes   = false;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.FirstVisibleSheet = 1;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.ProtectStructure  = false;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.WindowHeight      = 800;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.WindowTopX        = 0;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.WindowTopY        = 0;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.WindowWidth       = 600;

            // get data
            List <EntranceComposition> entranceCompositions = db.EntranceComposition.ToList();
            Worksheet ws3 = new Worksheet("Поставки");

            ws3.AddCell(0, 0, "Поставка");
            ws3.AddCell(0, 1, "Ингредиент");
            ws3.AddCell(0, 2, "Количество");
            ws3.AddCell(0, 3, "Цена");
            int totalRows = 0;

            // appending rows with data
            for (int i = 0; i < entranceCompositions.Count; i++)
                ws3.AddCell(i + 1, 0, entranceCompositions[i].Entrance);
                ws3.AddCell(i + 1, 1, entranceCompositions[i].Ingredient1.Name.ToString());
                ws3.AddCell(i + 1, 2, entranceCompositions[i].Count);
                ws3.AddCell(i + 1, 3, entranceCompositions[i].Cost);


            // generate xml
            string workstring = wb.ExportToXML();

            // Send to user file
            return(new ExcelResult("Entrances.xls", workstring));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void Fills(Workbook workbook)
            var worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("Fills");

            worksheet.Columns[0].WidthCharacters = 20;

            worksheet["A1"].Value = "Solid Blue";
            worksheet["B1"].Fill  = CellFill.CreateSolidFill(SpreadsheetColor.Blue);

            worksheet["A3"].Value = "Green Red Dark Trellis";
            worksheet["B3"].Fill  = CellFill.CreatePattern(SpreadsheetColor.Green, SpreadsheetColor.Red, PatternType.DarkTrellis);

            worksheet["A5"].Value = "Linear Gradient";
            worksheet["B5"].Fill  = CellFill.CreateGradient(GradientType.Linear, 180, SpreadsheetColor.Blue, SpreadsheetColor.Red);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// This demo shows the usage of hiding workbooks and worksheets
        /// </summary>
        private static void Demo13()
            Workbook wb = new Workbook("demo13(hidden_workbook).xlsx", "hiddenWB");         // Create a new workbook

            wb.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("Hidden Workbook");
            wb.Hidden = true;                                                               // Set the workbook hidden (Set visible again in another, visible workbook)
            wb.Save();                                                                      // Save the workbook

            Workbook wb2 = new Workbook("demo13(hidden_worksheet).xlsx", "visible");        // Create a new workbook

            wb2.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("Visible Worksheet");
            wb2.AddWorksheet("hidden");                                                     // Create new worksheet
            wb2.CurrentWorksheet.AddNextCell("Hidden Worksheet");
            wb2.CurrentWorksheet.Hidden = true;                                             // Set the current worksheet hidden
            wb2.Save();                                                                     // Save the workbook
Ejemplo n.º 15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var workbook    = new Workbook();
            var freezeSheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            freezeSheet.Name = "Freeze";

            //Freeze the first column and the top 2 rows

            var splitSheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("Split");

            //Create four panes by splitting at F10
        public static void ThreeDLine(Workbook workbook)
            var worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("3-D Line");

            var cellOffset = new PointDoubleUnit(19050, 19050, ScreenMeasurementUnit.Emu);



            var chart1 = worksheet.Charts.AddLine3DChart(2, "Chart 1", "A1", cellOffset);

            chart1.Size.HeightInches = 2.5;
            chart1.Size.WidthInches  = 3.5;
            chart1.DataSource        = "Data!$A$1:$D$5";
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// This method show the shortened style of writing cells
        /// </summary>
        private static void ShortenerDemo()
            Workbook wb = new Workbook("shortenerDemo.xlsx", "Sheet1");                  // Create a workbook (important: A worksheet must be created as well)

            wb.WS.Value("Some Text");                                                    // Add cell A1
            wb.WS.Value(58.55, Style.BasicStyles.DoubleUnderline);                       // Add a formatted value to cell B1
            wb.WS.Right(2);                                                              // Move to cell E1
            wb.WS.Value(true);                                                           // Add cell E1
            wb.AddWorksheet("Sheet2");                                                   // Add a new worksheet
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.CurrentCellDirection = Worksheet.CellDirection.RowToRow; // Change the cell direction
            wb.WS.Value("This is another text");                                         // Add cell A1
            wb.WS.Formula("=A1");                                                        // Add a formula in Cell A2
            wb.WS.Down();                                                                // Go to cell A4
            wb.WS.Value("Formatted Text", Style.BasicStyles.Bold);                       // Add a formatted value to cell A4
            wb.Save();                                                                   // Save the workbook
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static string Build(List <Ttn> items, string title = "Без заголовка")
            var workbook = new Workbook();


            // create first worksheet
            var worksheet = new Worksheet("Лист 1");

            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(0, 0, title, StylesBuilder.TitleStyle, 6U);

            // adding headers
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 0, "Номер заказа", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 1, "Дата заказа", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 2, "Артикул товара", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 3, "Наименование товара", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 4, "Количество", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 5, "Цена", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(1, 6, "Сумма", StylesBuilder.Headerstyle);

            var row = 2;

            foreach (var item in items)
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 0, item.Id);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 1, item.OrderDate.ToString());
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 2, item.ProductId);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 3, item.ProductName);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 4, item.Quantity);
                worksheet.AddCell(row, 5, item.UnitPrice);
                worksheet.AddCellWithFormula(row, 6, 0, "=RC[-2]*RC[-1]");

            // appending footer with formulas
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(row, 0, string.Empty, StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(row, 1, string.Empty, StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(row, 2, string.Empty, StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(row, 3, string.Empty, StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyle(row, 4, string.Empty, StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyleAndFormula(row, 5, 0, "=AVERAGE(R[-" + (row - 1) + "]C:R[-1]C)", StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);
            worksheet.AddCellWithStyleAndFormula(row, 6, 0, "=SUM(R[-" + (row - 1) + "]C:R[-1]C)", StylesBuilder.SummaryStyle);

        public static void LookupReference(Workbook workbook)
            var worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("LookupReference");

            worksheet["A1"].Value   = "COLUMN";
            worksheet["B1"].Formula = "=COLUMN()";

            worksheet["A2"].Value   = "COLUMNS";
            worksheet["B2"].Formula = "=COLUMNS(A5:C5)";
            worksheet["C2"].Formula = "=COLUMNS({1,2;3,4})";

            worksheet["A3"].Value   = "INDEX";
            worksheet["B3"].Formula = "=INDEX({\"Apples\",\"Lemons\";\"Bananas\",\"Pears\"},2,2)";
            worksheet["C3"].Formula = "=INDEX({\"Apples\",\"Lemons\";\"Bananas\",\"Pears\"},2,1)";
            worksheet["D3"].Formula = "=INDEX({\"Apples\",\"Lemons\"},,2)";
            worksheet["E3"].Formula = "=INDEX({\"Apples\";\"Bananas\"},1)";
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public ActionResult Export()
            string   result = string.Empty;
            Workbook wb     = new Workbook();

            // properties
            wb.Properties.Author    = "Calabonga";
            wb.Properties.Created   = DateTime.Today;
            wb.Properties.LastAutor = "Calabonga";
            wb.Properties.Version   = "14";

            // options sheets
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.ActiveSheet       = 1;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.DisplayInkNotes   = false;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.FirstVisibleSheet = 1;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.ProtectStructure  = false;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.WindowHeight      = 800;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.WindowTopX        = 0;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.WindowTopY        = 0;
            wb.ExcelWorkbook.WindowWidth       = 600;
            // get data
            List <Machinist> people = db.Machinist.ToList();
            Worksheet        ws3    = new Worksheet("Пользователи");

            ws3.AddCell(0, 0, "Фио");
            ws3.AddCell(0, 1, "Аддрес");
            ws3.AddCell(0, 2, "Телефон");

            // appending rows with data
            for (int i = 0; i < people.Count; i++)
                ws3.AddCell(i + 1, 0, people[i].FIO);
                ws3.AddCell(i + 1, 1, people[i].Address);
                ws3.AddCell(i + 1, 2, people[i].Telephone);


            // generate xml
            string workstring = wb.ExportToXML();

            // Send to user file
            return(new ExcelResult("Persons.xls", workstring));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static void NumberFormats(Workbook workbook)
            var worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("NumberFormats");

            worksheet.Columns[0].WidthCharacters = 20;

            double doubleValue = 1234.5678;

            worksheet["A1"].Value = "General";
            worksheet["A2"].Value = "'0";
            worksheet["A3"].Value = "'0.00";
            worksheet["A4"].Value = "#,##0";
            worksheet["A5"].Value = "#,##0.00";

            worksheet["B1"].Value = doubleValue;
            worksheet["B2"].Value = doubleValue;
            worksheet["B3"].Value = doubleValue;
            worksheet["B4"].Value = doubleValue;
            worksheet["B5"].Value = doubleValue;

            worksheet["B1"].Format = DRIT.Spreadsheet.Office.Model.Formats.General;
            worksheet["B2"].Format = new NumberFormat("0");
            worksheet["B3"].Format = new NumberFormat("0.00");
            worksheet["B4"].Format = new NumberFormat("#,##0");
            worksheet["B5"].Format = new NumberFormat("#,##0.00");

            worksheet["A7"].Value  = "#,##0.00;[Red]-#,##0.00";
            worksheet["B7"].Value  = doubleValue * -1;
            worksheet["B7"].Format = new NumberFormat("#,##0.00;[Red]-#,##0.00");

            worksheet["A9"].Value  = "Scientific 0.E+00";
            worksheet["B9"].Value  = doubleValue;
            worksheet["B9"].Format = new NumberFormat("0.E+00");

            worksheet["A10"].Value  = "Scientific 0.00E+0";
            worksheet["B10"].Value  = doubleValue;
            worksheet["B10"].Format = new NumberFormat("0.00E+0");

            worksheet["A12"].Value  = "Percent 0%";
            worksheet["B12"].Value  = doubleValue;
            worksheet["B12"].Format = new NumberFormat("0%");

            worksheet["A13"].Value  = "Scientific 0.00%";
            worksheet["B13"].Value  = doubleValue;
            worksheet["B13"].Format = new NumberFormat("0.00%");
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the workbook with all worksheets from the loaded file
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Workbook object</returns>
        public Workbook GetWorkbook()
            Workbook  wb = new Workbook(false);
            Worksheet ws;
            int       index = 1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, WorksheetReader> reader in worksheets)
                ws = new Worksheet(workbook.WorksheetDefinitions[reader.Key], index, wb);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Cell> cell in reader.Value.Data)
                    ws.AddCell(cell.Value, cell.Key);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the workbook with all worksheets from the loaded file
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Workbook object</returns>
        public Workbook GetWorkbook()
            Workbook        wb = new Workbook(false);
            WorksheetReader wr;
            Worksheet       ws;

            for (int i = 0; i < worksheets.Count; i++)
                wr = worksheets[i];
                ws = new Worksheet(workbook.WorksheetDefinitions[i + 1], i + 1, wb);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Cell> cell in wr.Data)
                    ws.AddCell(cell.Value, cell.Key);
        public static void Shadow(Workbook workbook)
            var worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("Shadow");

            worksheet.Columns["B"].WidthPixels = 90;

            Position cellOffsetPixel = new Position(5, 5, ScreenMeasurementUnit.Pixel);
            Size     size            = new Size(738000, 428625, ScreenMeasurementUnit.Emu);

            worksheet["A1"].Value = "Outer Shadow";
            var rectangle1 = worksheet.CellShapes.AddShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, "B1", cellOffsetPixel, size);

            rectangle1.Effects.Shadow.Type         = ShadowType.Outer;
            rectangle1.Effects.Shadow.Color        = OfficeColor.Black;
            rectangle1.Effects.Shadow.Transparency = 0.4m;
            rectangle1.Effects.Shadow.Size         = 1.2m;
            rectangle1.Effects.Shadow.Blur         = 4;
            rectangle1.Effects.Shadow.Angle        = 45;
            rectangle1.Effects.Shadow.Distance     = 6;

            var rectangle2 = worksheet.CellShapes.AddShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, "B2", cellOffsetPixel, size);

            rectangle2.Effects.Shadow.Type         = ShadowType.Outer;
            rectangle2.Effects.Shadow.Color        = OfficeColor.Red;
            rectangle2.Effects.Shadow.Transparency = 0.2m;
            rectangle2.Effects.Shadow.Size         = 1;
            rectangle2.Effects.Shadow.Blur         = 4;
            rectangle2.Effects.Shadow.Angle        = 45;
            rectangle2.Effects.Shadow.Distance     = 6;

            worksheet["A3"].Value = "Inner Shadow";
            var rectangle3 = worksheet.CellShapes.AddShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, "B3", cellOffsetPixel, size);

            rectangle3.Fill.SolidOfficeColor       = OfficeColor.Window;
            rectangle3.Effects.Shadow.Type         = ShadowType.Inner;
            rectangle3.Effects.Shadow.Color        = OfficeColor.Black;
            rectangle3.Effects.Shadow.Transparency = 0.4m;
            rectangle3.Effects.Shadow.Blur         = 5;
            rectangle3.Effects.Shadow.Angle        = 135;
            rectangle3.Effects.Shadow.Distance     = 6;
        public static void Fill(Workbook workbook)
            var worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("Fill");

            worksheet.Columns["A"].WidthPixels = 150;
            worksheet.Columns["B"].WidthPixels = 90;

            Position cellOffsetPixel = new Position(5, 5, ScreenMeasurementUnit.Pixel);
            Size     size            = new Size(738000, 428625, ScreenMeasurementUnit.Emu);

            worksheet["A1"].Value = "Fill Red";
            var rectangle1 = worksheet.CellShapes.AddShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, "B1", cellOffsetPixel, size);

            rectangle1.Fill.SolidOfficeColor = OfficeColor.Red;

            worksheet["A2"].Value = "Fill Red 50% Transparent";
            var rectangle2 = worksheet.CellShapes.AddShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, "B2", cellOffsetPixel, size);

            rectangle2.Fill.SolidOfficeColor = OfficeColor.Red;
            rectangle2.Fill.Transparency     = 0.5m;

            var rectangle3 = worksheet.CellShapes.AddShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, "B3", cellOffsetPixel, size);

            rectangle3.Fill.Gradient = new GradientFill();
            rectangle3.Fill.Gradient.GradientStops.Add(new DRIT.Spreadsheet.Office.Drawing.GradientStop(0, OfficeColor.Text1));
            rectangle3.Fill.Gradient.GradientStops.Add(new DRIT.Spreadsheet.Office.Drawing.GradientStop(0.5m, OfficeColor.Yellow));
            rectangle3.Fill.Gradient.GradientStops.Add(new DRIT.Spreadsheet.Office.Drawing.GradientStop(1, OfficeColor.Red));

            var rectangle4 = worksheet.CellShapes.AddShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, "B4", cellOffsetPixel, size);

            rectangle4.Fill.Gradient = GradientPresets.Horizon();

            var rectangle5 = worksheet.CellShapes.AddShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, "B5", cellOffsetPixel, size);

            rectangle5.Fill.Type                    = FillType.PatternFill;
            rectangle5.Fill.Pattern                 = new PatternFill();
            rectangle5.Fill.Pattern.Preset          = DRIT.Spreadsheet.Office.Drawing.PatternType.DiagonalBrick;
            rectangle5.Fill.Pattern.BackgroundColor = OfficeColor.Background;
            rectangle5.Fill.Pattern.ForegroundColor = OfficeColor.Red;
        public static void Logical(Workbook workbook)
            var worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("Logical");

            worksheet["A1"].Value   = "AND";
            worksheet["B1"].Formula = "=AND(TRUE)";
            worksheet["C1"].Formula = "=AND(TRUE,FALSE)";
            worksheet["D1"].Formula = "=AND(10>5,3=1+2,5)";

            worksheet["A2"].Value   = "FALSE";
            worksheet["B2"].Formula = "=FALSE()";

            worksheet["A3"].Value   = "IF";
            worksheet["B3"].Formula = "=IF(10>5,\"Yes\",\"No\")";
            worksheet["C3"].Formula = "=IF(10>5,\"Yes\")";
            worksheet["D3"].Formula = "=IF(10>5,\"Yes\",)";
            worksheet["E3"].Formula = "=IF(10<5,\"Yes\")";
            worksheet["F3"].Formula = "=IF(10<5,\"Yes\",)";

            worksheet["A4"].Value   = "IFERROR";
            worksheet["B4"].Formula = "=IFERROR(1/0,\"Error in calculation\")";
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// This demo shows the usage of splitting and freezing a worksheet into several panes
        /// </summary>
        private static void Demo12()
            Workbook wb = new Workbook("demo12.xlsx", "splitXchars");                                                     // Create a new workbook

            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetVerticalSplit(30f, new Cell.Address("D1"), Worksheet.WorksheetPane.topRight);          // Split worksheet vertically by characters
            wb.AddWorksheet("SplitXcols");                                                                                // Create new worksheet
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetVerticalSplit(4, false, new Cell.Address("E1"), Worksheet.WorksheetPane.topRight);     // Split worksheet vertically by columns
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 15f);                                                                   // Define column width
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 20f);                                                                   // Define column width
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 35f);                                                                   // Define column width

            wb.AddWorksheet("SplitYchars");                                                                               // Create new worksheet
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetHorizontalSplit(20f, new Cell.Address("C1"), Worksheet.WorksheetPane.bottomLeft);      // Split worksheet horizontally by characters
            wb.AddWorksheet("SplitYcols");                                                                                // Create new worksheet
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetHorizontalSplit(5, false, new Cell.Address("A6"), Worksheet.WorksheetPane.bottomLeft); // Split worksheet horizontally by rows
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetRowHeight(0, 10f);                                                                     // Define row height
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetRowHeight(3, 35f);                                                                     // Define row height
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetRowHeight(2, 25f);                                                                     // Define row height

            wb.AddWorksheet("SplitXYchars");                                                                              // Create new worksheet
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetSplit(30f, 20f, new Cell.Address("D3"), Worksheet.WorksheetPane.bottomRight);          // Split worksheet horizontally and vertically by characters

            wb.AddWorksheet("SplitXYColRow");                                                                             // Create new worksheet
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetSplit(3, 10, false, new Cell.Address("D11"), Worksheet.WorksheetPane.bottomRight);     // Split worksheet horizontally and vertically by rows and columns

            wb.AddWorksheet("FreezeXcols");                                                                               // Create new worksheet
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetVerticalSplit(4, true, new Cell.Address("E1"), Worksheet.WorksheetPane.topRight);      // Split and freeze worksheet vertically by columns

            wb.AddWorksheet("FreezeYcols");                                                                               // Create new worksheet
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetHorizontalSplit(1, true, new Cell.Address("A2"), Worksheet.WorksheetPane.bottomLeft);  // Split and freeze worksheet horizontally by rows

            wb.AddWorksheet("FreezeXYColRow");                                                                            // Create new worksheet
            wb.CurrentWorksheet.SetSplit(3, 10, true, new Cell.Address("D11"), Worksheet.WorksheetPane.bottomRight);      // Split and freeze worksheet horizontally and vertically by rows and columns

            wb.Save();                                                                                                    // Save the workbook
        public static void Text(Workbook workbook)
            var worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("Text");

            worksheet["A1"].Value   = "CHAR";
            worksheet["D1"].Value   = 65;
            worksheet["B1"].Formula = "=CHAR(65)";
            worksheet["C1"].Formula = "=CHAR(D1)";

            worksheet["A2"].Value   = "CLEAN";
            worksheet["B2"].Formula = "=CLEAN(\"A\" & CHAR(2) & \"BC\")";

            worksheet["A3"].Value   = "CODE";
            worksheet["B3"].Formula = "=CODE(\"abc\")";

            worksheet["A4"].Value   = "CONCATENATE";
            worksheet["B4"].Formula = "=CONCATENATE(3,\" + \",4,\" = \",3+4)";

            worksheet["A5"].Value   = "DOLLAR";
            worksheet["B5"].Formula = "=DOLLAR(1234.567)";
            worksheet["C5"].Formula = "=DOLLAR(1234.567,-2)";
            worksheet["D5"].Formula = "=DOLLAR(-1234.567,4)";

            worksheet["A6"].Value   = "EXACT";
            worksheet["B6"].Formula = "=EXACT(\"ABC\",\"ABC\")";
            worksheet["C6"].Formula = "=EXACT(\"ABC\",\"ABCD\")";
            worksheet["D6"].Formula = "=EXACT(\"Abc\",\"aBC\")";
            worksheet["E6"].Formula = "=EXACT(\"\",\"\")";

            worksheet["A7"].Value   = "FIND";
            worksheet["B7"].Formula = "=FIND(\"de\",\"abcdef\")";

            worksheet["A8"].Value   = "FIXED";
            worksheet["B8"].Formula = "=FIXED(1234567)";
            worksheet["C8"].Formula = "=FIXED(1234567.555555,4,TRUE)";
            worksheet["D8"].Formula = "=FIXED(.555555,10)";
            worksheet["E8"].Formula = "=FIXED(1234567,-3)";
        public static void TwoDArea(Workbook workbook)
            var worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("2-D Area");

            var cellOffset = new PointDoubleUnit(19050, 19050, ScreenMeasurementUnit.Emu);



            var chart1 = worksheet.Charts.AddAreaChart(2, "Chart 1", "A1", cellOffset);

            chart1.Size.HeightInches = 2.5;
            chart1.Size.WidthInches  = 3.5;
            chart1.DataSource        = "Data!$A$1:$D$5";

            var chart2 = worksheet.Charts.AddAreaChart(3, "Chart 2", "A7", cellOffset);

            chart2.Size.HeightInches = 2.5;
            chart2.Size.WidthInches  = 3.5;
            chart2.Grouping          = Grouping.Stacked;
            chart2.DataSource        = "Data!$A$1:$D$5";
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private static void TestAddList()
            Workbook w = MsExcel.GetInstance().GetOpenWorkbookByName(@"FirstWorbook.xlsx");

            List <List <string> > lls = new List <List <string> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var ls = new List <string>();
                for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                    ls.Add((i + j).ToString());

            Worksheet ws = w.GetWorksheetByName("TestWs");

            ws.SetTable(lls, 5, 3);