Ejemplo n.º 1
 public WoopsaAdsProperty(WoopsaObject container, string name, WoopsaValueType type, WoopsaPropertyGet get, WoopsaPropertySet set, TcAdsSymbolInfo adsInfo) :
     base(container, name, type, get, set)
     string[] path = adsInfo.Name.Split('.');
     RootName = path[0];
     AdsInfo  = adsInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public WoopsaAdsProperty(WoopsaObject container, string name, WoopsaValueType type, WoopsaPropertyGet get, WoopsaPropertySet set, TcAdsSymbolInfo adsInfo)
     : base(container, name, type, get, set)
     string[] path = adsInfo.Name.Split('.');
     RootName = path[0];
     AdsInfo = adsInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public WoopsaMultiRequestHandler(WoopsaObject root, WoopsaServer server)
            _server = server;

            new WoopsaMethod(root,
                new List<WoopsaMethodArgumentInfo> { new WoopsaMethodArgumentInfo(WoopsaMultiRequestConst.WoopsaMultiRequestArgumentName, WoopsaValueType.JsonData) },
                (s) => (HandleCall(s.ElementAt(0)))
        private async Task IncrementCount()
            //string responsestring = await Http.GetStringAsync("http://localhost:80/woopsa/read/Signal");
            while (true)
                response = await Http.GetJsonAsync <WoopsaObject>("http://localhost:80/woopsa/read/Signal");

                currentValue = response.Value;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TestWoopsaMultiRequest()
            WoopsaObject           serverRoot   = new WoopsaObject(null, "");
            TestObjectMultiRequest objectServer = new TestObjectMultiRequest();
            WoopsaObjectAdapter    adapter      = new WoopsaObjectAdapter(serverRoot, "TestObject", objectServer);

            using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(serverRoot))
                using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient("http://localhost/woopsa"))
                    ExecuteMultiRequestTestSerie(client, objectServer);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void TestWoopsaMultiRequestNoRemoteMultiRequestService()
            WoopsaObject           serverRoot   = new WoopsaObject(null, "");
            TestObjectMultiRequest objectServer = new TestObjectMultiRequest();
            WoopsaObjectAdapter    adapter      = new WoopsaObjectAdapter(serverRoot, "TestObject", objectServer);

            using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer((IWoopsaContainer)serverRoot, TestingPort))
                using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl))
                    ExecuteMultiRequestTestSerie(client, objectServer);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var          root   = new WoopsaObject(null, "Gateway.IoT");
            WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient("", root);

            client.Username = "******";
            client.Password = "******";


            var woopsaServer = new WoopsaServer(root, 10443);

            woopsaServer.Authenticator = new SimpleAuthenticator("Raspberry",
                                                                 (sender, e) => e.IsAuthenticated = e.Username == "admin" && e.Password == "admin");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Load()
            _rootWoopsaObject = new WoopsaObject(null, "root");
            _woopsaServer = new WoopsaServer(_rootWoopsaObject, port);
            _woopsaServer.WebServer.Routes.Add("/Pages", HTTPMethod.GET, new RouteHandlerFileSystem(folderPathWebPages));
            Thread thread;

            #region infoDebug
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("\nWoopsa server listening on http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + _woopsaServer.RoutePrefix);
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("Some examples of what you can do directly from your browser:");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" * View the object hierarchy of the root object:");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("   http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + _woopsaServer.RoutePrefix + "meta/");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" * Read the value of a property:");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("   http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + _woopsaServer.RoutePrefix + "read/Temperature ");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" * Surfing on the web pages found in the directory \n   specified in Advanced Settings :");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("   http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + "/Pages/ \n");


            bool allThreadAreAbort;
                lock (_thisLock)
                    allThreadAreAbort = _allThreadAreAbort;
            while (!allThreadAreAbort);
            _woopsaAdsThreadList = new List<Thread>();
            lock (plcParameterList)
                _shouldStop = false;

            foreach (PlcParameter parameter in plcParameterList)
                thread = new Thread(Start);
                thread.Name = "WoopsaAdsController - " + parameter.name;
            lock (_thisLock)
                _allThreadAreAbort = false;
            isRunning = true;
        public void TestWoopsaClientSubscriptionDisappearingProperty()
            bool       isValueChanged = false;
            MainClass  objectServer   = new MainClass();
            InnerClass inner          = new InnerClass();

            objectServer.Inner = inner;
            using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort))
                using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl))
                    WoopsaBoundClientObject  root         = client.CreateBoundRoot();
                    WoopsaObject             Inner        = root.Items.ByName(nameof(MainClass.Inner)) as WoopsaObject;
                    WoopsaClientProperty     propertyInfo = Inner.Properties.ByName(nameof(InnerClass.Info)) as WoopsaClientProperty;
                    WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = propertyInfo.Subscribe(
                        (sender, e) =>
                        isValueChanged = true;
                        TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20));
                    inner.Info = "Test";
                    Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                    while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)))
                    if (isValueChanged)
                        Console.WriteLine("Notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                        Console.WriteLine("No notification received");
                    isValueChanged     = false;
                    objectServer.Inner = new BaseInnerClass();
                    //                    objectServer.Inner = new object();
                    while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)))
                    Assert.AreEqual(true, isValueChanged);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Load()
            _rootWoopsaObject = new WoopsaObject(null, "root");
            _woopsaServer     = new WoopsaServer(_rootWoopsaObject, port);
            _woopsaServer.WebServer.Routes.Add("/Pages", HTTPMethod.GET, new RouteHandlerFileSystem(folderPathWebPages));
            Thread thread;

            #region infoDebug
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("\nWoopsa server listening on http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + _woopsaServer.RoutePrefix);
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("Some examples of what you can do directly from your browser:");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" * View the object hierarchy of the root object:");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("   http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + _woopsaServer.RoutePrefix + "meta/");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" * Read the value of a property:");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("   http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + _woopsaServer.RoutePrefix + "read/Temperature ");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" * Surfing on the web pages found in the directory \n   specified in Advanced Settings :");
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("   http://localhost:" + _woopsaServer.WebServer.Port + "/Pages/ \n");


            bool allThreadAreAbort;
                lock (_thisLock)
                    allThreadAreAbort = _allThreadAreAbort;
            }while (!allThreadAreAbort);
            _woopsaAdsThreadList = new List <Thread>();
            lock (plcParameterList)
                _shouldStop = false;

            foreach (PlcParameter parameter in plcParameterList)
                thread      = new Thread(Start);
                thread.Name = "WoopsaAdsController - " + parameter.name;
            lock (_thisLock)
                _allThreadAreAbort = false;
            isRunning = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void TestWoopsaObjectPerformance()
     const int ObjectCount = 5000;
     const int AccessCount = 50000;
     WoopsaRoot root = new WoopsaRoot();
     for (int i = 0; i < ObjectCount; i++)
         WoopsaObject newObject = new WoopsaObject(root, "Item" + i.ToString());
         int x = i;
         new WoopsaProperty(newObject, "Data", WoopsaValueType.Integer, (p) => x);
     Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
     for (int i = 0; i < AccessCount; i++)
         int k = ((WoopsaProperty)(root.ByPath("Item" + (ObjectCount - 1).ToString() + "/Data"))).Value.ToInt32();
     Assert.IsTrue(watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void TestWoopsaObjects()
            WoopsaRoot   root    = new WoopsaRoot();
            WoopsaObject tunnel1 = new WoopsaObject(root, "Tunnel1");

            Assert.AreEqual(root.Items.Count(), 1);
            WoopsaObject tunnel2 = new WoopsaObject(root, "Tunnel2");

            Assert.AreEqual(root.Items.Count(), 2);
            WoopsaObject coMessung1 = new WoopsaObject(tunnel1, "CoMessung1");

            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.GetPath(), "/Tunnel1/CoMessung1");

            WoopsaProperty property1 = new WoopsaProperty(coMessung1, "Level", WoopsaValueType.Real,
                                                          (sender) => 1040.0);
            int            property2Value = 0;
            WoopsaProperty property2      = new WoopsaProperty(coMessung1, "Variation", WoopsaValueType.Real,
                                                               (sender) => property2Value, (sender, value) => property2Value = value.ToInt32());

            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.Properties.Count(), 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.Properties.First().Value.ToDouble(), 1040.0);
            coMessung1.Properties.ByName("Variation").Value = 45;
            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.Properties.ByName("Variation").Value.ToInt32(), 45);
            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.Properties.ByName("Variation").Value.ToString(), "45");
            (coMessung1.ByName("Variation") as IWoopsaProperty).Value = (WoopsaValue)36;
            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.Properties.ByName("Variation").Value.ToInt32(), 36);
            coMessung1.Properties["Variation"].Value = 5;
            Assert.AreEqual(property2Value, 5);
            int variation = coMessung1.Properties["Variation"].Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(variation, 5);
            WoopsaMethod method1 = new WoopsaMethod(coMessung1, "Calibrate", WoopsaValueType.Null,
                                                    new WoopsaMethodArgumentInfo[] {
                new WoopsaMethodArgumentInfo("minLevel", WoopsaValueType.Real),
                new WoopsaMethodArgumentInfo("maxLevel", WoopsaValueType.Real)
            IWoopsaValue result = method1.Invoke(1.1, 5.5);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, WoopsaValue.Null);
            Assert.AreEqual(_minLevel, 1.1);
            Assert.AreEqual(_maxLevel, 5.5);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void TestWoopsaObjectPerformance()
            const int  objectCount = 5000;
            const int  accessCount = 50000;
            WoopsaRoot root        = new WoopsaRoot();

            for (int i = 0; i < objectCount; i++)
                WoopsaObject newObject = new WoopsaObject(root, "Item" + i.ToString());
                int          x         = i;
                new WoopsaProperty(newObject, "Data", WoopsaValueType.Integer, (p) => x);
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

            for (int i = 0; i < accessCount; i++)
                int k = ((WoopsaProperty)(root.ByPath("Item" + (objectCount - 1).ToString() + "/Data"))).Value.ToInt32();
            Assert.IsTrue(watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void TestWoopsaObjects()
            WoopsaRoot root = new WoopsaRoot();
            WoopsaObject tunnel1 = new WoopsaObject(root, "Tunnel1");

            Assert.AreEqual(root.Items.Count(), 1);
            WoopsaObject tunnel2 = new WoopsaObject(root, "Tunnel2");
            Assert.AreEqual(root.Items.Count(), 2);
            WoopsaObject coMessung1 = new WoopsaObject(tunnel1, "CoMessung1");
            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.GetPath(), "/Tunnel1/CoMessung1");

            WoopsaProperty property1 = new WoopsaProperty(coMessung1, "Level", WoopsaValueType.Real,
                (sender) => 1040.0);
            int property2Value = 0;
            WoopsaProperty property2 = new WoopsaProperty(coMessung1, "Variation", WoopsaValueType.Real,
                (sender) => property2Value, (sender, value) => property2Value = value.ToInt32());

            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.Properties.Count(), 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.Properties.First().Value.ToDouble(), 1040.0);
            coMessung1.Properties.ByName("Variation").Value = 45;
            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.Properties.ByName("Variation").Value.ToInt32(), 45);
            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.Properties.ByName("Variation").Value.ToString(), "45");
            (coMessung1.ByName("Variation") as IWoopsaProperty).Value = (WoopsaValue)36;
            Assert.AreEqual(coMessung1.Properties.ByName("Variation").Value.ToInt32(), 36);
            coMessung1.Properties["Variation"].Value = 5;
            Assert.AreEqual(property2Value, 5);
            int variation = coMessung1.Properties["Variation"].Value;
            Assert.AreEqual(variation, 5);
            WoopsaMethod method1 = new WoopsaMethod(coMessung1, "Calibrate", WoopsaValueType.Null,
                new WoopsaMethodArgumentInfo[] {
                    new WoopsaMethodArgumentInfo("minLevel", WoopsaValueType.Real),
                    new WoopsaMethodArgumentInfo("maxLevel", WoopsaValueType.Real)
            IWoopsaValue result = method1.Invoke(1.1, 5.5);
            Assert.AreEqual(result, WoopsaValue.Null);
            Assert.AreEqual(_minLevel, 1.1);
            Assert.AreEqual(_maxLevel, 5.5);
        public void TestWoopsaClientSubscriptionChannelNoRemoteSubscriptionService()
            bool           isValueChanged = false;
            WoopsaObject   objectServer   = new WoopsaObject(null, "");
            int            votes          = 0;
            WoopsaProperty propertyVotes  = new WoopsaProperty(objectServer, "Votes", WoopsaValueType.Integer, (p) => votes,
                                                               (p, value) => { votes = value.ToInt32(); });

            using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer((IWoopsaContainer)objectServer, TestingPort))
                using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl))
                    WoopsaBoundClientObject  root         = client.CreateBoundRoot();
                    WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = root.Subscribe(nameof(TestObjectServer.Votes),
                                                                           (sender, e) => { isValueChanged = true; },
                                                                           TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20));
                    votes = 2;
                    Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                    while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2000)))
                    if (isValueChanged)
                        Console.WriteLine("Notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                        Console.WriteLine("No notification received");
                    Assert.AreEqual(true, isValueChanged);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void Start(object argsObject)
            PlcParameter plcParameter = argsObject as PlcParameter;

                WoopsaAdsServer serverConnection = new WoopsaAdsServer(plcParameter.adsNetId);
                WoopsaProperty  propertyIsConnected;
                WoopsaObject    plc            = null;
                bool            isWorking      = false;
                bool            shouldShutDown = false;

                lock (_rootWoopsaObject)
                    DiagnosticWindow.AddPlcStatus(new PlcStatus(plcParameter.name, false, "Starting up"));
                    propertyIsConnected = new WoopsaProperty(_rootWoopsaObject, "IsAlive" + plcParameter.name, WoopsaValueType.Logical, (property) => serverConnection.isAdsConnected);

                while (!shouldShutDown)
                    if (serverConnection.IsHeartBeatAlive())
                        serverConnection.isAdsConnected = true;
                        if (!serverConnection.isHierarchieLoaded)
                            if (plc != null)
                            lock (_rootWoopsaObject)
                                plc = new WoopsaObject(_rootWoopsaObject, plcParameter.name);
                        if (!isWorking)
                            isWorking = true;
                            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " thread  : working...");
                            lock (_rootWoopsaObject)
                                DiagnosticWindow.PlcStatusChange(plc.Name, isWorking, "Working");
                        serverConnection.isAdsConnected     = false;
                        serverConnection.isHierarchieLoaded = false;
                        if (plc != null)
                        DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " - Error connection ... Try again");
                        isWorking = false;
                        lock (_rootWoopsaObject)
                            DiagnosticWindow.PlcStatusChange(plcParameter.name, isWorking, "Error");
                    lock (plcParameterList)
                        shouldShutDown = _shouldStop;
            catch (SocketException e)
                // A SocketException is caused by an application already listening on a port in 90% of cases
                // Applications known to use port 80:
                //  - On Windows 10, IIS is on by default on some configurations. Disable it here:
                //    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30758894/apache-server-xampp-doesnt-run-on-windows-10-port-80
                //  - IIS
                //  - Apache
                //  - Nginx
                //  - Skype

                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("Error: Could not start Woopsa Server. Most likely because an application is already listening on port 80.");
                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("Known culprits:");
                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" - On Windows 10, IIS is on by default on some configurations.");
                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" - Skype");
                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" - Apache, nginx, etc.");
                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("SocketException: " + e.Message);
                MessageBox.Show("SocketException ! : See diagnostic log for more information", "Er ror", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                    new Action <Exception>((exc) =>
                    throw new Exception("Exception from another Thread : " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name, exc);
                }), ex);
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " thread: terminating gracefully.");
            lock (_rootWoopsaObject)
                lock (App.appLock)
                    if (App.isExiting)
                DiagnosticWindow.PlcStatusChange(plcParameter.name, false, "Stop");
        public void TestWoopsaWaitNotification()
            TestObjectServer objectServer = new TestObjectServer();

            using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer(objectServer, TestingPort))
                using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient(TestingUrl))
                    WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot();
                    // Just to show how to see all items
                    foreach (var item in root.Items)
                        Console.WriteLine("Item = " + item.Name);
                        if (item.Name == "SubscriptionService")

                    // create a subscription object
                    WoopsaObject subscription = root.Items.ByNameOrNull("SubscriptionService") as WoopsaObject;
                    if (subscription != null)
                        int          result = 0;
                        WoopsaMethod methodCreateScubscriptionChannel = subscription.Methods.ByNameOrNull("CreateSubscriptionChannel");
                        if (methodCreateScubscriptionChannel != null)
                            // call the method "CreateSubscriptionChannel" on the server
                            result = methodCreateScubscriptionChannel.Invoke(1000);   // define the queue size
                        int channel = result;

                        WoopsaMethod methodRegisterScubscription = subscription.Methods.ByNameOrNull("RegisterSubscription");
                        if (methodRegisterScubscription != null)
                            // call the method "registerScubscription" on the server
                            result = methodRegisterScubscription.Invoke(channel, WoopsaValue.WoopsaRelativeLink("/Votes"), 0.01, 0.01);
                        int subscriptionNbr = result;

                        WoopsaJsonData jData;
                        WoopsaMethod   methodWaitNotification = subscription.Methods.ByNameOrNull("WaitNotification");
                        if (methodWaitNotification != null)
                            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                            // call the method "WaitNotification" on the server
                            jData = methodWaitNotification.Invoke(channel, 0).JsonData;
                            Assert.IsTrue(jData.Length > 0);
                            int lastNotification;
                            lastNotification = jData[0]["Id"];
                            Assert.AreEqual(lastNotification, 1);
                            // Get notifications again
                            jData = methodWaitNotification.Invoke(channel, 0).JsonData;
                            Assert.IsTrue(jData.Length > 0);
                            lastNotification = jData[0]["Id"];
                            Assert.AreEqual(lastNotification, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void TestWoopsaClientSubscriptionChannelNoRemoteSubscriptionService()
     bool isValueChanged = false;
     WoopsaObject objectServer = new WoopsaObject(null, "");
     int Votes = 0;
     WoopsaProperty propertyVotes = new WoopsaProperty(objectServer, "Votes", WoopsaValueType.Integer, (p) => Votes,
         (p, value) => { Votes = value.ToInt32(); });
     using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer((IWoopsaContainer)objectServer))
         using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient("http://localhost/woopsa"))
             WoopsaBoundClientObject root = client.CreateBoundRoot();
             WoopsaClientSubscription subscription = root.Subscribe(nameof(TestObjectServer.Votes),
                 (sender, e) => { isValueChanged = true; },
                 TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20));
             Votes = 2;
             Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
             while ((!isValueChanged) && (watch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2000)))
             if (isValueChanged)
                 Console.WriteLine("Notification after {0} ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                 Console.WriteLine("No notification received");
             Assert.AreEqual(true, isValueChanged);
 public void TestWoopsaMultiRequestNoRemoteMultiRequestService()
     WoopsaObject serverRoot = new WoopsaObject(null, "");
     TestObjectMultiRequest objectServer = new TestObjectMultiRequest();
     WoopsaObjectAdapter adapter = new WoopsaObjectAdapter(serverRoot, "TestObject", objectServer);
     using (WoopsaServer server = new WoopsaServer((IWoopsaContainer)serverRoot))
         using (WoopsaClient client = new WoopsaClient("http://localhost/woopsa"))
             ExecuteMultiRequestTestSerie(client, objectServer);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public WoopsaAdsProperty(WoopsaObject container, string name, WoopsaValueType type, WoopsaPropertyGet get, TcAdsSymbolInfo adsInfo)
     : this(container, name, type, get, null, adsInfo)
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void loadHierarchy(WoopsaObject root)
                _symbolLoader = _tcAds.CreateSymbolInfoLoader();
                _woopsaObjects = new Dictionary<string, WoopsaObject>();
                _woopsaProperties = new Dictionary<string, WoopsaAdsProperty>();

                foreach (TcAdsSymbolInfo symbol in _symbolLoader)
                    WoopsaObject newObject = null;
                    WoopsaAdsProperty newProperty = null;
                    TcAdsSymbolInfo parentInfo;
                    WoopsaValueType propertyType;
                    string[] path = symbol.Name.Split('.');
                    string name = path[path.Length - 1];
                    bool isProperties = BeckhoffToWoopsaValueType(symbol.Type, out propertyType);
                    if (symbol.Parent != null)
                        parentInfo = symbol.Parent;
                        if (_woopsaObjects.ContainsKey(parentInfo.Name))
                            if (isProperties)
                                newProperty = new WoopsaAdsProperty(_woopsaObjects[parentInfo.Name], name, propertyType,
                                                                    _woopsaAdsPropertyGet, _woopsaAdsPropertySet, symbol);
                                newObject = new WoopsaObject(_woopsaObjects[parentInfo.Name], name);
                            throw new Exception("Parent WoopsaObject not found !");
                        if (isProperties)
                            newProperty = new WoopsaAdsProperty(root, name, propertyType, _woopsaAdsPropertyGet, _woopsaAdsPropertySet, symbol);
                            newObject = new WoopsaObject(root, name);

                    if (isProperties)
                        _woopsaProperties.Add(symbol.Name, newProperty);
                        _woopsaObjects.Add(symbol.Name, newObject);
            }catch(Exception e)
            isHierarchieLoaded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of the Woopsa server adding multiRequestHandler and SubscriptionService
 /// It will automatically create the required HTTP server
 /// on the specified port and will prefix woopsa verbs with the specified 
 /// route prefix. It will also add all the necessary native extensions for 
 /// Publish/Subscribe and Mutli-Requests.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="root">The root object that will be published via Woopsa.</param>
 /// <param name="port">The port on which to run the web server</param>
 /// <param name="routePrefix">
 /// The prefix to add to all routes for woopsa verbs. For example, specifying
 /// "myPrefix" will make the server available on http://server/myPrefix
 /// </param>
 public WoopsaServer(WoopsaObject root, int port = DefaultPort, string routePrefix = DefaultServerPrefix)
     : this((IWoopsaContainer)root, port, routePrefix)
     new WoopsaMultiRequestHandler(root, this);
     _subscriptionService = new WoopsaSubscriptionService(this, root);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void loadHierarchy(WoopsaObject root)
                _symbolLoader     = _tcAds.CreateSymbolInfoLoader();
                _woopsaObjects    = new Dictionary <string, WoopsaObject>();
                _woopsaProperties = new Dictionary <string, WoopsaAdsProperty>();

                foreach (TcAdsSymbolInfo symbol in _symbolLoader)
                    WoopsaObject      newObject   = null;
                    WoopsaAdsProperty newProperty = null;
                    TcAdsSymbolInfo   parentInfo;
                    WoopsaValueType   propertyType;
                    string[]          path = symbol.Name.Split('.');
                    string            name = path[path.Length - 1];
                    bool isProperties      = BeckhoffToWoopsaValueType(symbol.Type, out propertyType);
                    if (symbol.Parent != null)
                        parentInfo = symbol.Parent;
                        if (_woopsaObjects.ContainsKey(parentInfo.Name))
                            if (isProperties)
                                newProperty = new WoopsaAdsProperty(_woopsaObjects[parentInfo.Name], name, propertyType,
                                                                    _woopsaAdsPropertyGet, _woopsaAdsPropertySet, symbol);
                                newObject = new WoopsaObject(_woopsaObjects[parentInfo.Name], name);
                            throw new Exception("Parent WoopsaObject not found !");
                        if (isProperties)
                            newProperty = new WoopsaAdsProperty(root, name, propertyType, _woopsaAdsPropertyGet, _woopsaAdsPropertySet, symbol);
                            newObject = new WoopsaObject(root, name);

                    if (isProperties)
                        _woopsaProperties.Add(symbol.Name, newProperty);
                        _woopsaObjects.Add(symbol.Name, newObject);
            }catch (Exception e)
            isHierarchieLoaded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void Start(object argsObject)
            PlcParameter plcParameter = argsObject as PlcParameter;
                WoopsaAdsServer serverConnection = new WoopsaAdsServer(plcParameter.adsNetId);
                WoopsaProperty propertyIsConnected;
                WoopsaObject plc = null;
                bool isWorking = false;
                bool shouldShutDown = false;

                lock (_rootWoopsaObject)
                    DiagnosticWindow.AddPlcStatus(new PlcStatus(plcParameter.name, false, "Starting up"));
                    propertyIsConnected = new WoopsaProperty(_rootWoopsaObject, "IsAlive" + plcParameter.name, WoopsaValueType.Logical, (property) => serverConnection.isAdsConnected);

                while (!shouldShutDown)
                    if (serverConnection.IsHeartBeatAlive())
                        serverConnection.isAdsConnected = true;
                        if (!serverConnection.isHierarchieLoaded)
                            if (plc != null)
                            lock (_rootWoopsaObject)
                                plc = new WoopsaObject(_rootWoopsaObject, plcParameter.name);
                        if (!isWorking)
                            isWorking = true;
                            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " thread  : working...");
                            lock (_rootWoopsaObject)
                                DiagnosticWindow.PlcStatusChange(plc.Name, isWorking, "Working");
                        serverConnection.isAdsConnected = false;
                        serverConnection.isHierarchieLoaded = false;
                        if (plc != null)
                        DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " - Error connection ... Try again");
                        isWorking = false;
                        lock (_rootWoopsaObject)
                            DiagnosticWindow.PlcStatusChange(plcParameter.name, isWorking, "Error");
                    lock (plcParameterList)
                        shouldShutDown = _shouldStop;
            catch (SocketException e)
                // A SocketException is caused by an application already listening on a port in 90% of cases
                // Applications known to use port 80:
                //  - On Windows 10, IIS is on by default on some configurations. Disable it here:
                //    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30758894/apache-server-xampp-doesnt-run-on-windows-10-port-80
                //  - IIS
                //  - Apache
                //  - Nginx
                //  - Skype

                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("Error: Could not start Woopsa Server. Most likely because an application is already listening on port 80.");
                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("Known culprits:");
                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" - On Windows 10, IIS is on by default on some configurations.");
                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" - Skype");
                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(" - Apache, nginx, etc.");
                DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug("SocketException: " + e.Message);
                MessageBox.Show("SocketException ! : See diagnostic log for more information", "Er ror", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                    new Action<Exception>((exc) =>
                        throw new Exception("Exception from another Thread : " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name, exc);
                    }), ex);
            DiagnosticWindow.AddToDebug(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " thread: terminating gracefully.");
            lock (_rootWoopsaObject)
                lock (App.appLock)
                    if (App.isExiting)
                DiagnosticWindow.PlcStatusChange(plcParameter.name, false, "Stop");
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public WoopsaAdsProperty(WoopsaObject container, string name, WoopsaValueType type, WoopsaPropertyGet get, TcAdsSymbolInfo adsInfo) :
     this(container, name, type, get, null, adsInfo)