Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will persist all data to files (metadata, rules, current data, report), zip the files, and then upload the .ZIP to IPFS
        /// <param name="poEngine">The instance of the Wonka engine that has just run</param>
        /// <param name="poEngineInitProps">Various properties of this instance of the Wonka engine</param>
        /// <param name="poRecord">This record holds the current snapshot of the data being addressed by the metadata (mentioned in WonkaRefEnvironment)</param>
        /// <param name="poReport">This report holds the verbose results of running the RuleTree</param>
        /// <param name="psIpfsUrl">This URL points to the IPFS node that acts as the read-only gateway</param>
        /// <param name="psWriteIpfsUrl">This URL points to the IPFS node that will be used to upload the Zip file of the results</param>
        /// <param name="psUniqueChronoLogName">This will be the unique name of the ChronoLog entry</param>
        /// <returns>IPFS ID of the new file</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <string> UploadInvocationAsync(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine,
                                                                Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthEngineInitialization poEngineInitProps,
                                                                WonkaProduct poRecord,
                                                                Wonka.Eth.Extensions.RuleTreeReport poReport,
                                                                string psIpfsUrl,
                                                                string psWriteIpfsUrl,
                                                                string psUniqueChronoLogName)
            string sZipIpfsUrl = "";

            var RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            string sZipFileUrl = poEngine.ZipInvocation(poRecord, poReport, psUniqueChronoLogName);

            var zipBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(sZipFileUrl);

            using (MemoryStream zipStream = new MemoryStream(zipBytes))
                var ipfsClient = new IpfsClient(psWriteIpfsUrl);

                var merkleNode =
                    await ipfsClient.FileSystem.AddFileAsync(sZipFileUrl, new Ipfs.CoreApi.AddFileOptions()
                    Pin = true

                sZipIpfsUrl = psIpfsUrl + "/" + merkleNode.Id.Hash.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static WonkaBizRuleSet FindRuleSet(this WonkaBizRulesEngine rulesEngine, int pnTargetRuleSetId)
            WonkaBizRuleSet FoundRuleSet = new WonkaBizRuleSet();

            if (rulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot.RuleSetId == pnTargetRuleSetId)

            foreach (var TmpChildSet in rulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot.ChildRuleSets)
                if (TmpChildSet.RuleSetId == pnTargetRuleSetId)
                    FoundRuleSet = FindRuleSet(TmpChildSet, pnTargetRuleSetId);
                    if (IsValidRuleSet(FoundRuleSet))

        // NOTE: This code will need to be modified in order to work correctly
        public static async Task <string> RegisterOnENS(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine)
            var durationInDays = 365;                                   // how long we are going to rent the domain for

            var ourName = "supersillynameformonkeys";                   // Our xxxxx.eth domain name
            var owner   = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59dae5baed380d84830c"; // Owner of the domain
            var secret  = "animals in the forest";                      //This is the commitment secret,

            // it should be unique and remember it to be able to finalise your registration
            var account = new Nethereum.Web3.Accounts.Account("YOURPRIVATE KEY");
            var web3    = new Web3(account, "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/7238211010344719ad14a89db874158c");

            var ethTLSService = new EthTLSService(web3);
            await ethTLSService.InitialiseAsync();             // Initialising to retrieve the controller

            //How much is going to cost
            var price = await ethTLSService.CalculateRentPriceInEtherAsync(ourName, durationInDays);


            //Calculate the commitment that will be submitted for reservation
            var commitment = await ethTLSService.CalculateCommitmentAsync(ourName, owner, secret);


            //You can now create your commitment and wait for it to be included on the chain
            var commitTransactionReceipt = await ethTLSService.CommitRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(commitment);

            // Once is on chain you can complete the registration
            var txnHash = await ethTLSService.RegisterRequestAsync(ourName, owner, durationInDays, secret, price);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static WonkaBizRule FindRuleById(this WonkaBizRulesEngine rulesEngine, string psSoughtId)
            WonkaBizRule FoundRule = new ArithmeticRule();

            foreach (var TmpChildSet in rulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot.ChildRuleSets)
                foreach (var TmpRule in TmpChildSet.EvaluativeRules)
                    if (TmpRule.DescRuleId == psSoughtId)

                foreach (var TmpRule in TmpChildSet.AssertiveRules)
                    if (TmpRule.DescRuleId == psSoughtId)

                FoundRule = FindRuleById(TmpChildSet, psSoughtId);
                if (FoundRule.RuleId > 0)

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public AbstractWonkaOrchestrator(T poCommand, StringBuilder psRules, OrchestrationInitData poOrchInitData, string psGroveId = "", uint pnGroveIndex = 0)
            msRulesContents = psRules;

            Init(poCommand, poOrchInitData);

            moInitData = poOrchInitData;

            moRulesEngine = new WonkaBizRulesEngine(msRulesContents,

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(psGroveId) && (pnGroveIndex > 0))
                moRulesEngine.GroveId    = psGroveId;
                moRulesEngine.GroveIndex = pnGroveIndex;

            if (poOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource != null)
                moRulesEngine.DefaultSource = poOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.SourceId;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will provide default functionality on the retrieval delegate of each Source
        /// in an engine's SourceMap .
        /// <param name="poEngine">The Wonka.NET instance that represents the instance on the chain</param>
        /// <param name="psWeb3Url">The URL for the Ethereum client to which we want to connect</param>
        /// <returns>N/A</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static void SetDefaultSourceRetrievalDelegates(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine, string psWeb3Url = "")
            if ((poEngine.SourceMap != null) && (poEngine.SourceMap.Count > 0))
                foreach (string sTmpAttrName in poEngine.SourceMap.Keys)
                    var TmpSource = poEngine.SourceMap[sTmpAttrName];

                    if (TmpSource.RetrievalDelegate == null)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TmpSource.DefaultWeb3Url) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(psWeb3Url))
                            TmpSource.DefaultWeb3Url = psWeb3Url;

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TmpSource.ContractAddress))
                            TmpSource.RetrievalDelegate = WonkaStorageExtensions.GetAttrValue;
                        else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TmpSource.APIWebUrl))
                            TmpSource.RetrievalDelegate = WonkaStorageExtensions.GetAttrValueViaWebMethod;
                        else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TmpSource.SqlDatabase))
                            // NOTE: Set delegate that grabs data from SQL Stored procedure
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void SerializeRulesEngineToBlockchain()
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            // Creating an instance of the rules engine using our rules and the metadata
            moRulesEngine =
                new WonkaBizRulesEngine(new StringBuilder(msRulesContents), moMetadataSource);


            var contract = GetContract();

            var hasRuleTreeFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_HAS_RT);

            // Out of gas exception
            // var gas = new Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(1000000);

            var gas = hasRuleTreeFunction.EstimateGasAsync(this.msSenderAddress).Result;

            bool bTreeAlreadyExists =
                hasRuleTreeFunction.CallAsync <bool>(this.msSenderAddress, gas, null, this.msSenderAddress).Result;

            if (!bTreeAlreadyExists)
                moRulesEngine.Serialize(msSenderAddress, msPassword, msSenderAddress, msContractAddress, msAbiWonka);
        public static async Task <string> PublishRulesToIpfs(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine,
                                                             string psIpfsFilePath,
                                                             IpfsService poIpfsService,
                                                             bool pbPinFlag       = true,
                                                             string psIpfsGateway = CONST_INFURA_IPFS_API_GATEWAY_URL)
            string sIpfsHash = "";
            string sRulesXml = "";

            sRulesXml = poEngine.ToXml();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(psIpfsFilePath))
                psIpfsFilePath = "testruletree";

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sRulesXml))
                throw new Exception("ERROR!  No rules XMl serialized from the rules engine.");

            var IpfsNode =
                await poIpfsService.AddTextAsync(psIpfsGateway, sRulesXml, psIpfsFilePath, pbPinFlag).ConfigureAwait(false);

            sIpfsHash = IpfsNode.Hash.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static WonkaBizRuleSet FindRuleSet(this WonkaBizRulesEngine rulesEngine, string psSoughtDescName)
            WonkaBizRuleSet FoundRuleSet = new WonkaBizRuleSet();

            if (rulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot.Description == psSoughtDescName)

            foreach (var TmpChildSet in rulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot.ChildRuleSets)
                if (TmpChildSet.Description == psSoughtDescName)
                    FoundRuleSet = FindRuleSet(TmpChildSet, psSoughtDescName);
                    if (IsValidRuleSet(FoundRuleSet))

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static string ToXml(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine)
            var RulesWriter =
                new Wonka.BizRulesEngine.Writers.WonkaBizRulesXmlWriter(poEngine);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public AbstractWonkaValidator(T poCommand, StringBuilder psRules, string psWeb3HttpUrl = null, bool bDeployEngineToBlockchain = false)
            BlockchainEngine      = new WonkaBlockchainEngine();
            BlockchainEngineOwner = string.Empty;

            msRulesFilepath = null;
            msRulesContents = psRules;
            msWeb3HttpUrl   = psWeb3HttpUrl;


            moRulesEngine = new WonkaBizRulesEngine(msRulesContents);
        private void SerializeRulesEngineToBlockchain(WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine)
            var contract = GetContract();

            var hasRuleTreeFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_HAS_RT);

            var gas = hasRuleTreeFunction.EstimateGasAsync(this.msSenderAddress).Result;

            bool bTreeAlreadyExists =
                hasRuleTreeFunction.CallAsync <bool>(this.msSenderAddress, gas, null, this.msSenderAddress).Result;

            if (!bTreeAlreadyExists)
                poEngine.Serialize(msSenderAddress, msPassword, msSenderAddress, msContractAddress, msAbiWonka);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static uint CalculateMinGasEstimate(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poRulesEngine, uint pnWriteOpGasCost = CONST_GAS_PER_WRITE_OP)
            uint nMinGasCost = 50000;

            // NOTE: Do work here
            // 63200 gas per op, based on gas default price
            // 12 ops for Validate, 18 ops Calculate

            if ((poRulesEngine != null) && (poRulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot != null) && (poRulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot.ChildRuleSets != null))
                poRulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot.ChildRuleSets.ForEach(x => nMinGasCost += (uint)(x.EvaluativeRules.Count * CONST_GAS_PER_READ_OP));
                poRulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot.ChildRuleSets.ForEach(x => nMinGasCost += (uint)(x.AssertiveRules.Count * pnWriteOpGasCost));

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void Execute()
            // Using the metadata source, we create an instance of a defined data domain
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            // To test whether the data domain has been created, we plan on retrieving the value
            // of the "AccountStatus" Attribute
            WonkaRefAttr AccountStsAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountStatus");

            // Creating an instance of the rules engine using our rules and the metadata
            WonkaBizRulesEngine RulesEngine =
                new WonkaBizRulesEngine(new StringBuilder(msRulesContents), moMetadataSource);

            // Gets a predefined data record that will be our analog for new data coming into the system
            WonkaProduct NewProduct = GetNewProduct();

            // Check that the data has been populated correctly on the "new" record - also, we will use
            // it later for comparison purposes
            string sStatusValueBefore = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);

            // Since the rules can reference values from different records (like O.Price for the existing
            // record's price and N.Price for the new record's price), we need to provide the delegate
            // that can pull the existing (i.e., old) record from the blockchain using a key
            RulesEngine.GetCurrentProductDelegate = GetOldProduct;

            // Validate the new record using our rules engine and its initialized RuleTree
            Wonka.BizRulesEngine.Reporting.WonkaBizRuleTreeReport Report = RulesEngine.Validate(NewProduct);

            // Now retrieve the AccountStatus value and see if the rules have altered it (which should
            // not be the case)
            string sStatusValueAfter = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);

            // We will evaluate whether or not any failures of the rules were detected during the engine's execution
            if (Report.OverallRuleTreeResult == ERR_CD.CD_SUCCESS)
                // If successful, we will write the record back into the contract on the blockchain
            else if (Report.GetRuleSetFailureCount() > 0)
                throw new Exception("Oh heavens to Betsy! Something bad happened!");
                throw new Exception("What in the world is happening?!");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public RuleTreeReport ExecuteWithReport(WonkaBizRulesEngine poRulesEngine, bool pbValidateWithinTransaction)
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            WonkaRefAttr CurrValueAttr  = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountCurrValue");
            WonkaRefAttr ReviewFlagAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AuditReviewFlag");

            Dictionary <string, string> PrdKeys = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var contract      = GetContract();
            var senderAddress = moEthEngineInit.EthSenderAddress;

            var executeWithReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_EXEC_RPT);

            RuleTreeReport ruleTreeReport = null;

            if (pbValidateWithinTransaction)
                var FlagSource    = poRulesEngine.SourceMap[ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName];
                var CurrValSource = poRulesEngine.SourceMap[CurrValueAttr.AttrName];

                var executeGetLastReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_GET_LAST_RPT);

                WonkaProduct OrchContractCurrValues =
                    poRulesEngine.AssembleCurrentProductFromChainSources(new Dictionary <string, string>(), CONST_ONLINE_TEST_CHAIN_URL);

                // Before invoking the RuleTree, the storage contract should have Review Flag as "" and CurrVal as "999"
                string sFlagBeforeOrchestrationAssignment  = RetrieveValueMethod(FlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName);
                string sValueBeforeOrchestrationAssignment = RetrieveValueMethod(CurrValSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName);

                var EthRuleTreeReport = new Wonka.Eth.Extensions.RuleTreeReport();
                poRulesEngine.ExecuteOnChain(moEthEngineInit, EthRuleTreeReport);

                // After invoking the RuleTree, the storage contract should have Review Flag as "???" and CurrVal as "1014"
                string sFlagAfterOrchestrationAssignment  = RetrieveValueMethod(FlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName);
                string sValueAfterOrchestrationAssignment = RetrieveValueMethod(CurrValSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName);

                ruleTreeReport = executeGetLastReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>().Result;
                ruleTreeReport = executeWithReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>(senderAddress).Result;

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public BasicWonkaTests()
            var metadataSource =
                new Wonka.BizRulesEngine.Samples.WonkaBreMetadataTestSource();

            _refEnvHandle = WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, metadataSource);

            using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
                var sIpfsUrl       = String.Format("{0}/{1}", CONST_INFURA_IPFS_GATEWAY_URL, "QmXcsGDQthxbGW8C3Sx9r4tV9PGSj4MxJmtXF7dnXN5XUT");
                var sRulesContents = client.GetStringAsync(sIpfsUrl).Result;

                _rulesEngine = new WonkaBizRulesEngine(new StringBuilder(sRulesContents), metadataSource);

            _client = new Mock <IOrchestrate>();
        public async Task <RuleTreeReport> ExecuteWithReportAsync(WonkaBizRulesEngine poRulesEngine, bool pbValidateWithinTransaction)
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            WonkaRefAttr CurrValueAttr  = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountCurrValue");
            WonkaRefAttr ReviewFlagAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AuditReviewFlag");

            var contract      = GetContract();
            var senderAddress = moEthEngineInit.EthSenderAddress;

            var executeWithReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_EXEC_RPT);

            RuleTreeReport ruleTreeReport = null;

            if (pbValidateWithinTransaction)
                var FlagSource    = poRulesEngine.SourceMap[ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName];
                var CurrValSource = poRulesEngine.SourceMap[CurrValueAttr.AttrName];

                var executeGetLastReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_GET_LAST_RPT);

                // Before invoking the RuleTree, the storage contract should have Review Flag as "" and CurrVal as "999"
                string sFlagBeforeOrchestrationAssignment = await RetrieveValueMethodAsync(FlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName).ConfigureAwait(false);

                string sValueBeforeOrchestrationAssignment = await RetrieveValueMethodAsync(CurrValSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var EthRuleTreeReport = new Wonka.Eth.Extensions.RuleTreeReport();
                await poRulesEngine.ExecuteOnChainAsync(moEthEngineInit, EthRuleTreeReport).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // After invoking the RuleTree, the storage contract should have Review Flag as "???" and CurrVal as "1014"
                string sFlagAfterOrchestrationAssignment = await RetrieveValueMethodAsync(FlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName).ConfigureAwait(false);

                string sValueAfterOrchestrationAssignment = await RetrieveValueMethodAsync(CurrValSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName).ConfigureAwait(false);

                ruleTreeReport =
                    await executeGetLastReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>().ConfigureAwait(false);
                ruleTreeReport =
                    await executeWithReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>(senderAddress).ConfigureAwait(false);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        private static string GetCurrentBlockNum(WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine, string psUnusedVal)
            string sCurrBlockNum = string.Empty;

            if (EngineWeb3Accounts.ContainsKey(poEngine))
                Nethereum.Web3.Web3 EngineWeb3 = EngineWeb3Accounts[poEngine];

                sCurrBlockNum = EngineWeb3.Eth.Blocks.GetBlockNumber.SendRequestAsync().Result.HexValue.ToString();

            if (sCurrBlockNum.HasHexPrefix())
                sCurrBlockNum = sCurrBlockNum.RemoveHexPrefix();

        public RuleTreeReport ExecuteWithReport(WonkaBizRulesEngine poRulesEngine, bool pbValidateWithinTransaction, WonkaBizSource poFlagSource)
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            WonkaRefAttr CurrValueAttr  = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountCurrValue");
            WonkaRefAttr ReviewFlagAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AuditReviewFlag");

            Dictionary <string, string> PrdKeys = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var contract = GetContract();

            var executeWithReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_EXEC_RPT);

            RuleTreeReport ruleTreeReport = null;

            if (pbValidateWithinTransaction)
                var executeGetLastReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_GET_LAST_RPT);

                // NOTE: Caused exception to be thrown
                // var gas = executeWithReportFunction.EstimateGasAsync(msSenderAddress).Result;
                var gas = new Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(1000000);

                WonkaProduct OrchContractCurrValues = poRulesEngine.AssembleCurrentProduct(new Dictionary <string, string>());

                string sFlagBeforeOrchestrationAssignment  = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName);
                string sValueBeforeOrchestrationAssignment = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName);

                var receiptAddAttribute = executeWithReportFunction.SendTransactionAsync(msSenderAddress, gas, null, msSenderAddress).Result;

                string sFlagAfterOrchestrationAssignment  = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName);
                string sValueAfterOrchestrationAssignment = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName);

                ruleTreeReport = executeGetLastReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>().Result;
                ruleTreeReport = executeWithReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>(msSenderAddress).Result;

Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will break apart a current RuleTree encapsulated within an instance of WonkaBizRulesEngine, taking each top level branch
        /// and using it to create a new RuleTree.  These multiple instances of RuleTree will then form a new Grove.
        /// <param name="poRuleTree">The RuleTree that we are looking to turn into a Grove</param>
        /// <returns>The Grove that will hold the RuleTrees created from its parent</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static WonkaBizGrove Splinter(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poRuleTree, int pnGroveId, string psGroveDesc)
            WonkaBizGrove SpawnedGrove = new WonkaBizGrove(pnGroveId, psGroveDesc);

            if (poRuleTree.RuleTreeRoot == null)
                throw new WonkaEthException("ERROR!  Splinter() cannot be invoked when there is no root of the supplied RuleTree.");

            if (poRuleTree.RuleTreeRoot.ChildRuleSets.Count <= 0)
                throw new WonkaEthException("ERROR!  Splinter() cannot be invoked when the root of the supplied RuleTree has no children.");

            foreach (WonkaBizRuleSet TopChildRuleset in poRuleTree.RuleTreeRoot.ChildRuleSets)
                SpawnedGrove.AddRuleTree(new WonkaBizRulesEngine(TopChildRuleset, poRuleTree));

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static uint CalculateMaxGasEstimate(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poRulesEngine, uint pnWriteOpGasCost = CONST_GAS_PER_WRITE_OP)
            uint nMaxGasCost = 50000;

            if ((poRulesEngine != null) && (poRulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot != null))
                // NOTE: Do work here
                // 63200 gas per op, based on gas default price
                // 12 ops for Validate, 18 ops Calculate

                if (poRulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot.ChildRuleSets != null)
                    poRulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot.ChildRuleSets.ForEach(x => nMaxGasCost += (uint)(x.EvaluativeRules.Count * CONST_GAS_PER_READ_OP));
                    poRulesEngine.RuleTreeRoot.ChildRuleSets.ForEach(x => nMaxGasCost += (uint)(x.AssertiveRules.Count * pnWriteOpGasCost));

                if (poRulesEngine.AllRuleSets != null)
                    poRulesEngine.AllRuleSets.ForEach(x => nMaxGasCost += (uint)(x.EvaluativeRules.Count * CONST_GAS_PER_READ_OP));

                    foreach (WonkaBizRuleSet TempRuleSet in poRulesEngine.AllRuleSets)
                        foreach (WonkaBizRule TempRule in TempRuleSet.AssertiveRules)
                            if (TempRule.RuleType == RULE_TYPE.RT_CUSTOM_OP)
                                nMaxGasCost += (uint)(3 * pnWriteOpGasCost);
                                nMaxGasCost += (uint)(pnWriteOpGasCost);

Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void WonkaRibbon_Load(object sender, RibbonUIEventArgs e)
            refEnvHandle =
                WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, metadataSource);

            WonkaRefAttr AccountIDAttr       = refEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName("BankAccountID");
            WonkaRefAttr AccountNameAttr     = refEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName("BankAccountName");
            WonkaRefAttr AccountStsAttr      = refEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountStatus");
            WonkaRefAttr AccountCurrValAttr  = refEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountCurrValue");
            WonkaRefAttr AccountTypeAttr     = refEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountType");
            WonkaRefAttr AccountCurrencyAttr = refEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountCurrency");
            WonkaRefAttr RvwFlagAttr         = refEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName("AuditReviewFlag");
            WonkaRefAttr CreationDtAttr      = refEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName("CreationDt");

            using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
                wonkaRules = client.GetStringAsync(currRulesUrl).Result;

            rulesEngine =
                new WonkaBizRulesEngine(new StringBuilder(wonkaRules));
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will register the default set of standard operations (especially Nethereum-related ones) that can be
        /// invoked from within the Wonka rules engine
        /// <param name="poEngine">The target instance of an engine</param>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static void SetDefaultStdOps(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine, string psPassword, string psWeb3HttpUrl = null)
            var account = new Account(psPassword);

            Nethereum.Web3.Web3 web3 = null;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(psWeb3HttpUrl))
                web3 = new Nethereum.Web3.Web3(account, psWeb3HttpUrl);
                web3 = new Nethereum.Web3.Web3(account);

            EngineWeb3Accounts[poEngine] = web3;

            Dictionary <STD_OP_TYPE, WonkaBizRulesEngine.RetrieveStdOpValDelegate> DefaultStdOpMap =
                new Dictionary <STD_OP_TYPE, WonkaBizRulesEngine.RetrieveStdOpValDelegate>();

            DefaultStdOpMap[STD_OP_TYPE.STD_OP_BLOCK_NUM] = GetCurrentBlockNum;

            poEngine.StdOpMap = DefaultStdOpMap;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// After running an instance of the Wonka engine, this method will:
        /// 1.) Persist all data to files (metadata, rules, current data, report), zip the files, and then upload the .ZIP to IPFS
        /// 2.) Create the hash of the Zip file
        /// 3.) Create an entry on the ChronoLog contract (including the IPFS URL and hash of the Zip file)
        /// <param name="poEngine">The instance of the Wonka engine that has just run a RuleTree</param>
        /// <param name="poEngineInitProps">Various properties of this instance of the Wonka engine</param>
        /// <param name="poRecord">This record holds the current snapshot of the data being addressed by the metadata (mentioned in WonkaRefEnvironment)</param>
        /// <param name="poReport">This report holds the verbose results of running the RuleTree</param>
        /// <param name="psIpfsUrl">This URL points to the IPFS node that acts as the read-only gateway</param>
        /// <param name="psWriteIpfsUrl">This URL points to the IPFS node that will be used to upload the Zip file of the results</param>
        /// <param name="psChronoLogContractAddr">This address points to an instance of the ChronoLog contract</param>
        /// <returns>Unique name for entry in the ChronoLog contract</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <string> StoreWonkaResultsAsync(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine,
                                                                 Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthEngineInitialization poEngineInitProps,
                                                                 WonkaProduct poRecord,
                                                                 Wonka.Eth.Extensions.RuleTreeReport poReport,
                                                                 string psIpfsUrl,
                                                                 string psWriteIpfsUrl,
                                                                 string psChronoLogContractAddr)
            var RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            var signer     = new EthereumMessageSigner();
            var prodMsgXml = new WonkaProductMsgWriter().WriteWonkaMsg(new WonkaProductMessage(poRecord, true));

            var inputSignature
                = signer.EncodeUTF8AndSign(prodMsgXml, new EthECKey(poEngineInitProps.EthPassword));

            string sUniqueChronoLogName = "WI-" + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToEpochTime();

            string sZipIpfsUrl =
                await poEngine.UploadInvocationAsync(poEngineInitProps, poRecord, poReport, psIpfsUrl, psWriteIpfsUrl, sUniqueChronoLogName).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var addChronoLogEventFunction =
                new Wonka.Eth.Autogen.ChronoLog.AddChronoLogEventFunction()
                UniqueName = sUniqueChronoLogName,
                EType      = "WONKA_INVOKE",
                Desc       = "", // Empty for now
                Data       = "", // Empty for now
                Hash       = inputSignature,
                Url        = sZipIpfsUrl

            string sTrxHash =
                await poReport.WriteToChronoLog(poEngineInitProps, psChronoLogContractAddr, addChronoLogEventFunction).ConfigureAwait(false);

Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will assemble the new product by iterating through each specified source
        /// and retrieving the data directly from the third-party storage contract on the chain.
        /// <param name="poEngine">The Wonka.NET instance that represents the instance on the chain</param>
        /// <param name="poKeyValues">The keys for the product whose data we wish to extract (though not yet used)</param>
        /// <param name="psWeb3Url">The URL for the Ethereum client to which we want to connect</param>
        /// <returns>Contains the assembled product data that represents the current product</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static WonkaProduct AssembleCurrentProductFromChainSources(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine, Dictionary <string, string> poKeyValues, string psWeb3Url = "")
            WonkaProduct CurrentProduct = new WonkaProduct();

            if ((poKeyValues != null) && (poKeyValues.Count > 0))
                // NOTE: To be determined

            if (poEngine.SourceMap != null)
                foreach (string sTmpAttrName in poEngine.SourceMap.Keys)
                    WonkaBizSource TmpSource  = poEngine.SourceMap[sTmpAttrName];
                    WonkaRefAttr   TargetAttr = poEngine.RefEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName(sTmpAttrName);

                    string sTmpValue = TmpSource.GetAttrValueFromChain(sTmpAttrName, psWeb3Url);

                    CurrentProduct.SetAttribute(TargetAttr, sTmpValue);

Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void Execute()
            // Using the metadata source, we create an instance of a defined data domain
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv =
                WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, moMetadataSource);

            // To test whether the data domain has been created, we pull back one attribute
            WonkaRefAttr AccountStsAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountStatus");

            // Creating an instance of the rules engine using our rules and the metadata
            WonkaBizRulesEngine RulesEngine =
                new WonkaBizRulesEngine(new StringBuilder(msRulesContents), moMetadataSource);

            // Gets a predefined data record that will be our analog for new data coming into the system
            WonkaProduct NewProduct = GetNewProduct();

            // Check that the data has been populated correctly on the "new" record
            string sStatusValueBefore = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);

            // Since the rules can reference values from different records (like O.Price for the existing
            // record's price and N.Price for the new record's price), we need to provide the delegate
            // that can pull the existing (i.e., old) record using a key
            RulesEngine.GetCurrentProductDelegate = GetOldProduct;

            // Validate the new record using our rules engine and its initialized RuleTree
            Wonka.BizRulesEngine.Reporting.WonkaBizRuleTreeReport Report = RulesEngine.Validate(NewProduct);

            // Now retrieve the AccountStatus value and see if the rules have altered it (which should
            // not be the case)
            string sStatusValueAfter = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);

            if (Report.GetRuleSetFailureCount() > 0)
                throw new Exception("Oh heavens to Betsy! Something bad happened!");
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will assemble the new product by iterating through each specified source
        /// and retrieving the data directly from the third-party storage contract on the chain.
        /// <param name="poEngine">The Wonka.NET instance that represents the instance on the chain</param>
        /// <param name="poKeyValues">The keys for the product whose data we wish to extract (though not yet used)</param>
        /// <param name="psWeb3Url">The URL for the Ethereum client to which we want to connect</param>
        /// <returns>Contains the assembled product data that represents the current product</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <WonkaProduct> AssembleCurrentProductFromChainSourcesAsync(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine, Dictionary <string, string> poKeyValues, string psWeb3Url = "")
            WonkaProduct CurrentProduct = new WonkaProduct();

            if ((poKeyValues != null) && (poKeyValues.Count > 0))
                // NOTE: To be determined

            bool bSuccess =
                await CurrentProduct.PopulateWithDataFromChainAsync(poEngine.RefEnvHandle, poEngine.SourceMap, psWeb3Url).ConfigureAwait(false);

Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will return an Attribute value using.
        /// <param name="poEngine">The Wonka.NET instance that represents the instance on the chain</param>
        /// <param name="poEngineSource">The address that represents the instance on the chain</param>
        /// <param name="pnEpochTimeToStartFrom">The time of the reports from which we want to start pulling reports</param>
        /// <param name="psWeb3Url">The URL for the Ethereum client to which we want to connect</param>
        /// <returns>Contains the array of rule reports</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <List <Wonka.Eth.Extensions.RuleTreeReport> > GetRuleTreeReportsFromChainStorageAsync(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine,
                                                                                                                       Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthSource poEngineSource,
                                                                                                                       long pnEpochTimeToStartFrom = 0,
                                                                                                                       string psWeb3Url            = "")
            var RuleTreeReports = new List <Wonka.Eth.Extensions.RuleTreeReport>();

            // NOTE: Do work here

Ejemplo n.º 29
        public WonkaBizRulesXmlReader(string psBreXmlFilepath, IMetadataRetrievable piMetadataSource = null, WonkaBizRulesEngine poRulesHostEngine = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(psBreXmlFilepath))
                throw new WonkaBizRuleException(-1, -1, "ERROR!  The rules file provided is null.");

            if (!File.Exists(psBreXmlFilepath))
                throw new WonkaBizRuleException(-1, -1, "ERROR!  The rules file(" + psBreXmlFilepath + ") does not exist.");

            this.BreXmlFilepath  = psBreXmlFilepath;
            this.BreXmlContents  = null;
            this.RulesHostEngine = poRulesHostEngine;

Ejemplo n.º 30
        public WonkaBizRulesXmlReader(StringBuilder psBreXml, IMetadataRetrievable piMetadataSource = null, WonkaBizRulesEngine poRulesHostEngine = null)
            if ((psBreXml == null) || (psBreXml.Length <= 0))
                throw new WonkaBizRuleException(-1, -1, "ERROR!  The rules file provided is null.");

            this.BreXmlFilepath  = null;
            this.BreXmlContents  = psBreXml.ToString();
            this.RulesHostEngine = poRulesHostEngine;
