Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ManagementObjectCollection Query(ObjectQuery query, WmiPath wmiPath)
            ManagementObjectCollection mgmtObjs = null;

            switch (wmiPath)
            case WmiPath.Root:
                EnumerationOptions eo = new EnumerationOptions();
                eo.Rewindable           = false;
                eo.ReturnImmediately    = true;
                eo.EnumerateDeep        = false;
                eo.EnsureLocatable      = false;
                eo.DirectRead           = true;
                eo.EnsureLocatable      = false;
                eo.UseAmendedQualifiers = false;
                eo.BlockSize            = 10;

                mgmtObjs = new ManagementObjectSearcher(Scope, query, eo).Get();


            case WmiPath.IIS:
                mgmtObjs = new ManagementObjectSearcher(Scope, query).Get();


Ejemplo n.º 2
    public static int Main()
        System.Diagnostics.TraceSwitch MySwitch = new System.Diagnostics.TraceSwitch("MySwitch", null);
        MySwitch.Level = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Verbose;

        Console.WriteLine("WMI COM+ Test Application");

        //Create a WmiPath object
        WmiPath Path = new WmiPath("root\\cimv2");

        Console.WriteLine("String in WmiPath object is : {0}", Path.PathString);

        //Make a connection to this path
        WmiCollection Session = WmiCollection.Connect(Path);

        //Get a class from this connection
        WmiObject ServiceClass = Session.Get(new WmiPath("Win32_LogicalDisk"));

        //WmiObject ServiceClass = Session.Get("Win32_LogicalDisk");
        //Display the class name (__CLASS property of the class)
        Console.WriteLine("The name of this class is : {0}", ServiceClass["__CLASS"]);

        //Enumerate instances
        WmiCollection Instances = Session.Open(new WmiPath("Win32_LogicalDisk"));

        foreach (WmiObject obj in Instances)
            Console.WriteLine("The key of this instance is : {0}", obj["Name"]);

        WmiCollection QueryRes = Session.Query(new WmiQuery("select * from Win32_Service"));

        foreach (WmiObject Service in QueryRes)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", Service["Name"]);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected WmiManagementBase(string host, WmiPath wmiPath)
            switch (wmiPath)
            case WmiPath.Root:
                string path = string.Format(@"\\{0}\root\cimv2", host);
                Scope = new ManagementScope(path);

            case WmiPath.IIS:
                string path = string.Format(@"\\{0}\root\MicrosoftIISv2", host);
                Scope = new ManagementScope(path);

            Scope.Options.Impersonation    = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate;
            Scope.Options.EnablePrivileges = true;
            Scope.Options.Authentication   = AuthenticationLevel.PacketPrivacy;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public static int Main(String[] args)
        TextWriter   oldTW = null; //used to save old console.out for logging
        StreamWriter sw    = null; //used to redirect console.out to file for logging

        Console.WriteLine("WMI Plus Test Application");

        //validate arguments
        if (((args.Length != 0) && (args.Length != 2)) || ((args.Length == 2) && (args[0] != "/log")))
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: ... ");

        //if "/log" specified, redirect Console.Out to log file
        if (args.Length > 0)
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(args[1], FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); //open log file
            oldTW = Console.Out;                                                                  //save default standard output
            sw    = new StreamWriter(fs);
            Console.SetOut(sw);                                                                   //replace with file

        //Create a WmiPath object
        WmiPath Path = new WmiPath("root\\default");

        Console.WriteLine("String in WmiPath object is : {0}", Path.PathString);

        //Make a connection to this path
        WmiCollection Session = WmiCollection.Connect(Path);
//	WmiCollection Session = WmiCollection.Connect("root\\cimv2");

        //Get a class from this connection
        WmiObject ServiceClass = Session.Get(new WmiPath("MyStaticClass"));

        //Display the class name (__CLASS property of the class)
        Console.WriteLine("The name of this class is : {0}", ServiceClass["__CLASS"]);

        //Enumerate instances (static only because of security problem !!)
        WmiCollection Instances = Session.Open(new WmiPath("MyStaticClass"));

        foreach (WmiObject obj in Instances)
            Console.WriteLine("The key of this instance is : {0}", obj["MyProp"]);

//		WmiCollection Services = Session.Open("Win32_Service");
//		foreach (WmiObject Service in Services)
//			Console.WriteLine("{0}", Service["Name"]);
//r	}
//r	catch (Exception e)
//r	{
//r		Console.WriteLine("Exception caught : {0}", e.Message);
//r	}

        //flush log file, and restore standard output if changed
        if (sw != null)
        if (oldTW != null)
