Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult BuyWishlistItem(string wishlistid)
            var accountId = HttpContext.Session.Get <long>(SessionHelper.SessionKeyAccountId);

            if (accountId == default)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account", new { id = LoginHelper.BudgetApp }));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wishlistid))
                return(Json(new { status = false, message = "WishlistId is required." }));
            if (!long.TryParse(wishlistid, out long wishlistIdValue))
                return(Json(new { status = false, message = "WishlistId is not a number." }));

                WishlistRepository.BuyWishlistItem(wishlistIdValue, accountId, new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 12, 25), DateTime.Now);
            catch (Exception)
                return(Json(new { status = false, message = "Could not buy item." }));

            return(Json(new { status = true, message = "Bought Item!" }));
        public DashboardModel(long accountId)
            FirstColumn  = new List <ListTable>();
            SecondColumn = new List <ListTable>();

            FirstColumn.Add(new ListTable(accountId, true));

            var sharedAccountIds = WishlistRepository.GetSharedAccountIds(accountId);

            foreach (var sharedAccountId in sharedAccountIds)
                if (FirstColumn.Sum(c => c.TableItems.Count) > SecondColumn.Sum(c => c.TableItems.Count))
                    SecondColumn.Add(new ListTable(sharedAccountId, false));
                    FirstColumn.Add(new ListTable(sharedAccountId, false));

            //Change this to next holiday
            //Currently set to Christmas as default
            DaysTillNextHoliday = GetDaysTill(new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, 12, 25));
            NextHoliday         = "Christmas";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult SaveWishlistItem(string name, string description, string link)
            var accountId = HttpContext.Session.Get <long>(SessionHelper.SessionKeyAccountId);

            if (accountId == default)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account", new { id = LoginHelper.BudgetApp }));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                return(Json(new { status = false, message = "Name is required." }));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description))
                description = null;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(link))
                link = null;

            if (WishlistRepository.WishlistItemExists(accountId, name))
                return(Json(new { status = false, message = $"Item already exists with name {name}." }));

            WishlistRepository.AddWishlistItem(accountId, name, description, link);
            return(Json(new { status = true, message = "Wishlist Item Added!" }));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public YourListViewModel(long accountId)
     WishList    = WishlistRepository.GetWishlist(accountId);
     ColumnNames = new List <string> {
         "Name", "Description"
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            WishlistRepository   obj    = new WishlistRepository();
            List <WishListModel> result = obj.SelectAll();

            foreach (WishListModel item in result)
        public async Task GetAsyncTest_Passes()
            _sut = new WishlistRepository(_access.Object, _mapper.Object);

            //var result = await _sut.GetAsync(It.IsAny<int>());
            var result = await _sut.GetAsync(1);

            _access.Verify(m => m.SelectWithIdAsync(It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Once);
        public async Task WishlistRepository_GetWishlist_ReturnList()
            // arrange
            const string username = "******";
            const int    userId   = 1;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();

            List <DataAccess.Wishlist> wishlists = new List <DataAccess.Wishlist>()
                new DataAccess.Wishlist()
                    UserId = userId, BookId = 1
                new DataAccess.Wishlist()
                    UserId = userId, BookId = 2
                new DataAccess.Wishlist()
                    UserId = userId, BookId = 3

            using (LooseLeafContext addContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateUser(addContext, username);

                await contextFactory.CreateBook(addContext, "Book 1", "Author 1");

                await contextFactory.CreateBook(addContext, "Book 2", "Author 2");

                await contextFactory.CreateBook(addContext, "Book 3", "Author 3");

                await addContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                await addContext.Wishlists.AddRangeAsync(wishlists);

                await addContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            using LooseLeafContext context = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            IWishlistRepository wishlistRepository = new WishlistRepository(context);

            // act
            var books = await wishlistRepository.GetUserWishlist(userId);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(wishlists.Count, books.Count());
        public async Task DeleteWithIdAsyncTest_ValidId_HappyPath()

            _sut = new WishlistRepository(_access.Object, _mapper.Object);

            var result = await _sut.DeleteAsync(WishlistBookTestUtils.GenerateValidWishlistBook().Id);

            _access.Verify(m => m.DeleteWithIdAsync(It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Once);
        public async Task DeleteAsyncTest_NullWishlistBook_ThrowsNullReferenceException()

            _sut = new WishlistRepository(_access.Object, _mapper.Object);

            var result = await _sut.DeleteAsync(null);

            _access.Verify(m => m.DeleteOneAsync(It.IsAny <WishlistMap>()), Times.Never);
        public SharedListsViewModel(long accountId)
            SharedWishLists = new List <SharedWishList>();
            ColumnNames     = new List <string> {
                "Name", "Description"
            var sharedAccountIds = WishlistRepository.GetSharedAccountIds(accountId);

            foreach (var sharedAccountId in sharedAccountIds)
                SharedWishLists.Add(new SharedWishList(sharedAccountId));

        public async Task InsertOneAsyncTest_NullWishlistBookMap_ThrowsNullReferenceException()

            _sut = new WishlistRepository(_access.Object, _mapper.Object);

            var result = await _sut.InsertAsync(WishlistBookTestUtils.GenerateInvalidWishlistBook());

            _access.Verify(m => m.InsertOneAsync(It.IsAny <WishlistMap>()), Times.Never);
        public async Task InsertOneAsyncTest_ValidWishlistBook_Passes()

            _sut = new WishlistRepository(_access.Object, _mapper.Object);

            var result = await _sut.InsertAsync(WishlistBookTestUtils.GenerateValidWishlistBook());

            _access.Verify(m => m.InsertOneAsync(It.IsAny <WishlistMap>()), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void Main()
            WindowFormsFactory _formsFactory = new WindowFormsFactory();

            ReadRepository     _readRepo     = new ReadRepository();
            TBRRepository      _tbrRepo      = new TBRRepository();
            OwnedRepository    _ownedRepo    = new OwnedRepository();
            LibraryRepository  _libraryRepo  = new LibraryRepository();
            WishlistRepository _wishlistRepo = new WishlistRepository();

            MainFormController mainController = new MainFormController(_formsFactory, _readRepo, _tbrRepo, _ownedRepo, _libraryRepo, _wishlistRepo);

            Application.Run(new BookNook.PresentationLayer.frmMainWindow(mainController));
 public ListTable(long accountId, bool yourAccount)
     if (yourAccount)
         TableName           = "Your Account";
         TableActionLink     = "YourList";
         TableControllerLink = "List";
         TableItems          = WishlistRepository.GetWishlist(accountId).Select(i => i.Name).ToList();
         TableName           = $"{AccountRepository.GetAccount(accountId).Name}'s List";
         TableActionLink     = "SharedLists";
         TableControllerLink = "List";
         TableItems          = WishlistRepository.GetWishlist(accountId).Where(i => !i.IsBought).Select(i => i.Name).ToList();
        public async Task WishlistRepository_AddBookToUserWishlist()
            // arrange

            //Constants to compare user and book with test results.
            const string username   = "******";
            const string bookName   = "Test Book";
            const string authorName = "The Author";
            long         isbn;
            const int    userId = 1;
            const int    bookId = 1;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();

            // Add in foreign key / required database data. Wishlist requires a user and a book type to exist in the database.
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, username);

                isbn = await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext, bookName, authorName);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // act
            using (LooseLeafContext actContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                // Create Repository
                IWishlistRepository wishlistRepository = new WishlistRepository(actContext);

                // Test repository method
                await wishlistRepository.AddBookToUserWishlist(userId, bookId);

                await actContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // assert
            // Create a new context to ensure that data was saved to database.
            using LooseLeafContext assertContext = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            var wishlist = await assertContext.Wishlists.Include(w => w.User).Include(w => w.Book).SingleAsync();

            // assert that the book and user are the same as one added to the wishlist.
            Assert.Equal(username, wishlist.User.Username);
            Assert.Equal(bookName, wishlist.Book.Title);
            Assert.Equal(authorName, wishlist.Book.Author);
        public async Task DeleteAsyncTest_NegativeIdWishlistBook_ThrowsException()
            var book = WishlistBookTestUtils.GenerateValidWishlistBook();

            book.Id = -4;

            _sut = new WishlistRepository(_access.Object, _mapper.Object);

            var result = await _sut.DeleteAsync(book);

            _access.Verify(m => m.DeleteWithIdAsync(It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Never);
        public async Task WishlistRepository_RemoveBookFromUserWishlist()
            // arrange
            const string username   = "******";
            const string bookName   = "Test Book";
            const string authorName = "The Author";
            long         isbn;
            int          originalWishlistCount;
            const int    userId = 1;
            const int    bookId = 1;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, username);

                isbn = await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext, bookName, authorName);

                await arrangeContext.Wishlists.AddAsync(new DataAccess.Wishlist()
                    UserId = 1, BookId = 1

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // act
            using (LooseLeafContext actContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                IWishlistRepository wishlistRepository = new WishlistRepository(actContext);
                originalWishlistCount = actContext.Wishlists.Count();
                await wishlistRepository.RemoveBookFromUserWishlist(userId, bookId);

                await actContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // assert
            using LooseLeafContext assertContext = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            Assert.Equal(0, assertContext.Wishlists.Count());
            Assert.Equal(1, originalWishlistCount);
 public void TearDown()
     _sut    = null;
     _mapper = null;
     _access = null;
 public SharedWishList(long sharedAccountId)
     Name     = AccountRepository.GetAccount(sharedAccountId).Name;
     WishList = WishlistRepository.GetSpentWishlist(sharedAccountId);
 public WishListController()
     _repository = new WishlistRepository();
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public WishlistController(IRepository <WishList> repository, WishlistRepository wishlistRepository)
     _repo = repository;
     repo  = wishlistRepository;