Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static WindowsGraphics CreateMeasurementWindowsGraphics()
     DeviceContext dc = DeviceContext.FromCompatibleDC(IntPtr.Zero);
     WindowsGraphics wg = new WindowsGraphics(dc);
     wg.disposeDc = true; // we create it, we dispose it.
     return wg;
Ejemplo n.º 2
       /// GetTextMargins - checks to see if we have cached information about the current font,
       /// returns info about it.
       /// An MRU of Font margins was considered, but seems like overhead.
       internal static IntNativeMethods.DRAWTEXTPARAMS GetTextMargins(WindowsGraphics wg, WindowsFont font) {

            // PERF: operate on a local reference rather than party directly on the thread static one.
            CachedInfo currentCachedInfo = cachedMeasurementDCInfo;
            if (currentCachedInfo != null && currentCachedInfo.LeftTextMargin >0 && currentCachedInfo.RightTextMargin >0 && font == currentCachedInfo.LastUsedFont) 
                // we have to return clones as DrawTextEx will modify this struct
                return new IntNativeMethods.DRAWTEXTPARAMS(currentCachedInfo.LeftTextMargin,currentCachedInfo.RightTextMargin);                    
            else if (currentCachedInfo == null) 
                currentCachedInfo = new CachedInfo();
                cachedMeasurementDCInfo = currentCachedInfo;
            IntNativeMethods.DRAWTEXTPARAMS drawTextParams = wg.GetTextMargins(font);
            currentCachedInfo.LeftTextMargin = drawTextParams.iLeftMargin;
            currentCachedInfo.RightTextMargin = drawTextParams.iRightMargin;
            // returning a copy here to be consistent with the return value from the cache.
            return new IntNativeMethods.DRAWTEXTPARAMS(currentCachedInfo.LeftTextMargin,currentCachedInfo.RightTextMargin);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Creates a WindowsGraphics object from a Graphics object.  Clipping and coordinate transforms
        ///     are preserved.
        ///     Notes:
        ///     - The passed Graphics object cannot be used until the WindowsGraphics is disposed
        ///     since it borrows the hdc from the Graphics object locking it.
        ///     - Changes to the hdc using the WindowsGraphics object are not preserved into the Graphics object;
        ///     the hdc is returned to the Graphics object intact.
        ///     Some background about how Graphics uses the internal hdc when created from an existing one
        ///     (mail from GillesK from GDI+ team):
        ///     User has an HDC with a particular state:
        ///     Graphics object gets created based on that HDC. We query the HDC for its state and apply it to the Graphics.
        ///     At this stage, we do a SaveHDC and clear everything out of it.
        ///     User calls GetHdc. We restore the HDC to the state it was in and give it to the user.
        ///     User calls ReleaseHdc, we save the current state of the HDC and clear everything
        ///     (so that the graphics state gets applied next time we use it).
        ///     Next time the user calls GetHdc we give him back the state after the second ReleaseHdc.
        ///     (But the state changes between the GetHdc and ReleaseHdc are not applied to the Graphics).
        ///     Please note that this only applies the HDC created graphics, for Bitmap derived graphics, GetHdc creates a new DIBSection and
        ///     things get a lot more complicated.
        /// </devdoc>

        public static WindowsGraphics FromGraphics(Graphics g)
            ApplyGraphicsProperties properties = ApplyGraphicsProperties.All;

            return(WindowsGraphics.FromGraphics(g, properties));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public override void execute(WindowsGraphics underlying)
     underlying.fillPolygon(p1, p2);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void DrawGroupBox(PaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics  graphics      = e.Graphics;
            Rectangle textRectangle = ClientRectangle; // Max text bounding box passed to drawing methods to support RTL.

            int textOffset = 8;                        // Offset from the left bound.

            Color backColor = DisabledColor;

            Pen  light = new Pen(ControlPaint.Light(backColor, 1.0f));
            Pen  dark  = new Pen(ControlPaint.Dark(backColor, 0f));
            Size textSize;

            textRectangle.X     += textOffset;
            textRectangle.Width -= 2 * textOffset;

            try {
                if (UseCompatibleTextRendering)
                    using (Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(ForeColor)){
                        using (StringFormat format = new StringFormat()){
                            format.HotkeyPrefix = ShowKeyboardCues ? System.Drawing.Text.HotkeyPrefix.Show : System.Drawing.Text.HotkeyPrefix.Hide;

                            // Adjust string format for Rtl controls

                            if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                                format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft;

                            textSize = Size.Ceiling(graphics.MeasureString(Text, Font, textRectangle.Width, format));

                            if (Enabled)
                                graphics.DrawString(Text, Font, textBrush, textRectangle, format);
                                ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled(graphics, Text, Font, backColor, textRectangle, format);
                    using (WindowsGraphics wg = WindowsGraphics.FromGraphics(graphics)){
                        IntTextFormatFlags flags = IntTextFormatFlags.WordBreak | IntTextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl;

                        if (!ShowKeyboardCues)
                            flags |= IntTextFormatFlags.HidePrefix;

                        if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                            flags |= IntTextFormatFlags.RightToLeft;
                            flags |= IntTextFormatFlags.Right;

                        using (WindowsFont wfont = WindowsGraphicsCacheManager.GetWindowsFont(this.Font)) {
                            textSize = wg.MeasureText(Text, wfont, new Size(textRectangle.Width, int.MaxValue), flags);

                            if (Enabled)
                                wg.DrawText(Text, wfont, textRectangle, ForeColor, flags);
                                ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled(wg, Text, Font, backColor, textRectangle, ((TextFormatFlags)flags));

                int textLeft = textOffset;    // Left side of binding box (independent on RTL).

                if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                    textLeft += textRectangle.Width - textSize.Width;

                // Math.Min to assure we paint at least a small line.
                int textRight = Math.Min(textLeft + textSize.Width, Width - 6);

                int boxTop = FontHeight / 2;

                // left
                graphics.DrawLine(light, 1, boxTop, 1, Height - 1);
                graphics.DrawLine(dark, 0, boxTop, 0, Height - 2);

                // bottom
                graphics.DrawLine(light, 0, Height - 1, Width, Height - 1);
                graphics.DrawLine(dark, 0, Height - 2, Width - 1, Height - 2);

                // top-left

                graphics.DrawLine(dark, 0, boxTop - 1, textLeft, boxTop - 1);
                graphics.DrawLine(light, 1, boxTop, textLeft, boxTop);

                // top-right
                graphics.DrawLine(dark, textRight, boxTop - 1, Width - 2, boxTop - 1);
                graphics.DrawLine(light, textRight, boxTop, Width - 1, boxTop);

                // right
                graphics.DrawLine(light, Width - 1, boxTop - 1, Width - 1, Height - 1);
                graphics.DrawLine(dark, Width - 2, boxTop, Width - 2, Height - 2);
            finally {
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// IsMeasurementDC
        ///  Returns whether the IDeviceContext passed in is our static MeasurementDC.
        ///  If it is, we know a bit more information about it.
        internal static bool IsMeasurementDC(DeviceContext dc)
            WindowsGraphics sharedGraphics = WindowsGraphicsCacheManager.GetCurrentMeasurementGraphics();

            return(sharedGraphics != null && sharedGraphics.DeviceContext != null && sharedGraphics.DeviceContext.Hdc == dc.Hdc);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public override void execute(WindowsGraphics underlying)
     underlying.drawPath(path, stroke);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            Color nearestColor;

            Rectangle r = LayoutUtils.DeflateRect(base.ClientRectangle, base.Padding);

            System.Drawing.Image image = this.Image;
            if (image != null)
                this.DrawImage(e.Graphics, image, r, base.RtlTranslateAlignment(this.ImageAlign));
            IntPtr hdc = e.Graphics.GetHdc();

                using (WindowsGraphics graphics = WindowsGraphics.FromHdc(hdc))
                    nearestColor = graphics.GetNearestColor(base.Enabled ? this.ForeColor : base.DisabledColor);
            if (this.AutoEllipsis)
                Rectangle clientRectangle = base.ClientRectangle;
                Size      preferredSize   = this.GetPreferredSize(new Size(clientRectangle.Width, clientRectangle.Height));
                this.showToolTip = (clientRectangle.Width < preferredSize.Width) || (clientRectangle.Height < preferredSize.Height);
                this.showToolTip = false;
            if (this.UseCompatibleTextRendering)
                using (StringFormat format = this.CreateStringFormat())
                    if (base.Enabled)
                        using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(nearestColor))
                            e.Graphics.DrawString(this.Text, this.Font, brush, r, format);
                            goto Label_01BF;
                    ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled(e.Graphics, this.Text, this.Font, nearestColor, r, format);
                    goto Label_01BF;
            TextFormatFlags flags = this.CreateTextFormatFlags();

            if (base.Enabled)
                TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, this.Text, this.Font, r, nearestColor, flags);
                Color foreColor = TextRenderer.DisabledTextColor(this.BackColor);
                TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, this.Text, this.Font, r, foreColor, flags);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <include file='doc\WindowsGraphics.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="WindowsGraphics.FromHwnd"]/*' />
 public static WindowsGraphics FromHwnd(IntPtr hWnd)
     DeviceContext dc = DeviceContext.FromHwnd( hWnd );
     WindowsGraphics wg = new WindowsGraphics( dc );
     wg.disposeDc = true; // we create it, we dispose it.
     return wg;    
 public override void execute(WindowsGraphics underlying)
     underlying.fillLinearGradient(startColor, endColor, x, y, width, height, horizontal);
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Dispose of cached memory dc.
        /// </devdoc>
        public static void ResetMeasurementGraphics()
            if( measurementGraphics != null )
                //Debug.WriteLine( DbgUtil.StackTraceToStr(string.Format("Disposing measurement DC and WG for thread: [0x{0:x8}]", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)));
                Debug.WriteLine( DbgUtil.StackTraceToStr("Disposing measurement DC and WG"));
                measurementGraphics = null;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public WindowsGraphicsWrapper(IDeviceContext deviceContext, TextFormatFlags flags)
            if (deviceContext is Graphics)
                ApplyGraphicsProperties properties = ApplyGraphicsProperties.None;

                if ((flags & TextFormatFlags.PreserveGraphicsClipping) != 0)
                    properties |= ApplyGraphicsProperties.Clipping;

                if ((flags & TextFormatFlags.PreserveGraphicsTranslateTransform) != 0)
                    properties |= ApplyGraphicsProperties.TranslateTransform;

                // Create the WindowsGraphics from the Grahpics object only if Graphics properties need
                // to be reapplied to the DC wrapped by the WindowsGraphics.
                if (properties != ApplyGraphicsProperties.None)
                        _windowsGraphics = WindowsGraphics.FromGraphics(deviceContext as Graphics, properties);
                // If passed-in IDeviceContext object is a WindowsGraphics we can use it directly.
                _windowsGraphics = deviceContext as WindowsGraphics;

                if (_windowsGraphics != null)
                    // In this case we cache the idc to compare it against the wg in the Dispose method to avoid
                    // disposing of the wg.
                    _deviceContext = deviceContext;

            if (_windowsGraphics == null)
                // The IDeviceContext object is not a WindowsGraphics, or it is a custom IDeviceContext, or
                // it is a Graphics object but we did not need to re-apply Graphics propertiesto the hdc.
                // So create the WindowsGraphics from the hdc directly.
                // Cache the IDC so the hdc can be released ons dispose.
                    _deviceContext   = deviceContext;
                    _windowsGraphics = WindowsGraphics.FromHdc((Gdi32.HDC)deviceContext.GetHdc());

            // Set text padding on the WindowsGraphics (if any).
            if ((flags & TextFormatFlags.LeftAndRightPadding) != 0)
                _windowsGraphics.TextPadding = TextPaddingOptions.LeftAndRightPadding;
            else if ((flags & TextFormatFlags.NoPadding) != 0)
                _windowsGraphics.TextPadding = TextPaddingOptions.NoPadding;
            // else wg.TextPadding = TextPaddingOptions.GlyphOverhangPadding - the default value.
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public override void execute(WindowsGraphics underlying)
        private Rectangle PaintPrivate(Graphics g, Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates elementState, object formattedValue, string errorText, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts, bool computeContentBounds, bool computeErrorIconBounds, bool paint)
            Rectangle  empty;
            Point      currentCellAddress = base.DataGridView.CurrentCellAddress;
            bool       flag        = (elementState & DataGridViewElementStates.Selected) != DataGridViewElementStates.None;
            bool       flag2       = (currentCellAddress.X == base.ColumnIndex) && (currentCellAddress.Y == rowIndex);
            string     text        = formattedValue as string;
            SolidBrush cachedBrush = base.DataGridView.GetCachedBrush((DataGridViewCell.PaintSelectionBackground(paintParts) && flag) ? cellStyle.SelectionBackColor : cellStyle.BackColor);
            SolidBrush brush2      = base.DataGridView.GetCachedBrush(flag ? cellStyle.SelectionForeColor : cellStyle.ForeColor);

            if (paint && DataGridViewCell.PaintBorder(paintParts))
                this.PaintBorder(g, clipBounds, cellBounds, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle);
            Rectangle rect       = cellBounds;
            Rectangle rectangle3 = this.BorderWidths(advancedBorderStyle);

            rect.Offset(rectangle3.X, rectangle3.Y);
            rect.Width  -= rectangle3.Right;
            rect.Height -= rectangle3.Bottom;
            if ((rect.Height <= 0) || (rect.Width <= 0))
            if ((paint && DataGridViewCell.PaintBackground(paintParts)) && (cachedBrush.Color.A == 0xff))
                g.FillRectangle(cachedBrush, rect);
            if (cellStyle.Padding != Padding.Empty)
                if (base.DataGridView.RightToLeftInternal)
                    rect.Offset(cellStyle.Padding.Right, cellStyle.Padding.Top);
                    rect.Offset(cellStyle.Padding.Left, cellStyle.Padding.Top);
                rect.Width  -= cellStyle.Padding.Horizontal;
                rect.Height -= cellStyle.Padding.Vertical;
            Rectangle cellValueBounds = rect;

            if (((rect.Height <= 0) || (rect.Width <= 0)) || (!paint && !computeContentBounds))
                if (computeErrorIconBounds)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText))
                        empty = base.ComputeErrorIconBounds(cellValueBounds);
                        empty = Rectangle.Empty;
                    empty = Rectangle.Empty;
                goto Label_06AD;
            if ((this.FlatStyle == System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Standard) || (this.FlatStyle == System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.System))
                if (base.DataGridView.ApplyVisualStylesToInnerCells)
                    if (paint && DataGridViewCell.PaintContentBackground(paintParts))
                        PushButtonState normal = PushButtonState.Normal;
                        if ((this.ButtonState & (System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Checked | System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Pushed)) != System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Normal)
                            normal = PushButtonState.Pressed;
                        else if (((base.DataGridView.MouseEnteredCellAddress.Y == rowIndex) && (base.DataGridView.MouseEnteredCellAddress.X == base.ColumnIndex)) && mouseInContentBounds)
                            normal = PushButtonState.Hot;
                        if ((DataGridViewCell.PaintFocus(paintParts) && flag2) && (base.DataGridView.ShowFocusCues && base.DataGridView.Focused))
                            normal |= PushButtonState.Default;
                        DataGridViewButtonCellRenderer.DrawButton(g, rect, (int)normal);
                    empty = rect;
                    rect  = DataGridViewButtonCellRenderer.DataGridViewButtonRenderer.GetBackgroundContentRectangle(g, rect);
                    if (paint && DataGridViewCell.PaintContentBackground(paintParts))
                        ControlPaint.DrawBorder(g, rect, SystemColors.Control, (this.ButtonState == System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Normal) ? ButtonBorderStyle.Outset : ButtonBorderStyle.Inset);
                    empty = rect;
                    rect.Inflate(-SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Width, -SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Height);
                goto Label_06AD;
            if (this.FlatStyle != System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat)
                rect.Inflate(-1, -1);
                if (paint && DataGridViewCell.PaintContentBackground(paintParts))
                    if ((this.ButtonState & (System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Checked | System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Pushed)) != System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Normal)
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.ColorData data2 = ButtonBaseAdapter.PaintPopupRender(g, cellStyle.ForeColor, cellStyle.BackColor, base.DataGridView.Enabled).Calculate();
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.DrawDefaultBorder(g, rect, data2.options.highContrast ? data2.windowText : data2.windowFrame, true);
                        ControlPaint.DrawBorder(g, rect, data2.options.highContrast ? data2.windowText : data2.buttonShadow, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
                    else if (((base.DataGridView.MouseEnteredCellAddress.Y == rowIndex) && (base.DataGridView.MouseEnteredCellAddress.X == base.ColumnIndex)) && mouseInContentBounds)
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.ColorData colors = ButtonBaseAdapter.PaintPopupRender(g, cellStyle.ForeColor, cellStyle.BackColor, base.DataGridView.Enabled).Calculate();
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.DrawDefaultBorder(g, rect, colors.options.highContrast ? colors.windowText : colors.buttonShadow, false);
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.Draw3DLiteBorder(g, rect, colors, true);
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.ColorData data4 = ButtonBaseAdapter.PaintPopupRender(g, cellStyle.ForeColor, cellStyle.BackColor, base.DataGridView.Enabled).Calculate();
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.DrawDefaultBorder(g, rect, data4.options.highContrast ? data4.windowText : data4.buttonShadow, false);
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.DrawFlatBorder(g, rect, data4.options.highContrast ? data4.windowText : data4.buttonShadow);
                empty = rect;
                goto Label_06AD;
            rect.Inflate(-1, -1);
            if (paint && DataGridViewCell.PaintContentBackground(paintParts))
                ButtonBaseAdapter.DrawDefaultBorder(g, rect, brush2.Color, true);
                if (cachedBrush.Color.A == 0xff)
                    if ((this.ButtonState & (System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Checked | System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Pushed)) != System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Normal)
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.ColorData data = ButtonBaseAdapter.PaintFlatRender(g, cellStyle.ForeColor, cellStyle.BackColor, base.DataGridView.Enabled).Calculate();
                        IntPtr hdc = g.GetHdc();
                            using (WindowsGraphics graphics = WindowsGraphics.FromHdc(hdc))
                                WindowsBrush brush3;
                                if (data.options.highContrast)
                                    brush3 = new WindowsSolidBrush(graphics.DeviceContext, data.buttonShadow);
                                    brush3 = new WindowsSolidBrush(graphics.DeviceContext, data.lowHighlight);
                                    ButtonBaseAdapter.PaintButtonBackground(graphics, rect, brush3);
                            goto Label_04CF;
                    if (((base.DataGridView.MouseEnteredCellAddress.Y == rowIndex) && (base.DataGridView.MouseEnteredCellAddress.X == base.ColumnIndex)) && mouseInContentBounds)
                        IntPtr hDc = g.GetHdc();
                            using (WindowsGraphics graphics2 = WindowsGraphics.FromHdc(hDc))
                                Color controlDark = SystemColors.ControlDark;
                                using (WindowsBrush brush4 = new WindowsSolidBrush(graphics2.DeviceContext, controlDark))
                                    ButtonBaseAdapter.PaintButtonBackground(graphics2, rect, brush4);
            empty = rect;
            if (((paint && DataGridViewCell.PaintFocus(paintParts)) && (flag2 && base.DataGridView.ShowFocusCues)) && ((base.DataGridView.Focused && (rect.Width > ((2 * SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Width) + 1))) && (rect.Height > ((2 * SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Height) + 1))))
                if ((this.FlatStyle == System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.System) || (this.FlatStyle == System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Standard))
                    ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(g, Rectangle.Inflate(rect, -1, -1), Color.Empty, SystemColors.Control);
                else if (this.FlatStyle == System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat)
                    if (((this.ButtonState & (System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Checked | System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Pushed)) != System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Normal) || ((base.DataGridView.CurrentCellAddress.Y == rowIndex) && (base.DataGridView.CurrentCellAddress.X == base.ColumnIndex)))
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.ColorData data5 = ButtonBaseAdapter.PaintFlatRender(g, cellStyle.ForeColor, cellStyle.BackColor, base.DataGridView.Enabled).Calculate();
                        string str2 = (text != null) ? text : string.Empty;
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.LayoutOptions options = ButtonFlatAdapter.PaintFlatLayout(g, true, SystemInformation.HighContrast, 1, rect, Padding.Empty, false, cellStyle.Font, str2, base.DataGridView.Enabled, DataGridViewUtilities.ComputeDrawingContentAlignmentForCellStyleAlignment(cellStyle.Alignment), base.DataGridView.RightToLeft);
                        options.everettButtonCompat = false;
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.LayoutData data6 = options.Layout();
                        ButtonBaseAdapter.DrawFlatFocus(g, data6.focus, data5.options.highContrast ? data5.windowText : data5.constrastButtonShadow);
                else if (((this.ButtonState & (System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Checked | System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Pushed)) != System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Normal) || ((base.DataGridView.CurrentCellAddress.Y == rowIndex) && (base.DataGridView.CurrentCellAddress.X == base.ColumnIndex)))
                    bool   up   = this.ButtonState == System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Normal;
                    string str3 = (text != null) ? text : string.Empty;
                    ButtonBaseAdapter.LayoutOptions options2 = ButtonPopupAdapter.PaintPopupLayout(g, up, SystemInformation.HighContrast ? 2 : 1, rect, Padding.Empty, false, cellStyle.Font, str3, base.DataGridView.Enabled, DataGridViewUtilities.ComputeDrawingContentAlignmentForCellStyleAlignment(cellStyle.Alignment), base.DataGridView.RightToLeft);
                    options2.everettButtonCompat = false;
                    ButtonBaseAdapter.LayoutData data7 = options2.Layout();
                    ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(g, data7.focus, cellStyle.ForeColor, cellStyle.BackColor);
            if (((text != null) && paint) && DataGridViewCell.PaintContentForeground(paintParts))
                rect.Offset(2, 1);
                rect.Width  -= 4;
                rect.Height -= 2;
                if ((((this.ButtonState & (System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Checked | System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Pushed)) != System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Normal) && (this.FlatStyle != System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat)) && (this.FlatStyle != System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Popup))
                    rect.Offset(1, 1);
                if ((rect.Width > 0) && (rect.Height > 0))
                    Color color;
                    if (base.DataGridView.ApplyVisualStylesToInnerCells && ((this.FlatStyle == System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.System) || (this.FlatStyle == System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Standard)))
                        color = DataGridViewButtonCellRenderer.DataGridViewButtonRenderer.GetColor(ColorProperty.TextColor);
                        color = brush2.Color;
                    TextFormatFlags flags = DataGridViewUtilities.ComputeTextFormatFlagsForCellStyleAlignment(base.DataGridView.RightToLeftInternal, cellStyle.Alignment, cellStyle.WrapMode);
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, text, cellStyle.Font, rect, color, flags);
            if ((base.DataGridView.ShowCellErrors && paint) && DataGridViewCell.PaintErrorIcon(paintParts))
                base.PaintErrorIcon(g, cellStyle, rowIndex, cellBounds, cellValueBounds, errorText);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public override void execute(WindowsGraphics underlying)
     underlying.fillRadialGradient(startColor, endColor, x, y, width, height);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static WindowsGraphics FromHdc(IntPtr hDc)
            Debug.Assert( hDc != IntPtr.Zero, "null hDc" );
            DeviceContext dc = DeviceContext.FromHdc(hDc);
            WindowsGraphics wg = new WindowsGraphics( dc ); 
            wg.disposeDc = true; // we create it, we dispose it.

            return wg;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public override void execute(WindowsGraphics underlying)
     underlying.fillPolygon(p1, p2);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static WindowsGraphics FromGraphics(Graphics g, ApplyGraphicsProperties properties)
            Debug.Assert(g != null, "null Graphics object.");
            //Debug.Assert( properties != ApplyGraphicsProperties.None, "Consider using other WindowsGraphics constructor if not preserving Graphics properties." );

            WindowsRegion wr = null;

            float[] elements = null;

            Region clipRgn     = null;
            Matrix worldTransf = null;

            if ((properties & ApplyGraphicsProperties.TranslateTransform) != 0 || (properties & ApplyGraphicsProperties.Clipping) != 0)
                object[] data = g.GetContextInfo() as object[];

                if (data != null && data.Length == 2)
                    clipRgn     = data[0] as Region;
                    worldTransf = data[1] as Matrix;

                if (worldTransf != null)
                    if ((properties & ApplyGraphicsProperties.TranslateTransform) != 0)
                        elements = worldTransf.Elements;

                if (clipRgn != null)
                    if ((properties & ApplyGraphicsProperties.Clipping) != 0)
                        // We have to create the WindowsRegion and dipose the Region object before locking the Graphics object,
                        // in case of an unlikely exception before releasing the WindowsRegion, the finalizer will do it for us.
                        // (no try-finally block since this method is used frequently - perf).
                        // See VSWhidbey#383762
                        // If the Graphics.Clip has not been set (Region.IsInfinite) we don't need to apply it to the DC.
                        if (!clipRgn.IsInfinite(g))
                            wr = WindowsRegion.FromRegion(clipRgn, g); // WindowsRegion will take ownership of the hRegion.
                    clipRgn.Dispose(); // Disposing the Region object doesn't destroy the hRegion.

            WindowsGraphics wg = WindowsGraphics.FromHdc(g.GetHdc());   // This locks the Graphics object.

            wg.graphics = g;

            // Apply transform and clip
            if (wr != null)
                using (wr)
                    // If the Graphics object was created from a native DC the actual clipping region is the intersection
                    // beteween the original DC clip region and the GDI+ one - for display Graphics it is the same as
                    // Graphics.VisibleClipBounds. See VSW#490404.

            if (elements != null)
                // elements (XFORM) = [eM11, eM12, eM21, eM22, eDx, eDy], eDx/eDy specify the translation offset.
                wg.DeviceContext.TranslateTransform((int)elements[4], (int)elements[5]);

 public override void execute(WindowsGraphics underlying)
     underlying.fillRadialGradient(startColor, endColor, x, y, width, height);
 public override void execute(WindowsGraphics underlying)
     underlying.fillLinearGradient(startColor, endColor, x, y, width, height, horizontal);