Ejemplo n.º 1
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Arrange the windows top to bottom or left to right.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="wndCurr">Current Window (i.e. window whose menu was used to issue a
		/// tile vertical or horizontal command.</param>
		/// <param name="windowsToTile">A list of all the windows to tile (including the
		/// current window)</param>
		/// <param name="orientation">The value indicating whether to tile side by side or
		/// stacked.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void TileWindows(Form wndCurr, List<IFwMainWnd> windowsToTile,
			WindowTiling orientation)

			// Get the screen in which to tile.
			Screen scrn = Screen.FromControl(wndCurr);

			int desiredDimension, windowSpacing;

			// At this point, assume the entire screen's working area is the desired size
			// and location for tiled windows, even though it's highly likely this will
			// change below.
			Rectangle rcDesired = scrn.WorkingArea;

			// Get the proper window width or height and the space between the windows
			// as they are tiled.
			if (orientation == WindowTiling.Stacked)
				CalcTileSizeAndSpacing(scrn, windowsToTile, scrn.WorkingArea.Height,
					wndCurr.MinimumSize.Height, out desiredDimension, out windowSpacing);
				rcDesired.Height = desiredDimension;
				CalcTileSizeAndSpacing(scrn, windowsToTile, scrn.WorkingArea.Width,
					wndCurr.MinimumSize.Width, out desiredDimension, out windowSpacing);
				rcDesired.Width = desiredDimension;

			// There is a strange situation when a user's task bar is at the right or top
			// of the primary display. The working area returns the correct rectangle that
			// does not include the task bar. However, we cannot set a widnow's X or Y
			// coordinate to the working area's X or Y. If the window is to be located
			// in the upper left corner next to the task bar, X and Y must be 0.
			rcDesired.X -= ScreenUtils.TaskbarWidth;
			rcDesired.Y -= ScreenUtils.TaskbarHeight;

			// Move the active window to its proper place and size.
			wndCurr.DesktopBounds = rcDesired;

			// Now move the rest of the non minimized windows to their proper place.
			foreach (Form wnd in windowsToTile)
				if (wnd.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized)
					wnd.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

				if (wnd != wndCurr && wnd.WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized &&
					Screen.FromControl(wnd).WorkingArea == scrn.WorkingArea)
					if (orientation == WindowTiling.Stacked)
						rcDesired.Y += windowSpacing;
						rcDesired.X += windowSpacing;

					wnd.DesktopBounds = rcDesired;

			// If there was any overlapping of tiled windows, go from bottom to the top
			// or right to left and activate each window so the tiling looks correct. i.e.
			// Each window is overlapped on its top edge by the window directly on top or left.
			if (windowSpacing != desiredDimension)
				for (int i = windowsToTile.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
					if (windowsToTile[i] != wndCurr &&
						((Form)windowsToTile[i]).WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized &&
						Screen.FromControl((Form)windowsToTile[i]).WorkingArea == scrn.WorkingArea)

			// Finally, make the current window active.
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Arrange the windows top to bottom or left to right.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="wndCurr">Current Window (i.e. window whose menu was used to issue a
		/// tile vertical or horizontal command.</param>
		/// <param name="orientation">The value indicating whether to tile side by side or
		/// stacked.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void TileWindows(Form wndCurr, WindowTiling orientation)

			TileWindows(wndCurr, MainWindows, orientation);