internal static void UnableToAllocateMemory(WinErrors errorCode) { if (errorCode == WinErrors.ERROR_WORKING_SET_QUOTA) { ThrowException(new InvalidOperationException("Insufficient quota of working set to lock the memory from paging.")); } ThrowException(new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to allocate memory with error code {errorCode}")); }
//Maps Network drive asynchronously to interacting with the ui public async Task <string> RunMapDriveThread() { string message = "You'll usually only need to enter your credentials from administrator account."; return(await Task.Run <string>(() => { int error = 0; if (MapDriveTextBox.Text == "1") { if (MapPasswordTextBox.Text == string.Empty && MapUserNameTextBox.Text == string.Empty) { message = RunCommand(@"net use Z: \\jdnet\jdmedia /persistent:no"); } else { error = MapNetworkDrive.NetworkDrive.MapNetworkDrive("Z", @"\\jdnet\jdmedia", MapPasswordTextBox.Text, MapUserNameTextBox.Text); message = WinErrors.GetSystemMessage((uint)error); } } else if (MapDriveTextBox.Text == "2") { if (MapPasswordTextBox.Text == string.Empty && MapUserNameTextBox.Text == string.Empty) { message = RunCommand(@"net use Z: \\wdx0000041205a\tier2share /persistent:no"); } else { error = MapNetworkDrive.NetworkDrive.MapNetworkDrive("Z", @"\\wdx0000041205a\tier2share", MapPasswordTextBox.Text, MapUserNameTextBox.Text); message = WinErrors.GetSystemMessage((uint)error); } } else if (MapDriveTextBox.Text == "3") { if (UNCPathTextBox.Visible) { if (MapPasswordTextBox.Text == string.Empty && MapUserNameTextBox.Text == string.Empty) { message = RunCommand($@"net use {MapLetterTextBox.Text}: {UNCPathTextBox.Text} /persistent:no"); } else { try { error = MapNetworkDrive.NetworkDrive.MapNetworkDrive(MapLetterTextBox.Text, UNCPathTextBox.Text, MapPasswordTextBox.Text, MapUserNameTextBox.Text); message = WinErrors.GetSystemMessage((uint)error); } catch (Exception) { message = "Invalid path"; } } } else { //Turns on Visability of the UNC Drive letter and path //Runs it as a dummy delegate outside of the async thread this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { UNCPathTextBox.Visible = true; MapLetterTextBox.Visible = true; DriveLetterLabel.Visible = true; })); } } else if (MapDriveTextBox.Text == "4") { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { panel1.Show(); panel2.Hide(); MapDriveErrorLabel.Text = "You'll usually only need to enter your credentials from administrator account."; })); } else if (MapDriveTextBox.Text == "5") { System.Environment.Exit(1); } else { message = "Invalid number"; } return message; })); }
internal static void UnableToFreeMemory(WinErrors errorCode) => ThrowException(new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to free the allocated memory with errorcode {errorCode}"));
internal CryptographyException(WinErrors nativeError) : base(string.Format("Error {0}.", nativeError)) { return; }