Ejemplo n.º 1
        public JsonResult LogAppDeletedEvent(string instaceId, string wixSiteUrl)
            var success = false;

                var additionalData = "instance Id = " + instaceId + " ; Wix Site Url = " + wixSiteUrl;
                success = EventLoggerService.Report(new ReportToken
                    UserId             = CurrentUserId,
                    EventType          = CommonEnums.eUserEvents.WIX_APP_DELETED,
                    NetSessionId       = Session.SessionID,
                    AdditionalMiscData = additionalData,
                    HostName           = GetReferrer()

                string error;
                WidgetEndpointServices.UninstallPlugin(instaceId, out error);

                return(Json(new JsonResponseToken {
                    success = success
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new JsonResponseToken {
                    success = success, error = Utils.FormatError(ex)
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public HttpResponseMessage Install(string uid, byte?type, string pluginVersion, string domain)
            Logger.Debug(String.Format("PLUGIN INSTALL MSG::uid = {0}::type = {1}::domain {2}", uid, type, domain));

            if (type == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid))
                return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            var pluginType = Utils.ParseEnum <PluginEnums.ePluginType>(type.ToString());

            var token = new PluginInstallationDTO
                Uid    = uid,
                Type   = pluginType,
                Domain = domain
            string error;
            var    result = WidgetEndpointServices.SavePluginInstallaltion(token, out error);

            if (result)
                SaveUserEvent(CommonEnums.eUserEvents.PLUGIN_INSTALLATION, Utils.GetEnumDescription(pluginType) + " plugin installed::" + uid, uid);
            Logger.Debug(String.Format("PLUGIN INSTALL MSG::installed{3}::uid = {0}::type = {1}::domain {2}", uid, type, domain, result));

            return(new HttpResponseMessage(result ? HttpStatusCode.OK : HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult SavePluginOwner(string id)
            var error = String.IsNullOrEmpty(id) ? "UID Required" : null;

            var token = new PluginIndexToken
                Uid = id

            if (error == null)
                var result = WidgetEndpointServices.VerifyPluginOwner(id, out error);
                if (result)
                    token.IsValid = true;
                    return(View("Welcome", token));


            token.IsValid = false;
            token.Message = error;

            return(View("Index", token));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public HttpResponseMessage UnInstall(string uid)
            Logger.Debug(String.Format("PLUGIN UNINSTALL MSG::uid = {0}", uid));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid))
                return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            string error;
            var    result = WidgetEndpointServices.UninstallPlugin(uid, out error);

            Logger.Debug(String.Format("PLUGIN UNINSTALL MSG::installed{0}::uid = {1}", result, uid));

            return(new HttpResponseMessage(result ? HttpStatusCode.OK : HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult Index(string id)
            var token = new PluginIndexToken();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                token.IsValid = false;
                token.Message = "InstallationId required";


            string error;
            var    plugin = WidgetEndpointServices.GetPluginInstallationDto(id, out error);

            if (plugin == null)
                token.IsValid = false;
                token.Message = error;


            var registrationType = Utils.ParseEnum <CommonEnums.eRegistrationSources>(plugin.Type.ToString());

            token.RegistrationSource = registrationType;
            token.Uid     = id;
            token.IsValid = true;

            if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)

            if (plugin.UserId != null && plugin.UserId == CurrentUserId)
                return(View("Welcome", new PluginIndexToken {
                    IsValid = true, Uid = id

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult SaveNewStore(BaseWebStoreDTO token, string uid, int?srcId, string callback)
            string error;

            token.StoreId = -1;

            //check source
            var plugin = WidgetEndpointServices.GetPluginInstallationDto(uid, out error);

            if (plugin != null)
                token.RegistrationSource = plugin.Type.PluginType2RegistrationSource();

            var saved = _pluginStoreServices.SaveStore(ref token, CurrentUserId, srcId, out error);

            ViewBag.result = JsSerializer.Serialize(new JsonResponseToken {
                success = saved, error = error
            ViewBag.callback     = callback;
            Response.ContentType = "text/javascript";
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public ActionResult UserScript(string callback, string uid)
            ViewBag.linkMessage = "null";
            ViewBag.linkUrl     = "null";
            var     currencies     = JsSerializer.Serialize(_geoServices.ActiveCurrenciesList);
            dynamic stores         = new BaseWebStoreDTO[0];
            var     userAuthorized = false;
            string  error;
            var     installToken = WidgetEndpointServices.GetPluginInstallationDto(uid, out error);

            //Logger.Debug("Call plugin user script for " + uid);

            if (installToken == null)
                ViewBag.linkMessage = "'Installation not registered with " + error + ". Please contact support team.'";
                ViewBag.linkUrl     = "'#'";
                if (CurrentUserId < 0)
                    ViewBag.linkMessage = installToken.UserId == null ? "'Oooooppss… No LFE account is connected to this plugin. Click here to connect an LFE account with this plugin'" : "'Oooooppss… You are not logged in. Click here to login with the LFE account associated with this plugin'";
                    ViewBag.linkUrl     = "'#login'";
                    if (installToken.UserId != null)
                        if (installToken.UserId == CurrentUserId)
                            stores         = WidgetEndpointServices.GetOwnerStores(CurrentUserId).OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray();
                            userAuthorized = true;
                            //show panel
                            ViewBag.linkMessage = "'Oooooppss… You are attempting to login with an LFE account that is not connected to this application. Click here to connect with the LFE account associated with this plugin'";
                            ViewBag.linkUrl     = "'#'";
                        // Show message"Connect account"
                        ViewBag.linkMessage = "'Oooooppss… No LFE account is connected to this application. Click here to connect your LFE account'";
                        ViewBag.linkUrl     = "'#'";

            var newStore = new BaseWebStoreDTO
                StoreId             = -1
                , TrackingID        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                , DefaultCurrencyId = Constants.DEFAULT_CURRENCY_ID

            ViewBag.currencies   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(currencies) ? "[]" : currencies;
            ViewBag.stores       = JsSerializer.Serialize(stores);
            ViewBag.user         = CurrentUserId;
            ViewBag.newStore     = JsSerializer.Serialize(newStore);
            ViewBag.callback     = callback;
            ViewBag.uid          = uid;
            ViewBag.status       = userAuthorized ? string.Empty : HttpStatusCode.Forbidden.ToString();
            Response.ContentType = "text/javascript";
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult AppSettingsNew(string instance, string origCompId, string compId)
            var user = this.CurrentUser();

            if (user == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { area = "WixEndPoint", instance = instance, compId = compId, origCompId = origCompId }));

            var wixInstance = GetInstanceDto(instance);

            if (instance != null)
                #region save plugin
                var token = new PluginInstallationDTO
                    Uid  = wixInstance.instanceId.ToString(),
                    Type = PluginEnums.ePluginType.WIX
                string error;
                if (WidgetEndpointServices.SavePluginInstallaltion(token, out error))
                    SaveUserEvent(CommonEnums.eUserEvents.PLUGIN_INSTALLATION, Utils.GetEnumDescription(PluginEnums.ePluginType.WIX) + " plugin installed::" + wixInstance.instanceId, wixInstance.instanceId.ToString());

                var wixUser = UserServices.FindUserDtoByWixInstanceId(wixInstance.instanceId);

                if (wixUser != null && user.UserId != wixUser.UserId)
                    var returnUrl = Url.ToWixLoginHandlerUrl(wixInstance.instanceToken, compId, origCompId);
                    return(RedirectToAction("ForceWixUserSignIn", "Account", new { area = "", returnUrl, email = wixUser.Email, userProfileId = wixUser.UserProfileId, trackingId = wixInstance.instanceId.ToString() }));

                #region update plugin owner
                WidgetEndpointServices.VerifyPluginOwner(wixInstance.instanceId.ToString(), out error);

            var webStore = WidgetServices.GetWidgetStoreDto(wixInstance.instanceId.ToString()) ?? UserServices.GetAndUpdateZombieStore(wixInstance.instanceId, user.UserId);
            //check for zombie store (if user had store and clicked disconnect and than reconnected)

            var settingToken = new SettingsViewToken
                Instance        = wixInstance,
                UserId          = user.UserId,
                StoreId         = webStore != null ? webStore.WebStoreID : (int?)null,
                UserCoursesList = CoursesServices.GetAuthorCoursesList(Constants.DEFAULT_CURRENCY_ID, user.UserId)

            if (webStore == null)//create a new store
                var jsonToken = new WixSettingsJsonToken
                    cbIsShowBorder    = false,
                    cbIsShowTitleBar  = true,
                    cbIsTransparent   = false,
                    cpBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF",
                    cpFontColor       = "#000000",
                    cpTabsFontColor   = "#006699",
                    InstanceId        = wixInstance.instanceId.ToString(),
                    StoreId           = null,
                    txtStoreName      = "",
                    UniqueId          = "",
                    WixSiteUrl        = ""

                string error;
                WebstoreWixService.UpdateWixSettings(ref jsonToken, this.CurrentUser(), out error);

                settingToken.StoreName       = jsonToken.txtStoreName;
                settingToken.FontColor       = jsonToken.cpFontColor;
                settingToken.TabsFontColor   = jsonToken.cpTabsFontColor;
                settingToken.BackgroundColor = jsonToken.cpBackgroundColor;
                settingToken.IsTransparent   = jsonToken.cbIsTransparent;
                settingToken.IsShowBorder    = jsonToken.cbIsShowBorder;
                settingToken.IsShowTitleBar  = jsonToken.cbIsShowBorder;
                settingToken.StoreId         = jsonToken.StoreId;
                settingToken.UniqueId        = jsonToken.UniqueId;
                settingToken.StoreName       = webStore.WebStoreName;
                settingToken.FontColor       = webStore.FontColor;
                settingToken.TabsFontColor   = webStore.TabsFontColor;
                settingToken.BackgroundColor = webStore.BackgroundColor;
                settingToken.IsTransparent   = webStore.IsTransParent;
                settingToken.IsShowBorder    = webStore.IsShowBorder;
                settingToken.IsShowTitleBar  = webStore.IsShowTitleBar;
                settingToken.StoreId         = webStore.WebStoreID;
                settingToken.UniqueId        = webStore.UniqueId;
                // settingToken.StoreCoursesIds = WidgetServices.GetAllStoreCourseIds(webStore.WebStoreID);
