Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void GetFeatureRequestUrl()
            string      url            = "http://slwgeo.artdata.slu.se:8080/geoserver/wfs";
            string      bbox           = "6400000,1400000, 6500000,1500000";
            string      parameter      = string.Empty;
            string      parametervalue = string.Empty;
            string      resultUrl      = string.Empty;
            WfsTypeName typeName       = new WfsTypeName();

            typeName.Namespace = "SLW:Sverigekarta_med_lan";
            string srsName = string.Empty;

            resultUrl = WFSManager.CreateGetFeatureRequestUrl(url, WFSVersion.Ver110, bbox, typeName, srsName, parameter, parametervalue);
            Assert.AreEqual("http://slwgeo.artdata.slu.se:8080/geoserver/wfs?&service=wfs&request=GetFeature&version=1.1.0&bbox=6400000,1400000, 6500000,1500000&typeName=SLW:Sverigekarta_med_lan&outputFormat=json", resultUrl);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void GetWfsFeaturesWithBoundingBox()
            WfsTypeName typeName       = new WfsTypeName();
            WFSVersion  version        = WFSVersion.Ver110;
            string      serverUrl      = "http://slwgeo.artdata.slu.se:8080/geoserver/wfs";
            string      parameter      = string.Empty;
            string      parameterValue = string.Empty;
            string      bbox           = "6400000,1400000, 6500000,1500000";

            typeName.Namespace = "SLW:Sverigekarta_med_lan";
            string            srsName = string.Empty;
            FeatureCollection featureCollection;

            featureCollection = WFSManager.GetWfsFeatures(serverUrl, version, bbox, typeName, srsName, parameter, parameterValue);
            Assert.IsTrue(featureCollection.Features.Count == 5);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void GetWfsFeatures()
            WfsTypeName typeName       = new WfsTypeName();
            WFSVersion  version        = WFSVersion.Ver110;
            string      serverUrl      = "http://slwgeo.artdata.slu.se:8080/geoserver/SLW/wfs";
            string      parameter      = string.Empty;
            string      parameterValue = string.Empty;
            string      bbox           = string.Empty;//&BBOX=133499, 628499, 154501, 635501;//&BBOX=628499,133499,635501,154501";

            typeName.Namespace = "SLW:Sverigekarta_med_lan";
            string            srsName = string.Empty;
            FeatureCollection featureCollection;

            featureCollection = WFSManager.GetWfsFeatures(serverUrl, version, bbox, typeName, srsName, parameter, parameterValue);
            Assert.IsTrue(featureCollection.Features.Count == 22);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void GetWfsFeaturesWithFilter()
            WfsTypeName typeName       = new WfsTypeName();
            WFSVersion  version        = WFSVersion.Ver110;
            string      serverUrl      = "http://slwgeo.artdata.slu.se:8080/geoserver/wfs";
            string      bbox           = string.Empty;
            string      parameter      = "SLW:LänSKOD";
            string      parameterValue = "17";

            //Todo: vilken är det:?
            typeName.Namespace = "SLW:Sverigekarta_med_lan";
            //typeName.Name = "SLW:Sverigekarta_med_lan";
            string            srsName = string.Empty;
            FeatureCollection featureCollection;

            featureCollection = WFSManager.GetWfsFeatures(serverUrl, version, bbox, typeName, srsName, parameter, parameterValue);
            Assert.IsTrue(featureCollection.Features.Count == 1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void GetWfsFeaturesWithBoundingBoxUsingMsFakes()
     using (ShimsContext.Create())
         ShimWebClient.AllInstances.DownloadStringString = (client, url) =>
                                                           File.ReadAllText(@"Sample files\SLW_Sverigekarta_med_lan - BBox Filter.json");
         WfsTypeName typeName       = new WfsTypeName();
         WFSVersion  version        = WFSVersion.Ver110;
         string      serverUrl      = "http://slwgeo.artdata.slu.se:8080/geoserver/wfs";
         string      parameter      = string.Empty;
         string      parameterValue = string.Empty;
         string      bbox           = "6400000,1400000, 6500000,1500000";
         typeName.Namespace = "SLW:Sverigekarta_med_lan";
         string            srsName = string.Empty;
         FeatureCollection featureCollection;
         featureCollection = WFSManager.GetWfsFeatures(serverUrl, version, bbox, typeName, srsName, parameter, parameterValue);
         Assert.AreEqual(5, featureCollection.Features.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void GetWfsFeaturesUsingMsFakes()
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                ShimWebClient.AllInstances.DownloadStringString = (client, url) =>
                                                                  File.ReadAllText(@"Sample files\SLW_Sverigekarta_med_lan - All Features.json");

                WfsTypeName typeName       = new WfsTypeName();
                WFSVersion  version        = WFSVersion.Ver110;
                string      serverUrl      = "http://slwgeo.artdata.slu.se:8080/geoserver/SLW/wfs";
                string      parameter      = string.Empty;
                string      parameterValue = string.Empty;
                string      bbox           = string.Empty; // &BBOX=133499, 628499, 154501, 635501;//&BBOX=628499,133499,635501,154501";
                typeName.Namespace = "SLW:Sverigekarta_med_lan";
                string            srsName = string.Empty;
                FeatureCollection featureCollection;
                featureCollection = WFSManager.GetWfsFeatures(serverUrl, version, bbox, typeName, srsName, parameter, parameterValue);
                Assert.IsTrue(featureCollection.Features.Count == 22);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverUrl">The WFS server URL.</param>
        /// <param name="version">The WFS version.</param>
        /// <param name="bbox">The bounding box in which the analysyis should be done.</param>
        /// <param name="typeName">The features layer names you want info about.</param>
        /// <param name="srsName">The spatial reference system (SRID) in the format of EPSG:XXXX </param>
        /// <param name="parameter"></param>
        /// <param name="parameterValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static FeatureCollection GetWfsFeatures(string serverUrl, WFSVersion version, string bbox, WfsTypeName typeName, string srsName, string parameter, string parameterValue)
            string requestUrl = "";

            requestUrl = CreateGetFeatureRequestUrl(serverUrl, version, bbox, typeName, srsName, parameter, parameterValue);

            using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
                wc.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                string strJson = wc.DownloadString(requestUrl);

                // Make a Json string to a featue collection type
                FeatureCollection featureCollection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(strJson, typeof(FeatureCollection)) as FeatureCollection;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a WFS DescribeFeatureType request URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverUrl">The WFS server URL.</param>
        /// <param name="version">The WFS version.</param>
        /// <param name="bbox">The bounding box given as bottom left and top right corner coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="typeName">Name of the feature type to describe.</param>
        /// <param name="srsName">The spatial reference system (SRID) in the format of EPSG:XXXX </param>
        /// <param name="parameter"></param>
        /// <param name="parameterValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string CreateGetFeatureRequestUrl(string serverUrl, WFSVersion version, string bbox, WfsTypeName typeName, string srsName, string parameter, string parameterValue)
            // As for now only polygon features and output format json are supported
            const string outputFormat = "json";
            string       strFilter    = "";

            if (version == WFSVersion.Unknown)
                throw new Exception("WFSVersion is unknown");

            //The query should specify either typeName, featureId filter(, or a stored query id)
            if (typeName.Namespace.IsEmpty() && parameter.IsEmpty())
                throw new Exception("Missing TypeName and filter in url, wich is not allowed.");

            //The query should not specify both bounding box and filter at the same time
            if (parameter.IsNotEmpty() && bbox.IsNotEmpty())
                throw new Exception("There is a filter and a bounding box defined at the same time: filter and bbox both specified but are mutually exclusive");
                //Todo: Or make the filter with the bounding box

            string strVersion = GetWFSVersionStringFromEnum(version);
            var    uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(serverUrl);
            Uri    uri        = uriBuilder.Uri;
            string baseUrl    = uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
            var    strReq     = new StringBuilder(baseUrl);

            strReq.AppendFormat("&version=" + strVersion);

            if (parameter.IsNotEmpty())
                strFilter = CreateWFSFilter(parameter, parameterValue);
                strReq.AppendFormat("&filter=" + strFilter);
            if (bbox.IsNotEmpty())
                strReq.AppendFormat("&bbox=" + bbox);
            if (typeName.Namespace.IsNotEmpty())
                strReq.AppendFormat("&typeName=" + typeName.Namespace);
            if (srsName.IsNotEmpty())
                strReq.AppendFormat("&srs=" + srsName);
            //Todo Hantera Parameter och parameterValue
            strReq.AppendFormat("&outputFormat=" + outputFormat);
