Ejemplo n.º 1
        public QueryBinder BankNifty(string _defaultDate)
            QueryBinder      binder        = new QueryBinder();
            WeightageClass   obj           = new WeightageClass();
            List <Weightage> weightageData = new List <Weightage>();

            weightageData = obj.WeightageBNData(_bankNiftyPath);
            BulkData objList = new BulkData();

            binder.PosativeData = objList.GetBasicData(weightageData, _bankNiftyIndexStocks, _masterDatapathBasic, _defaultDate);
            List <OIDetails>     objx = new List <OIDetails>();
            List <UIDetailedDMA> objy = new List <UIDetailedDMA>();

            binder.CheckPriceStrongOIStroing = objx;
            binder.UIDetailedDMA             = objy;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult FullDMA()
            string        _defaultDate = string.Empty;
            List <string> dates        = GetAvaliableDates(out _defaultDate);


            QueryBinder binder = new QueryBinder();

            if (true)
                //To load the weightage data from the file system
                WeightageClass   obj1 = new WeightageClass();
                List <Weightage> weightageDataNifty50 = new List <Weightage>();
                weightageDataNifty50 = obj1.WeightageBNData(_masterDataStaticNifty);
                List <Weightage> weightageDataBankNifty = new List <Weightage>();
                weightageDataBankNifty = obj1.WeightageBNData(_masterDataStaticBankNifty);

                LogicSaparation obj = new LogicSaparation();
                binder = obj.FullDMA(weightageDataNifty50, weightageDataBankNifty, _defaultDate);

                ViewBag.NegativeChangeScore = binder.UIDetailedDMA.Where(x => x.ChangeScore < 0).Sum(x => x.ChangeScore);
                ViewBag.PosativeChangeScore = binder.UIDetailedDMA.Where(x => x.ChangeScore > 0).Sum(x => x.ChangeScore);

                ViewBag.NegativeChangeIndexScore = binder.UIDetailedDMA.Where(x => x.IndexScore < 0).Sum(x => x.IndexScore);
                ViewBag.PosativeChangeIndexScore = binder.UIDetailedDMA.Where(x => x.IndexScore > 0).Sum(x => x.IndexScore);
                ViewBag.ChangeIndexScore         = binder.UIDetailedDMA.Sum(x => x.IndexScore);

                ViewBag.NiftyScore     = binder.NiftyDMAData.Sum(x => x.DMAScore);
                ViewBag.BankNiftyScore = binder.BankNiftyDMAData.Sum(x => x.DMAScore);