Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void UpdatedByApplciation()
            // get the list of test instances in the given period and loop through unique applications
            Sql    = $"select TS_USER_TEMPLATE_02 as Application, Count(RN_TESTCYCL_ID) as TestInstanceCount from td.Test t inner join (select distinct * from (select RN_TESTCYCL_ID, RN_TEST_ID from td.RUN where RN_EXECUTION_DATE BETWEEN '{WeekStartDate}' and '{WeekEndDate}' and RN_STATUS in ('Passed', 'Failed') union select RN_TESTCYCL_ID, RN_TEST_ID from td.RUN where RN_EXECUTION_DATE BETWEEN '{WeekStartDate}' and '{WeekEndDate}' and RN_STATUS = 'Blocked' and RN_DURATION > 0) x ) y on t.TS_TEST_ID = y.RN_TEST_ID group by TS_USER_TEMPLATE_02";
            _table = RunSql(Sql);
            if (_table != null)
                foreach (DataRow row in _table.Rows)
                    // make sure there is a record for calender week, application combination
                    var currentApplication = row["Application"].ToString();

                    WeeklyExecutionMetric recordWeek = Db.WeeklyExecutionMetrics.SingleOrDefault(p =>
                                                                                                 p.Application.Equals(currentApplication) && p.CalenderWeek == CalenderWeek && p.Project == Project);

                    // get total test instance counts in the period
                    UpdateTestInstaceCounts(recordWeek, currentApplication);

                    // get first time counts
                    UpdateFirstTimeCounts(recordWeek, currentApplication);

                    // get re-run counts
                    UpdateReRunCounts(recordWeek, currentApplication);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // get the list of Re-run
        private void UpdateReRunCounts(WeeklyExecutionMetric recordWeek, string currentApplication)
            Sql =
                $"select t4.TS_USER_TEMPLATE_02 as Application, Count(t4.TS_USER_TEMPLATE_02) as AppCount, t3.RN_STATUS as RunStatus from (select RN_TESTCYCL_ID, min(RN_RUN_ID) as MinRunId from td.RUN where (RN_STATUS NOT IN ('Blocked','No Run','N/A', 'Not Completed') Or RN_DURATION > 0) group by RN_TESTCYCL_ID) t1, (select RN_TESTCYCL_ID, max(RN_RUN_ID) as MaxRunId from td.RUN group by RN_TESTCYCL_ID having max(RN_EXECUTION_DATE) BETWEEN '{WeekStartDate}' and '{WeekEndDate}') t2, (select * from td.RUN) t3, (select * from td.TEST) t4 where t1.RN_TESTCYCL_ID = t2.RN_TESTCYCL_ID and t1.MinRunId < t2.MaxRunId and t2.MaxRunId = t3.RN_RUN_ID and t4.TS_TEST_ID = t3.RN_TEST_ID and (t3.RN_STATUS NOT IN ('Blocked','No Run','N/A','Not Completed') Or t3.RN_DURATION > 0) and t4.TS_USER_TEMPLATE_02 = '{currentApplication}' group by t3.RN_STATUS, t4.TS_USER_TEMPLATE_02";
            _table = RunSql(Sql);
            var passedCount = 0;
            var failedCount = 0;

            if (_table != null)
                foreach (DataRow row in _table.Rows)
                    if (row["RunStatus"].ToString() == "Passed")
                        if (recordWeek != null)
                            recordWeek.ReTestPassedInstances = Convert.ToInt32(row["AppCount"]);
                        passedCount = Convert.ToInt32(row["AppCount"]);

                    if (row["RunStatus"].ToString() == "Failed")
                        if (recordWeek != null)
                            recordWeek.ReTestFailedInstances = Convert.ToInt32(row["AppCount"]);
                        failedCount = Convert.ToInt32(row["AppCount"]);

                    if (recordWeek != null)
                        recordWeek.TotalReTestInstances = failedCount + passedCount;

                    if (failedCount + passedCount != 0)
                        var passPercentage = (double)passedCount * 100 / (failedCount + passedCount);
                        if (recordWeek != null)
                            recordWeek.PercentageReTestInstancesPassed = Convert.ToDecimal(passPercentage);

                        var failPercentage = (double)failedCount * 100 / (failedCount + passedCount);
                        if (recordWeek != null)
                            recordWeek.PercentageReTestInstancesFailed = Convert.ToDecimal(failPercentage);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Get the listf of First time passed and first time failed
        private void UpdateFirstTimeCounts(WeeklyExecutionMetric recordWeek, string currentApplication)
            Sql =
                $"select c.TS_USER_TEMPLATE_02 as Application, Count(c.TS_USER_TEMPLATE_02) as AppCount, d.RN_STATUS as RunStatus from td.TEST c inner join (select a.RN_TEST_ID, a.RN_STATUS from td.RUN a inner join (select RN_TESTCYCL_ID, min(RN_RUN_ID) as MinRunId from td.RUN group by RN_TESTCYCL_ID having min(RN_EXECUTION_DATE) BETWEEN '{WeekStartDate}' and '{WeekEndDate}') b on a.RN_RUN_ID = b.MinRunId) d on c.TS_TEST_ID = d.RN_TEST_ID where d.RN_STATUS in ('Passed', 'Failed') and c.TS_USER_TEMPLATE_02 = '{currentApplication}' group by d.RN_STATUS, c.TS_USER_TEMPLATE_02";
            _table = RunSql(Sql);
            var passedCount = 0;
            var failedCount = 0;

            if (_table != null)
                foreach (DataRow row in _table.Rows)
                    if (row["RunStatus"].ToString() == "Passed")
                        if (recordWeek != null)
                            recordWeek.TotalFirstTimePassed = Convert.ToInt32(row["AppCount"]);
                        passedCount = Convert.ToInt32(row["AppCount"]);

                    if (row["RunStatus"].ToString() == "Failed")
                        if (recordWeek != null)
                            recordWeek.TotalFirstTimeFailed = Convert.ToInt32(row["AppCount"]);
                        failedCount = Convert.ToInt32(row["AppCount"]);

                    if (recordWeek != null)
                        recordWeek.TotalFirstTimeTestInstances = failedCount + passedCount;

                    if (failedCount + passedCount != 0)
                        var passPercentage = (double)passedCount * 100 / (failedCount + passedCount);
                        if (recordWeek != null)
                            recordWeek.PercentFirstTimeInstancesPassed = Convert.ToDecimal(passPercentage);

                        var failPercentage = (double)failedCount * 100 / (failedCount + passedCount);
                        if (recordWeek != null)
                            recordWeek.PercentFirstTimeInstancesFailed = Convert.ToDecimal(failPercentage);
