private WebshopReportViewModel CreateWebshopReportModel(Webshop webshop) { if (webshop.LatestChangeSet == null) { return(null); } var report = new WebshopReportViewModel(); report.WebshopName = webshop.Name; report.WentLive = webshop.IsOnLine && webshop.WebshopFeature.LastUpdatedIteration == Framework.Context.IterationNumber; report.FinishedFeatures = webshop.Features.Where(f => f.Implemented && f.Definition.IsFunctionality && f.LastUpdatedIteration == Framework.Context.IterationNumber) .Select(f => f.Definition.Name).ToList(); report.RunningActions = webshop.Features.Where(f => f.Implemented && f.Definition.IsAction && f.AddedOnIteration + f.Definition.Duration >= Framework.Context.IterationNumber) .Select(f => f.Definition.Name).ToList(); var inprogressFeature = webshop.Features .SingleOrDefault(f => !f.Implemented && f.LastUpdatedIteration == Framework.Context.IterationNumber && f.RemainingImplementationRequirements != f.Definition.ImplementationRequirements); if (inprogressFeature != null) { var remainingPeriodsCount = Math.Ceiling(inprogressFeature.RemainingImplementationRequirements / BusinessConstants.DefaultDeveloperCapacity); report.InProgressFeature = string.Format("{0} (Remaining weeks = {1})", inprogressFeature.Definition.Name, remainingPeriodsCount); } report.ConvertedUsersCountDifference = webshop.LatestChangeSet.ConvertedUsersCount; report.NewUsersCountDifference = webshop.LatestChangeSet.NewUsersCount; report.AverageOrderAmountDifference = webshop.LatestChangeSet.AverageOrderAmountIncreaseRate; return(report); }
public async Task <ActionResult> EditWebshopItem(Webshop ws, HttpPostedFileBase file) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { if (Request.Files != null && Request.Files.Count > 0) { file = Request.Files[0]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { } } if (file.FileName == "") { db.GetImage(ws); } else { ws.Picture_Url = await AB.UploadBlobtest(file, "webshop"); } db.EditWebshopItem(ws); return(RedirectToAction("WebshopAdminList")); } }
private void ReadWebshopProduct() { string path = @"C:\test\webshop.txt"; string line; try { if (File.Exists(path)) { StreamReader file = new StreamReader(path); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] x = line.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i = i + 2) { var p = new Webshop(x[i], Convert.ToDecimal(x[i + 1])); _dierAsiel.WebshopList.Add(p); } AddProduct(); } file.Close(); } else { throw new BestandNietGelezenException("Het bestand om de producten uit te lezen is niet gevonden"); } } catch (BestandNietGelezenException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } }
public void DeleteWebshopItem(Webshop ws) { var item = _DbOperation.Webshop.Where(x => x.Id == ws.Id).FirstOrDefault(); _DbOperation.Webshop.Remove(item); _DbOperation.SaveChanges(); }
public void ExecutePerWebshop(Webshop webshop, CalculationContext context) { var increaseRate = context.FeaturesWithImpact .Where(f => f.WebshopId == webshop.Id) .Sum(f => (f.Definition.AverageOrderAmountIncreaseRate ?? 0) / 100m); webshop.LatestChangeSet.AverageOrderAmountIncreaseRate = increaseRate; }
public AdminController() { db = new dbOperation(); vm = new StartUpViewModel(); Cvm = new ContactVM(); AB = new AzureBlobHelper(); pfm = new postedFileModel(); ws = new Webshop(); }
public void ExecutePerWebshop(Webshop webshop, CalculationContext context) { var activeUsersCount = webshop.UserCount; if (context.RequiredServersCapacity > context.ServersCapacity) activeUsersCount *= (context.ServersCapacity / context.RequiredServersCapacity); var income = Math.Ceiling(webshop.AverageOrderAmount * activeUsersCount); webshop.LatestChangeSet.Income = income; }
public Webshop GetImage(Webshop ws) { var image = _DbOperation.Webshop.Single(t => t.Id == ws.Id); ws.Picture_Url = image.Picture_Url; return(ws); }
public void ExecutePerWebshop(Webshop webshop, CalculationContext context) { webshop.LatestChangeSet.NewUsersCount = context.FeaturesWithImpact.Where(f => f.WebshopId == webshop.Id) .Sum(f => (f.Definition.NewOnlineUsersAmount ?? 0) / 100 * webshop.UserCount); var conversionRate = context.FeaturesWithImpact.Where(f => f.WebshopId == webshop.Id) .Sum(f => (f.Definition.OfflineUsersConversionRate ?? 0) / 100m); webshop.LatestChangeSet.ConvertedUsersCount = Math.Min(Math.Ceiling(conversionRate * webshop.OfflineUsersCount), webshop.OfflineUsersCount - webshop.ConvertedUsersCount); }
public ActionResult DeleteWebshopItem(Webshop ws) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { db.DeleteWebshopItem(ws); return(RedirectToAction("WebshopAdminList")); } }
public void EditWebshopItem(Webshop ws) { var webshop = _DbOperation.Webshop.Single(t => t.Id == ws.Id); webshop.Description = ws.Description; webshop.Name = ws.Name; webshop.Picture_Url = ws.Picture_Url; webshop.Price = ws.Price; _DbOperation.SaveChanges(); }
private void ExecutePerWebshop(CalculationContext context, Webshop webshop) { var newFeatures = webshop.Features.Where(wf => wf.AddedOnIteration == context.IterationNumber - 1).ToList(); var newFeaturesCost = newFeatures.Sum(f => f.Definition.ImplementationRequirements * BusinessConstants.PricePerHour); if (context.Project.Cash < newFeaturesCost) { throw new CalculationException(Name, "You do not have enough cash to pay for new features."); } context.Project.LatestChangeSet.Cost += newFeaturesCost; }
private void BtnProductToevoegen_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var x = TbPrijs.Text; var replace = x.Replace('.', ','); var d = decimal.Parse(replace); var product = new Webshop(TbNaam.Text, d); _dierAsiel.AddProduct(product); _listViewProducten.Items.Clear(); foreach (var p in _dierAsiel.WebshopList) { _listViewProducten.Items.Add(p); } this.Close(); }
public async Task <ActionResult> CreateWebshopItem(Webshop ws, HttpPostedFileBase file) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { if (Request.Files != null && Request.Files.Count > 0) { file = Request.Files[0]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { } } var imageUrl = await AB.UploadBlobtest(file, "webshop"); db.CreateWebshopItem(ws, imageUrl.ToString()); return(RedirectToAction("WebshopAdminList")); } }
public void CreateWebshopItem(Webshop ws, string url) { ws.Picture_Url = url; _DbOperation.Webshop.Add(ws); _DbOperation.SaveChanges(); }
public void AddProduct(Webshop product) { WebshopList.Add(product); }