public void GenerateSidebarSurface() { var surface = new WebTemplate() { Name = "SidebarTemplate", Html = "/Website/templates/SidebarTemplate.html" }; var sidebarLeft = new WebSection() { Template = surface, Name = "Left", Default = false }; new WebSection() { Template = surface, Name = "Right", Default = true }; var templatesUrl = new WebUrl() { Template = surface, Url = "/website/cms/surfaces" }; new WebMap() { Url = templatesUrl, Section = sidebarLeft, ForeignUrl = "/website/help?topic=surfaces", SortNumber = 1 }; }
public void GenerateDefaultSurface() { var surface = new WebTemplate() { Name = "DefaultTemplate", Html = "/Website/templates/DefaultTemplate.html" }; var topbar = new WebSection() { Template = surface, Name = "TopBar", Default = false }; var main = new WebSection() { Template = surface, Name = "Main", Default = true }; var catchAllUrl = new WebUrl() { Template = surface, Url = null, IsFinal = true }; new WebMap() { Section = topbar, ForeignUrl = "/signin/user", SortNumber = 1 }; }
public JsonResult Create(WebUrl model) { //if (!Request.IsAuthenticated) // return Json(new { result = false, msg = "请您先<a href=\"/User/Login\">登录</a>" }); model = new WebUrl() { ShortUrl = YueQian.ShortUrl.Core.ShortUrlGenerator.Generator(6) }; UpdateModel(model); model.BrowerInfo = BrowserInfo.GetFullUserAgent(); model.Ip = IPAddress.IP; if (!model.Url.IsHttpUrl()) { return(Json(new { result = false, msg = "您填写网址格式错误,请重新输入!" })); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Title)) { model.Title = "跃迁短址"; } model.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; var user = System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name); if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { model.UserId = user.ProviderUserKey.ToString(); model.UserName = User.Identity.Name; } else { model.UserId = "0"; model.UserName = "******"; } model.Url = model.Url.EnSureUrl(); if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { IMongoQuery condition = Query.Null; condition = Query.EQ("UserId", user.ProviderUserKey.ToString()); condition = Query.And(condition, Query.EQ("Url", model.Url)); if (MongoHelper.Instance.Has(condition, "WebUrl")) { return(Json(new { result = false, msg = "该网址您已经添加过了,请重新填写一个吧!" })); } } if (MongoHelper.Instance.Save(model)) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.AppendFormat("<a target=\"blank\" href=\"{0}\">{0}</a>", model.ShortUrl); if (!Request.IsAuthenticated) { msg.AppendFormat(" <span class=\"reg\">快来<a href=\"/User/register?returnUrl=/User?s={0}\">注册</a>获取丰厚收益和更多功能</span> <a class=\"login\" href=\"/User/Login?returnUrl=/User?s={0}\">登录</a>", model.ShortUrl); } return(Json(new { result = true, msg = msg.ToString() })); } return(Json(new { result = false, msg = "提交短址信息错误,请重试!" })); }
public VideosGridViewBinding(string image, int viewers, string title, TimeSpan length, string url) { this.Image = new Uri(image); this.Viewers = viewers; this.Title = title; this.Length = length.Minutes.ToString() + ":" + length.Seconds.ToString(); this.Url = new WebUrl(url); }
public SubscriberEmote(string channelName, JObject emotes, string badgeUrl, long set) { this.channelName = channelName; this.emotes = LoadEmotes(emotes); this.badge = new WebUrl(badgeUrl); this.set = set; }
/// <summary> /// بروزرسانی لینک /// </summary> /// <param name="webUrl">مدل اطلاعات لینک</param> public void Edit(WebUrlViewModel webUrlViewModel) { WebUrl mdl = _ctx.WebUrls.Find(webUrlViewModel.Id); if (mdl != null) { mdl.Url = webUrlViewModel.Url; _ctx.WebUrls.Update(mdl); _ctx.SaveChanges(); } }
public void Awake() { if (File.Exists(ConfigPath.UrlInfo)) { this.urlInfo = JsonHelper.FromJson <WebUrl>(File.ReadAllText(ConfigPath.UrlInfo)); } else { this.urlInfo = new WebUrl(); } }
public override string GetUrl() { string serverRelativeUrl = this.WebUrl.Substring(this.WebUrl.IndexOf('/', 9)); string folderPath = this.FolderPath; if (this.FolderPath.IndexOf(serverRelativeUrl) == 0) { folderPath = this.FolderPath.Substring(serverRelativeUrl.Length); } //serverRelativeUrl return(WebUrl.CombineUrl(folderPath).TrimEnd(new char[] { '/' })); }
private string GetURL() { if (EntityFactory.MainHeroView == null) { return(null); } uint nUserID = GameLogicAPI.getPlayerUserID(EntityFactory.MainHeroView.ID); if (nUserID == 0) { return(null); } IntPtr account = GameLogicAPI.getActorClientAccount(); if (account == null || account == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } string username = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(account); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { return(null); } string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"); string sign = Md5Sum(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", nUserID, username, time, KEY)); string host = null; if (!WebUrl.TryGetValue(GameWebUrl.WEB_INTERFACE_LINK, out host)) { Trace.Log("gamepromotion not have host in WebUrl."); return(null); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(host)) { Trace.Log(string.Format("gamepromotion host is empty")); return(null); } string get_info_and_user_list = host + GET_INFO_AND_USER_LIST; string url = string.Format(get_info_and_user_list, nUserID, username, GAMEID, time, sign); return(url); }
protected WebUrl GetWebUrl(string requestUri) { WebUrl webUrl = Db.SQL <WebUrl>("SELECT wu FROM Simplified.Ring6.WebUrl wu WHERE wu.Url = ?", requestUri).First; if (webUrl == null) { string wildCard = GetWildCardUrl(requestUri); webUrl = Db.SQL <WebUrl>("SELECT wu FROM Simplified.Ring6.WebUrl wu WHERE wu.Url = ?", wildCard).First ?? Db.SQL <WebUrl>("SELECT wu FROM Simplified.Ring6.WebUrl wu WHERE (wu.Url IS NULL OR wu.Url = ?) AND wu.IsFinal = ?", string.Empty, true).First ?? Db.SQL <WebUrl>("SELECT wu FROM Simplified.Ring6.WebUrl wu WHERE wu.Url IS NULL OR wu.Url = ?", string.Empty).First; } return(webUrl); }
public Organisation(string uniqueName, string friendlyName, string version, EndpointCollection endPoints) { UniqueName = uniqueName; FriendlyName = friendlyName; Version = version; if (endPoints.ContainsKey(EndpointType.WebApplication)) { WebUrl = endPoints[EndpointType.WebApplication]; if (WebUrl != null && WebUrl.EndsWith("/")) { WebUrl = WebUrl.Substring(0, WebUrl.Length - 1); } } }
public Emote(string name, string url, string description) { = name; if (url.StartsWith("http:")) { this.url = new WebUrl(url); } else { url = "http:" + url; this.url = new WebUrl(url); } this.description = description; }
public VideosGridViewBinding(Video video) { if (video.preview != null) { this.Image = video.preview.url; } this.Viewers = video.views; this.Title = video.title; TimeSpan length = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(video.length); if (length.Seconds > 10) { this.Length = length.Minutes.ToString() + ":" + length.Seconds.ToString(); } else { this.Length = length.Minutes.ToString() + ":0" + length.Seconds.ToString(); } this.Url = video.url; }
public JsonResult Edit(WebUrl model) { var isNew = model.Id <= 0; if (isNew) { model = new WebUrl() { ShortUrl = ShortUrl.Core.ShortUrlGenerator.Generator(6) } } ; UpdateModel(model); if (!model.Url.IsHttpUrl()) { return(Json(new { result = false, msg = "您填写网址格式错误,请重新输入!" })); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Title)) { model.Title = "无标题"; } model.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; model.UserId = CurrentUserId; model.UserName = User.Identity.Name; model.BrowerInfo = BrowserInfo.GetFullUserAgent(); model.Ip = IPAddress.IP; if (isNew && MongoHelper.Instance.Has(UserIdentityQueryBuilder(Query.EQ("Url", model.Url)), "WebUrl")) { return(Json(new { result = false, msg = "该网址您已经添加过了,请重新填写一个吧!" })); } if (MongoHelper.Instance.Save(model)) { var msg = "更新短址信息成功!"; if (isNew) { msg = "新增短址信息成功!"; } return(Json(new { result = true, url = string.Format("/User/Succeed/{0}?msg={1}", model.ShortUrl, msg) })); } return(Json(new { result = false, msg = "提交短址信息错误,请重试!" })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(WebUrlAddCommand webUrlAddCommand) { ViewBag.Message = null; if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (!webUrlAddCommand.Url.ToFix().UrlChecker()) { return(RedirectToAction("Create", new { message = URLShortener.Core.Resource.Resource_Fa.UrlIsNotValid })); } var url = _webUrlService.GetWebUrl(webUrlAddCommand.Url.ToFix()); if (url != null) { return(RedirectToAction("Create", new { message = URLShortener.Core.Resource.Resource_Fa.ThisFaNameIsAllready })); } ///حلقه تولید لینک کوتاه و بررسی موجود نبودن در دیتا بیس string urlshort = string.Empty; string isurl = webUrlAddCommand.Url.ToFix(); do { urlshort = TextHelper.ToShortUrl(5, isurl); isurl = string.Empty; } while (_webUrlService.ExistsUrlShort(urlshort)); Guid userId = Guid.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value); WebUrl webUrl = new WebUrl() { Id = Guid.Empty, Url = webUrlAddCommand.Url.ToFix(), UrlShort = urlshort, CreateTime = DateTime.Now, ClickCount = 0, UserId = userId }; _webUrlService.Add(webUrl); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(webUrlAddCommand)); }
public System.Collections.IEnumerator BuildRecommendQRCode() { uint nUserID = GameLogicAPI.getPlayerUserID(EntityFactory.MainHeroView.ID); if (nUserID == 0) { Trace.Log("gamepromotion : get player userid failed."); } string host = null; if (!WebUrl.TryGetValue(GameWebUrl.QRCODE_LINK, out host)) { Trace.Log("gamepromotion : not find QR LINK."); yield break; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(host)) { Trace.Log("gamepromotion : QR LINK is empty."); yield break; } string url = string.Format("{0}{1}?u={2}&w=256&c=black&b=white&bw=4&bs=4&bc=orange&t=0&l=", Config.QRBuildUrl, host, nUserID); WWW www = new WWW(url); yield return(www); if (www.error != null) { Debug.LogWarning(www.error); yield break; } m_RQCode = www.texture; UISystem.Instance.SendWndMessage(WndMsgID.WND_MSG_GAME_PROMOTION_SET_QRCODE); }
/// <summary> /// افزودن لینک /// </summary> /// <param name="webUrl">مدل اطلاعات لینک</param> public void Add(WebUrl webUrl) { _ctx.WebUrls.Add(webUrl); _ctx.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// افزودن لینک /// </summary> /// <param name="webUrl">مدل اطلاعات لینک</param> public void Add(WebUrl webUrl) { _webUrlRepository.Add(webUrl); }
public void Register() { Application.Current.Use(new HtmlFromJsonProvider()); Application.Current.Use(new PartialToStandaloneHtmlProvider()); Handle.GET("/WebsiteProvider", () => { return("Welcome to WebsiteProvider."); }); Handle.GET("/WebsiteProvider/partial/template/{?}", (string templateId) => { var page = new WebTemplatePage { Data = GetWebTemplate(templateId) }; InitializeTemplate(page); return(page); }); Handle.GET("/WebsiteProvider/partial/layout/{?}", (string templateId) => { WrapperPage page; if (Session.Current != null) { page = Session.Current.Data as WrapperPage; var sessionWebTemplate = page?.WebTemplatePage.Data; if (sessionWebTemplate != null) { var webTemplate = GetWebTemplate(templateId); if (sessionWebTemplate.Equals(webTemplate)) { return(page); } } } else { Session.Current = new Session(SessionOptions.PatchVersioning); } page = new WrapperPage { Session = Session.Current }; if (page.Session.PublicViewModel != page) { page.Session.PublicViewModel = page; } return(page); }); Handle.GET("/WebsiteProvider/partial/wrapper?uri={?}&response={?}", (string requestUri, string responseKey) => { Response currentResponse = ResponseStorage.Get(responseKey); WebUrl webUrl = this.GetWebUrl(requestUri); WebTemplate template = webUrl?.Template; if (template == null) { throw new Exception("Default template is missing"); } WrapperPage master = GetLayoutPage(template); master.IsFinal = webUrl.IsFinal || string.IsNullOrEmpty(webUrl.Url); if (!template.Equals(master.WebTemplatePage.Data)) { master.WebTemplatePage = GetTemplatePage(template.GetObjectID()); } UpdateTemplateSections(requestUri, currentResponse, master.WebTemplatePage, webUrl); return(master); }); RegisterFilter(); }
/// <summary> /// 充值 /// </summary> /// <param name="userid"></param> /// <param name="token"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetRecharge(string userid, string token) { return(WebUrl.CombinePath(string.Format("index.php/home/Payment/index?uid={0}&token={1}", userid, token))); // return WebUrl + "/index.php/home/Payment/index?uid=" + userid + "&token=" + tokend; }
public void GenerateHolyGrailSurface() { var surface = new WebTemplate() { Name = "HolyGrailTemplate", Html = "/Website/templates/HolyGrailTemplate.html" }; var content = new WebSection() { Template = surface, Name = "Content", Default = true }; var header = new WebSection() { Template = surface, Name = "Header", Default = false }; var left = new WebSection() { Template = surface, Name = "Left", Default = false }; var right = new WebSection() { Template = surface, Name = "Right", Default = false }; var footer = new WebSection() { Template = surface, Name = "Footer", Default = false }; var homeUrl = new WebUrl() { Template = surface, Url = "/content/dynamic/apps", IsFinal = true }; var appsUrl = new WebUrl() { Template = surface, Url = "/content/dynamic/apps/wanted-apps", IsFinal = true }; var profileUrl = new WebUrl() { Template = surface, Url = "/content/dynamic/userprofile", IsFinal = true }; new WebMap() { Section = header, ForeignUrl = "/signin/user", SortNumber = 1 }; new WebMap() { Section = header, ForeignUrl = "/content/dynamic/navigation", SortNumber = 2, }; new WebMap() { Url = homeUrl, Section = header, ForeignUrl = "/content/dynamic/index/header", SortNumber = 3 }; new WebMap() { Url = homeUrl, Section = header, ForeignUrl = "/signin/signinuser", SortNumber = 4 }; new WebMap() { Url = homeUrl, Section = header, ForeignUrl = "/registration", SortNumber = 5 }; new WebMap() { Url = homeUrl, Section = header, ForeignUrl = "/content/dynamic/index/registration", SortNumber = 6 }; new WebMap() { Url = homeUrl, Section = left, ForeignUrl = "/content/dynamic/index/left", SortNumber = 1 }; new WebMap() { Url = homeUrl, Section = right, ForeignUrl = "/content/dynamic/index/right", SortNumber = 1 }; new WebMap() { Url = homeUrl, Section = footer, ForeignUrl = "/content/dynamic/index/footer", SortNumber = 1 }; new WebMap() { Url = appsUrl, Section = header, ForeignUrl = "/content/dynamic/apps/header", SortNumber = 1 }; new WebMap() { Url = appsUrl, Section = header, ForeignUrl = "/content/dynamic/apps/footer", SortNumber = 2 }; new WebMap() { Url = profileUrl, Section = header, ForeignUrl = "/content/dynamic/userprofile/header", SortNumber = 1 }; new WebMap() { Url = profileUrl, Section = content, ForeignUrl = "/userprofile", SortNumber = 2 }; new WebMap() { Url = profileUrl, Section = footer, ForeignUrl = "/content/dynamic/userprofile/footer", SortNumber = 3 }; }
public static string GetMappingUrl(this WebSection webSection, WebUrl webUrl = null) { return(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(webUrl?.Url) ? $"/website/blender/surface/{webSection.Template.Key}/point/{webSection.Key}" : $"/website/blender/surface/{webSection.Template.Key}/point/{webSection.Key}/uri/{webUrl.Key}"); }
public static bool IsWebUrl(this string text) { return(WebUrl.IsMatch(text)); }
public static string GetMappingToken(this WebSection webSection, WebUrl webUrl = null) { return(webUrl == null ? $"website%{webSection.Template.Key}%{webSection.Key}" : $"website%{webSection.Template.Key}%{webSection.Key}%{webUrl.Key}"); }
protected void UpdateTemplateSections(string requestUri, Response response, WebTemplatePage content, WebUrl url) { foreach (WebSection section in content.Data.Sections) { var sectionJson = (SectionPage)content.Sections[section.Name]; var uri = section.GetMappingUrl(url); sectionJson.PinContent = Self.GET(uri); var json = response.Resource as Json; if (section.Default && json != null && sectionJson.MainContent?.RequestUri != requestUri) { if (json is WrapperPage) { //we are inserting WebsiteProvider to WebsiteProvider sectionJson.MainContent = json as WrapperPage; } else { //we are inserting different app to WebsiteProvider var page = sectionJson.MainContent; if (page == null || page.WebTemplatePage.Data != null) { page = GetContainerPage(requestUri); sectionJson.MainContent = page; } page.RequestUri = requestUri; page.Reset(); page.MergeJson(json); } } } }