Ejemplo n.º 1
        public QSCalcsCtl SetCalcParams(string calcsMethod, string scope, string stat, int seriesOrder)
            this.CalcsMethod = calcsMethod;
            string[] scopeArgs = WebSiteCommon.SplitString(scope, '|');
            string[] statArgs  = WebSiteCommon.SplitString(stat, '|');

                this.MetricScope = scopeArgs[0];
                if (scopeArgs.Length > 1)
                    this.SubScope = scopeArgs[1];
                    this.SubScope = "";

                if (statArgs.Length > 1)
                    this.Calculation = statArgs[0];
                    this.Stat        = (SStat)Enum.Parse(typeof(SStat), statArgs[1], true);
                    this.Calculation = "";
                    this.Stat        = (SStat)Enum.Parse(typeof(SStat), statArgs[0], true);
                this.Seriesorder = (SeriesOrder)seriesOrder;
                this.Stat        = SStat.sum;
                this.Seriesorder = SeriesOrder.SumAll;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        static string OverdueTaskNotifications(DateTime currentTime)
            string   nextStep     = "";
            DateTime openFromDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
            DateTime localTime;
            int      execAtHour = 10;           // set exec time default to 5 am EST

            WriteLine("OVERDUE TASK NOTIFICATIONS Started: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));

            SETTINGS        setting = null;
            List <SETTINGS> sets    = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("AUTOMATE", "");

                // execute at specified hour of day (e.g. TASKNOTIFY_TIME == 01:00)
                if ((setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "TASKNOTIFY_TIME").FirstOrDefault()) != null)
                    // throwing an error here if the setting format was incorrect will be helpful for debugging
                    execAtHour = int.Parse(WebSiteCommon.SplitString(setting.VALUE, ':').First());

                entities = new PSsqmEntities();

                List <PLANT> plantList = SQMModelMgr.SelectPlantList(entities, 1, 0);
                PLANT        plant     = null;

                List <TaskItem> openTaskList = TaskMgr.SelectOpenTasks(currentTime, openFromDate);
                if (openTaskList.Count > 0)
                    WriteLine("Open Tasks ...");
                    foreach (TaskItem taskItem in openTaskList)
                            if (taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident)
                                INCIDENT incident = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentById(entities, taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID);
                                if (incident != null && (plant = plantList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID).FirstOrDefault()) != null)
                                    if (execAtHour == WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(currentTime, plant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE).Hour)
                                        WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS);
                                        // notify assigned person and escalation person if over-over due
                                        EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyIncidentTaskStatus(incident, taskItem, ((int)SysPriv.action).ToString());
                                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timer);                                         //will wait for 2 seconds to allow Google Mail to process email requests

                                        if (taskItem.Taskstatus >= SQM.Website.TaskStatus.Overdue)
                                            // send to notification list for plant, BU, ...
                                            //EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyIncidentStatus(incident, taskItem.Task.TASK_STEP, ((int)SysPriv.notify).ToString(), "");
                                            //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timer); //will wait for 2 seconds to allow Google Mail to process email requests
                                    WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS + "  This task does not have a corresponding incident or plant record");
                            else if (taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.PreventativeAction)
                                INCIDENT incident = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentById(entities, taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID);
                                if (incident != null && (plant = plantList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID).FirstOrDefault()) != null)
                                    if (execAtHour == WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(currentTime, plant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE).Hour)
                                        WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS);
                                        // notify assigned person and escalation person if over-over due
                                        EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyPrevActionTaskStatus(incident, taskItem, ((int)SysPriv.action).ToString());
                                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timer);                                         //will wait for 2 seconds to allow Google Mail to process email requests
                                    WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS + "  This task does not have a corresponding preventative action or plant record");
                            else if (taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE == (int)TaskRecordType.Audit)
                                AUDIT audit = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditById(entities, taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID);
                                if (audit != null && (plant = plantList.Where(l => l.PLANT_ID == audit.DETECT_PLANT_ID).FirstOrDefault()) != null)
                                    if (execAtHour == WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(currentTime, plant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE).Hour)
                                        WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS);
                                        if (taskItem.Task.TASK_STEP == "0")
                                            EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyAuditStatus(audit, taskItem);
                                            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timer);                                             //will wait for 2 seconds to allow Google Mail to process email requests
                                            EHSNotificationMgr.NotifyAuditTaskStatus(audit, taskItem, ((int)SysPriv.action).ToString());
                                            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timer);                                             //will wait for 2 seconds to allow Google Mail to process email requests
                                    WriteLine("Task: " + taskItem.Task.TASK_ID.ToString() + " RecordType:  " + taskItem.Task.RECORD_TYPE.ToString() + "  " + "RecordID:" + taskItem.Task.RECORD_ID.ToString() + "  Status = " + taskItem.Task.STATUS + "  This task does not have a corresponding audit or plant record");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            WriteLine("Error: " + ex.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLine("OVERDUE TASK NOTIFICATIONS Error - " + ex.ToString());

            WriteLine("OVERDUE TASK NOTIFICATIONS Completed: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));
