Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void disableNewRow()
            WebTextEditor    txtMyCoverage         = (WebTextEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyCoverage");
            WebTextEditor    txtMyDescription      = (WebTextEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyDescription");
            WebNumericEditor txtMyLimit            = (WebNumericEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyLimit");
            WebNumericEditor txtMyDeductible       = (WebNumericEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyDeductible");
            WebTextEditor    txtMyCATDeductible    = (WebTextEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyCATDeductible");
            WebDropDown      ddlMySettlementType   = (WebDropDown)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlMySettlementType");
            WebPercentEditor txtMyCoInsuranceLimit = (WebPercentEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyCoInsuranceLimit");
            WebPercentEditor txtMyITV           = (WebPercentEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyITV");
            WebPercentEditor txtMyReserve       = (WebPercentEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyReserve");
            WebTextEditor    txtMyWHDeductible  = (WebTextEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyWHDeductible");
            WebNumericEditor txtMyLossAmountACV = (WebNumericEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyLossAmountACV");
            WebNumericEditor txtMyLossAmountRCV = (WebNumericEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyLossAmountRCV");
            WebNumericEditor txtMyOverage       = (WebNumericEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyOverage");

            txtMyCoverage.Enabled         = false;
            txtMyDescription.Enabled      = false;
            txtMyLimit.Enabled            = false;
            txtMyDeductible.Enabled       = false;
            txtMyCATDeductible.Enabled    = false;
            ddlMySettlementType.Enabled   = false;
            txtMyCoInsuranceLimit.Enabled = false;
            txtMyITV.Enabled           = false;
            txtMyReserve.Enabled       = false;
            txtMyWHDeductible.Enabled  = false;
            txtMyLossAmountACV.Enabled = false;
            txtMyLossAmountRCV.Enabled = false;
            txtMyOverage.Enabled       = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // We come here each time user selected invoice service
        protected void cbxServiceDescription_selectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DropDownList cbx      = sender as DropDownList;
            string       billable = null;

            string[] values          = null;
            decimal  rate            = 0;
            string   unitDescription = null;

            values = cbx.SelectedValue.Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            if (values.Length >= 4)
                // get rate
                decimal.TryParse(values[1], out rate);

                // unit description, i.e., Hrs
                unitDescription = values[2];

                // is billable
                billable = values[3];

                WebNumericEditor txtRate = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtRate") as WebNumericEditor;
                if (txtRate != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(unitDescription))
                    txtRate.Text = rate.ToString("N2");

                CheckBox cbxBillable = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("cbxBillable") as CheckBox;
                if (cbxBillable != null)
                    cbxBillable.Checked = billable.Equals("1");

                Label lblUnitDescription = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("lblUnitDescription") as Label;
                if (lblUnitDescription != null)
                    lblUnitDescription.Text = unitDescription;

                if (unitDescription.ToLower() == "sales tax")
                    WebNumericEditor txtQty = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtQty") as WebNumericEditor;
                    if (txtQty != null)
                        txtQty.Text = "1";

        public void saveLimits(int policyID)
            int         policyLimitID = 0;
            int         limitID       = 0;
            PolicyLimit limit         = null;

            foreach (GridViewRow row in gvLimits.Rows)
                if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                    WebNumericEditor txtLimit = row.FindControl("txtLimit") as WebNumericEditor;

                    policyLimitID = (int)gvLimits.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[0];
                    limitID       = (int)gvLimits.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[1];

                    if (policyLimitID == 0)
                        limit = new PolicyLimit();
                        limit = PolicyLimitManager.Get(policyLimitID);

                    limit.PolicyLimitID = policyLimitID;
                    limit.LimitID       = limitID;

                    limit.PolicyID    = policyID;
                    limit.LimitAmount = txtLimit.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtLimit.Value);

                    try {
                    catch (Exception ex) {
        public void saveLimits(int claimID)
            int        claimLimitID = 0;
            int        limitID      = 0;
            ClaimLimit limit        = null;

            foreach (GridViewRow row in gvLimits.Rows)
                if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                    try {
                        WebNumericEditor txtLossAmount = row.FindControl("txtLossAmount") as WebNumericEditor;

                        claimLimitID = (int)gvLimits.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[0];
                        limitID      = (int)gvLimits.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[1];

                        if (claimLimitID == 0)
                            // new record
                            limit         = new ClaimLimit();
                            limit.ClaimID = claimID;
                            limit.LimitID = limitID;
                            limit = ClaimLimitManager.Get(claimLimitID);

                        limit.LossAmountACV = txtLossAmount.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtLossAmount.Value);

                    catch (Exception ex) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void saveLimits(int policyID)
            int policyLimitID = 0;
            int limitID       = 0;
            //int claimLimitID = 0;
            int myClaimID      = 0;
            int myClaimLimitID = 0;
            int myLimitId      = 0;                 //anything prefaced with "my" is new; OC

            myClaimID = SessionHelper.getClaimID(); //Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClaimID"]);
            PolicyLimit limit         = null;
            PolicyLimit myPolicyLimit = null;
            Limit       myLimit       = null;
            // ClaimLimit myClaimLimit = null;
            //added new; OC 9/11/2014: put in place to add new row to the policy limits grid. took the old 3 column one out.
            //crete the footer controls available for use here :OC 9/12/14
            WebTextEditor    txtMyCoverage         = (WebTextEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyCoverage");
            WebTextEditor    txtMyDescription      = (WebTextEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyDescription");
            WebNumericEditor txtMyLimit            = (WebNumericEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyLimit");
            WebNumericEditor txtMyDeductible       = (WebNumericEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyDeductible");
            WebTextEditor    txtMyCATDeductible    = (WebTextEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyCATDeductible");
            WebDropDown      ddlMySettlementType   = (WebDropDown)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlMySettlementType");
            WebPercentEditor txtMyCoInsuranceLimit = (WebPercentEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyCoInsuranceLimit");
            WebPercentEditor txtMyITV           = (WebPercentEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyITV");
            WebNumericEditor txtMyReserve       = (WebNumericEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyReserve");
            WebTextEditor    txtMyWHDeductible  = (WebTextEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyWHDeductible");
            WebNumericEditor txtMyLossAmountACV = (WebNumericEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyLossAmountACV");
            WebNumericEditor txtMyLossAmountRCV = (WebNumericEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyLossAmountRCV");
            WebNumericEditor txtMyOverage       = (WebNumericEditor)gvLimits.FooterRow.FindControl("txtMyOverage");

            if (txtMyCoverage.Text != "")//TODO: change this condition to something more stable (checkbox or something)
                //LIMIT TABLE STUFF
                myLimit                  = new Limit();
                myLimit.LimitLetter      = txtMyCoverage.Text;
                myLimit.LimitType        = 1;//need to change to user input and create text boxes
                myLimit.LimitDescription = txtMyDescription.Text;
                myLimit.IsStatic         = false;
                catch (Exception ex)

                var a = LimitManager.GetLatest(); //need to get the lastly created limit id from the insert we just did above
                myLimitId = Convert.ToInt32(a.LimitID);

                //CLAIM LIMIT STUFF
                //myClaimLimit = new ClaimLimit();
                //myClaimLimit.LimitID = myLimitId;
                //myClaimLimit.ClaimID = myClaimID;
                //myClaimLimit.PolicyID = policyID;
                //myClaimLimit.LossAmountACV = txtMyLossAmountACV.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyLossAmountACV.Text);
                //myClaimLimit.LossAmountRCV = txtMyLossAmountRCV.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyLossAmountRCV.Text);
                //myClaimLimit.OverageAmount = txtMyOverage.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyOverage.Text);
                //    ClaimLimitManager.Save(myClaimLimit);
                //catch (Exception ex)

                //var b = ClaimLimitManager.GetLatest();
                //myClaimLimitID = Convert.ToInt32(b.ClaimLimitID);

                //POLICY LIMIT STUFF
                myPolicyLimit                 = new PolicyLimit();
                myPolicyLimit.PolicyID        = policyID;
                myPolicyLimit.LimitID         = myLimitId;
                myPolicyLimit.ClaimLimitID    = myClaimLimitID;
                myPolicyLimit.LimitAmount     = txtMyLimit.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyLimit.Text); //= Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyLimit.Text);
                myPolicyLimit.LimitDeductible = txtMyDeductible.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyDeductible.Text);
                myPolicyLimit.CATDeductible   = txtMyCATDeductible.Text;
                if (ddlMySettlementType.SelectedItemIndex > 0)
                    myPolicyLimit.ApplyTo = ddlMySettlementType.SelectedItem.Text;
                    myPolicyLimit.ApplyTo = null;

                myPolicyLimit.ConInsuranceLimit = Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyCoInsuranceLimit.Value);
                myPolicyLimit.ITV                = Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyITV.Value);
                myPolicyLimit.Reserve            = Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyReserve.Value);
                myPolicyLimit.WindHailDeductible = txtMyWHDeductible.Text;
                myPolicyLimit.LossAmountACV      = txtMyLossAmountACV.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyLossAmountACV.Text);
                myPolicyLimit.LossAmountRCV      = txtMyLossAmountRCV.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyLossAmountRCV.Text);
                myPolicyLimit.OverageAmount      = txtMyOverage.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtMyOverage.Text);

                catch (Exception ex)

            else //run the regular stuff it was doing before
                //original code
                foreach (GridViewRow row in gvLimits.Rows)
                    if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                        //Label txtLimitLetter = row.FindControl("txtLimitLetter") as Label;
                        //Label txtDescription = row.FindControl("txtDescription") as Label;
                        WebNumericEditor txtLimit            = row.FindControl("txtLimit") as WebNumericEditor;
                        WebNumericEditor txtDeductible       = row.FindControl("txtDeductible") as WebNumericEditor;
                        WebTextEditor    txtWHDeductible     = row.FindControl("txtWHDeductible") as WebTextEditor;//new
                        WebTextEditor    txtCATDeductible    = row.FindControl("txtCATDeductible") as WebTextEditor;
                        WebTextEditor    txtSettlementType   = row.FindControl("txtSettlementType") as WebTextEditor;
                        WebNumericEditor txtCoInsuranceLimit = row.FindControl("txtCoInsuranceLimit") as WebNumericEditor;
                        WebDropDown      ddlSettlementType   = row.FindControl("ddlSettlementType") as WebDropDown;
                        WebPercentEditor txtITV           = row.FindControl("txtITV") as WebPercentEditor;           //new
                        WebNumericEditor txtReserve       = row.FindControl("txtReserve") as WebNumericEditor;       //new
                        WebNumericEditor txtLossAmountACV = row.FindControl("txtLossAmountACV") as WebNumericEditor; //new
                        WebNumericEditor txtLossAmountRCV = row.FindControl("txtLossAmountRCV") as WebNumericEditor; //new
                        WebNumericEditor txtOverage       = row.FindControl("txtOverage") as WebNumericEditor;       //new
                        policyLimitID = (int)gvLimits.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[0];
                        limitID       = (int)gvLimits.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[1];

                        //claimLimitID = (int)gvLimits.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[2];
                        //claimLimitID = (int)gvLimits.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[2];
                        //if ((txtLossAmountACV.Text != "" ||
                        //    txtLossAmountRCV.Text != "" ||
                        //    txtOverage.Text != "" )&&
                        //   ( txtOverage.Text != "0.00" ||
                        //    txtLossAmountRCV.Text != "0.00" ||
                        //    txtLossAmountACV.Text != "0.00"))
                        //CLAIM LIMIT STUFF
                        //myClaimLimit = new ClaimLimit();
                        //myClaimLimit.ClaimLimitID = claimLimitID;
                        //myClaimLimit.LimitID = limitID;
                        //myClaimLimit.ClaimID = myClaimID;
                        //myClaimLimit.PolicyID = policyID;
                        //myClaimLimit.PolicyLimitID = policyLimitID;
                        //myClaimLimit.LossAmountACV = txtLossAmountACV.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtLossAmountACV.Text);
                        //myClaimLimit.LossAmountRCV = txtLossAmountRCV.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtLossAmountRCV.Text);
                        //myClaimLimit.OverageAmount = txtOverage.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtOverage.Text);
                        //    ClaimLimitManager.Save(myClaimLimit);
                        //catch (Exception ex)

                        ////    var b = ClaimLimitManager.GetLatest2(policyLimitID);
                        ////    myClaimLimitID = Convert.ToInt32(b.ClaimLimitID);
                        if (policyLimitID == 0)
                            limit = new PolicyLimit();
                            limit = PolicyLimitManager.Get(policyLimitID);

                        limit.PolicyLimitID = policyLimitID;
                        limit.LimitID       = limitID;
                        //limit.ClaimLimitID = claimLimitID;
                        limit.PolicyID           = policyID;
                        limit.LimitAmount        = txtLimit.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtLimit.Value);
                        limit.LimitDeductible    = txtDeductible.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtDeductible.Value);
                        limit.CATDeductible      = txtCATDeductible.Text;
                        limit.WindHailDeductible = txtWHDeductible.Text;
                        limit.ConInsuranceLimit  = txtCoInsuranceLimit.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtCoInsuranceLimit.Value);
                        limit.ITV           = Convert.ToDecimal(txtITV.Value);
                        limit.Reserve       = Convert.ToDecimal(txtReserve.Value);
                        limit.LossAmountACV = txtLossAmountACV.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtLossAmountACV.Text);
                        limit.LossAmountRCV = txtLossAmountRCV.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtLossAmountRCV.Text);
                        limit.OverageAmount = txtOverage.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtOverage.Text);
                        if (ddlSettlementType.SelectedItemIndex > 0)
                            //limit.SettlementType = ddlSettlementType.SelectedValue;
                            limit.ApplyTo = ddlSettlementType.SelectedValue;
                            limit.ApplyTo = null;

                        catch (Exception ex)
            cbAddNewPolicy.Checked = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // process gridview commands for detail lines
        protected void gvInvoiceLines_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            int           invoiceID     = 0;
            int           invoiceLineID = 0;
            Invoice       invoice       = null;
            InvoiceDetail invoiceLine   = null;
            TextBox       txtLineAmount;

            switch (e.CommandName)
            case "DoSave":
                if (!Page.IsValid)

                if (!Page.IsValid)


            case "DoEdit":
                invoiceLineID = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

                invoiceLine = InvoiceDetailManager.Get(invoiceLineID);

                if (invoiceLine != null)
                    ViewState["InvoiceLineID"] = invoiceLineID.ToString();

                    // date
                    WebDatePicker txtDate = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtDate") as WebDatePicker;
                    if (txtDate != null && invoiceLine.LineDate != null)
                        txtDate.Text = string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", invoiceLine.LineDate);

                    // service description
                    DropDownList cbx = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("cbxServiceDescription") as DropDownList;
                    if (cbx != null && invoiceLine.ServiceTypeID != null)
                        ListItem item = cbx.Items.FindByText(invoiceLine.LineDescription.Trim());
                        if (item != null)
                            cbx.SelectedIndex = cbx.Items.IndexOf(item);
                        ListItem item = new ListItem(invoiceLine.LineDescription, invoiceLine.LineDescription);
                        cbx.Text = invoiceLine.LineDescription;

                    // quantity
                    WebNumericEditor txtQty = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtQty") as WebNumericEditor;
                    if (txtQty != null && invoiceLine.Qty != null)
                        txtQty.Text = invoiceLine.Qty.ToString();

                    // rate
                    WebNumericEditor txtRate = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtRate") as WebNumericEditor;
                    if (txtRate != null)
                        txtRate.Value = invoiceLine.Rate;

                    //// service unit
                    //Label lblUnitDescription = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("lblUnitDescription") as Label;
                    //if (lblUnitDescription != null && invoiceLine.InvoiceServiceType != null && invoiceLine.InvoiceServiceType.InvoiceServiceUnit != null)
                    //	lblUnitDescription.Text = invoiceLine.InvoiceServiceType.InvoiceServiceUnit.UnitDescription;

                    // total amount
                    txtLineAmount = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtLineAmount") as TextBox;
                    if (txtLineAmount != null)
                        txtLineAmount.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", invoiceLine.LineAmount ?? 0);

                    CheckBox cbxBillable = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("cbxBillable") as CheckBox;
                    if (cbxBillable != null && invoiceLine.isBillable != null)
                        cbxBillable.Checked = invoiceLine.isBillable ?? false;

                    // comments
                    WebTextEditor txtComments = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtComments") as WebTextEditor;
                    if (txtComments != null && invoiceLine.Comments != null)
                        txtComments.Text = invoiceLine.Comments;

                    // show cancel icon
                    ImageButton ibtnCancel = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("ibtnCancel") as ImageButton;
                    ibtnCancel.Visible = true;

            case "DoDelete":
                invoiceLineID = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
                invoiceID     = ViewState["InvoiceID"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["InvoiceID"]) : 0;

                if (invoiceLineID > 0 && invoiceID > 0)
                    try {
                        using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) {


                            // update invoice total after deleting detail line
                            invoice = InvoiceManager.Get(invoiceID);

                            if (invoice != null && invoice.InvoiceDetail != null)
                                invoice.TotalAmount = invoice.InvoiceDetail.Where(x => x.isBillable == true).Sum(x => x.LineAmount);


                            // complete transaction

                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        lblMessage.Text     = "Error while deleting invoice detail line.";
                        lblMessage.CssClass = "error";

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gathers information from gridview footer
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected InvoiceDetail getInvoiceDetailLine()
            decimal qty         = 0;
            decimal rate        = 0;
            decimal totalAmount = 0;

            string[] values        = null;
            int      serviceTypeID = 0;
            DateTime date          = DateTime.MaxValue;

            InvoiceDetail invoiceDetailLine = new InvoiceDetail();

            // service date
            WebDatePicker txtDate = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtDate") as WebDatePicker;

            if (txtDate != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDate.Text))
                invoiceDetailLine.LineDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text);

            // service description
            DropDownList cbx = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("cbxServiceDescription") as DropDownList;

            if (cbx != null)
                values = cbx.SelectedValue.Split(new char[] { '|' });
                if (values.Length >= 3)
                    int.TryParse(values[0], out serviceTypeID);

                    invoiceDetailLine.ServiceTypeID = serviceTypeID;

                    invoiceDetailLine.LineDescription = cbx.SelectedItem.Text.Trim();

            // quantity
            WebNumericEditor txtQty = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtQty") as WebNumericEditor;

            if (txtQty != null)
                qty = txtQty.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtQty.Value);

                invoiceDetailLine.Qty = qty;

            // unit description
            //Label lblUnitDescription = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("lblUnitDescription") as Label;
            //if (lblUnitDescription != null)
            //	invoiceDetailLine.UnitDescription = lblUnitDescription.Text;

            // rate
            WebNumericEditor txtRate = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtRate") as WebNumericEditor;

            if (txtRate != null)
                rate = txtRate.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtRate.Value);

                invoiceDetailLine.Rate = rate;

            // total amount
            // quantity
            TextBox txtLineAmount = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtLineAmount") as TextBox;

            decimal.TryParse(txtLineAmount.Text.Trim().Replace(",", ""), out totalAmount);
            invoiceDetailLine.LineAmount = totalAmount;
            invoiceDetailLine.Total      = totalAmount;

            //if (invoiceDetailLine.UnitDescription != null && invoiceDetailLine.UnitDescription.ToLower() == "percentage")
            //     totalAmount = (rate / 100 ) * qty;
            //     totalAmount = rate * qty;

            // comments
            WebTextEditor txtComments = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtComments") as WebTextEditor;

            if (txtComments != null)
                invoiceDetailLine.Comments = txtComments.Text.Trim();

            // is billable
            CheckBox cbxBillable = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("cbxBillable") as CheckBox;

            if (cbxBillable != null)
                invoiceDetailLine.isBillable = cbxBillable.Checked;

Ejemplo n.º 8
        // We come here each time user selected invoice service
        protected void cbxServiceDescription_selectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DropDownList cbx      = sender as DropDownList;
            string       billable = null;

            string[] values          = null;
            decimal  rate            = 0;
            decimal  percentage      = 0;
            decimal  qty             = 0;
            decimal  lineTotal       = 0;
            string   unitDescription = null;

            values = cbx.SelectedValue.Split(new char[] { '|' });

            if (values.Length >= 4)
                // get rate
                decimal.TryParse(values[1], out rate);

                // unit description, i.e., Hrs
                unitDescription = values[2];

                // is billable
                billable = values[3];

                // percentage
                decimal.TryParse(values[4], out percentage);

                // default qty
                decimal.TryParse(values[5], out qty);

                CheckBox cbxBillable = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("cbxBillable") as CheckBox;
                if (cbxBillable != null)
                    cbxBillable.Checked = billable.Equals("1");

                Label lblUnitDescription = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("lblUnitDescription") as Label;
                if (lblUnitDescription != null)
                    lblUnitDescription.Text = unitDescription;

                // default quantity
                WebNumericEditor txtQty = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtQty") as WebNumericEditor;
                txtQty.Value = qty;

                if (unitDescription.ToLower() == "sales tax")
                    if (txtQty != null)
                        txtQty.Text = "1";

                // determine if percentage rate instead if rate fee
                if (percentage > 0)
                    rate = (percentage / 100);

                lineTotal = qty * rate;

                // show rate to use
                WebNumericEditor txtRate = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtRate") as WebNumericEditor;
                if (txtRate != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(unitDescription))
                    txtRate.Value = rate;

                TextBox txtLineAmount = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtLineAmount") as TextBox;
                txtLineAmount.Text = lineTotal.ToString("N2");

Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void calculateLineTotal()
            int     invoiceID                   = 0;
            decimal qty                         = 0;
            decimal rate                        = 0;
            decimal totalAmount                 = 0;
            decimal taxableTotal                = 0;
            string  unitDescription             = null;
            List <InvoiceDetail> invoiceDetails = null;

            // get service unit type
            Label lblUnitDescription = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("lblUnitDescription") as Label;

            if (lblUnitDescription != null)
                unitDescription = lblUnitDescription.Text;

            // get quantity
            WebNumericEditor txtQty = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtQty") as WebNumericEditor;

            if (txtQty != null)
                qty = txtQty.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtQty.Value);

            // rate
            WebNumericEditor txtRate = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtRate") as WebNumericEditor;

            // remove any % symbol
            if (txtRate != null)
                rate = txtRate.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtRate.Value);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unitDescription) && unitDescriptions.Contains(unitDescription.ToLower()))
                rate /= 100;                    // make it a percent for "percentage, sales tax"
            totalAmount = rate * qty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unitDescription) && unitDescription.ToLower().Equals("sales tax"))
                int.TryParse(ViewState["InvoiceID"].ToString(), out invoiceID);

                invoiceDetails = InvoiceDetailManager.GetInvoiceDetails(invoiceID);

                taxableTotal = (decimal)invoiceDetails.Where(x => x.isBillable == true &&
                                                             x.InvoiceServiceType.InvoiceServiceUnit.UnitID != SALES_TAX_ID)
                               .Sum(x => x.LineAmount);

                totalAmount = taxableTotal * rate;

            TextBox txtLineAmount = gvInvoiceLines.FooterRow.FindControl("txtLineAmount") as TextBox;

            if (txtLineAmount != null)
                txtLineAmount.Text = totalAmount.ToString("N2");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void saveLimits(int claimID)
            int           claimSubLimitID = 0;
            ClaimSubLimit sublimit        = null;

            foreach (GridViewRow row in gvLimits.Rows)
                if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                    WebTextEditor txtCoverageLetter = row.FindControl("txtCoverageLetter") as WebTextEditor;
                    DropDownList  ddlSubLimit       = row.FindControl("ddlSubLimit") as DropDownList;

                    // skip blank
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCoverageLetter.Text) && ddlSubLimit.SelectedIndex == 0)

                    WebNumericEditor txtSubLimitLossAmount = row.FindControl("txtSubLimitLossAmount") as WebNumericEditor;
                    WebNumericEditor txtACVAmount          = row.FindControl("txtACVAmount") as WebNumericEditor;
                    WebNumericEditor txtRCVAmount          = row.FindControl("txtRCVAmount") as WebNumericEditor;
                    WebNumericEditor txtOverage            = row.FindControl("txtOverage") as WebNumericEditor;

                    claimSubLimitID = (int)gvLimits.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[0];

                    if (claimSubLimitID == 0)
                        // new record
                        sublimit         = new ClaimSubLimit();
                        sublimit.ClaimID = claimID;
                        sublimit = ClaimSubLimitManager.Get(claimSubLimitID);

                    if (ddlSubLimit.SelectedIndex > 0)
                        sublimit.PolicySublimitID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlSubLimit.SelectedValue);
                        sublimit.PolicySublimitID = null;

                    sublimit.LimitLetter   = txtCoverageLetter.Text;
                    sublimit.LossAmount    = txtSubLimitLossAmount.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtSubLimitLossAmount.Value);
                    sublimit.ACVAmount     = txtACVAmount.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtACVAmount.Value);
                    sublimit.RCVAmount     = txtRCVAmount.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtRCVAmount.Value);
                    sublimit.OverageAmount = txtOverage.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtOverage.Value);

                    try {
                    catch (Exception ex) {