Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Generate(List <string> additionalFiles)
            UI.Log("Generating web site", ChmLogLevel.INFO);

            // Create directory, and additional files
            CreateDestinationDirectory(Project.WebDirectory, additionalFiles);

                if (Project.FullTextSearch)
                    // Prepare the search index
                    Indexer = new WebIndex();
                    string dbFile       = Path.Combine(Project.WebDirectory, "fullsearchdb.db3");
                    string dirTextFiles = Path.Combine(Project.WebDirectory, "textFiles");
                    Indexer.CreateDatabase(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "searchdb.sql", dirTextFiles);

                // Create content help files, and index them if it was needed
                if (Indexer != null)

            // Create text replacements
            Replacements replacements = CreateTextReplacements();

            // Copy template web files replacing text
            replacements.CopyDirectoryReplaced(Project.TemplateDirectory, Project.WebDirectory, MSWord.HTMLEXTENSIONS, AppSettings.UseTidyOverOutput, UI, Decorator.OutputEncoding);

            // Copy full text search files replacing text:
            if (Project.FullTextSearch)
                // Copy full text serch files:
                string dirSearchFiles = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "searchFiles";
                replacements.CopyDirectoryReplaced(dirSearchFiles, Project.WebDirectory, MSWord.ASPXEXTENSIONS, false, UI, Decorator.OutputEncoding);

            if (Project.GenerateSitemap)
                // Generate site map for web indexers (google).
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the splitted content files of the document to HTML files into a directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directoryDstPath">Directory path where the content files will be stored</param>
        /// <param name="decorator">Tool to generate and decorate the HTML content files</param>
        /// <param name="indexer">Tool to index the saved content files. It can be null, if the content
        /// does not need to be indexed.</param>
        /// <returns>The content file names saved</returns>
        public List <string> SaveContentFiles(string directoryDstPath, HtmlPageDecorator decorator, WebIndex indexer)
            // Search nodes with body on the document tree
            List <string> savedFiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (ChmDocumentNode node in RootNode.Children)
                SaveContentFiles(node, savedFiles, directoryDstPath, decorator, indexer);

            // Save the CSS file:
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EmbeddedStylesTagContent))
                string       cssFilePath = Path.Combine(directoryDstPath, EMBEDDEDCSSFILENAME);
                StreamWriter writer      = new StreamWriter(cssFilePath);

Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

        txtResult.Text = "";
        string queryText = Request["q"];
        int    startPage = 0;

        if (Request["s"] != null)
            try { startPage = Int32.Parse(Request["s"]); }
            catch { }

        if (queryText != null)
            char[]   tokens = { ' ' };
            string[] words  = queryText.Split(tokens);

            string      webDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Request.PhysicalPath);
            string      pathDB       = webDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "fullsearchdb.db3";
            WebIndex    idx          = null;
            ArrayList   results      = null;
            SearchWords searchWords  = null;
                idx = new WebIndex();
                //results = idx.Search(words);
                searchWords = idx.PrepareRealWords(words);
                if (searchWords == null)
                    // Some word not found:
                    results = new ArrayList(0);
                    results = idx.Search(searchWords);
                if (idx != null)

            //ArrayList normalizedWords = WebIndex.NormalizeWordsSet(words);

            string textFilesDir = webDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "textFiles";

            int startResult = startPage * NRESULTSBYPAGE;
            int lastResult  = (startPage + 1) * NRESULTSBYPAGE;
            if (lastResult > results.Count)
                lastResult = results.Count;

            txtSearchText.Text = "";
            foreach (string word in words)
                txtSearchText.Text += word + " ";

            txtShowResults.Text  = (startResult + 1) + " - " + lastResult;
            txtTotalResults.Text = results.Count.ToString();

            txtResult.Text += "<p>";
            for (int i = startResult; i < lastResult; i++)
                Result result = (Result)results[i];
                txtResult.Text += result.GoogleTextFormat(textFilesDir, searchWords) + "\n";
            txtResult.Text += "</p>";

            if (results.Count > NRESULTSBYPAGE)
                int nPages = results.Count / NRESULTSBYPAGE;
                if ((results.Count % NRESULTSBYPAGE) > 0)

                if (startPage != 0)
                    lnkPrevious.NavigateUrl = HRef(queryText, startPage - 1);
                    lnkPrevious.Visible = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < nPages; i++)
                    if (startPage != i)
                        int number = i + 1;
                        txtResultLinks.Text += " " + Link(queryText, i, number.ToString());
                        txtResultLinks.Text += " <font color=\"red\">" + (i + 1) + "</font>";
                if (startPage != (nPages - 1))
                    lnkNext.NavigateUrl = HRef(queryText, startPage + 1);
                    lnkNext.Visible = false;
                txtMoreResults.Visible = false;
                lnkPrevious.Visible    = false;
                lnkNext.Visible        = false;
            txtSearchText.Text     = "";
            txtShowResults.Text    = "0 - 0";
            txtTotalResults.Text   = "0";
            txtMoreResults.Visible = false;
            lnkPrevious.Visible    = false;
            lnkNext.Visible        = false;

        DateTime end     = DateTime.Now;
        TimeSpan span    = end.Subtract(start);
        double   roundMs = Math.Round(span.TotalMilliseconds, 2);

        txtMiliseconds.Text = roundMs.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the splitted content files of the document to HTML files into a directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">Current node on the recursive search</param>
        /// <param name="savedFiles">The content file names saved</param>
        /// <param name="directoryDstPath">Directory path where the content files will be stored</param>
        /// <param name="decorator">Tool to generate and decorate the HTML content files</param>
        /// <param name="indexer">Tool to index the saved content files. It can be null, if the content
        /// does not need to be indexed.</param>
        private void SaveContentFiles(ChmDocumentNode node, List <string> savedFiles, string directoryDstPath, HtmlPageDecorator decorator, WebIndex indexer)
            string fileName = node.SaveContent(this, directoryDstPath, decorator, indexer);

            if (fileName != null)

            foreach (ChmDocumentNode child in node.Children)
                SaveContentFiles(child, savedFiles, directoryDstPath, decorator, indexer);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the splitted content of this node into a file, if it has any.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">Owner of this node</param>
        /// <param name="directoryDstPath">Directory path where the content files will be stored</param>
        /// <param name="decorator">Tool to generate and decorate the HTML content files</param>
        /// <param name="indexer">Tool to index the saved content files. It can be null, if the content
        /// does not need to be indexed.</param>
        /// <returns>The content file name saved. Is this node has no content, it returns null</returns>
        public string SaveContent(ChmDocument document, string directoryDstPath, HtmlPageDecorator decorator, WebIndex indexer)
            if (SplittedPartBody == null)

            // Save the section, adding header, footers, etc:
            string filePath = Path.Combine(directoryDstPath, DestinationFileName);

            decorator.ProcessAndSavePage(this, document, filePath);

            if (indexer != null)
                // Store the document at the full text search index:
                indexer.AddPage(DestinationFileName, Title, SplittedPartBody);
