Ejemplo n.º 1
    public string GetCoverImage(EBook book)
        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
        WebRequestHandler            wrh     = new WebRequestHandler();
        WebClientHandler             wch     = new WebClientHandler();
        EmailHandler eh = new EmailHandler();

        //Search URL: https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=
        //Search Result URL: /book/show/77566.Hyperion
        //has the link to the page with the image we want
        string hostSiteSearchPage = "https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=";

        string htmlData = wrh.ProcessWebRequest(hostSiteSearchPage, book.uriBookTitle);

        string coverImageLink = GetCoverImageLink(htmlData, book);

        //Page that has the image we want
        hostSiteSearchPage = "https://www.goodreads.com";

        htmlData = wrh.ProcessWebRequest(hostSiteSearchPage, coverImageLink);
        var link = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("img")
                   .First(x => x.Attributes["id"] != null &&
                          x.Attributes["id"].Value == "coverImage");
        string coverImageHref = link.Attributes["src"].Value;

        if (coverImageHref != "")
            var temp = coverImageHref.Split('.');
            book.coverImageLocation += "." + temp[temp.Length - 1];
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void acceptClient(object obj)
     Console.WriteLine("Accepting clients");
     while (true)
         client = server.AcceptTcpClient();
         WebClientHandler handle = new WebClientHandler(client);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to construct a random client that does not necessarily connect to a remote service.
 /// </summary>
 public WebClient(string baseUri, WebClientHandler handler = null) : base(handler ?? new WebClientHandler())
     BaseAddress = new Uri(baseUri);
     Timeout     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static GithubReleaseItem GetReleases(string CloudName)
     return(WebClientHandler.DeserializeApiCall <GithubReleaseItem>("https://api.github.com/repos/" + CloudName + "/releases/latest"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
     * Main function for program.
     * TODO: init
    public void DownloadBook()
        EBook             book = new EBook();
        WebRequestHandler wrh  = new WebRequestHandler();

        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
        HTMLScraper      scraper             = new HTMLScraper();
        EmailHandler     emailHandler        = new EmailHandler();
        WebClientHandler wch                = new WebClientHandler();
        string           downloadFolder     = "";
        string           coverImageHref     = "";
        string           hostSiteSearchPage = "http://libgen.io/search.php?req=";
        string           htmlData           = "";
        string           filePath           = "";
        string           downloadPage       = "";
        string           downloadLink       = "";

            tbLog.Text += "Initializing";
            lblDownloadPercent.Text = "Downloading";

            book.bookTitle = tbBookName.Text;
            book.author    = tbAuthor.Text;
            downloadFolder = tbDownloadFolder.Text;


            book.uriBookTitle = Regex.Replace(book.bookTitle + " - " + book.author, @"\s+", "+");
            filePath          = downloadFolder + "\\" + book.bookTitle + " - " + book.author + book.fileType; //C:\users\Alex\Downloads\Outliers-Malcolm Gladwell.mobi

            book.coverImageLocation = downloadFolder + "\\" + book.bookTitle + " Cover";

            //Parse htmldata with XPath and return link for file types mobi, epub, pdf
            //returns htmlData page for initial search
            htmlData = wrh.ProcessWebRequest(hostSiteSearchPage, book.uriBookTitle);

            //Will set book.filetype, returns html with link to download
            downloadPage = scraper.GetBookLinks(htmlData, book);

            book.fileLocation = filePath + book.fileType;

            htmlData = wrh.ProcessWebRequest(downloadPage, "");

            downloadLink = scraper.GetDownloadLink(htmlData);

            if (downloadLink != "")
                lblDownloadPercent.Text = "Downloading " + book.fileType;
                //Download the EBook
                Download(downloadLink, book.fileLocation, book);
                if (book.fileType == ".pdf" || book.fileType == ".epub")
                    coverImageHref = scraper.GetCoverImage(book);
                    Download(coverImageHref, book.coverImageLocation, book);
                emailHandler.SendEmail(book, tbKindleEmail.Text);
                tbLog.Text += "No link results";
        catch (Exception s)
            //TODO Log error
 public SamuraiController(ILogger <SamuraiController> logger, WebClientHandler webClientHandler)
     _logger           = logger;
     _webClientHandler = webClientHandler;