Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void LoadWebAuthForm()
        //Be sure the eService token is in the web.config under appSettings with a key named WebAuthToken
        //    <add key="WebAuthToken" value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/>

        // Instantiate the the WebAuthProcess class
        WebAuthProcess wap = new WebAuthProcess();

        //Set the return into the login_form div
        divLoginForm.InnerHtml = wap.ReturnLoginForm(this.Session.SessionID, "");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private void GetAuthProcessResult()
        // if no user session
        if (Session["Ename"] == null)
            // Instantiate the the process result return value object
            WebAuthReturnValues war = new WebAuthReturnValues();

            // Instantiate the the WebAuthProcess class
            WebAuthProcess wap = new WebAuthProcess();

            //Load the AuthProcessReult into the local instance of WebAuthReturnValues
            war = wap.AuthProcessResult("Default.aspx");

            //Is the authentication attempt successful?
            if (war.successfulAuthentication != true)
                divAuthProResult.InnerHtml = war.html;

            // get Ename and CSUID from WebAuth
            Session["Ename"] = war.eName;
            Session["CSUID"] = war.CSUID;

        // get person details from WEID table using Ename
        if (!getPersonDetails())
            divAuthProResult.InnerHtml = "Sorry, you are not authorized to request this item. You must be a current CSU student, faculty or staff member.";

        // TODO: move these checks to Default.aspx.cs since they shouldn't require login?

        // assure that there is a referring URL from a catalog item
        if (Session["ReferringURL"] == "")
            divAuthProResult.InnerHtml = "Cannot find the requested item: No referring URL.";

        // assure that there is a bib number
        string bibNumber = Session["BibNumber"].ToString();
        if (bibNumber == "")
            divAuthProResult.InnerHtml = "Cannot find the requested item: No bibliographic number was found in the referring or link URL.";

        // get item information from solr record
        if (!getItemDetails(bibNumber))
            divAuthProResult.InnerHtml = "Cannot find the requested item with bib number " + bibNumber + " in Discovery.";

        // get Prospector availability
        // TODO: report Prospector is unavailable for checking, if necessary
        // get first 13-digit ISBN, if any (otherwise use 10-digit ISBN which is the older format)
        string isbn = "";
        string[] isbns = getSessionParam("ISBN").Split(new string[] { "<br />" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
        foreach (string i in isbns)
            if (isbn.Length < 13 && i.Length >= 10) isbn = Regex.Replace(i, @"[^0-9]", "");

        // Send to Prospector information or directly to request form
        Session["ProspectorCopies"] = 0;
        Session["ProspectorAvailable"] = 0;
        Session["ProspectorURL"] = "";
        Session["ProspectorRequest"] = "";
        if (isbn != "" && getRegionalAvailability(isbn) && !Session["ProspectorAvailable"].ToString().Equals("0"))
        else {
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void GetAuthProcessResult()
        // if no user session
        if (Session["Ename"] == null)
            // Instantiate the the process result return value object
            WebAuthReturnValues war = new WebAuthReturnValues();

            // Instantiate the the WebAuthProcess class
            WebAuthProcess wap = new WebAuthProcess();

            //Load the AuthProcessReult into the local instance of WebAuthReturnValues
            war = wap.AuthProcessResult("Default.aspx");

            //Is the authentication attempt successful?
            if (war.successfulAuthentication != true)
                divAuthProResult.InnerHtml = war.html;

            // get Ename and CSUID from WebAuth
            Session["Ename"] = war.eName;
            Session["CSUID"] = war.CSUID;

        // get person details from WEID table using Ename
        if (!getPersonDetails())
            divAuthProResult.InnerHtml = "Sorry, you are not authorized to request this item. You must be a current CSU student, faculty or staff member.";

        // TODO: move these checks to Default.aspx.cs since they shouldn't require login?

        // assure that there is a referring URL from a catalog item
        if (Session["ReferringURL"] == "")
            divAuthProResult.InnerHtml = "Cannot find the requested item: No referring URL.";

        // assure that there is a bib number
        string bibNumber = Session["BibNumber"].ToString();

        if (bibNumber == "")
            divAuthProResult.InnerHtml = "Cannot find the requested item: No bibliographic number was found in the referring or link URL.";

        // get item information from solr record
        if (!getItemDetails(bibNumber))
            divAuthProResult.InnerHtml = "Cannot find the requested item with bib number " + bibNumber + " in Discovery.";

        // get Prospector availability
        // TODO: report Prospector is unavailable for checking, if necessary
        // get first 13-digit ISBN, if any (otherwise use 10-digit ISBN which is the older format)
        string isbn = "";

        string[] isbns = getSessionParam("ISBN").Split(new string[] { "<br />" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
        foreach (string i in isbns)
            if (isbn.Length < 13 && i.Length >= 10)
                isbn = Regex.Replace(i, @"[^0-9]", "");

        // Send to Prospector information or directly to request form
        Session["ProspectorCopies"]    = 0;
        Session["ProspectorAvailable"] = 0;
        Session["ProspectorURL"]       = "";
        Session["ProspectorRequest"]   = "";
        if (isbn != "" && getRegionalAvailability(isbn) && !Session["ProspectorAvailable"].ToString().Equals("0"))