Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Index(WeatherLookupViewModel weatherLookupViewModel)
            //Check if model state (Data annotations on viewmodel class) is valid if not return the model to the
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            //Create request to be sent to the WeatherLookupService
            var request = new WeatherLookupRequest {
                ZipCode = weatherLookupViewModel.ZipCodeSearch

            //Execute the request against the weatherlookupservice
            var response = WeatherLookupService.WeatherLookupRequest(request);

            //If the service was unable to grab the current weather, then tell the view not to show the
            //Weather search results box.
            weatherLookupViewModel.WeatherSearchPerformed = response.Success;

            //Depending on the state of the response, clean up the viewModel we are returning.
            weatherLookupViewModel.WeatherDataFound   = response.Success;
            weatherLookupViewModel.CurrentConditions  = response.Success ? response.Conditions : string.Empty;
            weatherLookupViewModel.CurrentTemperature = response.Success ? response.Temperature : string.Empty;
            if (response.Success)
                weatherLookupViewModel.WeatherIconUrls = response.WeatherIconUrls;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private IndividualWeatherEntryViewModel GetWeatherData(string zipCode, Guid userId, string userName)
            var individualWeatherEntryViewModel = new IndividualWeatherEntryViewModel();
            var request = new WeatherLookupRequest {
                ZipCode = zipCode
            var response = WeatherLookupService.WeatherLookupRequest(request);

            if (!response.Success)
            individualWeatherEntryViewModel.CurrentTemperature = response.Temperature;
            individualWeatherEntryViewModel.CurrentConditions  = response.Conditions;
            individualWeatherEntryViewModel.UserId             = userId;
            individualWeatherEntryViewModel.Username           = userName;
            individualWeatherEntryViewModel.PostalCode         = zipCode;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public WeatherLookupResponse WeatherLookupRequest(WeatherLookupRequest request)
            var response = new WeatherLookupResponse {
                Success = false, Message = "Failed to lookup weather."

                //Using rest sharp to pull weather data from the weather api url.
                var client         = new RestClient(_apiUrl);
                var zipCodeRequest = string.Format(_apiRestRequest, request.ZipCode);
                var restRequest    = new RestRequest(zipCodeRequest, Method.GET)
                    RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json

                //Used http://json2csharp.com/ to build C# classes from the worldWeatherONline API.
                var restResponse = client.Execute <WorldWideWeatherOnline.JSONClasses.RootObject>(restRequest);

                //return a failed response if we are unable to pull weather data.
                if (restResponse.ErrorException != null)
                    response.Success   = false;
                    response.Exception = restResponse.ErrorException;
                    response.Message   = restResponse.ErrorMessage;

                //If any piece of restResponse we need was not returned. Return a failed response.
                if (restResponse.Data == null || restResponse.Data.data == null || restResponse.Data.data.current_condition == null)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Unable to determine the current conditions";

                var returnedData      = restResponse.Data;
                var currentConditions = returnedData.data.current_condition.FirstOrDefault();
                if (currentConditions == null)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Unable to determine the current conditions";

                //Weather descriptions is a collection, so build a string with all the values
                var weatherDescriptions = currentConditions.weatherDesc;
                var conditions          = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var weatherDescription in weatherDescriptions)

                var weatherIconUrls = currentConditions.weatherIconUrl;

                //Add all weather icon urls gotten to the response.
                foreach (var weatherIconUrl in weatherIconUrls)

                response.Temperature = currentConditions.temp_F + " degrees Farenheight";
                response.Conditions  = conditions.ToString();
            catch (Exception exception)
                response.Exception = exception;
                response.Success   = false;
            response.Success = true;
            response.Message = string.Empty;