Ejemplo n.º 1
        public int Read(float[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            //If the resampler is null just read from upstream
            if (_resampler == null)
                return(_source.Read(buffer, offset, count));

            //Early exit if no data is needed
            if (count == 0)

            var channels = _source.WaveFormat.Channels;

            float[] inBuffer;
            int     inBufferOffset;
            var     framesRequested = count / channels;
            var     inNeeded        = _resampler.ResamplePrepare(framesRequested, channels, out inBuffer, out inBufferOffset);
            var     inAvailable     = _source.Read(inBuffer, inBufferOffset, inNeeded * channels) / channels;

            //Resampler does not handle zero samples well! If we read nothing, return nothing
            if (inAvailable == 0)

            var outAvailable = _resampler.ResampleOut(buffer, offset, inAvailable, framesRequested, channels);

            return(outAvailable * channels);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Engages the specified source floats. This doc was autogenerated so it's weird.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFloats">The source floats.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceLength">Length of the source -- how many floats to use from the provided buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="resampledResult">The resampled result.</param>
        /// <param name="sampleRateIn">The sample rate in.</param>
        /// <param name="sampleRateOut">The sample rate out.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// the number of samples processed
        /// </returns>
        public int Engage(float[] sourceFloats,
                          int sourceLength,
                          out float[] resampledResult,
                          int sampleRateIn,
                          int sampleRateOut)
            // The resampler code is very delicate. I don't recommend messing with it unless you have a week to
            // spend on it.
            // See https://gist.github.com/markheath/dc41131fefb84b93b041f1dde8a08209 for more info
            _resampler.SetMode(false, 0, false);
            _resampler.SetRates(sampleRateIn, sampleRateOut);
            _resampler.SetFeedMode(true); // input driven

            float[] inData;
            int     inBufferOffset;
            int     inputFrameCount = sourceLength / _channels;
            int     framesExpected  = _resampler.ResamplePrepare(inputFrameCount, _channels, out inData, out inBufferOffset);

            // Feed the samples into the resampler's byte array.
            Array.Copy(sourceFloats, 0, inData, inBufferOffset, framesExpected * _channels);
            var ratio = (double)sampleRateIn / sampleRateOut;

            double expected = (double)framesExpected * _channels / ratio;

            // round upward to nearest complete frame to prevent data loss
            int roundedSamples = (int)Math.Ceiling(expected / _channels) * _channels;

            resampledResult = new float[roundedSamples];

            // the return value is the Inverse of what would actually be helpful
            int framesProcessed = _resampler.ResampleOut(resampledResult, 0, framesExpected, roundedSamples, _channels);

            return(framesProcessed * 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads from this sample provider
        /// </summary>
        public int Read(float[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            float[] inBuffer;
            int     inBufferOffset;
            int     framesRequested = count / channels;
            int     inNeeded        = resampler.ResamplePrepare(framesRequested, outFormat.Channels, out inBuffer, out inBufferOffset);
            int     inAvailable     = source.Read(inBuffer, inBufferOffset, inNeeded * channels) / channels;
            int     outAvailable    = resampler.ResampleOut(buffer, offset, inAvailable, framesRequested, channels);

            return(outAvailable * channels);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void DataAvailable(object sender, WaveInEventArgs e)
            // WaveBuffer is broken.
            //var buffer = new WaveBuffer(e.Buffer);

            var buffer = new float[e.BytesRecorded / 4];

            for (int i = 0; i < e.BytesRecorded; i += 4)
                buffer[i / 4] = BitConverter.ToSingle(e.Buffer, i) * SpeakersVolumeSlider.Volume;
            // This peak detection doesn't work correctly
                float peakL = 0, peakR = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i += 2)
                    peakL += Math.Abs(buffer[i]);
                for (int i = 1; i < buffer.Length; i += 2)
                    peakR += Math.Abs(buffer[i]);
                SpeakersLeftChannel.Amplitude  = peakL / (buffer.Length / 2);
                SpeakersRightChannel.Amplitude = peakR / (buffer.Length / 2);
            int framesAvailable = e.BytesRecorded * 8 / capture.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample / 2;

            //Console.WriteLine("Got {0} samples per channel", framesAvailable);
            float[] inBuffer;
            int     inBufferOffset;
            int     inNeeded = resampler.ResamplePrepare(framesAvailable, capture.WaveFormat.Channels, out inBuffer, out inBufferOffset);

            Array.Copy(buffer, 0, inBuffer, inBufferOffset, inNeeded * 2);
            float[] outBuffer    = new float[framesAvailable * 4];
            int     outAvailable = resampler.ResampleOut(outBuffer, 0, inNeeded, framesAvailable * 2, outFormat.Channels);

            //Console.WriteLine("Got {0} samples after resample", outAvailable);

            for (int i = 0; i < framesAvailable * 2; i += 960)
                var resampledDataTemp   = outBuffer.Skip(i).Take(Math.Min(960, (outAvailable * 2 - i))).ToArray();
                var resampledPaddedData = new float[960];
                var output = new byte[1276];
                Array.Copy(resampledDataTemp, resampledPaddedData, resampledDataTemp.Length);
                int encoded = encoder.Encode(resampledPaddedData, 0, 480, output, 0, 1276);
                //Console.WriteLine("Encoded packet of {0} bytes", encoded);

                // TODO: Send encoded data to the client
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public bool Read(ArraySegment <float> samples)
            var inFormat  = _source.WaveFormat;
            var outFormat = _outputFormat;

            // Configure the rate of the resampler based on the requested playback rate.
            // If rate adjustment is very small (<1%) play back at the base rate, this means
            // in the normal case (rate=1) the rate won't be changing every frame
            var outputRate = (double)outFormat.SampleRate;

            if (Mathf.Abs(_rate.PlaybackRate - 1) > 0.01f)
                outputRate = outFormat.SampleRate * (1 / _rate.PlaybackRate);

            // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator (justification: we want exact comparison)
            if (outputRate != _resampler.OutputSampleRate)
                Log.Trace("Changing resampler rate to {0}Hz", outputRate);
                _resampler.SetRates(inFormat.SampleRate, outputRate);

            var channels = inFormat.Channels;

            // prepare buffers
            float[] inBuffer;
            int     inBufferOffset;
            var     samplesPerChannelRequested = samples.Count / channels;
            var     samplesPerChannelRequired  = _resampler.ResamplePrepare(samplesPerChannelRequested, channels, out inBuffer, out inBufferOffset);
            var     sourceBuffer = new ArraySegment <float>(inBuffer, inBufferOffset, samplesPerChannelRequired * channels);

            // read source
            var complete = _source.Read(sourceBuffer);

            // resample
            Log.Trace("Resampling {0}Hz -> {1}Hz", inFormat.SampleRate, outFormat.SampleRate);
            _resampler.ResampleOut(samples.Array, samples.Offset, samplesPerChannelRequired, samplesPerChannelRequested, channels);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public bool Read(ArraySegment <float> samples)
            var inFormat  = _source.WaveFormat;
            var outFormat = _outputFormat;

            if (outFormat.SampleRate == inFormat.SampleRate)

            if (_resampler == null || outFormat.SampleRate != (int)_resampler.OutputSampleRate)
                Log.Debug("Initializing resampler to resample {0}Hz source to {1}Hz output", inFormat.SampleRate, outFormat.SampleRate);

                _resampler = new WdlResampler();
                _resampler.SetMode(true, 2, false);
                _resampler.SetFeedMode(false); // output driven
                _resampler.SetRates(inFormat.SampleRate, outFormat.SampleRate);

            var channels = inFormat.Channels;

            // prepare buffers
            float[] inBuffer;
            int     inBufferOffset;
            var     samplesPerChannelRequested = samples.Count / channels;
            var     samplesPerChannelRequired  = _resampler.ResamplePrepare(samplesPerChannelRequested, channels, out inBuffer, out inBufferOffset);
            var     sourceBuffer = new ArraySegment <float>(inBuffer, inBufferOffset, samplesPerChannelRequired * channels);

            // read source
            var complete = _source.Read(sourceBuffer);

            // resample
            Log.Trace("Resampling {0}Hz -> {1}Hz", inFormat.SampleRate, outFormat.SampleRate);
            _resampler.ResampleOut(samples.Array, samples.Offset, samplesPerChannelRequired, samplesPerChannelRequested, channels);
