Ejemplo n.º 1
    //public GameObject children;

    private void Start()
        system = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("WaypointSystem");
        Transform[] circuit;
        if (loaded)
            circuit = system.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();
            circuit = GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();
        //Array.Sort(circuit, new TransformNameComparer());
        distances    = new float[waypointList.Length + 1];
        waypointList = circuit;
        Waypoints    = new WaypointCircuitAuto(waypointList);
        numPoints = waypointList.Length;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /*public class TransformNameComparer : IComparer
     * {
     *  public int Compare(object x, object y)
     *  {
     *      //return ((Transform)x).name.CompareTo(((Transform)y).name);
     *  }
     * }*/
    public void AddChildren()
        Transform[] circuit = this.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();

        /*var children = new Transform[circuit.transform.childCount];
         * int n = 0;
         * foreach (Transform child in circuit.transform)
         * {
         *  children[n++] = child;
         * }
         * Array.Sort(children, new TransformNameComparer());
         * circuit.waypointList.items = new Transform[children.Length];
         * for (n = 0; n < children.Length; ++n)
         * {
         *  circuit.waypointList.items[n] = children[n];
         * }*/
        //Array.Sort(circuit, new TransformNameComparer());
        waypointList = circuit;
        Waypoints    = new WaypointCircuitAuto(waypointList);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // reset the object to sensible values

        /*public void Reset()
         * {
         *  progressDistance = 0;
         *  progressNum = 0;
         *  if (progressStyle == ProgressStyle.PointToPoint)
         *  {
         *      target.position = circuit.waypointList[progressNum].rotation;
         *      target.rotation = circuit.Waypoints[progressNum].rotation;
         *  }
         * }*/

        private void Update()
            if (init)
                if (progressStyle == ProgressStyle.SmoothAlongRoute)
                    // determine the position we should currently be aiming for
                    // (this is different to the current progress position, it is a a certain amount ahead along the route)
                    // we use lerp as a simple way of smoothing out the speed over time.
                    if (Time.deltaTime > 0)
                        speed = Mathf.Lerp(speed, (lastPosition - transform.position).magnitude / Time.deltaTime,
                    target.position =
                        circuit.GetRoutePoint(progressDistance + lookAheadForTargetOffset + lookAheadForTargetFactor * speed)
                    target.rotation =
                            circuit.GetRoutePoint(progressDistance + lookAheadForSpeedOffset + lookAheadForSpeedFactor * speed)

                    // get our current progress along the route
                    progressPoint = circuit.GetRoutePoint(progressDistance);
                    Vector3 progressDelta = progressPoint.position - transform.position;
                    if (Vector3.Dot(progressDelta, progressPoint.direction) < 0)
                        progressDistance += progressDelta.magnitude * 0.5f;

                    lastPosition = transform.position;
                    // point to point mode. Just increase the waypoint if we're close enough:

                    Vector3 targetDelta = target.position - transform.position;
                    if (targetDelta.magnitude < pointToPointThreshold)
                        progressNum = (int)((progressNum + 1) % circuit.Waypoints.Length);

                    target.position = circuit.waypointList[progressNum].position;
                    target.rotation = circuit.waypointList[progressNum].rotation;

                    // get our current progress along the route
                    progressPoint = circuit.GetRoutePoint(progressDistance);
                    Vector3 progressDelta = progressPoint.position - transform.position;
                    if (Vector3.Dot(progressDelta, progressPoint.direction) < 0)
                        progressDistance += progressDelta.magnitude;
                    lastPosition = transform.position;
                if (wp.GetComponent <WaypointCircuitAuto>().ready)
                    circuit = wp.GetComponent <WaypointCircuitAuto>().Waypoints;
                    init    = true;