Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Disposes
        /// </summary>
        public override void Dispose()
            mLightNode  = null;
            mLight      = null;
            mpObjsNode  = null;
            mStaticGeom = null;
            mAnimState  = null;


            mLightWibbler = null;
            //ControllerManager contMgr = ControllerManager.GetSingleton();
            //contMgr.DestroyController( mLightCtlFlt );
            mLightCtlFlt = null;
            mWFCF        = null;
            mCFFPtr      = null;
            mCVFPtr      = null;

            mLog = null;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///	    Creates a very flexible time-based texture transformation which can alter the scale, position or
        ///	    rotation of a texture based on a wave function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The texture unit to effect.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of transform, either translate (scroll), scale (stretch) or rotate (spin).</param>
        /// <param name="waveType">The shape of the wave, see WaveformType enum for details.</param>
        /// <param name="baseVal">The base value of the output.</param>
        /// <param name="frequency">The speed of the wave in cycles per second.</param>
        /// <param name="phase">The offset of the start of the wave, e.g. 0.5 to start half-way through the wave.</param>
        /// <param name="amplitude">Scales the output so that instead of lying within 0..1 it lies within 0..(1 * amplitude) for exaggerated effects</param>
        /// <returns>A newly created controller object that will be updated during the main render loop.</returns>
        public Controller <Real> CreateTextureWaveTransformer(TextureUnitState layer, TextureTransform type,
                                                              WaveformType waveType, Real baseVal, Real frequency, Real phase,
                                                              Real amplitude)
            IControllerValue <Real>    val      = null;
            IControllerFunction <Real> function = null;

            // determine which type of controller value this layer needs
            switch (type)
            case TextureTransform.TranslateU:
                val = new TexCoordModifierControllerValue(layer, true, false);

            case TextureTransform.TranslateV:
                val = new TexCoordModifierControllerValue(layer, false, true);

            case TextureTransform.ScaleU:
                val = new TexCoordModifierControllerValue(layer, false, false, true, false, false);

            case TextureTransform.ScaleV:
                val = new TexCoordModifierControllerValue(layer, false, false, false, true, false);

            case TextureTransform.Rotate:
                val = new TexCoordModifierControllerValue(layer, false, false, false, false, true);
            }             // switch

            // create a new waveform controller function
            function = new WaveformControllerFunction(waveType, baseVal, frequency, phase, amplitude, true);

            // finally, create the controller using frame time as the source value
            return(CreateController(this.frameTimeController, val, function));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(WaveformControllerFunction obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override void CreateScene()
            // set ambient light off
//			scene.AmbientLight = new ColorEx(.5f, .5f, .5f);
            scene.AmbientLight = ColorEx.Black;

            // TODO: Check based on caps
            int currentAtheneMaterial = 0;

            // fixed light, dim
            if (showSunlight)
                sunLight          = scene.CreateLight("SunLight");
                sunLight.Type     = LightType.Directional;
                sunLight.Position = new Vector3(1000, 1250, 500);
                sunLight.SetSpotlightRange(30, 50);
                Vector3 dir = -sunLight.Position;
                sunLight.Direction = dir;
                sunLight.Diffuse   = new ColorEx(0.65f, 0.65f, 0.68f);
                sunLight.Specular  = new ColorEx(0.9f, 0.9f, 1);

            // point light, movable, reddish
            light          = scene.CreateLight("Light2");
            light.Diffuse  = minLightColor;
            light.Specular = ColorEx.White;
            light.SetAttenuation(8000, 1, .0005f, 0);

            // create light node
            lightNode = scene.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode("MovingLightNode");

            // create billboard set
            BillboardSet bbs = scene.CreateBillboardSet("LightBBS", 1);

            bbs.MaterialName = "Examples/Flare";
            Billboard bb = bbs.CreateBillboard(Vector3.Zero, minLightColor);

            // attach to the scene

            // create controller, after this is will get updated on its own
            WaveformControllerFunction func =
                new WaveformControllerFunction(WaveformType.Sine, 0.75f, 0.5f);

            LightWibbler val = new LightWibbler(light, bb, minLightColor, maxLightColor, minFlareSize, maxFlareSize);

            ControllerManager.Instance.CreateController(val, func);

            lightNode.Position = new Vector3(300, 250, -300);

            // create a track for the light
            Animation anim = scene.CreateAnimation("LightTrack", 20);

            // spline it for nice curves
            anim.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Spline;
            // create a track to animate the camera's node
            AnimationTrack track = anim.CreateNodeTrack(0, lightNode);

            // setup keyframes
            AddKey(track, 0, new Vector3(300, 250, -300));
            AddKey(track, 2, new Vector3(150, 300, -250));
            AddKey(track, 4, new Vector3(-150, 350, -100));
            AddKey(track, 6, new Vector3(-400, 200, -200));
            AddKey(track, 8, new Vector3(-200, 200, -400));
            AddKey(track, 10, new Vector3(-100, 150, -200));
            AddKey(track, 12, new Vector3(-100, 75, 180));
            AddKey(track, 14, new Vector3(0, 250, 300));
            AddKey(track, 16, new Vector3(100, 350, 100));
            AddKey(track, 18, new Vector3(250, 300, 0));
            AddKey(track, 20, new Vector3(300, 250, -300));

            // create a new animation state to track this
            animState           = scene.CreateAnimationState("LightTrack");
            animState.IsEnabled = true;

            // Make light node look at origin, this is for when we
            // change the moving light to a spotlight
            lightNode.SetAutoTracking(true, scene.RootSceneNode);

//             lightSphereNode = scene.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
//             lightSphere = scene.CreateEntity("LightSphere", "tiny_cube.mesh");
//             lightSphereNode.AttachObject(lightSphere);
//             lightSphereNode.Position = new Vector3(300, 260, -300);

//             // create a track for the light sphere
//          Animation animSphere = scene.CreateAnimation("LightSphereTrack", 20);
//          // spline it for nice curves
//          animSphere.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Spline;
//          // create a track to animate the camera's node
//          AnimationTrack trackSphere = animSphere.CreateTrack(0, lightSphereNode);
//          // setup keyframes
//             for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
//                 Vector3 v = track.KeyFrames[i].Translate;
//                 v.y += 10;
//                 key = trackSphere.CreateKeyFrame(i * 2);
//                 key.Translate = v;
//             }

//          // create a new animation state to track this
//          animSphereState = scene.CreateAnimationState("LightSphereTrack");
//          animSphereState.IsEnabled = true;

//          // Make light node look at origin, this is for when we
//          // change the moving light to a spotlight
//          lightSphereNode.SetAutoTracking(true, scene.RootSceneNode);

            Mesh mesh = MeshManager.Instance.Load("athene.mesh");

            short srcIdx, destIdx;

            // the athene mesh requires tangent vectors
            if (!mesh.SuggestTangentVectorBuildParams(out srcIdx, out destIdx))
                mesh.BuildTangentVectors(srcIdx, destIdx);

            SceneNode node;             //= scene.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
//			athene = scene.CreateEntity("Athene", "athene.mesh");
//			athene.MaterialName = atheneMaterials[currentAtheneMaterial];
//			node.AttachObject(athene);
//			node.Translate(new Vector3(0, -20, 0));
//			node.Yaw(90);

            Entity ent = null;

            node             = scene.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
            ent              = scene.CreateEntity("Column1", "column.mesh");
            ent.MaterialName = "Examples/Rockwall";
            node.Translate(new Vector3(200, 0, -200));

            node             = scene.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
            ent              = scene.CreateEntity("Column2", "column.mesh");
            ent.MaterialName = "Examples/Rockwall";
            node.Translate(new Vector3(200, 0, 200));

            node             = scene.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
            ent              = scene.CreateEntity("Column3", "column.mesh");
            ent.MaterialName = "Examples/Rockwall";
            node.Translate(new Vector3(-200, 0, -200));

            node             = scene.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
            ent              = scene.CreateEntity("Column4", "column.mesh");
            ent.MaterialName = "Examples/Rockwall";
            node.Translate(new Vector3(-200, 0, 200));

            scene.SetSkyBox(true, "Skybox/Stormy", 3000);

            Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.UnitY, -100);

                "MyPlane", plane, 1500, 1500, 20, 20, true, 1, 5, 5, Vector3.UnitZ);

            Entity planeEnt = scene.CreateEntity("Plane", "MyPlane");

            planeEnt.MaterialName = "Examples/Rockwall";
            planeEnt.CastShadows  = false;

            if (Root.Instance.RenderSystem.Name.StartsWith("Axiom Direct"))
                // In D3D, use a 1024x1024 shadow texture
                scene.SetShadowTextureSettings(1024, 2, PixelFormat.L16);
                // Use 512x512 texture in GL since we can't go higher than the window res
                scene.SetShadowTextureSettings(512, 2, PixelFormat.L16);

//          scene.ShadowColor = new ColorEx(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            scene.ShadowColor = ColorEx.Black;

            scene.ShadowFarDistance = 1000f;

            // in case infinite far distance is not supported
            camera.Far = 100000;

            debugTextDelay        = int.MaxValue;
            scene.ShadowTechnique = shadowTechniques[currentShadowTechnique];
Ejemplo n.º 5
        void setupLighting()
            // Set ambient light
            mSceneManager.SetAmbientLight(Converter.GetColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f));
            // Point light, movable, reddish
            mLight = mSceneManager.CreateLight("Light2");
            mLight.SetSpecularColour(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            mLight.SetAttenuation(8000.0f, 1.0f, 0.0005f, 0.0f);

            // Create light node
            mLightNode = mSceneManager.GetRootSceneNode().CreateChildSceneNode("MovingLightNode");
            // create billboard set
            BillboardSet bbs = mSceneManager.CreateBillboardSet("lightbbs", 1);

            Billboard bb = bbs.CreateBillboard(0, 0, 0, mMinLightColour);

            // attach

            // create controller, after this is will get updated on its own
            mWFCF   = new WaveformControllerFunction(WaveformType.Sine, 0.0f, 0.5f);
            mCFFPtr = new ControllerFunctionFloatPtr(mWFCF);

            mLightWibbler = new LightWibbler(mLight, bb, mMinLightColour, mMaxLightColour, mMinFlareSize, mMaxFlareSize);
            mCVFPtr       = new ControllerValueFloatPtr(mLightWibbler.mCVFH);

            ControllerManager contMgr = ControllerManager.GetSingleton();

            mLightCtlFlt = contMgr.CreateController(contMgr.GetFrameTimeSource(), mCVFPtr, mCFFPtr);

            mLightNode.SetPosition(new Vector3(300, 250, -300));

            // Create a track for the light
            Animation anim = mSceneManager.CreateAnimation("LightTrack", 20.0f);

            // Spline it for nice curves
            // Create a track to animate the camera's node
            NodeAnimationTrack track = anim.CreateNodeTrack(0, mLightNode);
            // Setup keyframes
            TransformKeyFrame key = new TransformKeyFrame(KeyFrame.getCPtr(track.CreateKeyFrame(0.0f)).Handle, false);              // A startposition

            key.SetTranslate(new Vector3(300.0f, 550.0f, -300.0f));

            key = new TransformKeyFrame(KeyFrame.getCPtr(track.CreateKeyFrame(2.0f)).Handle, false);             //B
            key.SetTranslate(new Vector3(150.0f, 600.0f, -250.0f));
            key = new TransformKeyFrame(KeyFrame.getCPtr(track.CreateKeyFrame(4.0f)).Handle, false);             //C
            key.SetTranslate(new Vector3(-150.0f, 650.0f, -100.0f));
            key = new TransformKeyFrame(KeyFrame.getCPtr(track.CreateKeyFrame(6.0f)).Handle, false);             //D
            key.SetTranslate(new Vector3(-400.0f, 500.0f, -200.0f));
            key = new TransformKeyFrame(KeyFrame.getCPtr(track.CreateKeyFrame(8.0f)).Handle, false);             //E
            key.SetTranslate(new Vector3(-200.0f, 500.0f, -400.0f));
            key = new TransformKeyFrame(KeyFrame.getCPtr(track.CreateKeyFrame(10.0f)).Handle, false);            //F
            key.SetTranslate(new Vector3(-100.0f, 450.0f, -200.0f));
            key = new TransformKeyFrame(KeyFrame.getCPtr(track.CreateKeyFrame(12.0f)).Handle, false);            //G
            key.SetTranslate(new Vector3(-100.0f, 400.0f, 180.0f));
            key = new TransformKeyFrame(KeyFrame.getCPtr(track.CreateKeyFrame(14.0f)).Handle, false);            //H
            key.SetTranslate(new Vector3(0.0f, 250.0f, 600.0f));
            key = new TransformKeyFrame(KeyFrame.getCPtr(track.CreateKeyFrame(16.0f)).Handle, false);            //I
            key.SetTranslate(new Vector3(100.0f, 650.0f, 100.0f));
            key = new TransformKeyFrame(KeyFrame.getCPtr(track.CreateKeyFrame(18.0f)).Handle, false);            //J
            key.SetTranslate(new Vector3(250.0f, 600.0f, 0.0f));
            key = new TransformKeyFrame(KeyFrame.getCPtr(track.CreateKeyFrame(20.0f)).Handle, false);            //K == A
            key.SetTranslate(new Vector3(300.0f, 550.0f, -300.0f));
            // Create a new animation state to track this
            mAnimState = mSceneManager.CreateAnimationState("LightTrack");