public static void refreshMiddle(WavePoint rhs)
        foreach(var lhs in get().nodes) {
            if(lhs != rhs) {
                if(lhs.prev == rhs.prev && == {
                    WavePoint start = lhs.prev;
                    WavePoint end =;

           = lhs;
           = rhs;
                    rhs.prev = lhs;
                    end.prev = rhs;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called on every new bar of data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentBar">The current bar of the simulation</param>
        public override void OnBarUpdate(int currentBar)

            if (currentBar < 2)

            ZigZag           zigzag              = (ZigZag)_dependents[0];
            int              cutoffBar           = Math.Max(0, currentBar - _maxCycleLookback);
            int              searchBar           = currentBar - 1;
            List <WavePoint> points              = new List <WavePoint>();
            List <double>    currentSeries       = null;
            int              pointBeingSearchFor = 0; // Point 0 being the last point most recent in time.
            double           trendDirection      = 0.0;

            // Start searching for the point that either made a high-high or low-low cycle.
            for (int i = searchBar; i >= cutoffBar; i--)
                if (pointBeingSearchFor == 0)
                    if (zigzag.ZigZagLows[i] > 0.0)
                        trendDirection = Order.OrderType.Long;
                        points.Add(new WavePoint()
                            Bar = i, Price = zigzag.Value[i]
                        currentSeries = zigzag.ZigZagHighs;
                    else if (zigzag.ZigZagHighs[i] > 0.0)
                        trendDirection = Order.OrderType.Short;
                        points.Add(new WavePoint()
                            Bar = i, Price = zigzag.Value[i]
                        currentSeries = zigzag.ZigZagLows;
                // Each time we find a zigzag point, save the price and move to the next one for searching.
                else if (currentSeries != null && currentSeries[i] > 0.0)
                    // Calculate the retracement in percentage from the previous point.
                    WavePoint previousPoint = points[points.Count - 1];
                    double    retracement   = UtilityMethods.PercentChange(zigzag.Value[i], previousPoint.Price);
                    previousPoint.Retracement = retracement;

                    points.Add(new WavePoint()
                        Bar = i, Price = zigzag.Value[i], Retracement = 0.0
                    currentSeries = currentSeries == zigzag.ZigZagHighs ? zigzag.ZigZagLows : zigzag.ZigZagHighs;

            // Did we get all the points needed to wave information about the waves.
            if (pointBeingSearchFor >= MinRequiredPoints)
                Waves[currentBar] = new WaveData()
                    Points = points, TrendDirection = trendDirection
                Waves[currentBar] = null;
    void Refresh()
        if (next == gameObject) {
            next = null;
        if (prev == gameObject) {
            prev = null;

        switch (type()) {
        case Node.Type.Start:

        case Node.Type.Middle:

        case Node.Type.End:

        case Node.Type.Lost:
 public static void setStart(WavePoint node)
     get().start = node;
 public static void setEnd(WavePoint node)
     get().end = node;
 public static void addNode(WavePoint node)
     if (!get().nodes.Contains(node)) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Called on every new bar of data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentBar">The current bar of the simulation</param>
        public override void OnBarUpdate(int currentBar)

            if (currentBar > 1)
                ZigZag zigzag = (ZigZag)_dependents[0];

                int                  cutoffBar     = Math.Max(0, currentBar - _maxBarsForWave);
                int                  searchBar     = currentBar - 2;
                WavePoint[]          points        = new WavePoint[6];
                WavePointWithLabel[] labels        = new WavePointWithLabel[6];
                List <double>        currentSeries = null;
                int                  waveEndpointBeingSearchFor = 4;
                double               trendDirection             = 0.0;
                double               fifthWaveDirection         = 0.0; // 1 is bull, -1 bear, 0 not in a 5th wave

                // We have an endpoint on the 4th wave, so lets check and see if we
                // have all the previous waves by searching for the endpoints.
                for (int i = searchBar; i >= cutoffBar && waveEndpointBeingSearchFor >= 0; i--)
                    // See if we've just recently had the end of the 4th wave. For bull
                    // waves this will start with a low and for bear will start with a high.
                    // Need to check the past 3rd bar since that is the lag of the zigzag indicator.
                    // For every zig there is a zag meaning if we found a low, the previous point will
                    // be a high. This makes it easier to search back for the patterns.
                    if (waveEndpointBeingSearchFor == 4)
                        if (zigzag.ZigZagLows[i] > 0.0)
                            trendDirection = Order.OrderType.Long;
                            points[waveEndpointBeingSearchFor] = new WavePoint()
                                Bar = i, Price = zigzag.Value[i]
                            labels[waveEndpointBeingSearchFor] = new WavePointWithLabel()
                                Bar = i, Price = zigzag.Value[i], Label = waveEndpointBeingSearchFor.ToString()
                            currentSeries = zigzag.ZigZagHighs;
                        else if (zigzag.ZigZagHighs[i] > 0.0)
                            trendDirection = Order.OrderType.Short;
                            points[waveEndpointBeingSearchFor] = new WavePoint()
                                Bar = i, Price = zigzag.Value[i]
                            labels[waveEndpointBeingSearchFor] = new WavePointWithLabel()
                                Bar = i, Price = zigzag.Value[i], Label = waveEndpointBeingSearchFor.ToString()
                            currentSeries = zigzag.ZigZagLows;
                    // Each time we find a wave endpoint, save the price and move to the next one for searching.
                    else if (currentSeries != null && currentSeries[i] > 0.0)
                        points[waveEndpointBeingSearchFor] = new WavePoint()
                            Bar = i, Price = zigzag.Value[i]
                        labels[waveEndpointBeingSearchFor] = new WavePointWithLabel()
                            Bar = i, Price = zigzag.Value[i], Label = waveEndpointBeingSearchFor.ToString()
                        currentSeries = currentSeries == zigzag.ZigZagHighs ? zigzag.ZigZagLows : zigzag.ZigZagHighs;

                // Did we get all the points needed to search for the 5 wave trend pattern?
                if (waveEndpointBeingSearchFor < 0)
                    // Trend pattern guidelines.
                    // 1. Wave-2 cannot trade beyond the beginning of Wave-1
                    // 2. Wave-3 cannot be the shortest in price of Waves 1,3, and 5 (but we haven't found
                    // this wave yet so we won't check for that.
                    // 3. Wave-4 cannot make a daily close into the closing range of Wave-1
                    bool isValidTrend = true;

                    // Guideline 1.
                    if (UtilityMethods.ComparePrices(points[0].Price, points[2].Price, trendDirection) < 0.0)
                        isValidTrend = false;

                    // Guideline 2.
                    double wave1PriceLength = Math.Abs(points[1].Price - points[0].Price);
                    double wave3PriceLength = Math.Abs(points[3].Price - points[2].Price);
                    if (wave3PriceLength < wave1PriceLength)
                        isValidTrend = false;

                    // Guideline 3.
                    double point1Open           = Data.Open[points[1].Bar];
                    double point1Close          = Data.Close[points[1].Bar];
                    double wave1maxClosingRange = trendDirection > 0.0 ? Math.Max(point1Open, point1Close) : Math.Min(point1Open, point1Close);
                    if (UtilityMethods.ComparePrices(wave1maxClosingRange, Data.Close[points[4].Bar], trendDirection) < 0.0)
                        isValidTrend = false;

                    // All the conditions are met up to the 5th wave, so we'll assume this next one is a 5th wave.
                    if (isValidTrend)
                        fifthWaveDirection = trendDirection;

                // We're in a 5th wave, so lets label it to see on the chart. Also, the next point we'll label
                // as the 5th point and then save that we aren't in the 5th wave.
                if (fifthWaveDirection != 0.0)
                    // Label the 5th wave from the 4th point to now.
                    int fourthWaveBar = points[4].Bar + 1;
                    for (int j = fourthWaveBar; j <= currentBar; j++)
                        FifthWaveValue[j]     = fifthWaveDirection > 0.0 ? Data.Low[j] : Data.High[j];
                        FifthWaveDirection[j] = fifthWaveDirection;

                    // See if we can label the 5th point.
                    List <double> zigzagSeries = fifthWaveDirection > 0.0 ? zigzag.ZigZagHighs : zigzag.ZigZagLows;
                    if (zigzagSeries[searchBar] > 0.0)
                        labels[5] = new WavePointWithLabel()
                            Price = zigzag.Value[searchBar], Label = "5"

                    // Label all the points regardless if we have a 5th point or not.
                    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                        if (labels[j] != null)
                            WaveLabels[labels[j].Bar] = labels[j];

                    // Reset searching for the next bar.
                    fifthWaveDirection = 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    /** Set the initial body of water.
    public void InitializeWater(float Left, float Width, float Top, float Bottom)
        //Calculate the number of edges and nodes we have
        int edgecount = Mathf.RoundToInt(Width) * 5;
        int nodecount = edgecount + 1; // 1 extra at the end.

        // Render line body of water.
        Body                      = gameObject.AddComponent <LineRenderer>();
        Body.material             = mat;
        Body.material.renderQueue = 1000;
        Body.positionCount        = nodecount;
        Body.startWidth           = 0.1f;

        // Initialize variables.
        wavePoints = new WavePoint[nodecount];

        meshobjects = new GameObject[edgecount];
        meshes      = new Mesh[edgecount];
        colliders   = new GameObject[edgecount];

        baseheight = Top;
        bottom     = Bottom;
        left       = Left;

        // Set line points.
        for (int i = 0; i < nodecount; i++)
            wavePoints[i] = new WavePoint();

            wavePoints[i].x            = Left + Width * i / edgecount;
            wavePoints[i].y            = Top;
            wavePoints[i].acceleration = 0;
            wavePoints[i].velocity     = 0;

            Body.SetPosition(i, new Vector3(wavePoints[i].x, wavePoints[i].y, z));

        // TODO: Review COMP 371
        // Set the meshes.
        for (int i = 0; i < edgecount; i++)
            meshes[i] = new Mesh();

            // Set the corners of the mesh (trapezoid)
            Vector3[] Vertices = new Vector3[4];
            Vertices[0] = new Vector3(wavePoints[i].x, wavePoints[i].y, z);         // Top left
            Vertices[1] = new Vector3(wavePoints[i + 1].x, wavePoints[i + 1].y, z); // Top right
            Vertices[2] = new Vector3(wavePoints[i].x, bottom, z);                  // Bottom left
            Vertices[3] = new Vector3(wavePoints[i + 1].x, bottom, z);              // Bottom right

            // Set coords for textures.
            Vector2[] UVs = new Vector2[4];
            UVs[0] = new Vector2(0, 1);
            UVs[1] = new Vector2(1, 1);
            UVs[2] = new Vector2(0, 0);
            UVs[3] = new Vector2(1, 0);

            //Set where the triangles should be (2 triangles, so 6 points)
            int[] tris = new int[6] {
                0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0

            //Add all this data to the mesh.
            meshes[i].vertices  = Vertices;
            meshes[i].uv        = UVs;
            meshes[i].triangles = tris;

            //Create a holder for the mesh, set it to be the manager's child (to render)
            meshobjects[i] = Instantiate(watermesh,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            meshobjects[i].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = meshes[i];
            meshobjects[i].transform.parent = transform;

            //Create our colliders, set them be our child
            colliders[i]      = new GameObject();
            colliders[i].name = "Trigger";
            colliders[i].AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
            colliders[i].transform.parent = transform;

            //Set the position and scale to the correct dimensions
            colliders[i].transform.position   = new Vector3(Left + Width * (i + 0.5f) / edgecount, Top - 0.5f, 0);
            colliders[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(Width / edgecount, 1, 1);

            //Add a WaterDetector and make sure they're triggers
            colliders[i].GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().isTrigger = true;
            colliders[i].AddComponent <WaterDetector>();