private void PlayFileForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, BASSInit.BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT, Handle)) { fileName = String.Empty; streamHandle = 0; waveStreamHandle = 0; fileStream = null; waveForm = null; soundStream = new BASS_FILEPROCS( new FILECLOSEPROC(closeFile), new FILELENPROC(getFileLen), new FILEREADPROC(readFile), new FILESEEKPROC(setSeekCur) ); } }
private void buttonPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // svuoto sempre lo stream prima di crearne uno nuovo Bass.BASS_StreamFree(streamHandle); Bass.BASS_StreamFree(waveStreamHandle); // controllo che il file di cui creare lo stream esista if (fileName != String.Empty) { // apro il file fileStream = File.OpenRead(fileName); // creo un handle per lo streaming dal file //streamHandle = Bass.BASS_StreamCreateFileUser(BASSStreamSystem.STREAMFILE_NOBUFFER, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT | BASSFlag.BASS_MUSIC_PRESCAN, soundStream, IntPtr.Zero); streamHandle = Bass.BASS_StreamCreateFile(fileName, 0, fileStream.Length, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT); //waveForm = new WaveForm(fileName, new WAVEFORMPROC(WaveChunkLoad), null); waveForm = new WaveForm("prova"); waveForm.FrameResolution = 0.01f; //waveForm.RenderStart(true, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT); waveForm.RenderStart(streamHandle, true, false); waveForm.CallbackFrequency = 5; //waveForm.RenderStartRecording(streamHandle, 5, 5); //myRecProc = new RECORDPROC(MyRecoring); //recHandle = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, myRecProc, ); if (streamHandle != 0 && Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(streamHandle, false)) { Thread t = new Thread(updateFrames); t.Start(); buttonPause.Enabled = true; buttonStop.Enabled = true; buttonPlay.Enabled = false; buttonOpen.Enabled = false; } else { buttonOpen.Enabled = true; buttonPlay.Enabled = false; buttonPause.Enabled = false; buttonStop.Enabled = false; } } }
public static double waveForm90(WaveForm wf, double p) { switch (wf) { case WaveForm.Sine: return(Math.Cos(p * 2 * Math.PI)); case WaveForm.Saw: return(saw90(p)); case WaveForm.Triangle: return(tri90(p)); case WaveForm.Pulse: return(pulse90(p)); } return(0); }
public static double waveForm(WaveForm wf, double p, double pwm) { switch (wf) { case WaveForm.Sine: return(Math.Sin(p * 2 * Math.PI)); case WaveForm.Saw: return(saw(p)); case WaveForm.Triangle: return(tri(p, pwm)); case WaveForm.Pulse: return(pulse(p, pwm)); } return(0); }
public static double waveForm90(WaveForm wf, double p, double pwm) { switch (wf) { case WaveForm.Sine: return(Math.Cos(p * 2 * Math.PI)); case WaveForm.Saw: return(saw90(p)); case WaveForm.Triangle: return(tri((p < 0.75) ? (p + 0.25) : (p - 0.75), pwm)); case WaveForm.Pulse: return(pulse((p < 0.75) ? (p + 0.25) : (p - 0.75), pwm)); } return(0); }
private static WaveForm GetNewWaveForm(bool isStereo) { var ColorBackground = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192); var ColorWaveForm = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 200); var ColorLine = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 200); var WaveImage = new WaveForm { FrameResolution = 0.01f, CallbackFrequency = 2000, ColorBackground = ColorBackground, ColorLeft = ColorWaveForm, ColorRight = ColorWaveForm, ColorMiddleLeft = ColorLine, ColorMiddleRight = ColorLine, DrawWaveForm = isStereo ? WaveForm.WAVEFORMDRAWTYPE.Stereo : WaveForm.WAVEFORMDRAWTYPE.Mono }; return(WaveImage); }
private void buttonPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { wfdrawer = null; try { if (player == null) { player = new Player(MFM.fileName, MFM.fileStream.Length, MFM.fileStream); } //waveForm = new WaveForm(fileName, new WAVEFORMPROC(WaveChunkLoad), null); if (waveForm == null) { waveForm = new WaveForm(); } waveForm.FrameResolution = 0.01f; //waveForm.RenderStart(true, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT); waveForm.RenderStart(player.streamHandle, true, false); // waveForm.CallbackFrequency = 5; //waveForm.RenderStartRecording(streamHandle, 5, 5); //myRecProc = new RECORDPROC(MyRecoring); //recHandle = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, myRecProc, ); wfdrawer = new WaveformDrawer(waveForm, player.streamHandle, pictureBoxWave); if ( { wfdrawer.startDrawing(); buttonPause.Enabled = true; buttonStop.Enabled = true; buttonPlay.Enabled = false; buttonOpen.Enabled = false; } else { buttonOpen.Enabled = true; buttonPlay.Enabled = false; buttonPause.Enabled = false; buttonStop.Enabled = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public static void waveForm(WaveForm wf, ref double zero, ref double ninety, double p, double pwm) { switch (wf) { case WaveForm.Sine: zero = Math.Sin(p * 2 * Math.PI); ninety = Math.Cos(p * 2 * Math.PI); return; case WaveForm.Saw: zero = saw(p); ninety = saw90(p); return; case WaveForm.Triangle: if (pwm != 0) { zero = tri(p, pwm); ninety = tri((p < 0.75) ? (p + 0.25) : (p - 0.75), pwm); } else { zero = tri(p); ninety = tri90(p); } return; case WaveForm.Pulse: if (pwm != 0) { zero = pulse(p, pwm); ninety = pulse((p < 0.75) ? (p + 0.25) : (p - 0.75), pwm); } else { zero = pulse(p); ninety = pulse90(p); } return; } zero = ninety = 0.0; }
public Staff(Clef c, WaveForm w, int inst, int totalStaffNumber, int staffNumber) { LINE_SPACING = 30 * Song._SCALE; LENGTH = Song.PAGE_WIDTH - Song.LEFT_MARGIN - Song.RIGHT_MARGIN; HEIGHT = 4 * LINE_SPACING; mTotalInstrumentNumber = inst; mTotalStaffNumber = totalStaffNumber; mYPosition = mTotalInstrumentNumber * Song.INSTRUMENT_SPACING + mTotalStaffNumber * (HEIGHT + Song.STAFF_SPACING); mClef = c; mWaveForm = w; mMeasures = new List <Measure>(); AddMeasure(); keySignature = new List <RectangleF>(); area = new RectangleF(); mStaffNumber = staffNumber; Song.TOTAL_STAVES++; Song.SELECTABLES.Add(this); switch (mClef) { case Clef.Treble: Song.LASTNOTES[inst][staffNumber] = new Note(Pitch.G, Accidental.Natural, Duration.Quarter, 4); break; case Clef.Alto: Song.LASTNOTES[inst][staffNumber] = new Note(Pitch.G, Accidental.Natural, Duration.Quarter, 4); break; case Clef.Bass: Song.LASTNOTES[inst][staffNumber] = new Note(Pitch.D, Accidental.Natural, Duration.Quarter, 3); break; case Clef.Tenor: Song.LASTNOTES[inst][staffNumber] = new Note(Pitch.G, Accidental.Natural, Duration.Quarter, 4); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Play a note for length ms. /// </summary> /// <param name="wave">Wave form to play.</param> /// <param name="freq">Frequency.</param> /// <param name="length">Length in ms.</param> /// <remarks>If length is negative, play until told to stop.</remarks> public void Play(WaveForm wave, int freq, int length) { lock (_mutex) { _wave = wave; _oscLength = Rate / freq; _oscSamples = 0; if (length == -1) { _remainingSamples = 1; _playForever = true; } else { _remainingSamples = (Rate * length) / 1000; _playForever = false; } _mixedSamples = 0; } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); // Init Controls btnConn.IsEnabled = false; btnApply.IsEnabled = false; IsSending = false; cmbPortSel.ItemsSource = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); optSqr.IsChecked = true; this.Closed += new EventHandler(window_Closed); // Init Parameters IsConnected = false; IsSending = false; wfMode = WaveForm.Sqr; // Init Thread thrSendFunc = new ThreadStart(ContinuousSerialSend); }
public override void ExtendedControl() { base.ExtendedControl(); float dt = Time.deltaTime; float x1 = NAInput.GetAxis(NAControl.MoveHorizontal); float y1 = NAInput.GetAxis(NAControl.MoveVertical); float x2 = NAInput.GetAxis(NAControl.ViewHorizontal); float y2 = NAInput.GetAxis(NAControl.ViewVertical); bool buttonAction = NAInput.GetControlDown(NAControl.Action); bool buttonJump = NAInput.GetControlDown(NAControl.Jump); bool buttonCamera = NAInput.GetControlDown(NAControl.Camera); bool buttonMenu = NAInput.GetControlDown(NAControl.Menu); frequency += x1 * dt * 100f; duration += y1 * dt; duration = Mathf.Clamp(duration, 0.1f, 10); if (buttonJump) { Generate(); //Play(); } float padx = NAInput.GetAxis(NAControl.PadHorizontal); float pady = NAInput.GetAxis(NAControl.PadVertical); if (NAInput.PadHorizontalPressed && padx > 0) { waveform = waveform++; } else if (NAInput.PadHorizontalPressed && padx < 0) { waveform = waveform--; } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the wave data for the current track /// </summary> private void LoadTrackWaveData() { _waveRendered = false; if (!File.Exists(Filename)) { return; } Wave = new WaveForm(Filename, WaveForm_Callback, this) { FrameResolution = 0.001f, CallbackFrequency = 30000, ColorBackground = Color.Black, ColorLeft = Color.Navy, ColorLeftEnvelope = Color.LightGray, ColorRight = Color.Navy, ColorRightEnvelope = Color.LightGray, ColorMarker = Color.Gold, ColorBeat = Color.LightSkyBlue, ColorVolume = Color.White, DrawEnvelope = false, DrawWaveForm = WaveForm.WAVEFORMDRAWTYPE.Mono, DrawMarker = WaveForm.MARKERDRAWTYPE.Line | WaveForm.MARKERDRAWTYPE.Name | WaveForm.MARKERDRAWTYPE.NameBoxFilled, MarkerLength = 0.9f }; Wave.RenderStart(true, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT); SetMarkers(); while (!_waveRendered) { Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(100); } }
private short[] GetWave(WaveForm waveForm, float frequency) { short[] wave = new short[SAMPLE_RATE]; switch (waveForm) { case WaveForm.Noise: return(WaveFormGenerator.Noise(SAMPLE_RATE)); case WaveForm.Square: return(WaveFormGenerator.Square(frequency, SAMPLE_RATE)); case WaveForm.Saw: return(WaveFormGenerator.Saw(frequency, SAMPLE_RATE)); case WaveForm.Triangle: return(WaveFormGenerator.Triangle((short)frequency, SAMPLE_RATE)); case WaveForm.Sine: default: return(WaveFormGenerator.Sine(frequency, SAMPLE_RATE)); } }
public Measure(Clef clef, WaveForm wave, float yPosition, int measureNumber) { mMeasureNumber = measureNumber; mClef = clef; mWaveForm = wave; mChords = new List <Chord>(); Song.SELECTABLES.Add(this); if (Song.CHORD_POSITIONS.Count <= mMeasureNumber) { int last = Song.CHORD_POSITIONS.Count; switch (Song.TIME) { case Time.NineEight: Song.CHORD_POSITIONS.Add(new float[18]); break; case Time.SixEight: case Time.ThreeFour: Song.CHORD_POSITIONS.Add(new float[12]); break; case Time.ThreeEight: case Time.FourFour: Song.CHORD_POSITIONS.Add(new float[16]); break; case Time.TwoFour: Song.CHORD_POSITIONS.Add(new float[8]); break; } for (int i = 0; i < Song.CHORD_POSITIONS[last].Length; i++) { Song.CHORD_POSITIONS[last][i] = 0; } } Song.TOTAL_MEASURES++; }
public WaveSource() { form = WaveForm.Sin; Amp = 1; Freq = 10000; }
public WaveFormScrollView() { WaveFormView = new WaveForm(); WaveFormView.OnChangePosition += (position) => OnChangePosition(position); WaveFormView.OnChangeSecondaryPosition += (position) => OnChangeSecondaryPosition(position); WaveFormView.MinHeight = 60; WaveFormScaleView = new WaveFormScale(); _lblZoom = new Label(); _lblZoom.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(140, 32, 40, 46)); _lblZoom.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); _lblZoom.Padding = new Thickness(4); _lblZoom.Content = "100%"; _lblZoom.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Roboto"); _lblZoom.FontSize = 11; _lblZoom.Width = Double.NaN; _lblZoom.Height = Double.NaN; _stackPanelZoom = new StackPanel(); _stackPanelZoom.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; _stackPanelZoom.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; _stackPanelZoom.Children.Add(_lblZoom); _gridWaveForm = new Grid(); _gridWaveForm.Height = Double.NaN; _gridWaveForm.Children.Add(WaveFormView); _gridWaveForm.Children.Add(_stackPanelZoom); _grid = new Grid(); _rowScale = new RowDefinition(); _rowScale.Height = new GridLength(22); _rowWaveForm = new RowDefinition(); //_rowWaveForm.Height = GridLength.Auto; _grid.RowDefinitions.Add(_rowScale); _grid.RowDefinitions.Add(_rowWaveForm); _grid.Children.Add(WaveFormScaleView); _grid.Children.Add(_gridWaveForm); Grid.SetRow(WaveFormScaleView, 0); Grid.SetRow(_gridWaveForm, 1); Children.Add(_grid); _timerFadeOutZoomLabel = new Timer(100); _timerFadeOutZoomLabel.Elapsed += HandleTimerFadeOutZoomLabelElapsed; _timerFadeOutZoomLabel.Start(); CreateContextualMenu(); }
public static Oscillator SetWaveForm(this Oscillator oscillator, WaveForm waveForm) { oscillator.WaveFormType = waveForm; return oscillator; }
public static Oscillator FrequencyModulate(this Oscillator oscillator, FrameworkElement frequencyTarget, DependencyProperty frequencyProperty, FrameworkElement amplitudeTarget, DependencyProperty amplitudeProperty, WaveForm waveForm) { oscillator.FrequencyModulator.WaveForm = waveForm; if (frequencyProperty != null && frequencyTarget != null) { Binding frequencyBinding = new Binding(); frequencyBinding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay; frequencyBinding.Source = oscillator.FrequencyModulator; frequencyBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("ModulationFrequency"); frequencyTarget.SetBinding(frequencyProperty, frequencyBinding); } if (amplitudeProperty != null && amplitudeTarget != null) { Binding amplitudeBinding = new Binding(); amplitudeBinding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay; amplitudeBinding.Source = oscillator.FrequencyModulator; amplitudeBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("Amplitude"); amplitudeTarget.SetBinding(amplitudeProperty, amplitudeBinding); } return oscillator; }
public static Oscillator SetWaveForm(this Oscillator oscillator, WaveForm waveForm) { oscillator.WaveFormType = waveForm; return(oscillator); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the wave data for the current track /// </summary> private void LoadTrackWaveData() { _waveRendered = false; if (!File.Exists(Filename)) return; Wave = new WaveForm(Filename, WaveForm_Callback, this) { FrameResolution = 0.001f, CallbackFrequency = 30000, ColorBackground = Color.Black, ColorLeft = Color.Navy, ColorLeftEnvelope = Color.LightGray, ColorRight = Color.Navy, ColorRightEnvelope = Color.LightGray, ColorMarker = Color.Gold, ColorBeat = Color.LightSkyBlue, ColorVolume = Color.White, DrawEnvelope = false, DrawWaveForm = WaveForm.WAVEFORMDRAWTYPE.Mono, DrawMarker = WaveForm.MARKERDRAWTYPE.Line | WaveForm.MARKERDRAWTYPE.Name | WaveForm.MARKERDRAWTYPE.NameBoxFilled, MarkerLength = 0.9f }; Wave.RenderStart(true, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT); SetMarkers(); while (!_waveRendered) { Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(100); } }
private void loadDeckB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (mix.running()) { string item = getItem(); if (!item.Equals(string.Empty) || item != null) { if (mix.loadDeckB(item)) { WFRight = new WaveForm(item, new Un4seen.Bass.Misc.WAVEFORMPROC(RightCallback), deckAOsc); WFRight.CallbackFrequency = 500; // every 10 seconds rendered WFRight.ColorBackground = Color.Black; WFRight.ColorBeat = Color.Lime; WFRight.ColorVolume = Color.Red; WFRight.RenderStart(true, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT); deckBLabel.Text = item.Split(sep).Last(); timeDeckB.Text = mix.getTimeDeck('B'); mix.computeCrossFade(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not load into Deck A"); } } }
public static float[] GetWaveTable(WaveForm form) { return(waveTables[form]); }
public RTDrawableWaveform(WaveForm _waveform, double _modulation) { waveform = _waveform; modulation = _modulation; rand = new Random(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { AnalysisParam A = new AnalysisParam(); A.ESPCalibrationX = "x"; A.ESPCalibrationY = "x"; A.WaveCalibrationX = "x"; A.WaveCalibrationY = "x"; A.WaveThreshold = 150; A.nmax = 10; A.ESPMaxResolution = 0.2; //EnergySP e = new EnergySP(); WaveForm w = new WaveForm(); String filepath = "a.dat"; int a; FileStream fs = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); a = br.ReadInt32(); int[] cnt = new int[a]; for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { cnt[i] = br.ReadInt32(); } fs.Close(); double[] wav = new double[a]; for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { wav[i] = -1; if (i % 2 == 0) { wav[i] = 1; } wav[i] = cnt[i]; } w.SampleValue = wav; //e.Count = cnt; //e.Analysis_De_LM_EM(A); //for (int i = 0; i < e.AnalysisResultLength; i++) //{ // Console.WriteLine(e.AnalysisResult[i].Peak); //} bool bl = w.Analysis(A); Console.WriteLine(bl); for (int i = 0; i < w.AnalysisResultLength; i++) { Console.WriteLine(w.AnalysisResult[i].TimeofMax); } Structedfile sf = new Structedfile(); sf.ReadFile("", "1234"); Structedfile sf2 = new Structedfile(); sf2 = sf; w = sf2.Wav[0].Transf(); sf2.WriteFile("", "ABCDEFG"); //Byte[] Frame = { 0x55, 0xAA, // 0x14,0x01,0xFD,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x04, // 19,10,31,15,30,00, // 0xEB,0x90,0xA1,0x0A,0x01, // 0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // 0xC1,0xA1, // 0xEE //}; //Rawdatafile raw = new Rawdatafile(); //unsafe //{ // Byte* FrameESP = stackalloc Byte[280]; // for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) // { // for (int i = 0; i < 280; i++) // { // FrameESP[i] = Frame[i]; // FrameESP[i] = (Byte)i; // } // raw.WriteFrame((IntPtr)FrameESP); // } //} //raw.Run = 1000; //Structedfile strf = new Structedfile(); //strf = raw.AnalysisFrameCache(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void HandleWaves() { if (moveMesh == true) { if (Application.isPlaying) { if (useGPU == true) { GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetFloat("_GameTime", now); if (waveForms.Count > 1) { WaveForm wForm1 = waveForms[0]; WaveForm wForm2 = waveForms[1]; GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetInt("_UseGPU", 2); GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetVector("_WaveSpeed", new Vector4(wForm1.speed.x, wForm1.speed.y, wForm2.speed.x, wForm2.speed.y)); GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetVector("_Wavelength", new Vector4(wForm1.waveLength.x, wForm1.waveLength.y, wForm2.waveLength.x, wForm2.waveLength.y)); GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetVector("_WaveOffset", new Vector4(wForm1.offset.x, wForm1.offset.y, wForm2.offset.x, wForm2.offset.y)); GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetVector("_WaveGain", new Vector4(wForm1.waveGain.x, wForm1.waveGain.y, wForm2.waveGain.x, wForm2.waveGain.y)); GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetFloat("_WaveScale1", wForm1.scale); GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetFloat("_WaveScale2", wForm2.scale); } else if (waveForms.Count == 1) { WaveForm wForm = waveForms[0]; GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetInt("_UseGPU", 1); GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetVector("_WaveSpeed", new Vector4(wForm.speed.x, wForm.speed.y, 0, 0)); GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetVector("_Wavelength", new Vector4(wForm.waveLength.x, wForm.waveLength.y, 0, 0)); GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetVector("_WaveOffset", new Vector4(wForm.offset.x, wForm.offset.y, 0, 0)); GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetVector("_WaveGain", new Vector4(wForm.waveGain.x, wForm.waveGain.y, 0, 0)); GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetFloat("_WaveScale1", wForm.scale); } } else { GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetInt("_UseGPU", 0); } } else { if (useGPU == true) { GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetFloat("_GameTime", now); if (waveForms.Count > 1) { WaveForm wForm1 = waveForms[0]; WaveForm wForm2 = waveForms[1]; GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetInt("_UseGPU", 2); GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetVector("_WaveSpeed", new Vector4(wForm1.speed.x, wForm1.speed.y, wForm2.speed.x, wForm2.speed.y)); GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetVector("_Wavelength", new Vector4(wForm1.waveLength.x, wForm1.waveLength.y, wForm2.waveLength.x, wForm2.waveLength.y)); GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetVector("_WaveOffset", new Vector4(wForm1.offset.x, wForm1.offset.y, wForm2.offset.x, wForm2.offset.y)); GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetVector("_WaveGain", new Vector4(wForm1.waveGain.x, wForm1.waveGain.y, wForm2.waveGain.x, wForm2.waveGain.y)); GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetFloat("_WaveScale1", wForm1.scale); GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetFloat("_WaveScale2", wForm2.scale); } else if (waveForms.Count == 1) { WaveForm wForm = waveForms[0]; GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetInt("_UseGPU", 1); GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetVector("_WaveSpeed", new Vector4(wForm.speed.x, wForm.speed.y, 0, 0)); GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetVector("_Wavelength", new Vector4(wForm.waveLength.x, wForm.waveLength.y, 0, 0)); GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetVector("_WaveOffset", new Vector4(wForm.offset.x, wForm.offset.y, 0, 0)); GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetVector("_WaveGain", new Vector4(wForm.waveGain.x, wForm.waveGain.y, 0, 0)); GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetFloat("_WaveScale1", wForm.scale); } } else { GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[0].SetInt("_UseGPU", 0); } } if (useGPU == false || (waveForms.Count > 2)) { float offsetY = 0.0f; float offsetX = 0.0f; for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Length; j++) { offsetX = 0f; offsetY = 0f; Vector3 vertex = vertices[j]; Vector3 v = transform.TransformPoint(vertex); int run = 1; foreach (WaveForm waveForm in waveForms) { if (useGPU == true && run < 2) { run++; continue; } offsetY += waveForm.scale * Mathf.Cos((now * (waveForm.speed.y) * twopi) + ((v.z * twopi) / waveForm.waveLength.y) + waveForm.offset.y); offsetX += waveForm.scale * Mathf.Cos((now * (waveForm.speed.x) * twopi) + ((v.x * twopi) / waveForm.waveLength.x) + waveForm.offset.x); } vertices[j].y = offsetX + offsetY; } } if ((useGPU == true && waveForms.Count > 2) || useGPU == false) { m.vertices = vertices; m.RecalculateNormals(); } } }
public WaveFormGenerator(WaveForm waveForm, NumericScale scale) { _waveForm = waveForm; _scale = scale; }
public void Load(string file) { if (file == null || !File.Exists(file)) { return; } Bass.BASS_StreamFree(streamID); Bass.BASS_StreamFree(streamFileID); if (lastFile != file) { lastFile = file; WaveModel?.Dispose(); var wf = new WaveForm(file); wf.FrameResolution = 0.005; if (wf.RenderStart(false, BASSFlag.BASS_STREAM_DECODE | BASSFlag.BASS_STREAM_PRESCAN | BASSFlag.BASS_FX_FREESOURCE)) { var samples = new float[]; var maxPeak = 0f; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { var sample =[i]; var peakLeft = sample.left / (float)short.MaxValue; var peakRight = sample.right / (float)short.MaxValue; var peak = Math.Max(Math.Abs(peakLeft), Math.Abs(peakRight)); maxPeak = Math.Max(peak, maxPeak); samples[i] = peak; } var vertexes = new Queue <float>(); // averaging values for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++) { if (maxPeak > 0.001) { samples[i] /= maxPeak; } samples[i] *= 0.9f; vertexes.Enqueue(i / (float)samples.Length * 100000); vertexes.Enqueue(samples[i]); } WaveModel = ModelManager.LoadModel2ToVao(vertexes.ToArray()); wf.Reset(); } } var stream = Bass.BASS_StreamCreateFile(file, 0, 0, BASSFlag.BASS_STREAM_DECODE | BASSFlag.BASS_STREAM_PRESCAN | BASSFlag.BASS_FX_FREESOURCE); var tempo = Tempo; streamFileID = stream; streamID = BassFx.BASS_FX_TempoCreate(streamFileID, BASSFlag.BASS_STREAM_PRESCAN); Tempo = tempo; Bass.BASS_ChannelGetAttribute(streamID, BASSAttribute.BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_FREQ, ref originval); Reset(); }
static public float EvalWave(float phase, float frequency, float amplitude, float baseStart, WaveForm waveForm, float polynomial) { float x = (Time.time + phase) * frequency; float y = 0f; x = x - Mathf.Floor(x);//ensure x is between 0 and 1 switch (waveForm) { case WaveForm.invertedSaw: y = 1f + x * -2; break; case WaveForm.noise: //TODO: slow down returns based on frequency y = 1f - Random.value * 2; break; case WaveForm.saw: y = -1f + x * 2; break; case WaveForm.sin: y = Mathf.Sin(x * 2 * Mathf.PI); break; case WaveForm.square: if (x < 0.5f) { y = 1f; } else { y = -1f; } break; case WaveForm.triangle: if (x < 0.5f) { y = 4f * x - 1f; } else { y = -4f * x + 3f; } break; case WaveForm.polynomial: y = Mathf.Pow(1 - 2 * x, Mathf.Abs(polynomial)); break; default: Debug.LogError("Missing waveform in WaveMathHelper"); break; } return(y * amplitude + baseStart); }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { if (this.FPinInFile.PinIsChanged) { string path; this.FPinInFile.GetString(0, out path); if (File.Exists(path)) { this.FWaveForm = new WaveForm(path, new WAVEFORMPROC(MyWaveFormCallback), this); this.FWaveForm.FrameResolution = 0.01f; // 10ms are nice this.FWaveForm.CallbackFrequency = 2000; // every 30 seconds rendered (3000*10ms=30sec) this.FWaveForm.ColorBackground = Color.WhiteSmoke; this.FWaveForm.ColorLeft = Color.Gainsboro; this.FWaveForm.ColorLeftEnvelope = Color.Gray; this.FWaveForm.ColorRight = Color.LightGray; this.FWaveForm.ColorRightEnvelope = Color.DimGray; this.FWaveForm.ColorMarker = Color.DarkBlue; this.FWaveForm.DrawWaveForm = WaveForm.WAVEFORMDRAWTYPE.Stereo; this.FWaveForm.DrawMarker = WaveForm.MARKERDRAWTYPE.Line; this.FWaveForm.MarkerLength = 1f; this.FWaveForm.RenderStart(true, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT); } } #region Start / End if (this.FPinInStart.PinIsChanged || this.FPinInEnd.PinIsChanged) { double start, end; this.FPinInStart.GetValue(0, out start); this.FPinInEnd.GetValue(0, out end); if (this.FWaveForm != null) { if (start <= 0) { this.FFrameStart = -1; } else { this.FFrameStart = this.FWaveForm.Position2Frames(start); } if (end <= 0 || end <= start) { this.FFrameEnd = -1; } else { this.FFrameEnd = this.FWaveForm.Position2Frames(end); } this.RedrawWF(); } } #endregion #region Position Marker if (this.FPinInCurrentPosition.PinIsChanged || this.FPinInMarkers.PinIsChanged) { if (this.FWaveForm != null) { double markerpos; this.FWaveForm.ClearAllMarker(); for (int i = 0; i < this.FPinInMarkers.SliceCount; i++) { this.FPinInMarkers.GetValue(i, out markerpos); if (markerpos > 0) { this.FWaveForm.AddMarker("Marker" + i.ToString(), markerpos); } } double position; this.FPinInCurrentPosition.GetValue(0, out position); if (position < 0) { this.FWaveForm.RemoveMarker("Position"); } else { this.FWaveForm.AddMarker("Position", position); } this.RedrawWF(); } } #endregion }
public static Oscillator SetFrequencyModulationWaveForm(this Oscillator oscillator, WaveForm waveForm) { oscillator.FrequencyModulator.WaveForm = waveForm; return oscillator; }
public void PlayEffectReg2(WaveForm waveForm, ulong freq, ulong pulseWidth, uint attackDecay, uint sustain, bool pulse) { }
public static Oscillator FrequencyModulate(this Oscillator oscillator, double frequency, short amplitude, WaveForm waveForm) { oscillator.FrequencyModulator.ModulationFrequency = frequency; oscillator.FrequencyModulator.Amplitude = amplitude; oscillator.FrequencyModulator.WaveForm = waveForm; return oscillator; }
public RTDrawableWaveform(WaveForm _waveform) : this(_waveform, 0) { }
public void SetDummyWaveForm(AnalogChannel channel, WaveForm w) { ChannelConfig[channel].waveform = w; }
public SynthesizedSound(int sampleRate = 44100, int length = 1, float frequenzy = 440f, WaveForm form = WaveForm.Sine) { random = new Random((int)frequenzy); int s = sizeof(short); byte[] waveByteData = new byte[sampleRate * s * length]; for (int i = 0; i < sampleRate * length; i++) { byte[] sampleBytes; switch (form) { case WaveForm.Sine: sampleBytes = GetSineWave(frequenzy, sampleRate, i); break; case WaveForm.Square: sampleBytes = GetSquareWave(frequenzy, sampleRate, i); break; case WaveForm.Noise: sampleBytes = GetNoiseWave(frequenzy, sampleRate, i); break; default: sampleBytes = GetSineWave(frequenzy, sampleRate, i); break; } waveByteData[i * s] = sampleBytes[0]; waveByteData[i * s + 1] = sampleBytes[1]; } Sound = new SoundEffect(waveByteData, sampleRate, AudioChannels.Mono); }
public void setWaveForm(WaveForm waveForm) { waveFormGenerator.waveForm = waveForm; }
private void GetWave() { = new Un4seen.Bass.Misc.WaveForm(this.track, new WAVEFORMPROC(this.WaveFormCallback), null); = 0.01f; //// neccesarry to fit the angle increase = 250; = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, System.Drawing.Color.White); //// transparent ////wf.ColorBackground = System.Drawing.Color.Black; = System.Drawing.Color.White; = System.Drawing.Color.White; = System.Drawing.Color.White; = System.Drawing.Color.White; = WaveForm.WAVEFORMDRAWTYPE.Stereo;, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT); }
public static Oscillator Create(double frequency, WaveForm waveForm) { return new Oscillator() { Frequency = frequency, WaveFormType = waveForm }; }
public ISignalGenerator WithWaveForm(WaveForm waveForm) { _WaveForm = waveForm; return(this); }