//Method to GET WareHouse details by WareHouseId
        public void GetWareHouseByWareHouseID()
            bool check = false;

                    WriteLine(" You chose to get the details of  Warehouse by WareHouseId");
                    //Created an object for Warehouse Business class and is stored in a reference variable
                    WareHouseBusinessLogicLayer wbl = new WareHouseBusinessLogicLayer();

                    WriteLine("Enter Existing WareHouse ID");
                    WriteLine("The Warehouse Id should start with WHID and of length 6.It shouldn't contain special characters");

                    //Reads the WareHouseid
                    string whID = ReadLine();

                    //Calls the GetWareHouseByWareHouseID of WareHouseBusinessLogic and is stored in Warehouse reference variable
                    WareHouse ware = wbl.GetWareHouseByWareHouseID(whID);

                    // Condition to check whether the WareHouseid exists or not
                    if (ware != null)
                        check = true;
                        WriteLine("===============   WareHouse Details=============");
                        WriteLine("WareHouseID" + "   " + "WareHouseName" + "  " + "ManagerName");
                        WriteLine(ware.WareHouseId + "  " + ware.WareHouseName + "  " + ware.MangerName);
                        WriteLine("WareHouse doesn't exist");
                catch (WareHouseException ex)
            } while (check == false);
        /// <summary>
        ///Method to UPDATE WareHouseName
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateWareHouse()
            //Created an object for Warehouse Business class and is stored in a reference variable
            WareHouseBusinessLogicLayer wbl = new WareHouseBusinessLogicLayer();

            WriteLine("1. Update WareHouse Name");
            WriteLine("2. Update Manager Name");

            int  Option;
            bool a;

            a = int.TryParse(ReadLine(), out Option);

            if (a == true)
                switch (Option)
                case 1:
                    UpdateWareHouseName(); break;

                case 2:
                    UpdateManagerName(); break;

                default: WriteLine("Enter correct option"); break;

            //Method to UPDATE ManagerName

            void UpdateWareHouseName()
                bool check = false;

                        WriteLine("You chose to Update the WareHouse Name");
                        WriteLine("Enter Existing WareHouse ID");
                        WriteLine("The Warehouse Id should start with WHID and of length 6.It shouldn't contain special characters");

                        //Reads the WareHouseid and is stored in a reference variable
                        string whID = ReadLine();

                        //Condition to check whether the warehouse id exists or not
                        WareHouse ware = wbl.GetWareHouseByWareHouseID(whID);
                        if (ware != null)
                            check = true;
                            WriteLine("Enter new name for WareHouse");
                            WriteLine("WareHouse Name shouldn'be null or empty.It shouldn't contain special characters also");

                            //Reads the WareHouseName and is stored in the object
                            ware.WareHouseName = ReadLine();

                            //Calls the UpdateWareHouseName method of WareHouseBusinessLogic

                            WriteLine("WareHouse Name Updated Sucessfully!!!");
                            WriteLine("Warehouse id doesn't exist");
                    catch (WareHouseException ex)
                } while (check == false);

            void UpdateManagerName()
                bool check = false;

                        WriteLine("You chose to Update the Manager Name");
                        WriteLine("Enter Existing WareHouse ID");
                        WriteLine("The Warehouse Id should start with WHID and of length 6.It shouldn't contain special characters");

                        //Reads the WareHouseid and is stored in a reference variable
                        string whID = ReadLine();

                        //Condition to check whether the warehouse id exists or not
                        WareHouse ware = wbl.GetWareHouseByWareHouseID(whID);
                        //Condition to check whether the warehouse id exists or not
                        if (ware != null)
                            check = true;
                            WriteLine("Enter new name for Manager");
                            WriteLine("Manager Name shouldn'be null or empty.It shouldn't any contain special characters ");
                            //Reads the MangerName and is stored in the object
                            ware.MangerName = ReadLine();

                            //Calls the UpdateManagerName method of WareHouseBusinessLogic
                            WriteLine("Manager Name Updated Sucessfully!!!");
                            WriteLine("Warehouse id doesn't exist");
                    catch (WareHouseException ex)
                } while (check == false);
        //Method to REMOVE WareHouses
        public void RemoveWareHouse()
            // Created an object for WareHouseBusinessLogic class
            WareHouseBusinessLogicLayer wbl = new WareHouseBusinessLogicLayer();

            WriteLine("select on which type you want to remove the WareHouse");
            WriteLine("1.on WareHouseId");
            WriteLine("2.on WareHouseName");
            int  Option;
            bool a;

            //TryParse returns a bool value
            a = int.TryParse(ReadLine(), out Option);

            if (a == true)
                switch (Option)
                case 1: RemoveWareHouseByID(); break;

                case 2: RemoveWareHouseByWareHouseName(); break;

                default: WriteLine("Please Choose enter correct Option"); break;
                WriteLine("Please Enter Correct Option");
            //Local Function to REMOVE WareHouse  by WareHouseId
            void RemoveWareHouseByID()
                bool check = false;

                    WriteLine("You chose to Remove the WareHouse by WareHouseId");
                    WriteLine("Enter the WarehouseID to be Deleted");
                    WriteLine("The Warehouse Id should start with WHID and of length 6.It shouldn't contain special characters");

                    //Reads the WareHouseid and is stored in a reference variable
                    string whID = ReadLine();
                        //Condition to check whether the warehouse id exists or not
                        WareHouse ware = wbl.GetWareHouseByWareHouseID(whID);
                        if (ware != null)
                            check = true;

                            //Calls the RemoveWareHouseByWareHouseID method of WareHouseBusiness Logic
                            WriteLine("Warehouse Removed Successfully!");
                            WriteLine("Warehouse id doesn't exist.Please enter existing WareHius");
                    catch (WareHouseException ex)
                } while (check == false);

            //Method to REMOVE WareHouse  by WareHouseName
            void RemoveWareHouseByWareHouseName()
                bool check = false;

                        WriteLine("You chose to Remove the WareHouse by WareHouse Name");
                        // created the object for Warehouse class
                        WareHouse ware = new WareHouse();

                        Write("Enter the Warehouse Name:");
                        WriteLine("Warehouse Name should neither be null nor contain special characters");
                        //Reads the WareHouseName and is stored in a reference variable
                        string warName = ReadLine();

                        //Condition to check whether the warehouse Name exists or not
                        if (wbl.GetWareHouseByWareHouseID(ware.WareHouseName) == null)
                            check = true;

                            //Calls the RemoveWareHouseByWareHouseName method of WareHouseBusiness Logic
                            WriteLine("Warehouse Removed");
                            WriteLine("Warehouse doesn't exist by this name");
                    catch (WareHouseException ex)
                } while (check == false);