Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void Unmute()
     if (player != null && activeVideoImagePath != null)
         player.Volume = WallpaperData.GetImageData(activeVideoImagePath).VideoSettings.Volume;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Add Tag To Images
        private void AddTagToImages(string[] targetImages)
            if (targetImages.Length > 0)
                string unincludedImages = "The following images you attempted to tag are not included:";
                foreach (string image in targetImages)
                    if (WallpaperData.ContainsImage(image))
                        WallpaperData.GetImageData(image).AddTag(WallpaperData.TaggingInfo.GetTagParentCategory(activeTag), activeTag.Name);
                        unincludedImages += "\n" + image;

                if (unincludedImages.Contains("\n"))
                MessageBox.Show("There are no images to tag");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Remove Tag From Images
        private void RemoveTagFromImages(string[] targetImages, Button tagButton)
            if (MessageBox.Show("Remove tag from all selected images?", "Choose an option", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                if (targetImages.Length > 0)
                    string unincludedImages = "The following images you attempted to remove a tag from are not included:";
                    foreach (string image in targetImages)
                        if (WallpaperData.ContainsImage(image))
                            unincludedImages += "\n" + image;

                    if (unincludedImages.Contains("\n"))
                    MessageBox.Show("There are no images selected to remove this tag from");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void buttonTag_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (MessageBox.Show("Unlink tag?", "Choose an option", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                Button  tagButton    = sender as Button;
                string  tagName      = TaggingTools.GetButtonTagName(tagButton);
                string  categoryName = TaggingTools.GetButtonCategoryName(tagButton);
                TagData linkedTag    = WallpaperData.TaggingInfo.GetTag(categoryName, tagName);

                foreach (Tuple <string, string> tagInfo in linkedTag.ChildTags)
                    if (activeTag.ParentTags.Contains(tagInfo))
                        MessageBox.Show("You cannot unlink " + linkedTag.Name + " while it's child tag " + tagInfo.Item2 + " is also linked");

                if (MessageBox.Show("Would you like to also remove the tag " + tagName + " from images tagged with " + activeTag.Name + "?", "Choose an option", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
                    == DialogResult.Yes)
                    foreach (string image in activeTag.GetLinkedImages())

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static string[] RenameImages(string[] images, DirectoryInfo moveDirectory, bool allowTagBaseNaming)
            ///-----Filtering & Initial Processing-----

            // Convert string array to WallpaperData.ImageData array and remove images that conflict with the user's filter
            List <WallpaperData.ImageData> imagesData = new List <WallpaperData.ImageData>();

            ImageType[] filter = GetFilter();
            foreach (string image in images)
                bool filterBreached = false;
                foreach (ImageType imageType in filter) // allows for the filtering of an image type, i.e. Static, GIF, & Video
                    if (WallpaperData.GetAllImagesOfType(imageType).Contains(image))
                        filterBreached = true;

                if (filterBreached)


            WallpaperData.ImageData[] imagesToRename = imagesData.ToArray();

            //? This checks if all images were filtered out
            if (imagesToRename.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("None of the given images were able to be renamed");

            //-----Begin Renaming Process-----

            //! Don't forget to save the theme after renaming! (Take note of the return statements)
            //! Don't forget to save the theme after renaming! (Take note of the return statements)
            //! Don't forget to save the theme after renaming! (Take note of the return statements)

            if (allowTagBaseNaming)
                return(TagBasedNaming(imagesToRename, moveDirectory));
                // regardless of if an image is tagged are not, all images in this code block will be directly MOVED (this only applies to moved images)
                // read the TODOs below for some related comments, although there should still be yet another renaming segment below for directly renamed images

            // TODO for all images that won't be renamed based on tags, you should gather a collection of all tag-based renamed images so that they won't be processed a second time
            // TODO See if you can use hashSet's union()/unionWith()/intersectWith() system for this
            // TODO Considering that the filter doesn't highlight the possibility of moving naming-disabled images, the user should be warned of this option with a prompt

Ejemplo n.º 6
 // Add Tag To Image
 private void AddTagToImage(string targetImage)
     if (WallpaperData.ContainsImage(targetImage))
         WallpaperData.GetImageData(targetImage).AddTag(WallpaperData.TaggingInfo.GetTagParentCategory(activeTag), activeTag.Name);
         MessageBox.Show("The image you attempted to tag is not included");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static bool RandomizeWallpapers()
            Random rand = new Random();

            // Gather potential wallpapers

            string[] potentialWallpapers = new string[DisplayData.Displays.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < DisplayData.Displays.Length; i++)
                ImageType imageTypeToSearchFor = ImageType.None;

                double staticChance = OptionsData.GetExactFrequency(ImageType.Static);
                double gifChance    = OptionsData.GetExactFrequency(ImageType.GIF);
                double videoChance  = OptionsData.GetExactFrequency(ImageType.Video);

                ImageType[] imageTypeIndexes     = { ImageType.Static, ImageType.GIF, ImageType.Video };
                double[]    imageTypePercentages = { staticChance, gifChance, videoChance };

                imageTypeToSearchFor = rand.NextInWeightedArray(imageTypeIndexes, imageTypePercentages);

                if (WallpaperData.IsAllImagesOfTypeUnranked(imageTypeToSearchFor))
                    MessageBox.Show("Attempted to set a wallpaper to an image type with no valid/ranked images. Wallpaper Change Cancelled [IMAGE TYPE: " + imageTypeToSearchFor + "]" +
                                    "\n\nEither change relative frequency chance of the above image type to 0% (Under Frequency in the options menu)" +
                                    "or activate some wallpapers of the above image type (Unranked images with a rank of 0 are inactive");

                int randomRank = GetRandomRank(ref rand, imageTypeToSearchFor);

                // Find random image path
                if (randomRank != -1)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Setting Wallpaper: " + i);
                    potentialWallpapers[i] = WallpaperData.GetRandomImageOfRank(randomRank, ref rand, imageTypeToSearchFor);

                    if (!WallpaperData.GetImageData(potentialWallpapers[i]).Active)
                        //! This shouldn't happen, if this does you have a bug to fix
                        MessageBox.Show("ERROR: Attempted to set display " + i + " to an inactive wallpaper | A new wallpaper has been chosen");
                        i--; // find another wallpaper, the selected wallpaper is inactive
                    Debug.WriteLine("-1 rank selected | Fix Code | This will occur if all ranks are 0");

            ModifyWallpaperOrder(ref potentialWallpapers);

Ejemplo n.º 8
 // Remove Tag From Image
 private void RemoveTagFromImage(string targetImage, Button tagButton)
     if (MessageBox.Show("Remove tag from active image?", "Choose an option", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
         if (WallpaperData.ContainsImage(targetImage))
             MessageBox.Show("The image you attempted to remove a tag from is not included");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private static bool FinalizeImagePathUpdate(string oldPath, string newPath)
                //? Since File.Move is case insensitive, first we need to check if oldPath and newPath has the same letters when cases are ignored
                if (string.Equals(oldPath, newPath, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    Debug.WriteLine("Cases ignored");
                    // If oldPath and newPath have the same letters, move the file to a temporary location then move it back to the intended location
                    File.Move(oldPath, TempImageLocation);
                    File.Move(TempImageLocation, newPath);
                else // otherwise, if the cases do not matter, move the file normally
                    File.Move(oldPath, newPath);

            catch (Exception e)
                // Most likely cause of an error is that the file was being used by another process
                List <Process> processes = FileUtil.WhoIsLocking(oldPath);
                if (processes.Count > 0)
                    string processOutput = oldPath + "\nThe above image is being used by the following process: ";
                    for (int i = 0; i < processes.Count; i++)
                        processOutput += "\n" + processes[i].ProcessName;

                    MessageBox.Show("Image not changed: \n[" + oldPath + "] " +
                                    "\n\nIntended new path: \n[" + newPath + "] " +
                                    "\n\nError: " + e.Message);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void timerAudioFixer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsPlayingVideo && !AudioManager.IsWallpapersMuted)
                // TODO For whatever reason videos randomly use the audio of a previous video, find a more permanent solution to this fix
                // TODO The commented fix did not solve this
                // TODO The occurence is 'rare' enough for me to not know if the below fix has actually done anything yet
                player.Volume = WallpaperData.GetImageData(activeVideoImagePath).VideoSettings.Volume;

                 * WallpaperData.VideoSettings videoSettings = WallpaperData.GetImageData(activeVideoImagePath).VideoSettings;
                 * if (player.Volume != videoSettings.Volume)
                 * {
                 *  Debug.WriteLine("Error: Had to fix the volume of a wallpaper with the timerAudioFix control");
                 *  player.Volume = videoSettings.Volume;
                 * }
Ejemplo n.º 11
        //? Using this will cause old wallpapers to remain visible if you aren't filling the entire screen

         * // makes the background transparent to prevent flickering (Only stops the 1 frame flicker when closing, not the one that occurs when loading)
         * protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
         * {
         *  var sb = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));
         *  e.Graphics.FillRectangle(sb, this.DisplayRectangle);
         * }

        // TODO Create a queue that stores pictureBoxes/axWindowMediaPlayers for each wallpaper. This will be used to allow transitions & prevent flickering from
        // TODO style readjustment when changing wallpapers by *locking* the previous wallpaper in place
        public void SetWallpaper(string imageLocation)
            Loops = 0;

            //! The below conditions were removed but I may consider re-adding this in the future when monitor-specific settings are added, although other methods of handling
            //! not changing a monitor's wallpaper would probably be better than this
            //!if (imageLocation == null) return; //? Under certain conditions a wallpaper won't be selected, this prevents the program from crashing over this

            if (!IsHandleCreated)

            if (InvokeRequired)
                this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { SetWallpaperProcess(); });

            async void SetWallpaperProcess()
                if (!WallpaperManagerTools.IsSupportedVideoType(imageLocation))
                    IsPlayingVideo = false;

                    panelWallpaper.Visible = false;
                    panelWallpaper.Enabled = false;

                    pictureBoxWallpaper.ImageLocation = imageLocation;
                    pictureBoxWallpaper.Enabled       = true;
                    pictureBoxWallpaper.Visible       = true;

                    activeVideoImagePath = null;
                    IsPlayingVideo = true;

                    pictureBoxWallpaper.Visible = false;
                    pictureBoxWallpaper.Enabled = false;

                    panelWallpaper.Enabled = true;
                    panelWallpaper.Visible = true;

                    activeVideoImagePath = imageLocation;

                    await Task.Run(() =>

                        WallpaperData.VideoSettings videoSettings = WallpaperData.GetImageData(imageLocation).VideoSettings;
                        player.Volume = AudioManager.IsWallpapersMuted ? 0 : videoSettings.Volume;
                        player.Speed  = videoSettings.PlaybackSpeed;

            ResetWallpaperStyle(); // this needs to be readjusted with each image