Ejemplo n.º 1
        public List <Transaction> RetrieveFilteredUtxos(string walletName, string walletPassword, string transactionHex, FeeRate feeRate, string walletAccount = null)
            var retrievalTransactions = new List <Transaction>();

            Transaction transactionToReclaim = this.network.Consensus.ConsensusFactory.CreateTransaction(transactionHex);

            foreach (TxOut output in transactionToReclaim.Outputs)
                Wallet.Wallet wallet = this.GetWallet(walletName);

                HdAddress address = wallet.GetAllAddresses(Wallet.Wallet.AllAccounts).FirstOrDefault(a => a.ScriptPubKey == output.ScriptPubKey);

                // The address is not in the wallet so ignore this output.
                if (address == null)

                HdAccount destinationAccount = wallet.GetAccounts(Wallet.Wallet.NormalAccounts).First();

                // This shouldn't really happen unless the user has no proper accounts in the wallet.
                if (destinationAccount == null)

                Script destination = destinationAccount.GetFirstUnusedReceivingAddress().ScriptPubKey;

                ISecret extendedPrivateKey = wallet.GetExtendedPrivateKeyForAddress(walletPassword, address);

                Key privateKey = extendedPrivateKey.PrivateKey;

                var builder = new TransactionBuilder(this.network);

                var coin = new Coin(transactionToReclaim, output);

                builder.Send(destination, output.Value);

                Transaction builtTransaction = builder.BuildTransaction(true);


Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a cold staking withdrawal <see cref="Transaction"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Cold staking withdrawal is performed on the wallet that is in the role of the cold staking cold wallet.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="walletTransactionHandler">The wallet transaction handler used to build the transaction.</param>
        /// <param name="receivingAddress">The address that will receive the withdrawal.</param>
        /// <param name="walletName">The name of the wallet in the role of cold wallet.</param>
        /// <param name="walletPassword">The wallet password.</param>
        /// <param name="amount">The amount to remove from cold staking.</param>
        /// <param name="feeAmount">The fee to pay for cold staking transaction withdrawal.</param>
        /// <param name="subtractFeeFromAmount">Set to <c>true</c> to subtract the <paramref name="feeAmount"/> from the <paramref name="amount"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Transaction"/> for cold staking withdrawal.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="WalletException">Thrown if the receiving address is in a cold staking account in this wallet.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if the receiving address is invalid.</exception>
        internal Transaction GetColdStakingWithdrawalTransaction(IWalletTransactionHandler walletTransactionHandler, string receivingAddress,
                                                                 string walletName, string walletPassword, Money amount, Money feeAmount, bool subtractFeeFromAmount)
            (TransactionBuildContext context, HdAccount coldAccount, Script destination) = this.GetWithdrawalTransactionBuildContext(receivingAddress, walletName, amount, feeAmount, subtractFeeFromAmount);

            // Build the withdrawal transaction according to the settings recorded in the context.
            Transaction transaction = walletTransactionHandler.BuildTransaction(context);

            // Map OutPoint to UnspentOutputReference.
            var accountReference = new WalletAccountReference(walletName, coldAccount.Name);
            Dictionary <OutPoint, UnspentOutputReference> mapOutPointToUnspentOutput = this.GetSpendableTransactionsInAccount(accountReference)
                                                                                       .ToDictionary(unspent => unspent.ToOutPoint(), unspent => unspent);

            // Set the cold staking scriptPubKey on the change output.
            TxOut changeOutput = transaction.Outputs.SingleOrDefault(output => (output.ScriptPubKey != destination) && (output.Value != 0));

            if (changeOutput != null)
                // Find the largest input.
                TxIn largestInput = transaction.Inputs.OrderByDescending(input => mapOutPointToUnspentOutput[input.PrevOut].Transaction.Amount).Take(1).Single();

                // Set the scriptPubKey of the change output to the scriptPubKey of the largest input.
                changeOutput.ScriptPubKey = mapOutPointToUnspentOutput[largestInput.PrevOut].Transaction.ScriptPubKey;

            Wallet.Wallet wallet = this.GetWallet(walletName);

            // Add keys for signing inputs. This takes time so only add keys for distinct addresses.
            foreach (HdAddress address in transaction.Inputs.Select(i => mapOutPointToUnspentOutput[i.PrevOut].Address).Distinct())
                context.TransactionBuilder.AddKeys(wallet.GetExtendedPrivateKeyForAddress(walletPassword, address));

            // Sign the transaction.

            this.logger.LogTrace("(-):'{0}'", transaction.GetHash());
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a cold staking withdrawal <see cref="Transaction"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Cold staking withdrawal is performed on the wallet that is in the role of the cold staking cold wallet.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="walletTransactionHandler">The wallet transaction handler used to build the transaction.</param>
        /// <param name="receivingAddress">The address that will receive the withdrawal.</param>
        /// <param name="walletName">The name of the wallet in the role of cold wallet.</param>
        /// <param name="walletPassword">The wallet password.</param>
        /// <param name="amount">The amount to remove from cold staking.</param>
        /// <param name="feeAmount">The fee to pay for cold staking transaction withdrawal.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Transaction"/> for cold staking withdrawal.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="WalletException">Thrown if the receiving address is in a cold staking account in this wallet.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if the receiving address is invalid.</exception>
        internal Transaction GetColdStakingWithdrawalTransaction(IWalletTransactionHandler walletTransactionHandler, string receivingAddress,
                                                                 string walletName, string walletPassword, Money amount, Money feeAmount)
            Guard.NotEmpty(receivingAddress, nameof(receivingAddress));
            Guard.NotEmpty(walletName, nameof(walletName));
            Guard.NotNull(amount, nameof(amount));
            Guard.NotNull(feeAmount, nameof(feeAmount));

                                 nameof(receivingAddress), receivingAddress,
                                 nameof(walletName), walletName,
                                 nameof(amount), amount,
                                 nameof(feeAmount), feeAmount

            Wallet.Wallet wallet = this.GetWalletByName(walletName);

            // Get the cold staking account.
            HdAccount coldAccount = this.GetColdStakingAccount(wallet, true);

            if (coldAccount == null)
                throw new WalletException("The cold wallet account does not exist.");

            // Prevent reusing cold stake addresses as regular withdrawal addresses.
            if (coldAccount.ExternalAddresses.Concat(coldAccount.InternalAddresses).Select(a => a.Address.ToString()).Contains(receivingAddress))
                throw new WalletException("You can't send the money to a cold staking cold wallet account.");

            HdAccount hotAccount = this.GetColdStakingAccount(wallet, false);

            if (hotAccount != null && hotAccount.ExternalAddresses.Concat(hotAccount.InternalAddresses).Select(a => a.Address.ToString()).Contains(receivingAddress))
                throw new WalletException("You can't send the money to a cold staking hot wallet account.");

            // Send the money to the receiving address.
            Script destination = BitcoinAddress.Create(receivingAddress, wallet.Network).ScriptPubKey;

            // Create the transaction build context (used in BuildTransaction).
            var accountReference = new WalletAccountReference(walletName, coldAccount.Name);
            var context          = new TransactionBuildContext(wallet.Network)
                AccountReference = accountReference,
                // Specify a dummy change address to prevent a change (internal) address from being created.
                // Will be changed after the transacton is built and before it is signed.
                ChangeAddress    = coldAccount.ExternalAddresses.First(),
                TransactionFee   = feeAmount,
                MinConfirmations = 0,
                Shuffle          = false,
                Recipients       = new[] { new Recipient {
                                               Amount = amount, ScriptPubKey = destination
                                           } }.ToList()

            // Register the cold staking builder extension with the transaction builder.
            context.TransactionBuilder.Extensions.Add(new ColdStakingBuilderExtension(false));

            // Avoid script errors due to missing scriptSig.
            context.TransactionBuilder.StandardTransactionPolicy.ScriptVerify = null;

            // Build the transaction according to the settings recorded in the context.
            Transaction transaction = walletTransactionHandler.BuildTransaction(context);

            // Map OutPoint to UnspentOutputReference.
            Dictionary <OutPoint, UnspentOutputReference> mapOutPointToUnspentOutput = this.GetSpendableTransactionsInAccount(accountReference)
                                                                                       .ToDictionary(unspent => unspent.ToOutPoint(), unspent => unspent);

            // Set the cold staking scriptPubKey on the change output.
            TxOut changeOutput = transaction.Outputs.SingleOrDefault(output => (output.ScriptPubKey != destination) && (output.Value != 0));

            if (changeOutput != null)
                // Find the largest input.
                TxIn largestInput = transaction.Inputs.OrderByDescending(input => mapOutPointToUnspentOutput[input.PrevOut].Transaction.Amount).Take(1).Single();

                // Set the scriptPubKey of the change output to the scriptPubKey of the largest input.
                changeOutput.ScriptPubKey = mapOutPointToUnspentOutput[largestInput.PrevOut].Transaction.ScriptPubKey;

            // Add keys for signing inputs.
            foreach (TxIn input in transaction.Inputs)
                UnspentOutputReference unspent = mapOutPointToUnspentOutput[input.PrevOut];
                context.TransactionBuilder.AddKeys(wallet.GetExtendedPrivateKeyForAddress(walletPassword, unspent.Address));

            // Sign the transaction.

            this.logger.LogTrace("(-):'{0}'", transaction.GetHash());