Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Returns a list of tiles going from StartTile to EndTile that WalkingActor can walk over
        public static List <Tile> GetPathToTile(Tile StartTile, Tile EndTile, Actor WalkingActor)
            //Returns null of StartTile and EndTile are not in same room
            if (StartTile.RoomOfTile != EndTile.RoomOfTile)

            Tile[,] TileArray = StartTile.RoomOfTile.TileArray;    //Convenience
            var         WalkerList    = new List <List <Tile> >(); //Walkers walk over the room trying to find EndTile
            var         NewWalkerList = new List <List <Tile> >();
            List <Tile> NewWalker     = new List <Tile>();

            //Array indicating if walkers have walked over tile at (x,y). Filled with false now.
            bool[,] WalkedArray = new bool[StartTile.RoomOfTile.Width, StartTile.RoomOfTile.Height];

            //Start at the first tile
            WalkerList.Add(new List <Tile> {

            int X0;
            int Y0;

            while (WalkerList.Count > 0)
                //Goes through all walkers and add newwalkers to all tiles next to them
                foreach (List <Tile> Walker in WalkerList)
                    X0 = Walker.Last().X;//Gets the coordinates of last tile in list
                    Y0 = Walker.Last().Y;

                    //Goes through all tiles in 1 square radius
                    for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++)
                        for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++)
                            //Checks if given Tile can be walked over and if walkers have not reached it yet
                            //Second condition will not be out of bounds because the first condition will then be false
                            if (Tile.CanMoveBetweenTiles(TileArray[X0, Y0], dx, dy) && !WalkedArray[X0 + dx, Y0 + dy])
                                //Set WalkedArray element to true so it cant be moved to again
                                WalkedArray[X0 + dx, Y0 + dy] = true;

                                //Fill NewWalker with path of old walker plus the new tile
                                NewWalker = new List <Tile>();
                                foreach (Tile OldTile in Walker)
                                NewWalker.Add(TileArray[X0 + dx, Y0 + dy]);

                                if ((X0 + dx, Y0 + dy) == (EndTile.X, EndTile.Y))
                WalkerList    = NewWalkerList;
                NewWalkerList = new List <List <Tile> >();
            //No path is found so return null